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Imperial Navy Pilot Record

Personal Background information

(Imperial Security Bureau)


Name: Orion Star

Rank: Sub Lieutenant

Current Assignment: Flight Member in Ghost Squadron

Scandoc Transmission Code (E-Mail):

Sex (M/F): M

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 1979

Place of Birth (Please include Homeworld): City of Gaiza on the Planet of Thrakus

Marital Status (Single, Married, Divorced, Separated): Single

Family: Parents-deceased, no siblings

Social Status (Destitute, Poor, Well-to-do, Wealthy, Nobility): Well-to-do

Quote: Don’t mess with the best, you don’t have a chance.


Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence: Pirate raid on Thrakus killed parents when I was 9.



Significant Events of Adulthood: Completed the Imperial Academy



Alignment & Attitude: A relatively good member of society. Has no remorse over eliminating rebels and pirate rabble.



Former Occupations (if any): Fighter pilot for Bakura


Hobbies: Enjoys tactics



Tragedies: Recent girlfriend killed in freak hyperspace accident.



Phobias & Allergies: No fears, Allergic to Bantha Fodder


Personal views of the Empire (and Emperor's Hammer): The Empire has the perfect sense of Order and the EH upholds it well.



Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Fleet: To test my skills in a TIE cocpit. To waste the ememies of order.



Other comments or information (optional): I fly hard and don’t give up.



I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: Orion Star

Date: 02/19/00

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