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CM Matt P:Commander Matt Patrick here from last months interview with Channcellor White Tiger

CM Matt P:Now I'm interviewing Lord Ambassador Manesh(the poll guy)

CM Matt P:Manesh could you please give me your full ID Line minus medals and FCHG rank?

FA Manesh:LA/FA Manesh/E|S "Gopal IV"/DREAD Tranquility/EH Advanced Guard

CM Matt P:Thank you. Now was it your idea to start the poll or was that an order from GA Ronin?

FA Manesh:It was originally my idea, I had to propose it to GA Ronin

CM Matt P:I see. Well another important question. What exactly does =the LA do?

FA Manesh:My job has two parts : 1. Deal with other clubs and 2. to advertise the EH

CM Matt P:Are you happy with your position?

FA Manesh:Definately. I wanted the job of Lord Ambassador as soon as I found out it existed. And I've met many different people, and different clubs that sometimes are organized differently

CM Matt P:Are there any cons to your job as LA?

FA Manesh:I really don't think there are any.

FA Manesh:Wait..

FA Manesh:sometimes I have to deal with stubborn leaders...and sometimes other clubs speak another language, which doesn't help much

CM Matt P:Oh man that would suck:P

CM Matt P:Do you come up with the poll questions?

FA Manesh:I used to think up most of the questions, but since I've almost run out of ideas myself, most of the newer polls are member-submitted

CM Matt P:Do these polls help the EH in anyway or are they just for fun?

FA Manesh:I intended the polls to be plain fun, but once in a while I get a poll idea that does influence decisions

CM Matt P:How much time a week does being LA take up?

FA Manesh:It depends. Sometimes I spend a week or two doing nothing, sometimes the work just piles up quickly

CM Matt P:Sorta like not doing BSF's when your CMDR:P

FA Manesh:Like when I email the leader's of our allied clubs asking for updated information

FA Manesh:heh

CM Matt P:Is there any a time when you would like to just be a normal CMDR in the TC?

FA Manesh:A CMDR, not really. For some strange reason I'd rather be a FL.

CM Matt P:Like me? I used to be a CMDR...Do you have any initial ideas or the EH that you would feel that would help a lot?

FA Manesh:I'd like to host "Who wants to win 100 FCHG points!!!" ("Who wants to be a Millionaire!" is one of my favorite game shows)

CM Matt P:I sit down and watch that show when ever I happen to be watching TV...Have you tryed running this idea past GA Ronin? It sounds like it might be a good idea

FA Manesh:To be honest, not yet. If I did do it I'd like to do a test run in August (like the real Millionaire show), cause my other jobs take a lot of time

CM Matt P:I see...Well I can't think of much more to ask...Anything you would like to add?

FA Manesh:Sure...any girls out there who'd like to debate the finer points of the EH Polling Center, I can be found on the DREAD Tranquility :)

CM Matt P:Heh

CM Matt P:Alright thankyou for your time sir

FA Manesh:It was a pleasure


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