"Hang on, what's this?" you'll be thinking, "There was an issue of Battlecry out 4 weeks ago...and there is another issue out now!!! It usually takes years for another issue to be released."

Good point, but I'm going to put an end to all that delaying. From now on, Battlecry will be released every 4 weeks. That means it will kinda be monthly, but I'll have a few extra weeks left over to make a Battlecry Christmas Holiday Special. Unlike the Star Wars Holiday Special though, we won't be having Princess Leia singing badly and boring Wookie dialogue throughout.

Actually, Battlecry will be going through quite a bit of change in the months to come. As a newsletter, everything is great. There is a steady flow of fiction, art and whatnot flowing into my mailbox, my own serial story is going quite well (please read it!!!), there are a good number of entries for the contests, and the debate has been replaced to report on the new TC Think Tank.

Battlecry isn't just in the business of making Newsletters though (but it is a major factor!!!), as I have expanded it into making projects to benefit the entire TIE Corps and even the rest of the EH. I am talking about the EH Archives and the EH Encyclopedia, both of which are slowly but surely becoming formed.

I see great things for the future of this newsletter, and you can be part of that future. Please send in any work you may have done, be it writing, graphics or anything, and the work will be immortalised in these pages for all to see and remember.

Even if you don't get to submit anything, keep on reading so you can see what the other members are doing. It may be fun to write and draw, but it's even better if you know that people are taking time out to admire the work. Actually, you can make sure that you can continue reading this newsletter without ever missing an issue by subscribing on the Battlecry mailing list where you will not only get announcements, sneak previews and status reports of the Battlecry projects, but you will get every issue of Battlecry delivered direct to you (well, an URL that takes you direct to the download)!!!

For now though, I'll just let you enjoy the show...

“He’s Talking Nonsense”

How To Submit To Battlecry

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Editor .........................................CPT Werdna Elbee
Publisher.............................................AD Theodore