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The happenings aboard the ISD Relentless-

Our website is fully functional at with full updates. Currently down sections should be operational within a vew days. A big hand to Commander Fortis for his work on creating this site.

Our new Wing Commander, Major Satai Dukhat, has settled in and is preforming his job with excellent results. Already the Relentless is on its way back to the top. The Major and I have nothing but good things planned, so lets see what the future holds for the ISD Relentless.

On a sad note the Relentless was recalled to the Aurora Sector from Operation: Delta Phoenix by decision of the Imperial Ruling Council. At this time the Relentless is awaiting orders under Admiral Ricaud for operations here in the Aurora Sector. All Relentless pilots are to keep ready for action.

Participation in the Squadron League 2000 is up. Latest results indicate that over half of Wing IX participated in the last Combat Run. I am deeply pleased with my pilots and hope these trends can continue well into the future. With new Commanding Officers and bright and willing pilots I hope this can be a reality.

Our most trusted and beloved Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Iceman, was forced to leave Wing IX due to reasons beyond his control. As a tribute the Stardrifter Longue will offer free drinks during the time Iceman normally came in... for one week only. He was one of the best CMDRs we had, here's to him! Good luck in whatever the future may bring!

For Glory, For the Empire!

Rear Admrial Jarak Maldon-
Commodore of the Imperial Star Destroyer Relentless

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