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The ISD Intrepid is finally coming together, thanks to it's Squadron Commanders, and new Flag officers. Since myself and Maj Raith have joined the Intrepid, membership is up, activity is up, and interest is up. We are writing a run-on on our mailing list, when we are done, it will be released to all. We also are strengthening ourselves internally, and should be ready to challenge some other Wings soon. We hope to have our numbers up soon, to the point where we can open our last Squadron.

SEO-COM/RA Pel//ISD Intrepid
[SS] [BS] [ISMx3] [MoI] [LoCx2] [MoC-11D-25P-14G-11S-15B] [OV-1E]
DJK (Sith)/AED/House Tridens of Tarentum

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