Contacting Other Pilots



Are you the friendly type? Would you like to meet the other members of your squadron/wing/fleet in the EH? Well, there are lots of ways of doing this, including: -





Yep, I know that you’ve already worked that one out. So why not use it to it’s best advantage. Get the e-mail address of your fellow pilots in your squadron from the TIE Corps Roster ( and start mingling. Say Hi to everyone, tell them something about yourself, offer help to new pilots, and work your way out from there. There’s bound to be at least one person willing to mail you back, and you’ve probably even been mailed in the same way. If so, call them back and start chatting.


Many squadrons have mailing lists, so you can contact your whole squadron that way. Ask for help over it, show off your latest story or artwork, just do something to get yourself noticed and get some more friends out of the EH. Your commander should definitely reply to some of them. It’s not just his job; it’s his honour. He probably got his position by being active and friend just like you are.



IRC Chat


This is usually the next step that members take to meet people through the EH. Get yourself an IRC chat program like mIRC and head for one of the EH chat rooms.


If you need any help, and need to learn how to use mIRC, follow the IWATS course (like your IWATS core) of mIRC. Not only will you know what you are doing, but also you will be able to show that you can do it on your ID Line.


Before you connect up, you have to select a server to connect through. Use an Undernet server, as this is the one that all EH rooms use.


Next you need to find a room to go to. The main ones are #emperor’s_hammer and #tiecorps. To load up a room, simply type this into a chat window:


/join #tiecorps


Or whichever room you want to go into. There are other rooms for Wings and Squadrons, but you will probably be told about them in your welcoming mail.


For more info, go to


And you should read the IRC Code of Conduct at, but it’s all common sense stuff like no swearing, no mocking other people and such and such.



ICQ Messaging


ICQ is a brilliant tool to use if you want to keep in contact with someone over the Internet and you can get it at


With this program you can keep a list of people you know on the Internet, and when they come online as well, ICQ tells you. Then you can send messages and even chat through ICQ to your online friend.


The only hitch is that the other person has to have ICQ as well, but that’s not so much of a problem as most of the people in the EH own it. Or you can at least get your friends to get it as well.


To put your friend on your list you have to get their ICQ number (ID number) and search for it through the Add Users option. Once your friend has been found, you just select them and put them into your list. To get your friends ICQ number, you might be able to find it through the TIE Corps roster database. If not, then just send them a mail asking about it.



Message Boards


There are a number of message boards that are used in the EH as well. Most of which can be found at


There are message boards for the EH, TIE Corps, most of the squadrons and wings, and some others. Simply select the one you wish to go to and you’ll be there in no time.


I’ll use the TIE Corps message board as an example, as most boards are the same. If they are not the same, they tend to be fairly similar and easy to work out.


When it loads up, there will be a load of messages to choose from. The ones that begin at the furthest left at the beginning letters, and any connected to it are replies. Select a message to read it.


When it loads up, there will be a title for the mail, probably a message underneath, and all of the replies to it below. From there you can select a reply and read that in the same way.


You are also given the option to reply to the letter. Simply fill in the form under the message and select post message.


To post your own message, go to the main screen and select post from the top. Again, just fill in the form like you had to for the replies.


You’ve probably already used one before to get help as a cadet. If that is the case, then you should already know how great they are to post information and ask for a helping hand.


By Commander Werdna Elbee

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