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TIE Corps Statistics

Percentage of Total

Total: 1303


31 Flag Officers (BGCOMs, COMs, WCs)

2.3791250925932 %

1272 Pilots (CMDRs, FLs, FMs)

97.62087490407 %


2 Battlegroup Commanders

0.153491941673 %

12 Commodores

0.920951650038 %

17 Wing Commanders

1.304681504221 %

106 Squadron Commanders

8.135072908672 %

212 Flight Leaders

16.27014581734 %

954 Flight Members

73.21565617805 %


SSSD: 524 Total Officers; 8 Flag Officers, 516 Pilots

40.21488871834 %

SSD: 147 Total Officers; 3 Flag Officers, 144 Pilots

11.28165771297 %

ISD: 74 Total Officers; 2 Flag Officers, 72 Pilots

5.679201841903 %


SSSD Sovereign: 524 Total Officers; 8 Flag Officers, 516 Pilots

40.21488871834 %

Battlegroups: 371 Total Officers; 11 Flag Officers, 360 Pilots

28.47275518035 %

Aggressor Strike Force: 297 Total Officers; 9 Flag Officers, 288 Pilots

22.79355333845 %

SSD Avenger: 147 Total Officers; 3 Flag Officers, 144 Pilots

11.28165771297 %

These numbers indicate total capacity, not current capacity.

Some of the numbers may not seem to match up. Remember that there are 4 elite squadrons, of which none are contained within a wing. There is also the COM of the DGN Lichtor V to be accounted for. (12 COMs, 11 ships...) Also rembember that the Sovereign has 7 wings under 1 COM, so the number of WCs does not match up to the number of COMs. (12 COMs, 17 WCs...)

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