Wing III

Actually, nothing was submitted, but I'm in Wing III so I'm posting the past reports from this month - The Editor

03 July 2000

    Welcome to yet another Wing Report from Wing III, the roughest, toughtest, meanest TIE pilots in the west ... ... err, on the Sov! Have a seat and we'll get right down to business.

Wing III Stats
Aleth - 9
Beth - 11
Gimel - 10
Daleth - 8
Hey - 0 (Inactive)
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
Flag Officer (The guy with all the liquor and guns) - 1
Total: 39 (-1 from last week)   :-/
Position Moves (6.26.00 -- 7.02.00)
FM/SL Rapper / Daleth : Promoted to Lieutenant! (Congrats!)
TRN/CT Jaxon Farpell : Completes training, assigned to Daleth Squad
FM/SL Jyris Felth / Beth : Promoted to Lieutenant! (Congrats!)
FM/LT Roland / Daleth : Retired to the TC Reserves due to sudden lack of a computer ...
FM/LT Azzorean / Aleth : Transfers to Ghost Squadron ... somewhere in the BattleGroups ;-)
Awards 'n' Stuff
The Medal of Tactics (MoT) has been awarded to :
- LCM Herman (w/ Red Hammer)
The Commendation of Service (CoS) has been awarded to :
- LCM Herman
Wing III News - "Give us a second and we'll give you the Sov"
- Of course, the really big news this week is that the Flight Officer, AD NightHawk, has been forced into retirement by RL difficulties. I didn't know NightHawk personally, I didn't serve under him very long ... but still, it seemed like he had the makings of a good FO. And now, the search for a newer, stronger Flight Officer has begun ... and COM "CCK" Kramer can, once more, politely refuse the job ;-)
- Until a new FO is announced, HA Kawolski has been named as the acting FO. This just in from him :
As you may have read from Former FO Nighthawk's letter, his 24-hour window to
get everything in line has been cut short as his e-mail address is already
deactived.  In the meantime, Grand Admiral Ronin has asked me to be the
Acting Flight Officer until a replacement is found. 

So please send your e-mail that you would normally send to the Flight Officer
... transfers, subgroup counts, promotion requests, e-mail address changes,
etc. to me.
- MSEs for June!!! Kudos to CPT Daniel Kamprath, who had Daleth's MSE on my desk even BEFORE the July 1st deadline!!! CMDRs, get these to me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I don't want to send in our evaluation in the middle of the month again ...
- Operation : BlackHawk, the Beth Squadron Wargaming Experience (TM), continues! This week, Werda's 'British Galactic Empire' found out that a whole bunch of people are going to be gunning for them just because they are currently the biggest, baddest alliance of forces out there. Also, it would appear that a quite a few guns-for-hire would be more than happy to start shooting at the BGE, as long as they are recieving their credits. In other news, colonists on the Black Quasar regional-homeworld, Optimus, are preparing to celebrate "Freedom Day". In a huge cosmic coincidence, this is pretty much the same thing as America's "Independence Day"! They even occur on the same date! Wow, what are the odds against THAT?
