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INPR For SL Keiran Halycon

Name: Keiran Halycon

Rank: Sub-Lieutenant

Assignment: Kaph Squadron, Wing IV, SSSD Sovereign

ScanDoc Transmission Code (E-mail):

Sex (M/F): M

Date of Birth: Oct. 2 1986

Place of Birth: Corellia

Status: Working Class

Family: Married to Mirax Terrik

Status: Wealthy

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence

While on a Corsec information raid, his father was shot multiple times, and when Keiran reached him, he died in his arms.. Ever since them Keiran has hated Rebel groups.

Significant Events of Adulthood

Keiran was almost captured by Rebels escaping from Corellia, and sustained major damage to his ship. Since then he has vowed to give his life to destroy the Rebellion

Alignment and Attitude: Extremely Pro-Empire. Loves Empire, Emperor's Hammer and wouldn’t be anywhere else.

Occupations: Flying, Detective

Hobbies: Fixing old starfighters, solving cases

Tragedies: Father

Allergies: Animals

Personal View of the Empire and Emperor’s Hammer

The Empire is the best way for the galaxy. It maintains order and respect. The Emperor's Hammer is the best place in the Galaxy


I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: Keiran Halycon

Date: Feb 26, 2000

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