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The month of February was a busy one for the ISD Colossus. Our numbers have grown to thirty-five pilots and the excellent recruiting efforts of Wing VIII continue to reap the benefits of active officers. That activity has culminated in over 150 BSF approvals for the ship in February, over 4 BSFs per pilot, for the month!!

Also, for their excellent squadron activity, Iota Squadron was named the Battlegroup Squadron of the Month and the Ship Doctor, LCM Chei-Ras, Iota Squadron, was named the Battlegroup Pilot of the Month.

Activity in the Sovereign League has consistently been over 50% and toped out at 70% for CR #3. This has left each squadron of the Colossus in good standing and positioned to rise in the League standings.

Individual squadrons are participating in competitions, the most recent result had Pi Squadron DEFEATING the elite Praetorian in a head-to-head competition !!! Currently, five officers are competing in the Finals of RA Ari's Millennium Wing Competition and are vying for the Honor of being the Colossus COMM's personal Escort!

All this, and much more, reveals a Ship alive and on the move....

WC/LC Theodore/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
BSx3/PC/ISMx13/MoT ghx2/MoC-7BoC/CoL [HUSS]

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