- BlackHawk online rules available at library section of the Beth Website :
- 'Run-on' in progress at the Daleth MB : 
- 'Morale-Thread' started on the W3 MB :
- LCM Herman appointed as Daleth Comm Officer ;-)
- LCM Egg'Foo appointed as Daleth XO ;-)
- Finally, after months of waiting ... a new item for you to give your opinion on at the TIE Corps survey center!!! Go log in and submit your answer (okay ... so maybe it IS a pretty lame question ... just be happy you have any input at all!)
- Beth CMDR Sequoh Marden recently offered an ISM to any Beth member who could beat his high score for CR#4 of the XWA league! Results forthcoming.
- Aleth Weekly Battle program started by CMDR Jahan Kalar to encourage activity and earn citations. This week : IW-XWA #22.
- CM Jahan Kalar appointed as Recon Office Assistant! Congrats, Jahan!
- This little item turned up in the latest Flight Office report (BEFORE NightHawk was forced into retirement) :
    The Battlegroups struck back, however (okay, pardon the lame movie title pun :P) when the ISD Immortal and Wing XI defeated the Sov's Wing III. 
    Ugh ... don't remind us. FA Kramer, I've ordered a case of Sprite to be delivered to your quarters, as per our 'agreement' ...
- Beth Squad's CPT Werdna 'King' Elbee recently "shocked the universe" by requesting a positional-demotion to Flight Member. His explanation was that FLs are most often considered for promotion to CMDR ... and since he isn't leaving Beth anytime soon, he didn't want to deny anyone the opportunity. Werdna also continues to deny that he stepped down because some 'compromising pictures' managed to find their way into the hands of Beth CMDR, Sequoh Marden ... but we know the truth ;-)  (j/k)
- Beth's LCM Cray Mikalen is currently working on the Wing III Uniform Archive!!! He reports that uniforms are now completed for everyone except Daleth Squad, and those are being worked on even now!
Wing III Orders
- Thanks to LCM Van of Daleth Squad, the Wing III 'Top Gun' competition can finally begin!!! All pilots be sure to fly the attached, BRAND NEW XWA Free Mission. Remember, the winner of the competition will recieve glory, honor, bragging rights, recognition on the webpage (eventually), Ops in all W3 IRC meetings, and ... oh yeah ... an Imperial Security Medal ;-)
    Van is disqualified for obvious reasons, but he will soon recieve a MoT-gh anyway! A blank pilot file is not included in the .ZIP file, so just rename the .PLT file that comes with any other Free mission. Deadline is July 31st, so get flying!!! You have PLENTY of time to complete this ONE free mission, so I expect massive participation (read : 75% or better). Also, the hunt for next month's original mission to fly has now begun!
- XWA League CR#5 will be announced soon ... keep your fighters warmed up!
- Sovereign Squadron League (for TIE Disk/CD/95 pilots only) : The next CR is TC-TIE 155, deadline is July 15th!
- Standing Orders : Recruit!!! Aleth CMDR Jahan Kalar has a very interesting idea for this department ... the Wing III Mentoring Program for pilots on the Training Platform. Stay tuned, details are being hammered out ...

