Website Creation


I’m not going to teach you HTML, Java, or any of that stuff here. Sorry, but I would have to write a novel to do that. For that information you would have to go to somewhere like IWATS. No, here I’m going to tell you about content rather than how to do it.



I know a bit about writing web pages and I want to do an EH site. Which sites can I work on?


To start of with, check to see if you squadron or flight has a site yet. If not, then ask your CMDR if you can make one. If they say yes, then great, go ahead. If the answer is no, then don’t give up hope yet, just check out the end of the next paragraph.


If there is already a site for your squadron and flight, then ask if you can help maintain it or add on new ideas. Again, if your CMDR says yes, then enjoy your work. If your CMDR says no, then try one of these: -


Make a website for yourself – Make a site that can hold the stories that you have wrote, artwork you have made, or missions you have created.


Join the Imperial Senate – this is a sub-group that does a number of things such as write fiction, help with the organisation of the EH and, most importantly, maintain the EH websites.



Okay, I’m allowed to make a squadron website, but what do I put in it?


The squadron website should hold all of the information that it’s members should need. If you can put anything more in then great, but I will describe the basics of what is needed.


Remember, if in doubt, ask your CMDR, as they have probably done an IWATS course that teaches pretty much the same thing.


Main Page/Information Page – this should hold information about your squadron, sub-group and the EH, so any cadets and other pilots that stray upon the site know about your squadron, hopefully wanting them to join you. Also, stick the squadron logo on, and any other information that you think is needed.


News Page (could also be the main page if you want) – Any competitions, events or promotions that the FMs in your squadron need to know about should be on this page.


Squadron Roster – This can include their e-mail addresses, and anything else that you believe is relevant.


Competitions – This page will remind the pilots about which competitions are on, when they are on, and what the deadlines are. They will also be on the news page when they start, but they will be on this page as well as a reminder.


Links – You should also have a page that directs you to the other sites in the EH. Just keep it down to the relevant ones though, such as the EH home page, your sub-group home page (including TIE Corps), and any other sites that are connected to your squadron, like Wing or Battlegroup.


They are just the basics though. To make it more fancy, try these: -


Message Board – If your squadron have a message board then make a link to it. If there is no message board, then go about making your own for the squadron.


Biographies – Put pilots INPRs, biographies, stories, missions and artwork that they have created on the page.


Anything else – If you can think about anything else, then go on. This is just a guide; really you can do what you want.



I’m allowed to maintain the site. How do I do that?


As well as making sure that it’s running smoothly, putting on new news, and adding other things that the pilots have created, look above! If something from my guide isn’t on the site, then add it. If you think of something else that would be good, do that too.



How do I make a website for myself?


Simple, but there is a catch. You have to have something to put in it. Be it fiction, artwork, biographies, anything, you can put it on your site for all to see.


Of course, if you have nothing to put in it, then you can’t have a site. Well, you can, but it wouldn’t be very good.


The design is pretty much up to you. I don’t have a clue of what you’re going to do, so it’s all yours.


For help, check out my site at



What’s the Imperial Senate?


This is the civilian part of the EH. It has several committees and one of which updates EH websites.


I’ll admit, I don’t know too much about the Senate, but its web site should steer you in the right direction. The Imperial Senate is at


by Commander Werdna Elbee

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