FCHG and Combat Ratings


It’s all well and good being a great pilot, but how do you prove it. Without some sort of rating system, it would be impossible to tell you apart from Johnny No-Wins. This is why these two systems exist.



FCHG (Fleet Commander’s Honour Guard)


This is the main rating system. Points are collected by flying custom missions, getting high scores, and winning games in online competitions (getting a LoC medal). When you get a particular amount of points you are moved up the FCHG ranks.


Your score can be found in your personal profile, on the TIE Corps Database. It can also be found on comparative listings, as can be found on the rosters. If you go into you Wing or Squadrons page on the rosters, there will be a FCHG Listing link. Select this and you can see how you’re fairing against the other pilots in your Squadron or Wing.


You can even see how you are compared against the whole TC Fleet by going to http://www.tiecorps.org/rosters/fchglistings.asp and browsing down the list.


You can earn these points by doing the below:


1 Point Complete a mission (either a battle or a Free Mission). Earning the Legion of Combat medal during an online engagement or event.


2 Points Hold a high score in a Free Mission.


5 Points Hold a total high score for a Battle.

And the ranks go like this:


FCHG Rank Requirements
Imperator 500 points
Centurion 400 points
Paladin 300 points
Knight 250 points
Gallant 200 points
Cavalier 150 points
Dragoon 100 points
Fusilier 75 points
Hussar 50 points
Lancer 25 points
Grenadier 10 points



Combat Rating


This is a new method of rating your ability as a pilot, but this one is restricted to just online play.


For each win you get in an approved TIE Corps competition, you get a Legion of Combat medal (LoC), and the number or medals you get are counted and put in a comparative list, just like in the FCHG.


There is only one page for this though, and it’s against the whole fleet. You can find it at http://www.tiecorps.org/rosters/combatratings.asp



What’s the point of these ratings?


To show how good you are, to put it in it’s basic term! It will show how good a pilot you are and how active you have been, letting your superiors know how good you are, and putting yourself in line for promotion and medals.


And don’t you want to be known as a Top Gun.


By Commander Werdna Elbee

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