Wing III Quote of the Week (Admit it ... you missed this last week, didn't you?)

"Rolling, rolling, rolling...RAWHIDE!!! YAH!!!" -- CPT Werdna Elbee during the latest W3 IRC meeting ... I guess you had to be there ;-)
Other notable quotes from ... the last two weeks :
"... Still very, very, very BAD." -- MAJ Sequoh Marden successfully evaluates our performance during the competition with the ISD Immortal
"Hehe...I never knew that we are flying SILE BOATS like announced in the roster..." -- Sequoh makes ONE mistake in the last Beth report, and he will never live it down
"This is an error I added willingly to see how well you all read my squadeon reports!!! Really!" -- Nice try Sequoh ... but what is a 'squadeon', exactly?
- Bumper sticker recently found on the back of a W3 TIE Advanced : "How's my ruthless destruction? Dial 1-800-W3 KILL U"
    Okay, that's it for this week. Fly high and watch your six ... but mostly, just fly!!!

WC/COL Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx2] [PCx10] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [CAVL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"

10 July 2000

    It's been an interesting week here in Wing III, with times of low participation, and then times of frenzied e-mail activity. Let's get right down to business, shall we?

Wing III Stats
Aleth - 10
Beth - 11
Gimel - 10
Daleth - 8
Hey - 0 (Inactive)
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
Flag Officer ("Mr. Ma-cheese-mo") - 1
Total: 40 ( +1 from last week)     :-)
Position Moves (7.02.00 -- 7.09.00)
- FL/CPT Werdna Elbee : Steps down to FM position within Beth Squad
- FM/LCM Cray Mikalen : Advanced to FL, Beth 2-1
- RSV/LT Kep Rainer : Comes out of retirement to join Aleth Squadron as a FM
Awards 'n' Stuff
The Palpatine's Crescent (PC) has been awarded to :
- FL/LCM Cray Mikalen (x2)
- FL/CM Var Zoraan
The Imperial Security Medal (ISM) has been awarded to :
- CMDR/MAJ Sequoh Marden (x2)
- FL/CM Var Zoraan
- FL/CM Treb Helfest
- FM/LT Osan'gar
Wing III News Headlines ("And now the news ...")
- Of course, the big news right now is that our new Flight Officer and TIE Corps Commander has been selected ... it's VA Sarriss! The good Vice Admiral has made history by being the first female to hold that office. So, you can stop sending your transfer requests and such to HA Kawolski!
FO/VA Sarriss :
- Gimel's CM Treb Helfest has stepped down as squadron commander, and recently-promoted CM Pete Mitchell has stepped up to take his place. Overall, Gimel is still trying to recover from the questionable practices and unexpected departure of former CMDR Den Darkhill. Ways to jump-start the activity in Gimel have been a MAJOR e-mail topic for several key officers in the wing during the past 48 hours. Congratulations Pete, I have faith that you can bring Gimel back to her former glory.
- The Wing III Uniform Archive has been released to the public by Beth's LCM Cray Mikalen!!! Be sure to check out Cray's excellent work ... even if you don't know him, he still made a uniform for you!
Wing III Uniform Archive :
- Wing III members recently recived well-deserved medals for Tac Office Beta Testing :
*CM Var Zoraan got one PC and one ISM
*LCM Cray Mikalen got one PC
*MAJ Sequoh Marden got two ISMs
- This just in from the Wing VI WC, MAJ Timbal :
    Wing Six is once again in need! I am sending out a general call to everyone in Wing VI, as well as the Sov's WC's, for a chance to be the newest leader of one of our best squadrons: Shin Squadron! This squadron single-handedly has beat every other squadron in virtually every wing-wide comp, and has won the coveted Wing Commander's Own trophy two months in a row!! What I am looking for is an individual who loves the TIE Corps, is dedicated to our cause, and likes to be one of the best!! Send applications with qualifications (i.e., IWATS SM courses, experience, etc.) to Wing Commander Major Timbal at . Thanks, and may the best candidate win!!!!
- COM/FA Kramer has offically approved the Wing III Mentoring Program, so we can now begin. Wing III Mentors are currently being sought by CMDR/CM Jahan Kalar (who thought up the idea). A mentor should be a pilot who is highly or moderatly active within the TIE Corps and their squad. FLs and other 'noteworthy' FMs ... pay attention. As a mentor, you will be paired with a pilot on the training platform. Your mission : to befriend, help, advise, and 'mentor' that pilot! That includes helping them to meet training requirements, sharing personal experience with them, and doing your best to ensure that they become an active, healthy member of the TIE Corps. Also, be sure to leave them with a positive impression of Wing III ... maybe they will request to join your squad!
    CM Kalar has set forth certain requirements for all potential mentors :
    There are a few requirements to be a mentor.  First of all you must be at least a LT, second, you must have been in the Tie Corps for at least two months.  Third and finally, you must be able to answer e-mails frequently so those that you are mentoring don't feel lost.
    Intersted in becoming a mentor? Be sure to e-mail an application to CM Kalar ( ). Note that CMDRs are excluded from the mentoring program because they have enough pilots to worry about!
- Aleth Flight 3 puts themselves on the map :
    New Aleth flight 3 nickname : Dragon Fist
    New Aleth flight 3 motto : "For glory and for the people!"
- Gimel message board goes live :
- Results from XWA CR#3 :
62812 - Ranger Squadron
48460 - Daleth Squadron
36033 - Falcon Squadron
35224 - Beth Squadron
33114 - Phantom Squadron
20221 - Demon Squadron
18001 - Aleth Squadron
16822 - Scorpion Squadron
15568 - Wing XI Flag Officers
14289 - Echo Squadron
12649 - Tornado Squadron
  9197 - Python Squadron
  8852 - Ghost Squadron
  7174 - Wing XV Flag Officers
  3893 - Mantis Squadron
    155 - Hornet Squadron
Overall results for the XWA league :
167717 - Ranger Squadron
131717 - Beth Squadron
115246 - Daleth Squadron

