The Secret Information

The following information is here to help you with writing parts of "The Secret" storyline. The information will also be put on the Battlecry website, but for now you can read it here. The information will be regularly updated once the next part is wrote.


Emon Kaaren

Emon is a tall, slim man with cropped dark hair and dark brown eyes. The way he stands shows that he was once in military service; tall, proud and disciplined. He is an Imperial officer by everything but name, and if he could, would want to become one again. but he knows that is not to they want him dead!!!

He was in the Imperial Navy as a pilot before the Endor debacle occurred. Actually, he was a major hero during the infamous Battle of Hoth, when he showed outstanding piloting skills during the destruction of the Rebels "Echo Base." Not only did his work there earn him a medal, but it was handed to him by the Emperor himself.

Emon had found quite a fan in the Emperor, who rated him high enough to go on a very special mission. The mission was called Operation: Energy and was to be done just outside of the galaxy, where there was supposed to be nothing but empty space...except it wasn't empty. There had been many strange occurrences out there, with scouts going missing, fugitives running back to the Empire asking to keep them protected from it, and rumours that whatever was out there could destroy the whole galaxy.

Emon Kaaren competed his mission soon after the second Death Star was obliterated, along with the Emperor and his right-hand man Darth Vader, the only other people who knew about Emon's mission. The rumours still existed though, and Emon knew that he could not return to the Empire. He was feared due to his knowledge and became an Imperial enemy.

Without the Empire to return too, Emon became a Bounty Hunter. He gained quite a reputation for himself, before he was captured by the New Republic on a particular bounty. Emon was sent to a prison on a desert planet, where he would remain until the events of "The Secret" occurred.

Uopal Masch

Little is known about Masch, considering his work. On the surface, he is a Bounty Hunter, who at the moment is working for Warlord Zsinj who wants Emon Kaaren captured. Masch is a rather bulky man, but not so large that he can't move fast. He has a mean shot that could kill anything from any distance, which is just one of the reasons that he is so well respected in Hunter circles.

Below that surface is someone else entirely. Masch used to work for the New Republic as a Food Inspector. He was good at his job, and there weren't many inspectors that were better than him, but Masch was also trained for another job. Masch was really a highly trained Commando who used to do Special Operations for the Rebellion, but when it became a full galactic government Masch's job description changed. He became a spy of sorts, who traveled around as a Food Inspector to inspect foods all around the galaxy, while investigating Imperial or criminal operations that may have been happening.

Masch was eventually given a new job, where he would have to pretend that he was a Bounty Hunter in an attempt to seek out the Black Sun organisation. he never completed that mission though, as his orders were changed to spy on Warlord Zsinj who was suspected of having spies high up on the New Republic ranks. He was to seek employment as a Bounty Hunter under Zsinj to find out more.

When Emon Kaaren appeared on the scene, Masch was able to complete his goals and get the information that he needed on Zsinj's spy. Finding Emon also changed Masch's orders though, to deal with him and the knowledge Emon has.

Warlord Zsinj

Zsinj is a tabby, balding man, with a large grey moustache. Not much of threat you would think, but he rules an Imperial faction in the Quelii sector, along with the Super Star Destoyer Iron Fist. Zsinj is very much the show off, thinking that appearances mean everything. He likes nothing more than to show his wealth and power whenever he can. It's also worth noting that he wears a white Grand Admiral's uniform but was never actually a one like the EH's GA Ronin.

While not considered a big a threat to the new Republic as GA Ronin’s Emperor’s Hammer, or Supreme Moff Lardo Babune’s Imperial Orthodoxy, Zsinj still has big plans for his Empire.

One of these plans includes the secret that Emon Kaaren holds. While not knowing anything other than the secret has the power to destroy the entire galaxy, he wants this power to help him in his rise to power. This is why he hired Uopal Masch to capture Kaaren, but he also gave the orders to kill Kaaren if there was any trouble with him. The information that Emon Kaaren has maybe valuable, but Zsinj is very much willing to have him killed to hide the information from everyone else.


The Oasis

The Oasis is a small supply ship that Emon Kaaren uses to get around the galaxy. It was also the ship that he used to get of the prison planet. Emon can't buy any other ship due to his lack of credits, but he finds the Oasis does the job well enough. Really it's just an Escort Transport (ETR), modified for supplies. The weaponry has been cut down for cargo room, so it may not be very powerful, but it could be modified very easily.

SSD Iron Fist

This is the flagship of Warlord Zsinj's Imperial Fleet. It was renamed early on by Zsinj, to mach the name of his first ever command, the VSD Iron Fist. It is the only SSD in his fleet but he has plenty of more Capital Ships. He also has another SSD under construction, the Razor's Kiss.


A New Republic Prison

This is difficult to explain, but no one really knows where the prison that Emon was staying in actually was. It was just a small prison, but it could house about 700 prisoners. Most of the New Republics prisons are hidden away, not just to avoid forces attacking them, but because of the time of the Rebellion they had to hide anyway and the prisons were sometimes used as safe-houses for Rebels on the run.

Quelii Sector

This is the sector that Warlord Zsinj rules. While the Emperor's Hammer has several sectors under its rule, Zsinj's Empire should not be underestimated. The sector is well defended, ruled with an Iron Fist (quite literally-see above). The people there are well disciplined and loyal, and quite a number of them work in the Army and Navy. It includes the planet Dathomir, which Zsinj turned into a prison colony and a shipyard. Before that it was the home of the Rancor, and of Dark Jedi. The planet is even darker in the force than Dagobah.