As I was looking through the files of the download of Battlecry 3, I noticed a few pieces missing, and a couple of things needed doing. As you have seen if you read the TC message board, I have already wrote a "patched" version of the proper issue, sorting out some of the linking problems and done up some bits of it. Well, I admit, it was a bit of a rushed job, as I wanted to get it on the Net as soon as possible. That meant not connecting the loose files, so I'm doing that now. They may have been there, not meant to be in the issue, or simply forgotten about when the issue was being put together. I don't really have a clue, so I'm just doing what I believe is right (if not I'm in so much sh...!).

This newsletter is in no way, an issue or part of the usual Battlecry, or connected to it in any proper way. I do not wish to irritate any of the staff of Battlecry, as it is my favourite newsletter out of the lot, and the online version was pretty much alright.

anyway, enough of that pleading for my military career, he's the newsletter...


actually, this was a bit of a rush job too :o)