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Name: Aegon Targaryen

Rank: FM/SL Aegon Targaryen

Assignment: Flight Member/Kaph 2-3/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign

ScanDoc Transmission Code (E-mail):

Sex (M/F): Male

Date of Birth: May 24, 1972

Place of Birth: Honoghr

Status: Single

Family: Targaryen

Status: Clan Leaders

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence:

The Lord Vader came to Honoghr and saved us from the evil rebels.

Significant Events of Adulthood:

The rebels killed our Lord Vader and tricked some of the elders into believing they were our saviors.

Alignment and Attitude: Cold and calculating.

Occupations: Assassin.

Hobbies: Hunting down rebels and making them beg for mercy before finishing them off.



Personal View of the Empire and Emperor’s Hammer: The empire is the true rulers and the Emperors Hammer will restore it to Glory.


I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: FM/SL Aegon Targaryen/Kaph 3-2/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign

Date: February 21, 2000

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