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Why T/A is better than Woman?

1. T/A will always open his "door" for you

2. T/A will not allow another users to use it without your aproval.

3. You always know where is your T/A.

4. T/A will not sudenly disapear with your wallet and soul.

5. You can fly T/A any time you wish.

6. T/A does not asking questions.

7. T/A will not ask you to dance before you can in.

8. T/A doesn't smoke.

9. T/A doesn't drink.

10. You do not need t be wealthy to recieve T/A.

11. T/A doesn't have mates.

12. To fly T/A you do not need to wear a suit.

13. To heve personal T/A you do not need a help of priest.

14. You will fly T/A even if you didn't give him flowers.

15. You can always tell your friends about your experience with your T/A without pinion.

16. Your T/A will not complain if you will fly another fighter.

17. T/A will not say : "I have nothing to wear!".

18. T/A doesn't sqeak when see the foto of Brad Pit.

19. T/A doesn't compares you with previous pilot.

20. If your friend lost hiss fighter you can allow him to fly at your T/A.


Some real sentences on M/PLT Daedalus:

1. Where is the eject button in this simulator?

2. How many shoots can absorb shields of Tie Fighter, sir?

3. On which Imperial Security Destroyer I will be flying?

4. Can you tell me where to find such TC Wings as I see on your uniform, sir?

5. Why my wingman asked me to check my back? Is there something wrong with my trouses?

6. I saw it before! In computer game!

7. Yeah! Sure I know how to shoot from this light sabre!

8. Why this AT-AT do not have wings? Oh don't tell me I understand! This is kind of ship!

9. What to do when my wingman is shoted down? I will ask you sir for antoher!

10. Laser... laser... you mean this strange looking green rod?

11. Rebels... hmm... I supose they do not like me?

12. Great! They said I have completed training very fast! Now I will back home and teach my father how to fly his new RTF-12 repulsor deluxe.

13. I like those white armours but I'm wondering how to fit with them to T/D cockpit...

14. How to change fighter during the real combat, sir?

15. It wasn't rebel fighter? Those guy in X looked fighter tells me to shot at this!

16. Aim... and shoot! Aim... and shoot! Aim... and shoot... oh, game over...

17. I'm not shooting! Why those lasers beams are flying over my cabine?

18. Is this T/A is controled by Win95?

19. Let me try! Let me try! I promise to wash your T/A with water now, sir!

20. LT Dall Star? I heard about him in lavatory... oh, sorry sir...

Thats all for now... see you next month!

FM/LT Dall Star/Nu 1-3/Wing VIII/ISD Collosus


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