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I joined the Vanguard in November, transferring from Avenger squadron CMDR. Up until that point the Vanguard had been without a command staff for a fair while, which led to a fair amount of inactivity. With the help of the Wing Commander, Major DS-61-4, work began to start things moving; getting pilots motivated, Squadron CMDRs back into routine and TIE engines running. Various competitions have ran and a recruitment drive had started. This seems to have paid off, with numbers rising to over 40, from the lowest point, which I believe was about 29. Some CMDRs have stayed, others stepped down and had to be replaced. I believe that the CMDRs now in charge of the Vanguard squadrons are good officers, with whom myself and the WC can easily work with to better the ship.

Various activities have been present for pilots to occupy themselves with such as the Ship Run-On (which can be found on the ship message board) or other ship wide competitions involving amazing feats of flying. Recently started is the ASF BG competition, which I know every Vanguard pilot intends to win :)

As for the future, I intend to start a training program that will hopefully eliminate a lot of the "straight line flying" that some pilots seem to be curse with...:)


COM/RA Priyum/ISD Vanguard/ASF

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