"Geez Boid, you keep some crap in here" said Brandon as he rummaged through the piles of symphonies, rations and other personal belonging crammed into the small space behind Blackbird's seat.  "I've been stranded in that ship for, how long was it??, with just myself for civilized conversation.  No complaints there of course but I'd have thought you'd have had a better reception planned for me here.  This is all I get, dried bantha-steak rations??"

Blackbird smirked as he tapped furiously at the control console, tracing the homing beacon's from the other 'Phooners startfighters while simultaneously searching for the "Turn off Brandon" button which he hoped had been installed in preparation for his assignment.

"Hey buddy, you stay out of there, I'm saving that alci for special occasions and imminent death situations" stated Boid.

"Imminent death, pah, when are you ever gonna die Avian" snorted Bran.  "If someone killed you, they'd realize what a silly mistake they'd made by removing you from the galaxy and take immediate steps to reincarnate you with an immediate and complete apology.  And as for special occasions, I'm as frozen as a Wampa's dingly-danglies.  I'm in serious need of warming up and Calli's not here to do that, so what say I break open a bottle of reserve and we do some bonding on the way back"

"Bah, where's the stimulants when you need them.  HEY, Brandy, put that down, that's not for your eyes" shouted Blackbird

"Whoooo, Blackbird keeps a journal.  Blackbird keeps a journal" chanted Branny as he picked up a hefty volume and started flicking through the pages with glee.  Blackbird snarled and calmly rotated his fighter through 360 degrees, tossing Brandon up into the hatch then back down onto the rations again.  Boid's journal landed neatly on Bran's head as his squadmate started to laugh again.

"After being in a speeder with Calli, I thought you'd have learnt your lesson and always remembered to belt up" jeered the pilot.

His wingman rubbed his sore head and crossed his arms over his hunched and cramped knees. 

"Bah, are we there yettttt" he whined.  Avian rolled his eyes.

"Sheesh, Calli puts up with this?  You must really be good at other stuff to make her happy"

Bran smiled smugly before arching an eyebrow, as if pondering something, then shook his head.

"So, my old wingmate, what's the score.  Did Torres have enough of us playing "Rebels and Imperials" and building forts in his office, so he decided to annihilate us all"?

"It would seem that way Bran, but I smell something funny here" mulled Boidy

"Sorry, it's these rations, they're all air, I can't help it" remarked the Lieutenant Commander with a pathetic look of self-pity on his face.

"No, your distinctive odors have nothing to do with it this time my friend, I suspect a nasty case of treason on-board the Challenge.  You know that CPT Kilger guy that was assigned to the ship not long ago"?

Brandon concentrated for a second then nodded.

"Yeah, the spotty guy with the oh-so-obvious-grudge.  What, you think he went berserk just 'cos Calli's prettier than him.  Wow, that's one messed up little bunny right there"

"Granted, it's enough to drive anyone insane, but I don't think it ends there my cold chilly companion.  I think he wanted to prove something, he wanted to make a statement that's as clear as giving a rancor the finger.  This guy had issues, great big fluffy ones, and I'm not too sure he enjoyed being humiliated.  It seems his sense of honor borders on the non-existent.  I mean, if he wanted to 'pick a fight' <Braveheart Scottish accent> he should at least have been decent enough to warn us or come out in a SHU and give us something to shoot at"

"Uh huh" mumbled Bran, spraying out a jet of crumbs from the cookie he'd found as was devouring mercilessly.  "But what about Torres, he was in command right.  I doubt they flipped a cred for it; Heads we fire, tails we don't.  I'm guessing either he was extremely drunk, unfortunately a high possibility for that one, he was part of this scheme to try and destroy us, which doesn't seem like the Calli-admiring COM I know, or there was a mutiny or coup d'etat on board in which Torres had no control over.  It would explain the hyperspace jump anyway.  If I was gonna wipe out the best squad in the fleet, I'd hang around and make sure I'd done a good job of it"

Blackbird pondered for a moment.  "Exact same thoughts entered my head mate"

"Really"? questioned Brandon.  "Tell me, did the voices tell you that big cuddly Rancor's would come and challenge us to a drinking contest"

"Damint Bran, you really have to cut down on the alci, there's something in there which can seriously not be good for you" laughed his wingman

"I'll pretend you didn't just smite my beloved alcohol" he replied with a bad attempt at a hurt expression on his face.

