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Wing II "Adopt a Scorpion" results

I don't have a clue if this was supposed to be in the magazine, as only the HTML page was there and none of the pictures. I took out the pictures to make it readable, but I will announce the names of the people who made them. If your really interested in looking at them, then you'll have to ask them. Hopefully, if this isn't supposed to be published, Wing II shouldn't mind as it just shows how good they are and how fun it is in their wing. Why if I wasn't in Wing III, I would be very tempted to move there :o)

Anyway the people who done the graphics are, in no particular order,  LT Talamius , COL Dave and CPT Ford Prefect. Also, it's worth noting, GN Gallows created and maintained this competition. There were several stories in the proper issues too, that were wrote by Wing II, which I enjoyed immensely (stop sucking up - Imaginary Editor).


Talking about stories by Wing II, here is a one that was in the proper issue, but didn't have a name attached to it. While I'm not sure, I have a feeling that CPT Ford Prefect wrote this, as the file is called Delta-ford.html, and is in part of the story. If I am completely wrong, then the true writer can give me a good kicking...but you have to find me first!

LCM Badlan - INPR

There was also a really good INPR that wasn't linked to the newsletter. This is the main reason that I made this extra newsletter, because I just can't believe that this wasn't good enough.


"Will the new Naval Corps affect the Tie Corps and how?"

I feel a bit safer publishing this, as I wrote it, and it was published anyway. The only problem I had with it was that it was not in paragraphs and really hard to read. If you want to see the article the way I wrote it, the this is the one to read.

EH Information Sheets

This just wasn't published! Simple as that, but I wrote it and firmly believe that is very useful to all new pilots. I wrote it to make CMDR's jobs easier by having a detailed reference to use, and have somewhere to point the pilots for help.

You can find the EH Information Sheets at my site http://werdna.tsx.org and it is the place to go for the latest version of it. God knows that I have to update it all the time with the TO Office playing musical sites lately.


Well, I think that's it, all I have to say now is - I'm Commander Werdna Elbee, a Flight Leader in the superb Squadron that is Beth.

Commander Werdna Elbee
FL/CM Werdna Elbee/Beth 2-1/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign [LANC]
ISMx4/LoC-ISx15/OV {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-SM/2} T/D-"Morning Glory"
JH Werdna Elbee (Krath)/Ektrosis of Taldryan
TRP/PTE Werdna Elbee/Bravo-Eclipse-3/Carrida II =S=