Think Tank

The TC and NC Merger

You may have noticed that the Debate page of Battlecry has gone...but it is for a good reason. You may have heard about the "TC Think Tank", a mailing list that members of the TIE Corps can debate on about recent issues, and have your opinions heard by command.

Well, lately they had been discussing the proposed merger of the TIE Corps and Naval Corps. Basically, the idea was that the NC Task Forces would be moved to into the TC Battlegroups where a COM would command both a Task Force as well as their fighter wing.

The first fear would it affect the gaming side of the Naval Corps?

The Naval Corps play X-Wing Alliance, as it's the only game that allows them to play as the big capital ships, and it also has a simple skirmish mission editor. XWA may not be the COM's primary platform though, and that's if they own it at all!!!

An ISD is usually based upon one platform, and the COM tends to know that platform well. That would all change though if they had to take command of what is essentially a XWA wing. How could they run competitions for the Task Force, or be the Gamesmaster?

MAJ Kayle "Papa Wolf" Bayron notes that the merge would probably "simply be a change of the organisation of the two forces. Nothing else." It would not be the job of the COM to run games for the Task Force, but to administrate the Task Force. They would deal with the promotions, transfers, etc, while the Task Force Captains would be like Wing Commanders and run competitions and take part in them.

A COM could still take a part in the activities of the Task Forces, but it wouldn't be essential. As long as they make sure everything runs smoothly, there should be no problem with the Com not owning the correct platform.

What will happen to the NAVCOM?

It looks like the NAVCOM is loosing a whole Battlegroup to the TIE Corps, but rest assured that the position would remain if the merger occurred. Rather than administering all of the Task Forces, it would be the job of the NAVCOM (and probably a small team from the TAC/FO offices) to create massive wargames and be its Gamesmaster.

This means the NAVCOM will have a lot of "creative time" to put into competitions and the like. If I were one of you NC people I would be very excited by the upcoming competitions and activities!!!

How will the pilot's side of the TIE Corps be affected?

Really, the proposed change won't change much in the TC. Admittedly a few COMs will have a bit more work to do, but everyone else should be fine.

If anything, it will give you pilots more variety in the competitions and missions. Multiplayer missions could be made where a squadron of fighters have to take down a squadron worth of capital ships. I know for a fact that singleplayer NC missions are being made, as I have been told by beta-testers (and they also mentioned that they were great fun).

So, is the plan finalised?

Not quite. The decision hasn't been made yet, but it is looking highly likely. More news on the merge will be available after a recent competition of wargames in the NC are over. The changes may not even need to take place.

If you have any more ideas or opinions, I suggest that you signup for the Think Tank and make your voice heard. To join the mailing list, e-mail VA Shawshank at 

Wrote up by CPT Werdna Elbee