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Well, it's been a very interesting time here on the Immortal these past couple of weeks. We now have a new Wing Commander, MAJ Dras Hempor. LC Blade stepped down to a position in Falcon squdaron and was awarded a Silver Star for his devotion and service to the Immortal.

Tribe wars are winding down. We saw a bunch of missions created by the pilots of the Immortal and Red Tribe took the title for that round. The flying round ends on the 29th at midnight.

On the heels of Tribe wars, the XWA League has just begun. This will pit squadron against squadron in a large round robin to determine the greatest XWA squadrons in the EH. Wing III, the Immortal and the Vanguard are all involved.

Ghost has a new CMDR in CM Andronicus. He has been working hard inhis short time here to in still activity back into Ghost. Falcon and Phantom are both temproraily CMDRless due to MAJ Dras getting his promotion and MAJ Badlands transfering to Tornado, but we exect this to be remedied very shortly.

I have also undertaken a project, with LCM Toran Dan's aid, to have the Immortal web site's static pages (pages that don't change every day) translated. Toran is translating them into German and I will be translating them into French. These are the only two languages so far only because they're known to be in the fleet and they're the only two that I've had volunteers to translate :) I hope to have all the pages online sometime next week as this week is just crazy for me.

The new pilots that have come in as of late have showed us the relative weakness of our XWA custom mission trouble shooting skills. This point has been well taken by myself and I'm going to try and start a project to document the common errors people seem to be getting to try and help out a ny new pilot. The Tribe Wars mission seems to be revealing a lot of them. It works fine for most p ilots, but crashes without fail on others.

That's about it from me. The Immortal continues to do very well and we look forward to kicking everyone's butt in the XWA League :)

COM/VA Marc/ISD Immortal [DRAG]
MIS - Guardian's Edge

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