The 3 Types Of Imperial Officer

In my mind there are 3 types of Imperial Officer…the Pilot, the Officer, and the Star. Not everyone follows each type separately, they tend to dabble into everything, but they do put more effort into one type.

Let me explain these types to you…

The Pilot

These kids just love to fly! Stick them in front of a cockpit and they’ll work wonders. These are the people who seem to fly thousands of missions every week, and win in every single and multiplayer competition. Squadron Commanders love these guys when it’s time to defend the honour of the squadron in a competition (although it’s payback time when the CMDR has to do all the BSFs).

The Officer

Need any help with anything? Want a website made? Need a cool new banner for your squadron? Then give this person a call and they will only be too happy to help out. This type of officer is usually very reliable and will not only be useful, but will beat every deadline put to them. These are the type of members you want if you’re going to create a new squadron/sub-group/whatever.

The Star

This is my favourite! These people have a “look at me” attitude and can regularly be found on the message boards, mailing lists and can always be found chatting away in IRC chat. It’s not that they have a big ego; it’s just that they are remarkably friendly and want to make lots of friends. At the end of the day, they may not be famous to the whole fleet, but they can feel sure that a couple more people know them and made a few friends along the way.

These people can also be found to submit quite a lot to newsletters to make people notice them more (or even become an editor of a newsletter).

As I said, people do usually have all of those characteristics, but one tends to stand out more than any other. As you may have guessed, I would put myself in the Star option, as I just love meeting new people and having people recognise my name (Werdna Elbee, btw :o). It doesn’t mean that I just do that though, as I also enjoy flying and helping out with chores like websites, banners and so on. It’s just that I put a little bit more effort into being friendly.

Look at a few of the people in your squadron. Is there someone who is flying away in the FCHG and keeps on getting the high scores in competitions…then you have a Pilot. If you know someone who updates websites, uniforms, and still asks for new responsibilities…then you have an Officer. If you have someone who is always communicating someway…then you have someone a little like me!

Although, if you’re brilliant at everything…then great, you’re perfect!

CPT Werdna Elbee