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Star’s doctrine

Dear friends,

We all life in this universe and we are serving the same superior: GA Ronin. He is our light and the leader, so work for him is counted as work for Empire and all of its citizens.

Comrades! We have an opportunity to take over control over the whole galaxy! But we need to be hard, decided and fearless to defeat the Rebel Alliance. Unfortunately, the good intentions, creed, and strong spirit are still not enough to overcome our enemy – the weapon this is what we need.

Many battles have shown that our previous doctrine of using the force is not suitable for new circumstances. Now we need to fight against outnumbering opponent and hide like rats in the deep space. This is sad, but it is true! Our ancestors built the great fleet, but all what they have left to us is experience. Now we know how to build man-of-war, and how to make him we want it to looks like. The doctrine of Great Moff Tarkin was founded on the belief in firepower – now we do not have such abilities to overcome rebel traitors in firepower, we need to inquire our opinion about tactic on the battlefield.

And there is the point where my role starts.

Senators! We were defeated so many times by weaker ships than we should feel the shame! Yes! Shame I said! We weren’t able to counteract the rebel try to destroy our capital vessels! We lost many lives in hopeless skirmishes of Imperial Star Destroyers and rebel frigates... Yes, the rebel frigates, I said! Why? That’s because they have fighter superiority in space! Yes, I know that I have said nothing new, you all know that; but do you know what to do with this problem?

To build more fighters and carriers, you may said... but remind what happened to so called carriers: few rockets were able to take them down, and many new beings disappeared, together with our valuable carrier. And, what was then? Our fighters weren’t able to find place to dock, and we also lost our fighters, and what is more expensive: we lost our pilots.

Do you remember days when live of admiral was lowing valued? In that days replacing of officer wasn’t a problem, but now we are all in other reality! Our people live become dear and we can’t expose them to superfluous danger! We need a ship, which could be a strong base for our fighters, and could oppose rebel starfighters. We need a ship, which will be able to operate alone, without TIE coverage from other carriers or fire coverage from other capital ships! We need to modify our Imperial Class Star Destroyers to make them suitable for new battle tactic and long term strategy.

Yes, you heard right! We need to change the whole project of ISD! You all know, my dear friends, that Imperial Class of Star Destroyers was designated to operate in large groups under the coverage of starfighters. Lonely ISD was vulnerable to fighters assault. Its quickly appeared that whole wing is still too small for keeping ISD from destruction. Three rebel frigates (We all know that five Nebulon-B frigates are cheaper and easier to maintain than one ISD) have the same fighter strength as one Star Destroyer. Additionally those frigates was designated to deal with fighters, so our attempts to destroying them was always ransomed by high loses. ISD is too slow to deal with FRG, and additionally in the case of danger, frigates always are able to retreat without danger of loosing its starfighters.

That was the reason of creating TIE-Defender – the totally independent unit, but it doesn’t deal with the problem of ISD worthless! Yes! You heard right! Worthless! They can not be used against the rebel forces! Empire is not so strong as some day and now it can not afford this kind of mistakes! We need to adapt to new conditions, or we will be doomed!

My idea is clear! We need to construct new ship on the basis of the old ISD.

Imagine: we are removing every cargo space in ISD, removing heavy turbo lasers battery, removing room for the passengers, removing all military units except starfighters, and what we have got? A plenty of space! What we are going to do with this space? We are manage to place there two additional squadrons of TIE-Defenders, two hundred and twenty laser canons, and generators for them, disposed in way which wind up all "blind spots", and finally, we are going to set new shields generators, powered from separated reactor, with new shielding coverage. We are also going to make armor thinner to increase the speed of man-of-war to about 15~17 Mglt. This will give SMSD (yes this is new name of this class Stars Modified Star Destroyer) ability to run away from any heavy vessel like CRS. We are going to improve the hyper drive class to make the unit capable to respond quickly to any danger.

Friends, you know how hard is to build and maintain a capital ship, so you understand what does it mean to lose such vessel. My idea is an alternative for big battle groups consisting of capital and support ships. You know how hard is to prevent loses when you need to chose where to send a starfighter coverage. Dear senators! Look into our rosters and try to show me a wing with full roster. Phah! Try to show me a one squadron in full condition! Now listen to me: the pilots this is what we are starving for! We need to give them more chances to survive, we need to increase an average number of mission flown by single pilot!

Imagine a present battlefield. What pilots can reckon no during the dogfighting? Only on their own starfighters and their wingmen! If they in trouble where they can find a shelter? Within the fire range of Imperial class Star Destroyer? Certainly they can’t. Why? The turbo laser turrets are too slow to deal with enemy starfighters so foe could feel safe near the ISD and continue to pursue our fighter. In better position there are escort carriers and Lancer frigates – their fire coverage is much better than other ships, and they have plenty of laser canons. But they can be taken down by few B-Wings with Heavy Rockets Onboard, and we can not oppose this. We need a ship, which will be able to oppose enemy fighters!

Certainly, I do not want to lie to you, my dear friends... The construction time of this vessel will be shorter, but the costs and difficulty of construction will be greater. Additionally this kind of shielding will be more sensible to turbolaser fire, so this kind of ship will not be able to fight with CRS using own canons, but fighters and bombers will be able to do this! So imagine - these new abilities will give our ship ability to survive much more than standard ISD. New shield will be weaker, but the coverage of individual generators will be lying on, so we will have something like three-layer shield. And this is not the end; the individual generator shield directing system will grant an ability to survive assaults by Wedge Antilles doctrine... (I hope you all know what does it mean). If any part of the shield will be shut down, any other generator will be able to take over the endangered region. This also allows Commander to manage shielding as he thinks it proper, for ex. when making frontal assault, all power could be redirected to the fore shields system.

This is all I wanted to say to you. Here is the basic technical data of project, which should prove the worth of SMSD.

The Stars Modified class Star Destroyer (SMSD)Craft: KDY's Imperial IIIType: Stars Modified-class Star Destroyer

Length: 1,600 meters

Crew: 24,235, gunners: 450, skeleton: 7,000

Passengers: 896 (pilots and technical staff of squadrons)

Consumables: 6 years

Cargo Capacity: 500 metric tons

Cost of new product: 16,786,240,000

Cost of modernization: 9,274,800,000

Speed: 16 Mglt

Hyperdrive class: 0,9

Time to construction: 1 1/3 yearWeapons:•220 Laser Canons

•10 Tractor Beam Projectors Starfighters: 3 wings (18 squadrons) of various TIE-class (TIE-Defender recommended) starfighters for a total of 216.

Other carried vehicles:

•12 Missile Boats


Respectfully submitted by LT Dall Star�

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