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Imperial Navy Pilot Record # 347

Personal Background information

(Imperial Security Bureau)


Name: Kaarl Roger

Rank: Captain (Dragoon)

Joining Date: 9/1 98

Current Assignment:

Pilot/Flight-Member(Epsilon-32/Wing1/ SSSD Sov)

Scandoc Transmission Code (E-Mail):

Sex: M

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 23/9 AD 64

Place of Birth: Holmiensis Capital of Svitjod (outer rim)

Marital Status: Single

Family: Father still alive, Mother MURDERED by rebels

Social Status: Well -to-do, ex Nobility

Quote: Well now gentlemen, let us find ourselves some rebels to wape, shall we?

Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence: Mother was killed by rebels only two months before his 20:t birthday.

Significant Events of Adulthood: After his military service he joined the anti-terrorist Brigade. He found out that he had an ability to use the force to locate rebel strongholds( by scrying and tarot cards). He climbed rapidly in the ranks by this and other means. When the Empire arrived over the planet and the new government rejected Lord Vader's offer of help against the rebels, he and many young officers and aristocrats protested and was imprisoned. When they were liberated by the storm troopers he was noted by Lord Vader and was taken to His flagship. What happened is uncertain but he was sent to the Imperial Academy. Later (Post Endor) revolution on home-world has left him a refugee and made him even more loyal to the Empire. After Endor he was assigned to the Shapani fleet for a brief time. After this he seems to have vanished from the records until he showed up in an Assault Gunboat in the Minos cluster. Eaven though the ISB has made long and extensive research and interrogations with truthserums nothing has been revealed. Has served with distinction in the Minos cluster and has received 3 LoC's, 4 ISM's and 1 OV

Alignment & Attitude: Is believed to have been in the Secret Order and has joined the Dark Brotherhood, currently he is a rouge Acolyte. He was in House Acclivis Draco and earned a War Cross for his service to his house. He is fiercely loyal to the Empire and the EH.

Former Occupations (if any): High member of Svitjod's anti-terrorist force, logistics and counterintelligence. A member of the old Royal court

Hobbies: Dry-fly- fishing, fencing, eating good food and having a good wine to wash it down with. Historical music and the courtdances of the court of the ''ancien regime''

Tragedies: Mother's death, his exile and the murder of the Emperor.

Phobias & Allergies: Hates snakes and rebels, raw milk makes him very sick.

Personal views of the Empire (and Emperor's Hammer): The Empire and the New Order is the only way to have peace, law and order in the galaxy. After the death of the Emperor, Grand Admiral Ronin is the rightful successor to the Empire.

Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Fleet:

''Our only hope.''

Other comments or information (optional):

I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: Kaarl Roger

Date: 02/02 AD 2000

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