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From the desk of Vice Admiral Sarok, Commander of the Aggressor Strike Force

The last month has been somewhat slow from my point of view, but maybe that's a good sign.. :)

The ASF page is up and running in a working state at:

ASF competition is also drawing to an end in a few days, the results will then be evaluated and plans for the next ASF-wide competition will begin..

The ASF Training Nights have been running three weeks now, and we've had some good participation, but more pilots are always welcome to join in..!

In roster news: We've seen a slight increase in our numbers; The Vanguard's Wing Commander, DS-61-4 was promoted to LC; CPT Satai promoted to WC of Wing IX; CPT Kelric joined Tau; COL NiksaVel is taking command of the ASF Elite squadron, Avenger; And last, but not least, LCM Death has been made the Senior Medical Officer of the ASF..!

Glory To The Brave..!

BGCOM/VA Sarok/Aggressor Strike Force

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