



Always remember that when you go to a multiplayer competition you need to know your pin number (which can be found in your personal profile on the TIE Corps Home Page).


= [XvT & XWA] Outer Rim Battles =


SATURDAY: 5PM - 12AM (EST) / 10PM - 5AM (GMT)



This is a battle against the Rebel Squadrons group that is played online over the IRC servers. I’ll admit that I don’t know so much about this competition as I don’t attend it. Basicly, you just play against a Rebel pilot that is also in the IRC channel #EhvsRS (Undernet servers) and send the results to the supervisor (probably COO Havoc). You can win LoC medals in this competition is you get a win.


This is what the COO site says: -




These are the alotted times where a supervisor is present to record the results. All games in this time period must be started from the Undernet channel, #EHvsRS. If lag causes connection loss the game will be considered void. If a player disconnects before end of a game, (when no lag is not cause), then they will forfit the game and the remaining player wins. The COO must be consulted in such a circumstance.


Xwing Vs Tie Fighter:


Melee Missions Only

Two Players Only

TIE Advanced and A-Wing, allowed only if all participants agree

All parameters of the mission must be agreed upon by all participants


Xwing Alliance:


Skirmish Missions Only

Two Players Only

All craft must be agreed by all participants

None Player Craft may be used if agreed by all participants

Mission goals may be used if agreed by all participants

All parameters of the mission must be agreed upon by all participants



= [XWA] MS Zone Sunday =


SUNDAY: 1PM – 2:30pm (EST)/ 6PM – 7:30 (GMT)



This competition pits you up against other pilots in the EH, and a LoC medal is given away for a win. This competition is held in the Microsoft Zone ( in the main room. Usually most of the games start from room 31 down, so you should have no problem finding another EH member to play against. Scores are based upon kills and not points and are ZMed (Zone Message) to COO Havoc (or whoever else has been put in charge).


To be able to play and be recognised as an EH player you must have a prefix of EH_ before your zone nickname. Just set up a nickname like you usually would, but star off with EH_.


The rules are similar to the ones in the OR night, but I’ll take this opportunity to tell you about what is counted as cheating.


There will be no running away from your opponent, especially if you are winning. This annoys people to no end.


You should report the game, even if you have lost. Don’t try to get clever, as your opponent will find out when they do not get their LoC. To avoid this happening, it is only usually the victor who reports in the score. But, if they ask a favour of you to report it for them, do so. You won’t get any friends cheating this way.


Be polite to whomever you are playing. I know this sounds daft, but you may break the EH Code of Conduct and get into loads of bother. Again, you won’t get many friends doing this either.


And all of the obvious forms of cheating are definitely no allowed. No cracks for your game will be allowed. If they find out that you have a special invulnerability crack, all hell will break loose, and you’ll be in a lot of bother.



= [XWA] Operation Imperial Storm =


Check the TIE Corps News Page to find out when the next game is on.



This is a tough one to explain, so I highly suggest that you go to this site that explains it.


All you really need to know is that every so often a competition will be opened based upon Imp Storm. When that time comes, you will have to play the members of your opposing side in a ready-made skirmish mission. It will be played on IRC, and you will have to check out the TIE Corps home page to see when the next game is on.


If you want to sign up then you have to mail FO Kessler at by the 25th March, when the competition starts up. Also notify your Squadron Commander using CC on your mail.


But please look at the site first to learn about it, it describes the competition very well. It also hold the two patches you need for XWA to play in the competition.







= [ALL] Squadron and Wing Competitions =



Every so often you’ll be informed that all of the pilots in your squadron or wing are to play a particular mission for a competition. It will usually be mailed to you, but you should be able to find it in the EH Battle Centre (


All you have to do is fly the mission, try to get a high a score as possible, and then send the player file (.plt or .tfr) and a note of your score to your Squadron Commander.


You will eventually get the results by mail, saying who had got the highest score, and if it’s a Wing competition it will also say which Squadron won. They are usually rewarded with medals.



=[ALL usually] Training Office Competitions =



The Training Office ( regularly holds competitions for the whole fleet. They usually have several competitions rolled into one, so ever game is catered for, and then some.


Right now, TO Comp. #5 is on. It is a long running competition for TIE Fighter, XvT and XWA pilots. Simply down load the missions from the competition site (which you can find through the TO site), play them, make a note of the score, get your player file (.plt or .tfr) and send them into the TO staff member who is collecting them. The site will hold all of the details needed.



= [TIE & XWA] League =



There are leagues open for all of the squadrons entered (please check with your Commander). Every two weeks a mission is played (available from the site or mailed by your Commander) and you have to get a high a score as possible. Send your results the same way as the Squadron competitions.


In a league, your squadron is pitted against another squadron, and the victor is the one with the highest score. These results are taken and put into table form. The squadrons doing the best go to the top and the worst at the bottom. Each squadron is played a number of times before a victor is achieved (the squadron at the top). Just like sports are!


The site for the XWA League is at

The TIE League is to re-start soon.




Misc. Competitions


There are other types of competition from time to time, but you can find out about them by keeping an eye on the news page at the TIE Corps Home Page (


By Commander Werdna Elbee

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