"Shush now, the immortal Boidsta must work his magic and land this beast somewhere we won't sink" he proclaimed.  Meanwhile, Brandy scrambled over Boid's shoulder and flicked the switch for the comm.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeere's Brandy" he shouted over the comm, adding an attempt at a Blackbird-patented growl at the end.  "What's the situation at ground zero"

"Brandy, nice to know you're not a popsicle" came a voice over the comm which Bran immediately tagged as Calli's, easily identifiable to him even through heavy static.  "Take it nice and slow, we're just setting up 'We're Imperial and don't like Rebel scum' signs so it's easier for those nerfs to find us"

Brandon chuckled and shifted a bit, taking down Boid's maneuvering space even more.

"Well, I've got me a bottle of reserve here, what say we set up a campfire, have a picnic and sing happy drunk songs till the Challenge gets back here?"

"Looks like we might be in luck" remarked Boid as a blip appeared on his sensors and a warning siren blared through the cockpit.

"Ummmm, either Torres has decided he doesn't like the efficiency of  Imperial Star Destroyers anymore and wants to surprise us, or we are, to put it nicely, in rather sticky bantha doo-doo"

The ship schematic scrolling down Blackbird's screen was that of a Alliance Dreadnaught, according to the display named Haven, and was heading straight for the planet's surface.  Towards them.

"Calli, we have a slight problem here.  Nothing big but, umm, you don't happen to have anything bigger than a blaster.  Oh, say, that could take down a Capital" asked Brandy hopefully.

"Oh shi……"

"Imperial Forces, this is Captain Traeh Nekorb  of the New Republic.  We don't know how you got here or what you're doing but we strongly recommend you lay down all resistance and prepare for capture and interrogation"

"Uh, Boid, ya wanna think of something…fast" whispered Brandon

"Umm, Haven, we're just visiting, got some old relations down here, been a while just wanted to meet up and have a drink, bit of reminiscing and see a few photo albums.  We're pretty much done, give us an hour and we'll be out of your way"

Boidy turned to his pal and shrugged.  Brandon lifted his hands to his face and sobbed  "We're doomed"

A series of sirens began wailing as a flight of A-Wing's launched from the hanger of the Dreadnaught.  The nimble craft immediately formed up and headed on an intercept vector for the Darkfall.  The imperial ship they were in, faster and more advanced, could easily make it to the surface on time but both pilots knew they'd be obliterated, along with the rest of the squad, once they went to ground.  Bran placed a hand on Boid's shoulder.

"You know what we have to do" rasped the pilot.

"Let's turn and burn Bransta" he replied, doing a little handshake with Bran they'd made up a long time ago.

With that, Boid brought the Darkfall through 180 degrees and switched to Adv. Missiles.

"Go for the old fire and hope-for-the-best?" asked Bran.

"Tried and tested, it had better bloody work" resounded the pilot.

As the distance between the ships decreased to 2.5clicks, Boid's HUD lighted up with missile locks on his fighter.  He squinted, picturing the ever-enlarging specks he assumed were ships in the distance, and aimed.  Not waiting for a lock, he loosed off a volley of 4 Adv. Missiles before a droning tone filled the cockpit, indicating an enemy lock, and he turned to evade.  Brandon clung on for dear life to whatever he could lock his numb fingers around as the fighter went through a series of spins and turns.  A jubilant whoop from Boid bought Bran's concentration back to the situation.

"Any luck?"

"Weirdo flew straight into the missile.  One down three to go."

"You're doing.. great, just lemme know if I can help." announced the LCM as he bounced around behind the pilot chair.  Suddenly a voice came through the comm again.

"Blackbird, Brandon, come in.  What the hell is happening up there"

Bran, seeing Boid was a tad busy, clicked on his comm to the private Typhoon broadcast channel and started shouting.

"Calli, get the squad and try and find some cover.  We've got some company and they're not going to be too merry we're on their turf.  Any solid structures, armored bunkers or abandoned bases would be peachy.  Move, we'll been down shortly."

There was a hesitation as though Calli was about to protest, then her voice came over with obvious concern.

"Affirmative, received and understood.  You boys behave up there and come back in one piece."

"Aye aye CMDR, Darkfall ouuuuut"  said Bran, not managing to finish the sentence before Boidy whirled the fighter again, sending Bran's body crashing into the seat.  He felt the ship vibrate slightly as Avian squeezed the trigger and sent green bolts of death lancing out towards a rebel craft.  He was rewarded with a huge crimson fireball and a large chunk of debris pinging off the craft, though damage was minimal.