  78503 - Falcon Squadron
  54557 - Phantom Squadron
  49639 - Tornado Squadron
  44928 - Demon Squadron
  41801 - Aleth Squadron
  38704 - Scorpion Squadron
  35064 - Echo Squadron
  26428 - Wing XI Flag Officers
  21491 - Ghost Squadron
  12381 - Python Squadron
  10358 - Wing XV Flag Officers
    9643 - Mantis Squadron
    9318 - Wing XIII Flag Officers
    4662 - Phantom Squadron
    4034 - Gimel Squadron
    3908 - Theta Squadron
    2553 - Vortex Squadron
      235 - Hornet Squadron
    As you can see, Beth and Daleth continue to struggle for the second place position. Keep in mind that we still have two combat runs to go ... if either squad REALLY devotes themselves, I am confident that this could end with a Wing III squad in 1st place.
- This just in from LCM Herman, the Daleth Squad Communications Officer :
    Daleth's channel is #Daleth on Undernet (unchanged).  Meetings are still held at 5pm GMT. Daleth bar is open at weeknights from 6-12pm GMT. I've sent the appropriate mail out, and we should soon have ourselves a new bot. I've not had much time to come to the Daleth bar this week, so I have no idea about whos been drinking heavily :)
- New Gimel uniform patch competition! All Gimel pilots should design a prototype arm patch to be used on the unform graphic for all Gimel pilots. Be sure to turn these in to CMDR Pete Mitchell.
- Operation BlackHawk continues to run in Beth Squadron, and I think I can safely say that everyone involved is having a lot of fun! CMDR/MAJ Sequoh Marden continues to do an exceptional job as GameMaster. After the Beth competition concludes, the next phase will be to expand BlackHawk to include the entire wing in one big tactical combat simulation! And THAT, my friends, will be quite interesting ... ;-)
- Wing Commander's Own for June : Daleth Squadron!!! I've seen a big improvement in Daleth's activity, and that includes coming up to trail Beth squadron in the XWA League ... great job guys, keep it up!
Wing III Orders ("Move, move, move!!! Double time, double time!!!")
- All Wing III pilots should fly FREE-XWA #13, "Protect the Vanguard", for CR#4 of the XWA League. You'll find the mission attached ... (attatchment stripped - already in Squadron report - Seq) get flying, deadline is Saturday, July 22nd!!!
- Be sure to fly the original FREE-TIE created by Daleth's LCM Van! You will find it attached as well. Deadline is July 31st ... I'm giving you lots of time to fly, and I'm expecting a big turn out. Remember that the Top Gun winner will recieve honor, glory, bragging rights, use of the title in ID Lines, a more substantial IMPERIAL SECURITY MEDAL, and even Ops in all Wing III IRC meetings. And heck, I'll even throw in a handshake from the Wing Commander!
- Sovereign Squadron League (for TIE Disk/CD/95 pilots only) : The next CR is TC-TIE 155, deadline is July 15th!
- I am now looking for an ORIGINAL XWA Free Mission for next month's Top Gun contest ... all XWA mission authors, take note and be sure to send them in to me before you send them off to the TAC ;-)
Wing III Quote of the Week
"Combat is like sex on a crashing plane."  -- Kind of makes you wonder how CM Jahan Kalar could compare the two, doesn't it?
Other note-worthy exclaimations :
"My brain is starting to regrow itself." -- LCM Cray Mikalen, practically begging us to hit him in the head again
"Hmmm, two Commanders are running a Command Staff Office for almost a month...  RUUUUNNNNNN!" -- CM Jahan Kalar comments on the absence of the Recon Officer
"Obviously that means that another promotion has occured, and I've already planned our assault on Gimel's cantina ..." -- MAJ Sequoh Marden hears about the planned celebration for Gimel's new CMDR ...
"Excuse me uhh Mr. Sasquatch, sir... My XO has informed me that marijuana and other drugs may hamper a pilot's ability to fly.  Perhaps its not such a good idea to fly while under the influence." -- CM Treb Helfest passes along a concern. I had no idea that telling you to "Fly high and watch your six" could be mis-understood so badly ... time for a drug raid on the Gimel barracks, I guess ;-)
"Now let's get those drinks!" -- CM Kalar is ready to party with the new Gimel CMDR
- Book recently found in the Wing III barracks : Chicken Soup for the Imperial Soul ...
    Okay, that does it for this week! Fly high (as in 'up'), and watch your six!!!

