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From the Desk of Admiral Val Ricaud ...

It's been another quiet month in the TIE Corps Battlegroups, although "quiet" in the Battlegroups is probably considered "hectic" anywhere else. We're all pretty much settled following the staff shake-ups at Flag level last month, and the improvements are showing. The ISD Challenge is bigger and better than ever before, currently the largest wing in the TIE Corps, and aiming to become the first-ever full wing. It's a target that had seemed unthinkable a short time ago, but is now a very real, and very exciting possibility ...

Meanwhile, the ISD Colossus has been improving at a phenomenal rate, having recently been announced as the first ship to receive the TIE Corps Commander's Citation. The crew have been ecstatic, to say the least, and the award has been a nice recognition to all those officers, from Flight Member all the way up to Commodore, who have put so much effort into getting where they are now. It's probably a safe bet, however, that they're not ready to rest on their laurels quite yet ... :-)

The Relentless and Immortal have been continuing to work hard and improve. Each ship recently received a new Wing Commander, in the form of Major Satai Dukhat for Wing IX, and Major Dras Hempor for Wing XI. So far, I've had good reason to be very satisfied at their progress, and have great expectations for their future work, hoping they'll make their wings even greater.

Short report? You try writing a newsletter, a Battlegroup Briefing, a staff evaluation, and an NL report every month ... :-)

Admiral Val Ricaud
Commander, TIE Corps Battlegroups

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