
Pilots! Attend. :)

Upon the Bridge of the ISD Grey Wolf.

Commodore Cyric and Wing Commander Chrusos Ichthys listens to the reports streaming in. The various reports coming in from the ASF ISD's were very positive. We may not know where the Goliath fleet is, but we know were it is not!

The reports from the squadrons were also good. Vortex, Odin and Crusader were merrily out flying patrols. Patrol reports came streaming in constantly from these squadrons. Valkyrie, Phoenix and Tartarus were also actively flying. Speaking of squadrons, where was Vortex? Aren't they due to report in?

ASF Report Re-iteration

· ASF at 140 pilots and growing.

· Operation: Dark Hammer is heating up! Two battles on Tuesday:

o Vortex vs the Goliath Fleet. Wax 'em hard, Vortex.

o Raptor, Hornet and Python squadrons from the ISD Vanguard have pounced on the Goliath L/FRG Able III, currently in orbit around the world of G'Rho, in Region E4.

o Map available at <>

o These battles will take place on Tuesday @ 11PM GMT / 6PM EST in #EH_ASF.

Wing Report

· Wing XIII at 54 pilots. This is very good. It shows our CMDRs are working hard to keep pilots happy. New Arrivals:

o SL Solaris of Odin 2-3

o SL Cadden Blackthorne of Odin 2-4

o SL DrDiablo of Crusader 1-4

o LT Drako of Phoenix 2-2

o SL Stan Cooper of Phoenix 2-3

o According to FO Sarriss, all these pilots requested to join WingXIII.

· Promotions

o DarkAlpha, Odin 3-1, was promoted to LCM. Congrats!

o Drako was promoted to LT. Nice work.

o Commanders, please stay in touch with your pilots. I'd like to see them promoted by next Saturday.

· Medals

o An ISM was awarded to CM Khadgar for winning second place in the GWC.

o A PC was awarded to LCM DarkAlpha for placing first in the GWC.

o An ISM was awarded to LT MadDog for creating Tartarus banners.

o A PC was awarded to LT MadDog for being named Commodore's Protector for June.

o A PC was awarded to LCM Raxis Krieger for his work as Acting CMDR.


o LT Ganner Kruellis completed Rebellion Tactics.

o LT Tron completed Rebellion Tactics, mIRC/1 and /2

o LT Trashman completed SM/2 with a score of 85%

· FCHG Ranks

o I would like to congratulate all those who advanced in FCHG rank this week.

o LCM Marcin Szydlowski/Crusader has made Imperator! Very impressive! :)

o CM Azazel/Vortex has achieved Centurion. Well Done! :)

o LCM Deamon/Vortex has achieved Cavalier.

o LCM Andrew/Crusader has made Cavalier. Very good for being with us such a short time. :)

o LT Wiesio/Crusader has made Dragoon. Good work. :)

o LT Azrael/Valkyrie has made Fusilier. Again, very nice work for such a short time in TC.

o LCM Phoenix/Vortex has achieved Hussar.

o LT Drako/Phoenix has achieved Grenadier! Not bad for such a short time! :)

· Squadron Current Citations and Monthly Single Player Battle Stats to date:

o Vortex

§ 25 Citations

§ 70 BSFs

o Phoenix

§ 4 Citations

§ 18 BSFs

o Crusader

§ 4 Citations

§ 73 BSFs

o Odin

§ 6 Citations

§ 20 BSFs

o Tartarus

§ 8 Citations

§ 6 BSFs

o Valkyrie

§ 3 Citations

§ 33 BSFs

o Wing

§ 49 Citations

§ 225 BSFs

Ship Doc's Report

ISD Grey Wolf Ship's Doctor Woobee reporting 16/07/2000

The doctor's office...

"...and if I ever have to get into the cockpit of one of your substandard Z95s again, I may not be able to turn a blind eye to the subject of unsanitary recreational practices reputed to be occurring aboard the MC-90 Fear."

"Substandard?" cried the small blue holographic image. "I think that's very unf..."

