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During the month of February, and the end of January, Wing IV did rather well in the Squadron League Rounds 2 and 3. For Round 2, we submitted 17/27 submissions, for 63% participation. During Round 2, Yod Squadron achived 100% participation. In Round 3, we improved by submitting 19/27 entries, for 70% participation. The Squadron League was the only competition going on during this time.

During the last few days, Wing IV's membership has climbed to 32, the first time it's been above 30 since October 17th, 1999! We recieved two new CMDRs, CPT Demon Yoda who went to Cheth Squadron, and CM Mini Minkus who took charge of Teth Squadron..

WC/COL Alec Ricardo/Wing IV/SSSD Sov {Imperator}
[BS|PCx3|ISMx5|MoC-6BoC-SoC|OA-2E] {PIN- #275} T/D "Sable"
[IWATS-SM/1/2-mIRC] -
Aedile of House Galthain
SW Ricardo (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto [DC]
"Death, thunder, destruction and brawl!"

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