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Wing I Battlecry #02 Submission

Blue Force Tactical Officer COL Fireclaw discussing strategies for upcoming Imperial Storm with Fleet Admiral Kramer and General Wolly


The going-ons of the past month in Wing I have upgraded from general malaise to the excitement that accompanies the heartened feeling of having something to do. While Combat Run participation has run about average over the past months, we have been gearing up for what will probably become the most memorable experience for us all since the first SSSD Sovereign Squadron League. Most of us are warming up our X-Wing Alliance Platforms and studying weaknesses for most craft that will be met in the Operation Imperial Storm.

With the recent selection of our own Colonel Fireclaw as a Blue Force Tactical Officer, Wing I is eager to begin preparations not only for combat, but for a vie for the glorious seat we once held as the premier Fighter Wing aboard our dear Lady Sov.

General Wolly, our Wing Commander, has been laboring long and hard to begin re-adjusting our examed, schooled, worked pilots back to active duty, and has been showing a good deal of success. The respectable, even commendable, effort shown by our Squadron Commanders on down to do their best has been making us veterans of the Elite Veterans proud. We are all trying our best, especially us old farts, to show any and all that wish to know: WE MEAN BUSINESS.

All questions or comments about this article should be directed towards myself, FL/COL Fireclaw (


Colonel Andre "the Fireclaw" Saharii

Flight Leader, Flight 3, Beta Squadron, Wing I - <"The Silencers">

Blue Group Tactical Officer, SSSD Sovereign

- < Missile Boat Crysknife > -

"Initially, we take out the first transport, we take out the last transport. This creates a trap, an airtight cage, filled with lots and lots of dead people."

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