Gunning for Promotion


First of all you have to ask…



Do I really want to get promoted?


You have to remember that a greater rank means greater responsibility. Sure, you have more power, are better respected, and given a few more privileges, but there are downsides. You have to look after other pilots, spend longer online, sacrifice your own fun for others to enjoy themselves, and as you go higher up the ranks, the more this becomes apparent.


Flight Members and Leaders have it easy. It is their job to have fun, by playing missions and whatnot. If you go any higher in the ranks, it then becomes your job to make sure that these people under you have fun.


Of course, I’m not saying that promotions are terrible. Some people enjoy looking after other pilots, and the pros outweigh the cons, but you have to decide if you are one of those people.



Yes, I’ve decided, I want to go for promotion. How do I go about it?


The most important thing you have to do is be active to grab the attention of your superiors, who decide on if you are to be promoted or not. You won’t stand a chance if all you do is reply to your e-mails, and occasionally hand in a completed mission now and again.


Eventually, though activity you will become recognised as being “The Right Stuff”. You may be promoted to a Flight Leader to be an example to the other pilots, and from there your adventure starts.


Next up the line is Squadron Commander. To get this job I highly suggest that you take the Squadron Management IWATS course at and pass the exam as best you can. After that, just keep on proving how active you are and wait for a job vacancy.


To find out which positions are available, check out and when you see a vacancy, go for it.


To “go for it”, you have to e-mail the direct superior for that job. If you want the Squadron Commander job, then you must mail the Wing Commander of the position you wish to take.


While mailing the WC, you should send a sort of CV based upon your time in the EH. To find out what to put in it, follow the Squadron Management course I suggested earlier.


The same applies to the other jobs, but there are no exams for them. All you have to do for them jobs is prove yourself in the one you are in.


Also note that 75% of the TIE Corps are FMs or FLs. Competition will be hard, so don’t be to disheartened if you don’t get the job you were going for. Just keep on trying!



No, I don’t think I want a promotion. Does that make me a bad person?


No, not at all! If you don’t have the time, don’t think your experienced enough for the job, don’t want the responsibility, or your just having too much fun where you are, then don’t go for a promotion.


There are other options if you want a challenge, but don’t want the responsibility. You could join another sub-group in the EH, or help out in an EH project of some kind.


Personally, I don’t want a promotion, as I am already happy where I am. I’m in a fun squadron and I have plenty of things to do already in the EH (such as this thing your reading). There will probably come I time when I, and even you, want a new challenge and go for a promotion. But if you don’t want the job yet, then don’t go for it.


by Commander Werdna Elbee

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