Submitting to Newsletters



Are you the creative type? If you are then you can show off your skills by putting them on show for everyone to see in an EH newsletter.



Newsletters? What newsletters?


Most of the groups in the EH have a newsletter that their members submit to for the other members enjoyment. The main newsletter is the EH Fleet-wide Newsletter which all of the groups may use. It can be found at for downloading, but if you just want to read it online go to Go for the latest issue first to see the quality the newsletters are at now (the archives go back by 5 years).


As I said before, most of the groups under the EH have a newsletter too. They can be found easily through their homepages, but since the odds are that you are a member of the TIE Corps I’ll tell you where their newsletter is (also because it’s the one I post to). It’s called Battlecry and it can be found at



What can I submit to a newsletter?


Oh, loads of stuff! You can send in your fictional stories, articles that you think that people will be interested in (interviews, stats, information sheets), artwork (uniforms, squadron logos, and pretty pictures), and anything else that you think would suit a newsletter. Just check out a newsletter to see what is usually in it. If you can think of anything original though, go ahead and try to get it submitted.



Right, I’ve made something. Who do I send it to?


To submit something to the EH Fleet-wide newsletter, mail your work, and your ID Line, to SA Compton at


To submit your work to Battlecry (TIE Corps), do the same but to AD Val Ricaud at


I suggest that you use a ZIP program like WinZip to make the files as small as possible. It will save up and downloading for both you and the receiver. Make sure that it is a zip file though, as it is the most popular and the receiver will probably have it as well. You don’t have to zip the file, but it does help.



Yeah, okay, I can show off using newsletters, but what else can it do for me?


If that’s not enough for you, then you can send something in for a medal. If you are in an issue of either the EH newsletter or TIE Corps newsletter then you can be awarded a Letter of Achievement. You can’t show it in your ID Line, but it is shown on your personal profile in the rosters.


You will also be recognised by being active by your superiors (tell your Squadron Commander as well, just in case they haven’t read the newsletter). Your peers (other members) will also begin to recognise you, giving you a little slice of fame.


By Commander Werdna Elbee

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