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Some of the rebels who were there claimed it to be their greatest victory. For the Empire, it was our darkest day. Few who were there could forget that day. It was the day when the Emperor died. And it was the start of devolution. The bureacracy was shattered. The military was crippled without a central command. The Empire turned from a glorious jewel to a logistical nightmare overnight. We were dying, and the Alliance knew it.

Days after the Endor Debacle, Mon Mothma gathered with her highest adivsors and proclaimed an end to the Alliance to Restore the Republic and declared a new sovereign nation. She wrote the Decleration of the New Republic.


Let the stars sing!

The copy of the Decleration was transmitted all over the HoloNet. There was now another official government in the galaxy. The Rebellion was over. But the war, to this 'New Republic', was far from it.

After the days following Endor, the Imperial Fleets were thrown into disarray, after years of trying to track the straggling Alliance Fleet, the Empire consolidated their forces and fled to the Core. It was then, at this period, that the New Republic, who had accomplished their goal of successfully waging and winning a rebellion began to strike the Empire as one sovereign nation to another. This is untolerable. The Empire was suddenly and viciously attacked at many key systems from various vectors. Naturally, after successfully declaring a new state, which is the natural cause for rebellion, the war should be technically over. And since of the total disarray faced by the Navy and Army, no new attacks could be theoretically planned. With no higher authority, no furthur attack could be blamed on the Empire and all consequences of furthur action must rest solely on the aggrivators of the conflict. The New Republic.

Their annexations, or as they would put it 'liberation', of the Core Worlds were unjust and barbaric. Without provacation and attacks from the Empire, these attack were not justified and could be considered an act of war. This then prompted the bloody Borderland Campagin as the New Republic continued to push towards the Imperial Core on a bloody path to conqeust and galactic domination which the Empire reels to this day. How can a fleet of 25,000 Imperial Star Destroyers be reduced to 50 in the period of twenty years. Simply, it can't. It cannot by itself, but with unprovoked military aggression from an enemy state, yes.

From one sovereign state to another, the New Republic launched bloody campaigns to bring the heads of their fallen enemies, enemies which they created.

All grievances should have been settled with the decleration of the New Republic. They had settled their goals, they had restored their Republic and they had killed their mortal enemy, the Emperor. And yet they pushed towards the Core. Why? Total Galactic Domination. That could be the only reason. And that cost billions, nay trillions, of innocent Imperial citizens. Of all the attrocities of the war, the ones commited unprovoked by the New Republic was the one whose blood stained so few. The terrorists of the galaxy. The New Republic.

Yes, some of you may raise the issue of the 'Why We Fight the Empire' document released by the New Republic after Thrawn's Campaign. It was prehaps too late for that. They had driven the Empire from the Core Worlds and forced them into the unhospitable Deep Core and Outer Rim. Plagued by moral concerns, they only explained why they would want to attack the Empire again and again, after they did so.

The War after Endor was over. The War following that was the New Republic's. A War which none of the Empire's could forget. None of which could have been prepared for. None of which had survived.

War Crimes? The only war crimes were those commited by these 'freedom fighters'. And of what freedom? It was yours already.

Join the Empire today and together, we can repel these barbarous hordes and rid the galaxy of the New Republic's blight of terrorism forever.

The Empire is Victorious on All Fronts!

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