A green light on the desk started flashing, reflecting off the scales on Woobee's face. Woobee interupted.

"My apologies Major, we will have to pursue this discussion at a later date. To your credit, your Y-Wings were well maintained. I wonder why you bother, but we'll save that question for another day. Lieutenant Colonel Woobee out."

Woobee pressed a button and the open-mouthed apparrition faded from above the desk. He turned to the pending message, and it was what he suspected; a patrol order had just come down, and he was due in the Odin ready room in five minutes. He pressed a button on the desk.

"R4-DR, please continue your the maintenance in the Medlab, I expect some casualties soon. Also, see what you can do about that fridge, I think it's ready to get up and walk away."

A tinny voice replied "Walk away Sir?".

"Just clean the fridge." sighed Woobee, as he glanced over to the still to make sure he'll be able to mix martinis later that week. "And work on your sense of humour."

"Sense of... " the voice paused for a moment. "Aye Sir."


Welcome to another Doctor's report, pilots of Wing XIII. You'll all be pleased to know that the ship is (as far as I can tell) running very smoothly. In particular, welcome to the new pilots graduating from the PLT Daedelus to help fill our ranks. You and anyone else are always welcome to email me at <> whenever you think another opinion would help, or just a friendly ear.

I've spent the last week collaborating closely with our WC, MAJ Chrusos Icthys, on the subject of Operation Dark Hammer. It is quite possible that there will be engagements very soon, so keep your flight suits handy XWA pilots! I'd better be ready for casualties in the Medlab.

I've also noticed all the squadrons of Wing XIII are making progress into the world of citations. Citations are a great way of bringing a squadron together to acheive some high profile goals. All you need to do is have half (or more) of a squadron fly a battle, and your squadron has the citation for it! Ask your CMDRs about it, and they'll be able to give you a good idea of what battles will help get the squadron new citations.

That's all from the Doctor this week. I've really got to get back into my TIE Advanced before CM Dawurm hauls me out the airlock for laziness. :)


DOC/LT Woobee/TC-ASFAV/ISD Grey Wolf
FM/LC Woobee/Odin 2-2/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
Enough dry facts! Bring on the wing's fiction!


A View from Odin:

One cold morning on the Odin Squadron Deck of the ISD Grey Wolf, CM Dawurm wakes up with a cold sweat...

"OK, it was only a nightmare." says Dawurm to himself remembering the details of the dream, he shivers in the cold of the AC on the ISD. "Well! Now that I'm awake I might as well get the squadron page up!" he says with joy, not realizing that another person was doing the same.....

"I can't wait till I am finished with this page!" says Darkalpha to himself wondering when he would get a pilot in his Flight who would use it, not realizing someone was thinking of doing just that.........

Seggybop was awake thinking of what squadron to transfer too. "BUUYUU! Odin would be a good squadron to join!" said Seggybop, not realizing he wasn't the only one about to join Odin Squadron........

"Wow this ISD is awsome!" says Cadden heading toward his new quarters with a fellow pilot Solaris.

"Yeah, but it is like a freezer on the Odin Deck." says Solaris wondering why it's so could, not realizing it had a purpose for being so cold

"I hope it's cold enough I don't want to loose all my meat from those foreign and exotic worlds I have been too!" mutter Woobee in his quarters, "I miss my old Wing Commander quarters instead of these FM quarters!" Woobee now wishes he could go back to some of those worlds but he can't take leave yet, not realizing someone is living his dream right now........

"Gosh I love it here on Mon Calamari!" says Raxis while on a beach on the world of Mon Calamari not realizing that someone was relaxing just like he was.......

"We're sorry Dark Archon is not available right now please leave a message after the beep-" says an answering machine at Dark Archon's quarters while he sleeps. Not realizing........

A View from Phoenix

When I woke up, I found myself in the back of what appeared to be a shuttle. I found myself in chains which were bolted into the ground and a guard stood watch over the captured passengers. After about an hour or so, the shuttle started to drop down until we hit the ground. The prisons were unchained and taken by guards in groups of six. Eventually my turn came, I was unchained and guards escorted me out of the shuttle. One of the guards said "Prisoners, move into the building now!"

