Toe Tag

"Lie still Mordred!" screamed the newly commissioned doctor of the SSSD Sovereign. Inkwolf worked frantically on the badly injured members of two flight.

"Doc you got to let me out of here," said a badly burned and bloody Mordred, "I got to get out there and fight."

"Sorry pal you're out of it and so is your craft." Inkwolf replied flatly as she continued to work on him. " I think you are stable for now I need to go check on Sanj. You lie still or I will have you restrained you get me?"

Mordred nodded, and laid his head down. He couldn't believe what was happening to his friends. It was a routine patrol that's all. No one said anything about a fleet showing up and ambushing them. They had been hammered. Wave after wave of starfighters had engaged them and although they fought valiantly they had been beaten up really good. If it hadn't been for the Sovereign showing up they would have been dead. As it was all four of them had made emergency landings.

Mordred looked over at the other members of two flight, Sanj had been dropped into a bacta tank as soon as the got to sick bay. If it hadn't been for Inks fast work he would have died. Sidian was nursing a broken arm and a huge cut on his head and the infamous leader was out cold with several broken ribs and badly burnt legs. As for himself Mordred had burns all over him and his hand was being regenerated. His head had a nasty gash and he had a fracture in one of his vertebrates. They were going to live. But barely in one piece. This was just another reason to despise those rebels. Looking out the bay windows he could see the battle going on outside.

"Three Flight form up on my wing," ordered Captain Stone Darkstar. Waiting for all of three flight to check in Stone plotted his next course of action. Their mission was to destroy on of the Light Calamari Cruisers and that's just what they were going to do. The last pass had almost taken out the Cals shields and as far as he could figure two more passes should do it. "Alright guys lets hit them hard this run."

Readjusting his flight path Stone placed his finger on the firing button and got ready to unleashed hell on the Cal. Waiting for the targeting brackets to turn green, Stone let loose with a mighty volley of lasers. The rest of three flight answered his call and followed suit. From off of his left Stone noticed Four Advanced Concussion missiles ripping towards the cal. "Who fired those missiles?" asked a puzzled Stone. He had thought his flight was out of those.

"That would be me boss," crackled Vlades voice over the radio.

"Way to go Viper! Heads up guys those shields are down start pounding it with your Ions NOW!"

In just a matter of seconds the Cal was disabled. Flying out to two clicks Stone pulled back on his flight stick and prepared to finish of the cal. Together three flight blasted away at the small giant. Just as Stone started to pull out of his attack path the Cal exploded in a brilliant flash of light. Small pieces of the capital ship bounced harmlessly of the hull of his craft as well as unrecognizable bits of those who controlled it.

"Ok boys I am getting our new orders now. Sovereign this is PSI three please advise new orders."

"PSI three this is Sovereign. Begin return to Sovereign for reloading."

"Roger Sovereign we are on our way."

With that said three flight headed to the reload spot.

"One flight how are we doing?" Asked LC Sasquatch. It had been a little while since he heard from the rest of his gang as he was getting a little worried.

"Bigfoot this is Doyel I am hanging in there."

"This is Maul I copy Doyel"

Relieved that he hadn't lost any of his pilots Sasquatch prepared to destroy the next reb dirtball on his targeting screen. An A-wing and buy the green marks he could tell it was PSI's nemesis green squadron.

"Heads up one flight we got some greenies out here"

He loved his job. He loved locking out to a target and blasting away at the pathetic pilot inside. But this was a greenie and he was going to have fun with this one. Locking onto him he fired a quick laser blast to the A-wings right engine. He chuckled to himself as the engine went black. This was going to be too easy. Carefully aiming his next shot he took out the other engine. He could just imagine the rebel inside screaming for help over the radio. To bad the fool was never going to get it. Setting his lasers to full blast he let loose. The greenie went up in a ball of flames. Smiling to himself he prepared for his next victim just as a laser blast slammed him from behind. Crap he thought to himself, guess I am getting to cocky. Readjusting his sensors he found the green puke that was attacking him. Yanking hard on his flight stick, Sasquatch moved to attack. Deciding not to play around with this one, Sasquatch unloaded everything on him. Flying through the remains he looked for his next target.

"So how bad are we Doc?" asked a groggy Ford Prefect.

"You live this time but you are all pretty beat up. I think your all going to be out of the fight for a least a week's time." Stated and tired Inkwolf. Working on people really drained her, but it was even worse when it was her friends.

"You ok Ford?" asked Mordred without even looking up.

"Yeah Mord I'm alright. Where is Sanj?"

He is in the bacta tank but he is ok now. Thanks to the good Doctor" replied Sidian

"Well boys I guess we are out of it for a little while. Mord you better get some coffee going I think we are all going to need it."

Inkwolf smiled at Ford. She hated not being able to be out there fighting with her squad, but she knew what being ships doctor meant. Sometimes you have to miss the good stuff. At least today she didn't have to put a toe tag on anyone. That always makes for a good day in her book.