WC/COL Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx2] [PCx10] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [CAVL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"

24 July 2000

    Greetings pilots of Wing III !!! I'm back from my brief leave, and it's time for yet another Wing report! Have a seat and get comfortable, we have a lot to go over since last week's wing report never came to be :-/

Wing III Stats
Aleth - 9
Beth - 11
Gimel - 12
Daleth - 10
Hey - 0 (Inactive)
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
Flag Officer (The guy who writes these crazy things) - 1
Total: 43 (+3 from last report)   ;-)
Position Moves (7.09.00 -- 7.24.00)
- CMDR/CM Jahan Kalar, Aleth : Promoted to CPT
- CMDR/CPT Daniel Kamprath, Daleth : Promoted to MAJ
- FM/LT Nurel Turr, Aleth : Promoted to LCM
- FM/LT Seth Rommel, Beth : Promoted to LCM
- TRN/CT Jorg Silsti : Promoted to SL, assigned to Daleth
- TRN/CT Quake : Promoted to SL, assigned to Gimel
- TRN/CT Everson : Promoted to SL, assigned to Gimel
- TRN/CT Joraask Traelander : Promoted to SL, assigned to Daleth
- TRN/CT Bomber : Promoted to SL, assigned to Aleth
- FM/LT Joraask Traelander, Daleth : Promoted to LT
- FM/SL Jorg Silsti, Daleth : Promoted to LT
- FM/SL Quake, Gimel : Promoted to LT
- FM/SL Everson, Gimel : Promoted to LT
- FM/CM Maaric, Aleth : Advanced to CA/RO
- FM/LT Drakath, Aleth : Retires to the TC Reserves

Awards 'n' Stuff

The Silver Star of the Empire (SS) has been awarded to :
- CPT Werdna Elbee (congratulations!!!)
The Imperial Security Medal (ISM) has been awarded to :
- LT Emperor's Shield
- LCM Cray Mikalen
- LCM Cal Sinis
- LT Quake
- LCM Lavos
The Medal of Instruction (MoI) has been awarded to :
- LT Quake
Wing III News Headlines ("This just in ...")
- Hey Squadron to be re-opened soon!!! I know it seems like I say that in every report, but this time it really is true ... we have each squad 75% manned, and Lavos has chosen his FLs. All we need is the approval of FO Sarriss!
- NAVCOM/VA Freelancer, in a surprise move, has stepped down from his position as Navy Commander and retired from active duty. Having served with Free in the past, I think I can honestly say that this is a great loss for the Naval Corps. FO Sarriss will appoint a replacement soon, and she is NOT taking applications ... so don't send her any!
- CM Pete Mitchell returned from a short, scheduled leave and promptly filled Gimel to capacity -- 12 pilots! Great work, Pete!
- I returned from my short, unscheduled leave and finally found time to type up the Wing Report! (*A cheer goes up from the crowd*)
- New BattleCry Debate ... "What ONE characteristic is most important in making a good CMDR?" :
- New Gimel Message Board, courtesy of LCM Lavos :
- New e-mail address for Beth's LT Loor :
- Wing III webpage finished and released by CMDR/CPT Jahan Kalar! I'm having trouble viewing it myself, but I've heard rave reviews from others :
    Or, it might be this one :
- Aleth weekly competitions continue with a moderate participation turnout.
- New Gimel webpage goes live :
- New Aleth Flight One motto : "The few, the proud, the totally insane"
  New Aleth Flight One Nickname : "Black Wraiths"
- MAJ Timbal, Wing Commander of Wing VI, has decided to step down from his post due to increasing RL activity. The search is on for a new Wing VI WC, and COM/FA Kramer is hot on the trail, I'm sure ;-)
- LC Harkonnen, Wing Commander of Wing II, has officially retired from the TIE Corps due to RL difficulties. Harkonnen was on leave for several weeks, and recently announced that, unfortunatly, he could not return as planned. Acting Wing II WC, CM Inkwolf, has been promoted to MAJ and officially named as Harkonnen's successor. Congrats Inky, you'll do a great job!!!
- With both Harkonnen and Freelancer no longer an active part of the Imperial fleet, the normal chaos has dropped down to merely 'dangerous' levels. It is now, offically, too darn quiet around these parts.
- New e-mail address for CPT Werdna Elbee :
- Speaking of Werdna ... he has recently been awarded the Silver Star of the Empire, a most prestigious medal!!! Congrats on your excellent work, Wernda!
- Aleth's CM Maaric has been advanced to Command Attache for the Recon Officer!!! Unfortunatly, that also means he had to leave Wing III ...
- Gimel Squadron uniform patch competition is still running! Deadline is July 26th ... TWO DAYS!!!
- Wing III Uniform Archive updated by LCM Cray Mikalen :
- CMDR/CM Pete Mitchell announces the opening of the Gimel Squadron Bar on IRC : #Gimel
- The Wing III mentoring program is alive and well, and here is the beginning list of pilots to be chosen as mentors :
LCM Cray Mikalen / Beth
LCM Yun / Aleth
LCM Mayk Wolverine / Aleth
LCM Herman / Daleth
LCM Egg'Foo / Daleth
LCM Nurel Turr / Aleth
- Operation : BlackHawk continues to run within Beth Squadron, and there promises to be some excitment very soon ...