Suddenly, the console exploded in Boidsta's face, scorching his helmet and knocking his head against the hull. Sirens wailed and the interior of the cockpit was cast in a deathly red glow.  Brandon was blown back across the small space into the viewport by the blast where he banged his head, causing a worrying hissing sound to omit from his helmet.  Swiftly getting to his feet Brandon leaned over and shouted.

"Blackbird, get up damn you, no time to nap." he shouted.

The fighter was now in a rapid nose-dive away from the fighters which seemed to be allowing the Tie Defender's fate depend on direction.  Unfortunately, it was towards the planet surface.  The green landscape filled the viewport and was looming nearer and nearer with each second. 

"Oh crap."

Blackbird's hands were suddenly on the stick again and he was pulling up with all his strength.  The weight of gravity was now causing the craft to shake violently as the atmosphere consumed them and gave the appearance of a falling star.

"Boidy, we're not gonna make it, eject." screamed Brandy. "No chance, we're doing fine and dandy." came the growling reply.

Without warning, the flight stick came out of it's socket and broke in Boidy's hands.

"Wow buddy, you been working out." chuckled Bran nervously.  "Think it's time we got out of here."

"Are you insane, we have one ejector seat.  We can't both get out." yelled Avian over the sound of the atmosphere rushing past them at incredible rate.

Brandon knew just what was going to happen next.  He'd never thought of himself as a hero, he'd never been afraid of dying, even though these were day-to-day things that came with being an Emperor's Hammer pilot.  He never thought it would end like this, he'd always hoped for a blaze of glory, a unique chance to shine.  Hell, part of him even hoped he'd see it through and retire someday, and nice pension to buy him a planet or two.  Part of him didn't want it to happen, it was too dramatic.  Too over the top and he was sure there would be another way out if he had the time to think about it.  But there was no time.  Story of his life, he chuckled to himself.  Time seemed to be the one thing against him in the entire galaxy.  This was the right thing to do, he assured himself as he reached his arm across past Blackbird to the eject lever.  As his hand came down on it and Blackbird's visored vision turned to meet his, he searched for some immortal words of wisdom, but couldn't find them.  Ironic, he thought, I have nothing to say for once.  But something had to be said.

"Look after the squad for me mate.  Typhoon forever." said Brandon.

Even if Blackbird had tired to stop him, it was too late.  The eject lever came down and there was a *whoosh* as the hatch snapped open and the seat flew up and out of the broken craft.  It all went so fast for Bran, one second he was looking out the viewport with the trees coming closer and closer.  Next, the bright blue sky was below him and he was falling, forever falling, waiting for the impact which would end it all.  As the ground approached, merciful darkness consumed him and he was filled with peace.  His last vision as he closed his eyes was that of his CMDR…


…. And the exact same image appeared when he opened his eyes.  The raven-haired LC was standing above him, stroking his sweat-laden hair and speaking.  What exactly she was saying he couldn't tell but he made out the words "….stupid bastard, you scared me…..".  As he attempted to get up, his body was suddenly racked with pain and he collapsed to the floor again.  Taking a deep breath he inhaled, then coughed.  The acrid smell of smoke and the sweet, sickly taste of blood filled his mouth and nostrils.  Something else was wrong, he suddenly realized.  Running his hands over his chest he encountered a number of ribs protruding through the skin. 

"Bran, can you hear me, you okey.  Be okey, you hear me." shouted Cal.

"Shhhh, I'm thinking." muttered Bran with much difficulty.  He didn't know how long he'd been out or what had happened, and as unconsciousness threatened to take him again, he knew he'd been given a chance to say goodbye.

"Thank you, my love." whispered Brandon.

Callista looked at him for a second.  "For what?"

"Everything.  It was fun wasn't it." he laughed , sending another wave of pain through his body.

"Don't do this Brandon, please." she cried

"I'm sorry, I really am, I didn't want it to be like this, you have to believe me.  Just know that I'll always be with you, following you (well, stalking), watching over you, protecting you and….. and…. Loving you."

Brandon leaned up and kissed Callista on the lips, savoring the sweetness he feared he'd never know again.  Yet something inside him, whether it was one of his internal organs failing or the last pint of blood running out of his body, seemed to come alive all of a sudden and he felt… alive, free, happy.  He knew he was going to make it, he was going to survive, for now at least.  As Calli wrapped his arms around him and clung on tight, Brandon summed up the energy to utter a few words before the dark overwhelmed him again.

"Be a dear and get me some bacta will you, I don't feel too good." 


FM/LCM Brandon/Typhoon 1-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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