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Name: Badlan

Rank: Lieutenant Commander (LCM)

Current Assignment: FL, Sword Squadron, Wing IX, ISD Relentless

Scandoc Transmission Code (E-Mail):

Sex (M/F): Male

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 127 third star rotation

Place of Birth (Please include Homeworld): Corellia, 7th district

Marital Status (Single, Married, Divorced, Separated): Was married, divorced

Family: Parents, Hadar Badlan (Father), Shea Badlan (mother), Frt Badlan (Sister) Killed.

Social Status (Destitute, Poor, Well-to-do, Wealthy, Nobility): Well-to-do

Quote: "In all the galaxy, I had to wind up here!"

Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence: Joined Old Republic at the age of 19, on the system of Courscant. Was rejected because of his violent tendencies and young age. Considered reckless. Reapplied three years later after using Jedi techniques to control any aggression. He was trained as a Jedi and although he could not do use the force for physical skills but could use it for telepathy and telekinetic skills. After training at the platform Haystray and the planet Ryloth he became FM of Echo Squadron patrolling the inner core. The Clone wars began and after the CMDR of Bravo Squadron was killed Badlan became squadron CMDR of Bravo Squadron. He led daring missions into Clone territory and destroyed a significant base. Took a Wing position during the third year of the war but during the third week of the job the Commodore of the Dreadnaught was killed by a Clone Cruiser. Took over ship and destroyed the ship, later became Commodore at age of 25 of Dreadnaught Yakin. The Clone wars ended thanks to the Jedi and Old Republic navy. Unfortunately for him Senator Palpatine was causing unrest within the Senate after it was discovered that the Clone Wars were orchestrated by Palpatine to hide his military build up he declared himself Emperor. Was discharged after Palpatine became Emperor. Lived on Courscant where he married Keri Andr. Badlan settled down but soon tragedy struck again. Sister killed when the Imperial base of Recill Prime, Rebel Y-Wings bombed the spaceport and his sister.

Significant Events of Adulthood: Fell into depression after his sister was killed. This led to his divorce and he moved back to his home planet of Corellia. His ex-wife moved to Yaga Minor but Keri Andr was killed during Rebel and Imperial skirmishes. Parents went to work on the Kuat Drive Yards, for Imperial Design and Research. Worked with Grand Admiral Thrawn on his Cloaking field technology. Badlan took a job on Corellia in the government, planning department. Rogue Squadron patrolled the skies during Imperial Officer Crix Nadine defected. The Empire made and attack to keep him from defecting. Badlan was rescued by General Riekkan, Han Solo and Chewbacca moments before the building exploded. (Rogue Squadron, Mission 4: Defection at Corellia) He was relocated to another government building. Life proceeded slowly for the next two years, Endor happened. The Empire, rag tag, battle worn fleet arrived at Corellia and Badlan sold High Admiral Kawolski a Variable Capacitor to fix his primary engine core. In return Kawolski leant Badlan his personal shuttle, seeing as Badlan had supplied the only Variable Capacitor in the Corellia sector. Arrived at Kuat only to find Thrawn’s forgotten Star Destroyer the Grey Wolf and GA Ronin’s ISD Conquest. The GA was in negotiation with a Moff to secure the production of Imperial Starships and TIEs. He boarded the research lab in the outer Kuat production array to rescue his parents. The Rebels attacked, boarded the facility and during a fire fight Badlan watched his father shot and his mother carried away just before the blast doors shut. He doesn’t know what happened to them, Killed or captured it is unknown. Badlan scoured the galaxy looking for work, with chaos and civil war all around him he arrived at the system of Denab. A small Freighter was loading up to take supplies to Imperial task forces within the Corellia and Swesswena sectors. After applying they lapped up his Old Republic experience and hired him as first mate of a Cargo Ferry Zeta.

Rebels looted the freighter without even establishing that they were transporting Imperial supplied supporting Badlan’s theory, "Absolute power corrupts, absolutely". After killing almost forty Rebel troops and using his telepathic skills to lead the crew to safety they made it to a shuttle and exited the Zeta leaving the auto destruct to destroy the Rebel ATR. There he met Oia Ken. A beautiful alien who he began a relationship with. After arriving at Denab Badlan took Kawolski’s shuttle out of storage and together they ran a smuggling operation, raiding Rebel locations and supplying the supplies the Imperials, Oia Ken also had a grievance against the Rebels for killing her daughter. She was killed during a rebel pursuit after a raid on an Alliance inventory hub. Joined the EH at Aurora Prime after wandering for five months, met one Admiral Zoraan and was convinced to join the Relentless, when he completed Daedalus training.

Alignment & Attitude: The Empire has changed, just because it follows Palpatine’s lost Empire doesn’t mean it’s the oppressive society it once was and its time we were accepted back into Galactic society.

Former Occupations (if any): Old Republic Squadron CMDR, Commodore. Government Planning officer, Security Guard. Freighter Operator, Smuggler.

Hobbies: Flight Simulations, hacking, Battle Sims, Swimming.

Tragedies: Death of Sister and Oia Ken, parents capture/Death??, Divorce, dismissal from Old Republic Navy and Attack on the Cargo Ferry Zeta.

Phobias & Allergies: Strong allergy with pepper and some chemicals, e.g. Potassium Manganate. Hates Spiders.

Personal views of the Empire (and Emperor's Hammer): Last Chance for Law, order, along with freedom and public life.

Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Fleet: Too many mistakes in early life has taught me go for something, I’m old now, 54, and I will change history.

I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.






FL/LCM Badlan / Sword 3-1 / Wing IX / ISD Relentless

BS PC ISMx7 MoI {IWATS Core} {SM/2} [HUSS] [MISS Pacifica]

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