Wing III Orders ("Pay attention now ...")

- Be sure to fly the 'Traitors' mission, by Daleth's LCM Van, before July 31st!!! This is for the Wing III Top Gun competition for July, and you still have plenty of time left to fly it, if you haven't yet ... but beware, because your time is running out! You'll find the mission attached.
- Latest round of the XWA League was due Saturday, July 22nd ... no word on the next CR just yet ...
- Next month's Top Gun mission has been submitted by LCM Herman! I know you can't wait ... ;-)
- Wing III multi-catagory competition 'bash' planned for release early in August! Get ready!!!
Wing III Quote of the Week
 "I'm the new SL in Wing III!" -- If only all new recruits had LT Quake's enthusiasm ;-)
    Other notable quotes this week :
"Congrats Seth! Your new rank is now safely attached to your uniform. :) And use the spoon wisely, for it holds unmentionable powers (like bonking Var on the nose from a distance)."  -- LCM Cray Mikalen congratulates his squad-mate Seth Rommel on his new rank ... and also gives him some advice
"Remember, friend's don't let friends "fly high".  (sorry, just had to throw that jab at the WC in there :)" -- Soon-to-be Sub-Lieutenant Jahan Kalar makes fun of my favorite saying ;-)
"Hey, congrats Dan! I just added a "visit" to your squadron's bar to my to-do-list.... ;)" -- MAJ Sequoh Marden congratulates the newly-promoted Daniel Kamprath, and finds yet another excuse to go bar hopping ...
"Now, let's get to that cantina (just remember, no one can out drink a Corellian ;)  But I am sure you will all try now that I am paying."  -- More words of wisdom from Jahan
"As everyone is already quite drunk, because of all there promotions lately, I've decided to give you an extra award! Here it is: "The golden spoon"! (I secretly took it away from Cray's spoon collection ;)  It is the sign that you have to pay the lunch for everyone in Beth for the next 5 days (which will be soup - mostly), hold up your new spoon with pride!"  -- Sequoh decides that a rank promo just isn't enough of an award ;-)
"Ah man, now I have to edit my ID line (woohoo)"  -- LCM Seth Rommel gets promoted
"I've extended our plan to assault the Gimel cantina to also include the Aleth and Daleth ones; first we'll go to the Aleth cantina, move on to Gimel's after a few hours and finally end up in the Daleth bar. (I know they got the better drinks, because I've noticed that one of my FMs was smuggling alcoholic beverages for them lately)"  -- Sequoh really has this down to an Art ...
"Have fun!!! But not like that Commander Maaric, you sicko ..."  -- Jahan incites Maaric's wraith ...
"You're calling ME a sicko?  Apparently you haven't told the Wing about your Ewok fetish, have you Kalar?" -- Maaric responds with WAY more than we ever needed to know!!!
    Okay, that does it for now! Until next time ... Fly high and watch your six!!!
WC/COL Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx2] [PCx10] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [CAVL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"