When I got outside the shuttle, I discovered we had been taken to a secluded rebel prison planet, the prison was located deep in a jungle. We were taken to a dark cell block which had many prison cells. Each prison cell had bars on the outside to prevent prisoners from escaping. My cellmate was none other then "Crazy" R2-D6. Later that night, when the guard was sleeping, R2-D6 rolled to the front of the cell. Part of him opened, and a metalic claw emerged from his body. He picked up the key which was resting on a table beside the sleeping guard. He pulled the keys through the bars and I grabbed them from him as I said "Great job, R2!". Once we had escaped from the cell, we went into a door across the hall. I reclaimed my blaster which was apparently taken away during the shuttle ride.

As I walked out the door, I set my blaster to stun and fired at the sleeping guard. The guard was unchanged, except the snooring stopped. I saw another guard down the hall out of the corner of my eye, I turned quickly and fired, but I missed him by a mile. A few moments later, an alarm sounded. I quickly jumped behind a desk that was nearby, and I pulled R2 in because he was rolling too slowly. In the distance, I heard footsteps of guards drawing nearer and nearer. Suddenly R2's holo projecter lit up and an image of R2 and I running away appear on the other side of the cell. "Good idea, R2!", I said as the guards chased after the holo image.

To be continued...

A View from Vortex

Meanwhile, in the office of the Vortex SC....

" head hurt's!", Aza's tired worn yellow eye's glanced out from beneath a letter from MAJ Vitcarp. " Morning sir", came two voices from nearby, Aza wearily looked up, "oh morning gentleman...what time is it please?", both LCM Pheonix and LCM Achim saluted as the very hungover SC got up. "It's 0.700 sir, time to look at some reports", chirped LCM Pheonix. "Ah ....don't remind me.......oh what a few i've had, that girl from the DB took me to this bar on Tatooine, and kept me drinking head", Az walked over to the window, his two flight leader's watching him as he staggerd about in a drunken pathetic manner. Az turned and looked at his FL's with his bloodshot eye's and with a menacing grin on his face, "anything else i can do for you two?", the was a silence of about 4 secounds...then.., "GOOD MORNING SIR", a very loud and cheerful LCM Deamon came into the office, saluting all inside. Az on hearing such a loud entrance, nearly fell off the table which he was using to prop himself up on, Az saluted best he could, "ahhh, Deamon, good morn, but er not so loud please....i have a hang over", Az swallowed some headache pills which Vitcarp gave him a while ago. "Sorry sir, well i'm just dropping off these patrol report chip's, then i'm off for another patrol, cya sir", LCM Deamon snapped a smart salute and scurried off for the flight bay. "Um, Pheonix, Achim......have i missed something here? Or is there a load of PRC's on my desk?", Achim and Pheonix just looked at eachother , then at Az, " there are a load of report chips on your desk sir", piped up Achim bravely. "Aye....thats what i thought too",

murmerd Az, "well leave your paper work chaps, and go to the bar or something, let me get on with my work!!", Az saluted his two FL's as they left the room. Ah peace at last.....*knock knock*, "only me Az". A hapy looking MAJ Vitcarp enterd just as Az sat down, he rose and saluted, "ah morning MAJ Vitcarp sir",

Az looked really drained, "morning CM Azazel, sleep well?", Vitcarp smiled , Az looked at his desk, "er...not really sir, you see, piles of paperwork don't make a nice pillow", Vit chuckled, "i know the feeling well, ok i can see that your busy right now, but when you've freshioned up, i'll see you for breakfast ok?",

" bet sir, save me some bacon though". Azazel saluted Vitcarp and he left the room chuckling away and whistling as he went down the corridoor. Az just stared at the pending tray..."oh god.....struth!", look at it all......

That's all for this week. Keep those TIEs screaming. Let the universe know the Wolf is coming! :)


WC/MAJ Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
BSx2/PCx4/ISMx8/MoI/MoT-gh/LoC-ISx40 [PLDN] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
GRD Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum