Sword Squadron:

Part IV

Mission to Thyferra


Dramatis Personae


Sword Squadron:


CMDR-CPT Ted (human male from ???)

FL-CM Tom  (human male from ???)

FL-LCM Stallion (human male from Courscant)

FM-LCM Badlan (human male from Corellia)

FM-LT Trow (human male from Ord Mantell)

FM-COL Doyon (human male from ???)

FM-CM Anar Par (human female from Thyferra)

FM-LT Tom Gilbert (Genetically altered human male from Corellia)


Dagger Squadron:


CMDR-CPT Dan Malaktos (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Aragon (human male from ???)

FL-LCM Manticore (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Rejili Holthaus (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Leonid DeBastide (human male from Courscant)

FM-LCM Talon Ray Hunter (human male from Alderaan)

FM-LT Fireball (human male from ???)

FM-LT Alun Tringad (human male from ???)

FM-COL Ritsuko Akagi (human female from Chandrila)

FM-LT Matt Rust (human male from ???)




Spear Squadron


CMDR-CM Tack (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Bart (human male from Yaga-Minor)

FM-CPT Pete Mitchell (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Argyle Ironist (human male from ???)


Hammer Squadron


CMDR-CPT Lohr (human male from Corellia)

FL-CM Darkstar (human male from ???)

FL-CPT Shae Kitane (human female from O’treege, Arenn V)

FM-LCM Tiger (human male from Corellia)

FM-LT Shino Kisaki (human female from ???)



Shield Squadron


CMDR-CPT Kane (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Da'emon Narshay (human male from ???)

FL-LT Devon Thannier (human male from Corellia)

FM-LT Bryan (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Keronium (human male from ???)


Remorse Squadron


CMDR-LC Kungs Backa (Twi’lek female from Ryloth)

FL-CPT Kereseea (human male from Selonia)

(Remorse XO)


Imperial Personnel


COM-RA Andronicus (human male from Scotti IV) (Commodore ISD Relentless)

WC-GN Val Ricaud (human male from Alderaan) (Wing Commander, ISD Relentless)

COM-GN Tra Shee (human female from Courscant) (Commodore Corvette Nal Rhe)

Joran Delsar (human female from Aurora) (Imperial Intelligence)

Kelkacho (human male from ???) (Joran Delsar’s aide, Imperial Intelligence)

Viceroy Quake (human male from Yaga Minor) (Lord Ambassador, Emperor’s Hammer)


New Republic forces:


HA-TAC Ackbar (Mon Cal male from Mon Calamari)

Mon Mothma – New Republic Chief of State (human female from Chandrila)

Borsk Fey’lya – Kothlis Diplomat (Bothan male from Kothlis)

Leai Organa – Senate Member (human female from Alderaan)

GN Rel Embered (human male from Courscant) (Alliance Intelligence) 


Moff Jerrajord Imperials:


Nal Pershe (human male from Thyferra)(Director Thyferra Bacta Ltd.)

HA Brutal Coffey (human male from Courscant)

(Imperial Task Force Commander)


Thyferran Citizens


Kedgerie Par (human male from Thyferra)

Helfa Par (human female from Thyferra)

Gevar (Vratix from Thyferra)

Ahera (Vratix from Thyferra)


Chapter I: New Assignment


Joran Delsar had promised Badlan that the meeting would be held about two hours after she spoke with him. Things ‘developed’ and the meeting was cancelled, but she had revealed that the Swords were off to the world of Thyferra, the centre of the war. She had left Badlan something to think about and when something nagged on your mind, especially within combat, it usually got someone vaped.

Badlan crept back to bed and ‘woke’ up with the rest of the Squadron, he helped Stallion tweak his ship, even though the Verpine tech worked on it day and night. Xenom was like that.


The Rapier task force rejoined the Relentless for the first time in almost three months. They had left three days before the Swords had jumped into lightspeed, into the unknown, only to end up at the Platform Salm. The Rapier had been caught in the Jerrajord Conflict and lost three ships but survived, only to find their mothership destroyed by Rebels.


Badlan went to meet the new arrivals, he hadn’t really met Hammer Squadron properly and a new shuttle ferrying the newest Relentless Officers. Badlan, dressed in his black flight suit walked over the length of the bay toward the Shuttle. Badlan leant against the wing of Trow’s fighter to watch the tri winged shuttle approach the Rel. It crashed through the containment field and landed, the wings folding in on themselves. The ramp lowered and out stepped the new Officers.

Badlan smiled when he saw one of them.

Rear Admiral Akagi stepped from the shadows and walked the length of the bay toward the Wing Commander. Ricaud hugged the Admiral and she pulled the rank insignia off her uniform and handed it to Ricaud.

She laughed as he handed her a new set. He saw it, a Colonel badge.
Akagi was back to the Relentless, to fly.

Badlan had known Akagi when he was just a Sub-Lieutenant fresh from Daedalus. As she walked away from Ricuad, she pinned the new rank insignia to her dress uniform and walked over to the Dagger area of the bay. Badlan ran over.
“Hey! Akagi!” Badlan shouted.

She stopped and turned around. “Badlan?” She said.

Badlan stopped just short of her position and smiled. “Nice to see you again ma’am.” He said.

“And you, god, its been a long time!” She said.

“Wow, I can’t believe you’re swapping RA tabs for Colonel tabs.” Said Badlan.

“So what are you now Bad?” She asked.
“Still L.C.M.” Said Badlan.

“Ah that’s a shame, you’ll get a CMDRship sometime.” She said.
“You a Dagger?” Asked Badlan.

“Yeah, who’s the Dagger CMDR now? Don something I think.”
“Dan, Malaktos, a good CMDR, he’s got a good Squad, and its gonna be even better now.” Said Badlan. Akagi hugged him.
“I take it you still drink like a Rancor?” She asked.
Badlan smiled and nodded. “See you in the Stardrifter lounge then.” She said and picked up her bag and began her walk to Dagger Squadron’s quarters.


Badlan walked over to the Hammer area and nodded to Tiger whom he had gotten to know the previous night in the Stardrifter. The guy was pretty young, but he was Corellian so Badlan had gotten on well immediately. He saw Lohr issuing orders to a Mouse Droid which scuttled away quickly to send the orders.
“Good morning Captain.” Said Badlan.

“Ah... Mr Nadlan is it?” Asked Lohr.


“Ah sorry.” Badlan threw a coil spanner to Lohr’s outstretched hand and smiled.
“No prob.” Badlan sat against the wall and Lohr dropped the spanner and wiped the system lubrication Oil against his faded Flight Suit.

“Welcome to the Relentless.” Said Badlan as Lohr sat next to him.
“Thanks.” Said Lohr and the two shook hands.

“New day, I’ve got a bad feeling about it.” Said Badlan looking at the Benat sun as it rose from the planet scape by the same name. Badlan recalled the Benat Wing which was positioned along the surface of Benat as a stop gate for Jerrajord Imperials.
Badlan had heard a rumour from Kane and his pilots that Hammer, whom were formally known as Iota on the Colossus, that the Iota’s had been in a massive battle where they had lost a LCM to the Rebels and they went to rescue him in a huge year long mission, things were extremely sketchy and Badlan knew almost nothing. When the time was right Badlan would ask Lohr what had happened. He also had learned that Shae; the XO had been killed and declared KIA only to be ‘resurrected’ by Iota during the later battles. But again Badlan knew almost nothing.

“What’s your bad feeling?” Asked Lohr.
“Just the Force tickling my nerves.” Said Badlan.
“You a Jedi?” Asked Lohr.

“Yeah.” Said Badlan.

“Sith or Kraft or what?” Asked Lohr inquisitively.

“Actually I’m a light Jedi.” Said Badlan.
“Light?” Asked Lohr surprised. “Isn’t that Doyon guy a Dark Jedi?”

“Yeah, when he was Crossbow CMDR and he found out I was light he almost killed me, until he realised I wasn’t involved in the Jedi wars.” Said Badlan.

“And now?” Asked Lohr.

“Now, we’re good friends ever since he came back from Praetorian.”

Shae entered the bay from the Hammer quarters and handed Lohr a Squadron report.

“We’re done revamping these old fighters.” Said Shae. “Hey.” She said and smiled, after seeing Badlan.

Badlan stood to greet her. “Welcome to the Rel. I’m Badlan, resident ‘Old Man’ of the Relentless.” Said Badlan smiling.

She laughed. “I’m...”
“Shae, I know. What was it like to be dead?” Said Badlan and smiled.

“I couldn’t say, I was only dead a little.” She smiled.
Lohr stood, and put his hands on the shoulder of both Badlan and Shae.
“I have a feeling I’m gonna like it here.” Said Lohr and smiled.


      Badlan liked Hammer, new blood on an ISD was always a good thing and it turned out that some of Hammer knew Kayle Bayron an old sparing competitor of Badlan’s. Also having Akagi and Ricaud aboard as well as Doyon and Stallion meant that Badlan could talk about the old days.

      If the Jerrajord Conflict hadn’t happened Badlan could have probably been happy.

Suddenly klaxons wailed and Badlan froze. “Speak of the devil.”

      Badlan ran towards the Concourse Situation room. Ricaud was standing in the middle of the room looking at the hologram of Benat.

“What’s up?” Asked Badlan.

“The Jerrajords are dropping ships around the Benat Ground Fighter Wing.” He said looking up.

“Badlan take your Squadron and prepare them for launch.” Said Ricaud.

“Ahem... My Squadron?” Badlan said in surprise.

“Mr Ted is otherwise engaged, he asked me to convey a message; Sword is yours, use it well.” Said Ricaud. Badlan nodded and saluted in Ricaud’s direction. Ric returned it and nodded to his staff whom were working in the situation room.

Badlan ran back to the bay, Dreepio the Sword Squadron Protocal droid who Badlan hated more than any other droid he’d met came shuffling into the bay.

“Lieutenant Commander Badlan!” It shouted and Badlan averted his course. “Here you are sir, the orders from the Wing Commander, just been drawn up.” Said Dreepio.

“Thanks Dreepio.” Said Badlan.

“You may thank Mouse Droid 84.” Said Dreepio cocking its head.

Badlan snorted and walked away, damn droid way of looking at things.

Badlan watched as Lohr and Dan mobilised their Squadrons. Badlan walked into the Sword Squadron zone. He saw Stallion and Trow inside the pit; they were repairing one of the older Missile Boats for Sword’s use.
“Sword Squadron!” Badlan shouted. “I’ve got you’re orders.”

Stallion, Tom, Tom ‘Reaper’ Gilbert, Doyon, Trow and Anar Par centred around Badlan.

“Where’s Ted?” Asked Tom.

“The Commander is otherwise busy, I honestly don’t know where he is, so for now, you guys are mine.” Said Badlan.

“So what’s up?” Asked Anar.

“Well my dear...” Badlan opened the Mission Briefing pack, “Ah... a small army was dropped thirty miles west of the Benat Ground Wing, the one that we helped set up. An EH army was dropped by the Challenge shortly before she chased the Jerrajord task force, it appears that the Challenge is too far out to get back, and the army is bigger than the Challenge’s Hammer’s Fist force and we have to go vape and army!” Badlan said reading aloud.

“This army?” Asked Anar.

“Its got five AT-STs, three Shielded Tanks and four AT-ATs?!” Said Badlan.

“Ahem... I’ve never seen an AT-AT, but Hammer’s Fist’s have to study them and well, they’re invincible... except to an ship with a cable.” Said Trow shaking his head.

“Yeah well, we’re gonna have to vape four of them, the fate of around five hundred Officers is at stake.” Badlan said pushing the pad towards Trow.
“Alright, Stall?” Asked Badlan.

“Yeah?” Asked Stallion.

“Weapons check, hopefully Projectiles, if we don’t have enough, well buy them, borrow them, steal them.” Ordered Badlan.

“Weapons. Right.” Said Stall and jumped into the service pit to begin a Squadron Missile Count.
“Everyone else, stoke the fighters, we need to be outta here in five minutes.” Said Badlan. He clapped his hands and the Squadron dissipated.

“Come on! Vape ‘em all!” Shouted Tom as he ran to his fighter and slid along the deck using the fine polished finish to carry him under the ship.

Tom Gilbert walked to Badlan’s side.

“Commander?” Asked Tom.

“Lieutenant Commander will do just fine Lieutenant.” Said Badlan. Badlan began to walk toward the Sword Squadron Quarters.

“I need to talk to you.” Said Tom Gilbert.

“Mr Gilbert, I would love to talk to you, however, we have lost one pilot to death, another two to the reserves a Squad Commander to some unknown task and I don’t have any heavy rockets to bring down four ATs.” Said Badlan.

“I understand that Sir, however I know where there are some missiles sir, not Heavy Rockets, but it might be enough. I can also tell you that the legs are a viable location for strike.” Said Tom walking along side Badlan.

“Three Concussions!” Shouted Stallion from within the Service Pit.

“That’s it?!” Said Badlan in reply.

“That’s it. We’re all out and the Rel hasn’t been re-supplied since we lost her to the Rebs!” Stallion shouted.
“Three?” Said Badlan.

“Even if we could destroy one AT per missile that will still leave one more to have its way with the Benat wing.” Said Badlan. “Where are this Missiles of yours Mr Gilbert?” Asked Badlan.
“Reaper please, they’re in my personnel cache in the secured office.” Said Reaper.

“How many?” Asked Badlan.

“Around five.” Said Reaper.
“That may still not be enough.” Said Badlan striding on.

“Still Sir, it may help us.”
“Call me Badlan, and although I sound ungrateful I really am grateful, get some deck Officers or a droid to bring them down, ASAP, you remember the code?” Asked Badlan.

“Indeed I do.” Said Reaper.
“Go! Run!” Said Badlan and pushed Reaper into the direction of the Concourse.

“Dan!” Said Badlan as Dan Malaktos ran past.

“Badlan!” Replied Dan in the same tone to mock Badlan.
“I need one Heavy Rocket, please! It’s a matter of life and death for almost five hundred people!” Said Badlan.

“Really? Well in that case, no!” Said Dan coldly.

“Damn you Malaktos!” Badlan shouted after him.
Akagi was within the second Dagger service pit, fitting a Heavy Rocket to her ship. She head heard Badlan’s request.
“Badlan!” She shouted. Badlan looked down. “Here.” She said and rolled the heavy rocket towards him.

“You are a saint!” Said Badlan and smiled.

“Yeah, yeah, if I get vaped because I run out of Missiles I’m gonna haunt you!” She said laughing.

“What’s you’re job anyway?” He asked Akagi.

“We’re escorting the ATRs as they board the Listening Station on Benat Moon.” Said Akagi.

“So you’re not likely to be wanting a Rocket?” Badlan asked.
“I got like seven more, plus I got me lasers. I’ll live, now get going you old Nerf!” She said and laughed as Badlan ran back to the Sword area.

Badlan ran to his fighter and looked across at Lohr as he loaded Shae’s Missiles into her ship. Hammer will make a fine addition to the Relentless! Badlan thought.

Badlan punched the heavy rocket into its launcher and loaded his flight pack onto his grey faded jump suit. He grabbed his helmet and threw it in.
“Sword Squadron, prepare for Launch!” Said a voice from the Deck Command Room. A few seconds later Reaper reappeared carrying the missiles on a Repulsor Container and he gave one to Trow, two to Tom and one to Badlan.

“I was just thinking Reaper, how Hammer would make a fine addition to the Relentless family, I think I feel the same about you.” Said Badlan and clapped Reaper on the shoulder.

Reaper ran to his own craft with a grin on his pale face and Badlan turned to Tom who was loading next to him.

“Not out of you’re league are you Baddy?” Asked Tom, he was obviously joking. “I mean with this CMDR gig you got?”
“I’ve been a CMDR before, but this time I feel strangely worried.”
“Not that Jedi crap is it?” Asked Tom.

Badlan shrugged.

“Make me proud Sword! I’ll have something good to report to Ted.” Said Badlan into the Communication system.
Badlan knew he’d forgotten something.

“Sword’s all personnel items, log books, rations, extra life support, pick it up now, we launch in T-Minus 30!” Badlan shouted. Badlan himself ran back to the Sword Quarters, grabbed himself an energy drink, some rations and loaded some holograms to send to what ever he had left in the way of family if he was killed and picked up his personnel Family Hologram recording.

He ran back to the door and time slowed down.

Trow was closest to the fighters, he was carrying his helmet and a small grey box carrying his items. Tom was next to him looking down at his diary log. The other Tom, aka Reaper, was standing at the entrance to the Concourse, he had dropped a small medallion and was crouched down picking it up. Stallion, Anar and Doyon were all behind him.

The warning hazard flashed for the first time as TIE Fighters dropped infront of the Duraplast walls and into the breach where the containment field separated them from Space. Badlan ran forward toward his fighter as lasers flashed out. The pulses of energy smashed into the decks throwing up Duraplast and smashing into the crates and fighters and loading vehicles which flashed in on themselves. Badlan was thrown across the floor as one of Dagger’s fighters exploded.

Badlan caught Anar as another shot exploded next to her.

“You OK?” Shouted Badlan above the noise.

“I’m good, we have to get outta here!” She shouted.

“Agreed!” Shouted Badlan as more laser pulses struck the ground. The ground staff rushed in all directions and the pilots rushed towards their fighters. Badlan looked up as Anar ducked between Ted’s TIE Defender and Tom Gilbert’s TIE Defender. Badlan looked up over the Wing of the TIE Defender and saw another lone TIE Fighter make a run on the hanger. A return fire laser bolt blasted the TIEs left solar panel clean off the ship and instead off pulling away to begin another run roared straight into the bay over Badlan’s head and into the concourse, its engines on fire.

Badlan saw Doyon run back toward Reaper and attempt to help him through the closing blast doors. He saw two Stormtroopers engulfed in the explosion.

Doyon and Reaper fell to the ground as the TIE hit the central lift of the Concourse and exploded. Doyon and Reaper regained their footing and Doyon gave Tom a massive push and the pilot fell through the closing blast doors. The explosion roared forward and Badlan saw Doyon knocked to his feet as his old CMDR was thrown aside with structural pylons and debris. Doyon went out of view but the explosion roared through the small gap remaining as the blast doors closed. The flame extinguished as the door closed. And Doyon was gone.

“Swords!” Badlan screamed. Trow had dived into his fighter cockpit already and was fitting his helmet. Tom was jumping into the cockpit of his ship, Anar was no where to be seen. Badlan ran back to Reaper, but Stallion was already helping him to his feet. A second TIE Fighter seemingly intending for a suicide run plowed through the bay and hit the far wall behind the Hammer Quarters. It smashed between the Duraplast walls and killed several Ground Crew Members. Badlan ducked as debris bounced between the ground and the ceiling. Smoke clouded his view and Reaper and Doyon almost ran into him. More laser blasts hit the decking and Badlan dived into the body of a ground truck.

Badlan grabbed his helmet from the cockpit floor and threw his rations, energy drinks and holocube into the cockpit and climbed the ladder.


The lasers struck the TIE Fighter straight into the cockpit and it exploded. Badlan turned the craft onto its port wing as he escaped the Relentless hanger bay massacre. He watched Reaper pull onto his port wing.

“OK, who made it? This is Acting-Commander Badlan.” Badlan reported.

“This is Tom Gilbert.” Reported Reaper.

“This is Tom, Tom number one that is.” Said Tom.

“This is Stallion.” Reported Stallion.

“Trow here, I’m good.” Reported Trow.

“Where’s Doyon and Anar?” Asked Tom.

“Doyon’s dead.” Said Badlan. “The first TIE explosion killed him.”
“And Anar?” Asked Stallion.

“She went to her fighter, but well I haven’t seen her.” Badlan replied.

“What if she’s dead too, we will have lost half our number in three months.” Said Tom.

“Enough! We have a job to do. Form up on my wing, Reaper, as the only TIE Dee here you can go point.” Badlan said.


Sword Squadron began their descent toward the surface of Benat. The nose of the Missile Boat Pacifica glowed red throwing flames off the nose. The Boat rocked as the pressure lessened.

Badlan burst through the clouds to see the surface of Benat. The rolling green grass flats came into view. Two AT-AT Walkers were striding into view, AT-ST Scout Walkers lead the way, their heads swivelling, Speeder Bikes Carrying Stormtroopers made circles around the Assault Walkers.

Immediately the Assault Walkers began to fire. Red laser blasts roaring across the green grass flats. But they weren’t firing toward the Incoming Emperor’s Hammer Fighters but towards the hill.

Badlan levelled the fighter off to see another three AT-AT Walkers coming over the hill. Some tanks also swam over the hill top, their shield bubble, clearly visible. The lasers hit the tanks and a swarm of red energy flashed over the blue sphere. Badlan made an educated guess, the new AT-ATs were heading toward the base, so he considered the fact that they were the Jerrajord Army. Then Badlan’s suspicions were confirmed.

“This is General Kravetz of the ISD Challenge, Missile Boats and TIE Defenders, Identify yourselves!” A voice boomed toward him.

“This is Acting Sword Commander Badlan. We’re here to help you take the bastards down.” Badlan replied.

“Grateful for the help Mr Badlan.” Kravetz replied.


Badlan flashed over the EH AT-ATs and fired toward the Jerrajord AT-ATs, the lasers flashed into the heavy armour, doing no real damage.

The return fire from the AT-AT Walkers struck Badlan’s forward shields and sent his craft nose diving toward the ground. He pulled the stick backward and the ship flashed between the legs of the Walkers. Badlan looked back as he sped over the top of the hill, Badlan saw the TIE Defender and other Missile Boats do the same causing no damage expect maybe scraping the paint job off the Walker’s hull.

“Alright Swords, this is how it’s gonna work.” Badlan said beginning his second run. “Reaper will escort us and the Missile Boats will fire into the adjoining ‘neck’ compartment.” Badlan ordered.

“The what?!” Asked Trow.

“Its  small compartment between the troop carrier and the command head. Its a lot thinner here. Hit it directly there with a missile, in the least, it’ll flood the head and barracks with fire, at the most, the head’ll snap off, but it’s a hard shot to hit.” Badlan ordered.

“Right, a kinda Death Star Trench Run?” Asked Tom laughing.

“I wouldn’t go that far Luke, just hit the neck and drop the Walker.” Badlan said sarcastically.


Badlan pushed the Missile Boat ahead of the others, he pulled back to fly over the EH AT-ATs. He lined up his approach and prepared to fire into the neck section. He switched the weapons to his rocket and prepared to fire. I may as well use it.

The lasers flashed over his shields. Flashes impacted the shields as lasers skimmed the hull. The ship rocked, Badlan grit his teeth.

He came into range and fired. The missile went straight for the head as Badlan knew it would. He pulled the Boat to the left and the head turned to fire. Badlan was well past when it went to shoot and as the head turned it exposed the tender neck. The missile Struck and exploded, fired smashed the transparent steel window and flames gushed from the cockpit of the Walker. Then Badlan looked back, the barracks exploded throwing off a massive piece of armour. Stormtroopers jumped from the dying Walker and Badlan laughed as they appeared to be on fire. Badlan looked back as the other ships flashed past the Jerrajord Walkers. Badlan saw as a missile struck the shoulder armour pad and exploded, flames licked the neck connection plating but it stayed intact.

“Damn! Missed!” Trow cursed.

“Hey Trow look at the far left Walker, Stormies have a habit of dying in great numbers!” He said smiling.

Trow looked back as the small white blobs fell from the exploding Walker. Badlan eyed one who was perching on the edge of the walker as fire licked the metal around him, he jumped and fell several feet to the ground. He hit it and Badlan feared he was dead, but he stood only to have the flaming Walker fall on top of him and explode dramatically.

Badlan smiled.

“One down, two to go!” Badlan said and pulled back around.

“Well at least we know it works, the neck strategy I mean.” Said Reaper.

“Where’d you get the Heavy Rocket?” Asked Trow.

“I have my sources.” Thanks Akagi! Badlan thought.

“Well I checked the Sword’s armoury, it ain’t ours.” Replied Stallion.

“Thief!” Quipped Tom.
“Alright, go after the Walkers, we need them down.” Badlan ordered.

Badlan moved the Missile Boat back into the firing line he flew over the EH Walkers again, their lasers roaring. He saw a Shielded Tank explode, even with its shields. The explosion flashed up extremely high and smocked momentarily blocked the XO’s view.

Badlan aimed one of his two Missiles, he knew Tom had one and Trow had two. Badlan lined it up and prepared to fire. Lasers and ion cannons flashed towards him. The lasers blackened his hull as they scraped past, he grabbed the stick tight and jinxed the craft to avoid hits.

“Trow, go after the second Walker!” Badlan shouted.

“On it.” Badlan pointed the ship at the second AT-AT and stayed on Badlan wing mate, Tom prepared for his own back up run just in case Trow missed and Reaper and Stallion kept the sensors of the AT-ATs lit with suppressive fire.

Badlan grit his teeth and sat forward in his chair.

“Steady boys! Almost there.” Badlan said.

Suddenly Trow was hit.

“Sithspawn!” Shouted Trow as a laser ripped into the front section of the Missile Boat, the front laser cannon exploded and blew the nose off. Sparks flashed within the cockpit and an electric discharge kicked Trow off the stick. The Missile Boat began to fall away to the ground. Badlan looked left. Smoke poured from Trow’s ship.

“Crap, Trow’s hit!” Badlan shouted.

The Missile Boat was heading straight to the legs of the Walker.
Trow pull up god damn it! Badlan though. The Missile Boat continued to level out. It screamed between the legs, sparks flashing off the back of the hull. It went over the brow of the hill, scraping mud off the top of the hill. Badlan watched it go out of view and then a fire ball rise from the hill.

“Trow’s down!” Badlan pushed the Missile Boat up to see several TIE Fighter and TIE Interceptor Squadrons approaching.
“Benat Wing?” Asked Tom.

“From the wrong direction, supporting Jerrajord Movements?!

If those are the Benat Ground Wing then I’m a Darth! Badlan pulled to the right to avoid more laser blasts. The TIEs pulled into flanking position. One of the EH Scout Walkers looked up and fired into the nearest TIE, which exploded and fell to the ground. Badlan pulled across and fired into a TIE which was on its way to the nearest EH Scout Walker. Badlan fired a single laser blast and the TIE lost it’s left solar panel. The dying vessel fell into one of the shielded tanks and even the shields were not enough to stop the impact of a TIE.

Both exploded.

A TIE pulled onto Badlan’s tail. Then another joined it. The old pilot weaved and span to avoid the laser blasts. Both were destroyed by the friendly Walkers.

“Damn it!” Shouted Stallion as lasers flashed all around him.

“Its an ambush!!” Reaper replied.

“Tom, Missile, drop them!” Badlan ordered. Tom did a quick weaved turn and fired a missile into the approaching TIE Squadrons. Tom detonated it in the middle of the swarm and a lot of them either exploded or were knocked into either the ground, the Walkers or other TIEs.

“Tom’s Kill board just went up fifteen!” Badlan shouted.

Badlan fired into a TIE which had avoided a fiery death.

“Alright guys, the TIEs are thinned out, I’m the only one with a Missile left and there’s still two Walkers, we’ll have to take out one and leave the last for the EH Forces, maybe they can take them down with a Concussion Grenade or something.” Badlan said.

Badlan pulled around again.

“Kravetz to Badlan, we’ve got a little surprise for a Walker, but just enough for one, unless you take out the other one the Benat Wing is toast.” Kravetz said.

“We’ve got it General.” Badlan said and fired into the TIE which was rising from the ground. He manoeuvred the craft as to set up his run, sparks flashed over his ship. Badlan slipped his hand up the control panel and pushed up the throttle to maximum. He pulled back on the throttle and prepared to fire, his index finger wiping over the trigger. Hope this works!!

At full throttle Badlan was thrown forward and would be on his target in five seconds instead of almost thirty. Badlan pulled up, the legs falling from view. At such speed he could let go with the missile within five meters of the neck and still clear the head before it exploded and even before he hit it, but at such high speeds it would be difficult. 

Badlan pushed the ship upwards in an effort to over shoot the head. He realised he would miss if he triggered it here so he pushed it toward the head.
He’s heading for a suicide run! Tom realised angrily. Badlan was in fact not suicidal. He put the crosshairs onto the AT-AT Walker’s neck. Badlan realised that all this had happened in almost three seconds had passed, time was going very slowly.

Badlan realised he had two seconds to go, somehow it seemed like minutes. A laser blast launched from the Walker. It hit Badlan square on, after what seemed like minutes. Badlan pressed the button, the AT-AT Command pod was so close he could see the Commander and pilot.
“Shiiiiiiiiiiiit!” Badlan shouted and pulled up.

The missile Struck. As did Badlan’s Missile Boat, bouncing off the hull. The explosion tore through the cockpit head shredding it like paper.
“Die!” Badlan said bitterly.


There was still one more. One more which could easily destroy the base, nothing, not even another AT-AT Walker could stop this thing. It was stale mate, all the other two Walkers could do was sit back and wait for the Walker to blow the crap out of the Benat Ground force.

Badlan looked down, the last AT-AT, all its tanks and Scout Walkers were gone, but it alone could end the Benat Wing.

Suddenly one of the two EH Walkers, Kravetz’s Walker, stopped, its partner began to move, awkwardly and slowly up the hill away from the Jerrajord Walker.

“They’re two minutes from Benat Ground Wing firing range.” Reported Kravetz.

“Damn, not long to go!” Badlan said. But there was nothing the Swords could do.
“Watch this Mr Badlan, I think you’ll be impressed.” Said Kravetz. The side of the AT-AT Walker opened up and a massive Turbo Laser Cannon had been installed into the side. It shifted itself to fire upon the Jerrajord Walker, the enemy behemoth shifted and fired, the left Cannon exploded, if moved its head to destroy the right one, but it was too late. Badlan watched as a massive green energy surge blasted through the Walker, literally vaporising the head and almost all that was within the Walker. The legs buckled and the Duraplast metal armour was sent spinning away.

“Well, what did you think?” Asked Kravetz.

“I think that one of my friends may have died for nothing!” Badlan shouted angrily. “You could do that for the whole time and you let us attack the fuckers?!

“That is a Star Ship class 9 Turbo Laser Cannon, I have enough energy cells for one shot, you really did need to destroy the other two Mr Badlan and you and you’re Squadron need to be commemorated for you’re actions here today.” Kravetz said.

Badlan flew over to Trow’s fighter, it was relatively intact and Trow was standing next to it, three Jerrajord Storm troopers and an Imp Pilot were lined up, on their knees hands behind their heads, they had surrendered to Trow. Badlan smiled.

Upon entering orbit without Trow, space was still. Too still considering the massive invasion force which was supposedly for the Benat System. Badlan looked around and checked his sensors. The Relentless was 80 Klicks away and Wing IX were with her. The Challenge was around 30 Klicks away and was attacking a fleeing Thyferran Dreadnaught. Wing X were aiding her and Badlan wondered if Callista and Kessler were assisting her.

Suddenly from behind the Benat Listening post moon almost thirty TIE Fighters, TIE Interceptors and TIE Bombers. Even the odd Gunboat was into the mix. Badlan pulled to port.

“Sith!” Badlan shouted as laser pulses flashed by. “Evasive.”

The TIEs settled all around Sword Squadron in a formation which meant that the depleted MISSs would have to attack around five TIEs to escape and be chased by around twenty more. Badlan watched as laser and Missile Threat indicators lit up and wailed at Badlan. A TIE roared at the Pacifica and Badlan fired. He missed and the TIE fired twice hitting him. Then bore down in him again.
Suddenly lasers flashed down from an unknown position and Badlan watched Tornado and Typhoon Squadron of the Challenge roar into position. From their new superiority of advanced TIE Models and missiles Sword Squadron turned to face the ambush. 

The TIEs were fleeing within a minute and Badlan smiled and turned to congratulate their savours.

“Thankyou Typhoon and Tornado Squadron, Colonel Kessler and Colonel Callista, you’re reputations precede you.” Badlan said.

“You’re most welcome, you’re voice sounds familiar, do I know you?” Asked Callista.

“I know him, he’s Rel, I was BGCOM, its Badlan!” Kessler said smiling.
“Badlan? Badlan from Inter Ship Holonet chat?” Asked Callista.
“The very same.” Badlan replied.

“Hey Calli.” Tom said.

“Hey... Tom?”

“Wow, I’d never thought I’d ever fly alongside you guys.” Said Callista.
“The Relentless is a legend.” Kessler said sarcastically.

“Well, Kessler, Callista, I look forward to seeing you’re next mission logs in Battle Cry.” Badlan said.

Callista laughed. “Thanks Baddie.”
“I gotta get back to the Rel.” Said Badlan.
“What are you gonna tell Ricaud, and you’re wing mates?” Asked Kessler.
“What do you mean?” Asked Callista.
“I’m gonna lie, if I reveal the Challenge...d, saved our ass we’ll never live it down.” Badlan said.

“I’ll be sure to send a Scandoc Transmission to Ric, telling him of you’re exploits.” Kessler said.

“Bastard.” Badlan said laughing.

Badlan pulled to port and lead his Squadron away.
“Guess I’ll be seeing you later.” Said Badlan.

“Good luck Badlan, Sword.” Said Callista.

“Yeah, what she said.” Said Kessler laughing. Badlan pushed the throttle forward and looked back at the Challenge Squadrons. Kessler used to be Badlan’s Battle Group Commander and the two had met often. Badlan had logged a Mission with Ricaud’s request, when he became BGCOM, Ric had asked Typhoon to go and capture him a T-Wing, as a test, and Badlan, although not on the mission, had typed it up and sent it to Battle Cry. He had also talked to both Calli and Kess on TIE Corps Holochat.


Badlan entered the bay, his blackened fighter dropped a repulsor emitter and fell to the ground denting the metal floor.

The fighter began to slowly fall and hit the ground crushing the Repulsor emitter which he had just shed. The other Sword Ships also landed, the entire bay was a mess, fires had yet to be extinguished. Debris littered the floor and medics worked at saving the wounded officers. Badlan dropped from the fighter. He looked forward to see Anar, she was standing a bandage around her head, blood was seeping into it. 

“Good to see you alive Anar.” Badlan said. “How’d you get that?” He asked.

“Debris to the head, sparked me out.” She said.

“Well get yourself a Bacta tank, get out of that uniform and prepare to be amazed at what you’re people do.” Badlan said referring to the Bacta.

“Can’t, people need it more than me right now.” She said. She waved for him to follow.

“Where’s Trow?” She asked.

“Got shot down, he survived, even managed to capture three Stormies who lost their Walker and a TIE pilot who Stallion shot down.” Badlan said.

They entered the Concourse and entered to the right. Walking past the situation room and the tech library they came to the pilot’s medical bay. Upon entering they discovered a lot of dying pilots, badly wounded. At the back was a cue for the Bacta tank. In the far right of eight tanks was Doyon.
“Jesus he survived!” Badlan said.

“Yeah, thirty five percent burns. It was a miracle.” She said.

“It was no miracle, he used the force to protect himself, apparently if he had faltered he would have been dead.”


Trow spent an afternoon walking the Jerrajord Soldiers back to Benat where he got a lift from an ATR to the Challenge and from the Challenge, to the Relentless.

Doyon spent an hour in the bacta tank and without serious damages except for roasted skin he was discharged. Anar’s head healed without the Bacta. Everyone was assembled, the new guy, Tom Gilbert aka Reaper, Tom, Stallion, Doyon, Badlan, Trow, and Anar. Ted was still missing. The pilots chatted amongst themselves.

The door opened and in strode Rear Admiral Andron, followed closely by Val Ricuad, newly promoted to General. Following them were several Auroran dignitaries, several Fleet Officers and Intel Officers, Joran Delsar, Kelkacho, Kungs Backa, Kereseea and Quake, the new Lord Ambassador. Still no Ted amongst them.
The Twi’lek pilot and Remorse Squadron CMDR Kungs Backa came and sat next to Badlan, her XO, Kereseea sat with the others. Val Ricaud sat them to attention as Andron walked to the front of the steps in the circular Briefing room.
“At ease Sword Squadron.” Andron said.

Badlan relaxed and watched the briefing unfold.

Ricaud sat in the officer section of the room, the dignitaries sat alone at the top of the stands, their purple robes and over the top hats draping over the steps. Joran shook hands with the fleet officers, bowed to a Quarren Dignitary and sat next to the Intelligence Officers. Quake, the old ex. Spear Squadron CO was now the Lord Ambassador for the entire Emperor’s Hammer. He bowed to the Quarren and shook hands with Ricaud, exchanged a few words and then shook hands with Andron.

The Imperial Officers sat next to the Intelligence Officers and the Quarren was finally seated, and Badlan waited.

Andron moved toward the holoprojector but didn’t turn it on.

“Greetings Sword Squadron, Remorse Squadron, Auroran Dignitaries, Imperial Fleet Officers, Intelligence officers and members of the Relentless. I have Sword Squadron’s newest Mission pack here, unfortunately with recent events unfolding we have had to push this mission up.” Andron pulled out several chips from a mouse droid which had rolled into the room and slotted them into the holoprojector.

A planet appeared without name, but Badlan knew it’s appearance and Joran had already named it anyway.

“This is Thyferra!” Andron said. Badlan let his eye lids slide shut slowly, he knew it was coming.

Sword are off to Thyferra and either way it means death and destruction, even if we have the Sovereign backing us


“Sword Squadron will be on a simple infiltration and reconnaissance, you will go to Thyferra under cover and report back on the situation, defences, etc.” Andron said. “For more information newly promoted General Ricaud and Joran Delsar will debrief you.” Andron stepped down and sat across from the Holoprojector. His bodyguards stood either side of him. Ricaud stood and straightened his dress uniform.

Before Ricaud began Badlan looked back at Anar, the only Thyferran on the Relentless and possibly in the TIE Corps.

Ricaud stood at the holoprojector. “Right Swords, this is it, the big one, even Kessler ain’t going on this one, and he says hello Mr Badlan, in the Holomessage I received this morning.” Ricaud said and Badlan grinned despite his sour mood.

“Thyferra this is where they poisoned the Rebels, this is where they launch their attacks from. We’re going to Thyferra to find out how to take them down, to find a cure for this plague, so at least the Emperor’s Hammer High Command have the option of giving it to them, so that we can kill the Jerrajord’s and stop this war before that death count grows too high.” Ric said solemnly. Ricaud was the funniest man Badlan had ever met in his long life, but now he was eerily serious.
“Joran will brief you on need to knows in a minute, but now questions?” Asked Ric.
Badlan’s hand shot up like a missile. “Where’s Ted? This unit won’t function without him.”

“Mr Ted is in fact already on Thyferra, he’s sorting out the finer details with a few of Joran’s staff.” Ricaud said. Tra Shee, the Nal Rhe Corvette’s Commodore entered the room.
“Sorry for the lateness.” She said.
“Anyone else?” Asked Ricuad.

Again his hand shot up like a  missile. “Why us?” Asked Badlan.
“You know the answer.” Ricaud said and looked above Badlan’s head. Badlan felt a cold slap as Kungs Backa’s Lekku or Brain Tail slapped him in the face as she turned to see what Ricaud was talking about.

“Sorry.” She said fighting a laugh.

Badlan pushed it off his shoulder and looked back to see Anar who was looking very embarrassed, as everyone was looking at her.

“A Thyferran.” Badlan said.

“Indeed, we are hoping that she has contacts on Thyferra and Joran has been researching her. She’ll have more on that later.” Ric finished.

Badlan sat back and looked back at Anar. She looked worried.
Joran stepped up where Ricaud had left off.

“Hey Sword, as Ric said Ted is already on Thyferra working out the finer details of our operation. We won’t be alone, we will be working with the Ashern Rebels and possibly Zaltin, if we can convince them to help us then we will have a lot of help.” Said Joran.
“Why won’t they help us?” Asked Tom puzzled.

“Because, originally when Xucphra took over and abolished Zaltin they used Ysanne Isard’s Imperial Forces to keep control. Zaltin don’t like Imps.” Joran explained.

“So what happened was Thyferra freed?” Asked Tom.
“Don’t you know anything? Well Rogue Squadron and their people helped out the Ashern Rebs and the Zaltin retake control from Xucphra, somewhere along the line Xucphra retook control of Thyferra without the Alliance’s knowledge.” Said Joran.
“So what’s our job gonna be?” Asked Anar.
“Well, firstly Miss Anar we’ll need you to help us make up relations. After that we will help the Ashern Rebels with their reconnaissance and possibly find a way of taking the planet and even supplying the Alliance with that data.” Said Joran. “Any other questions?” Asked Joran

There were non.
“So we’re going to Thyferra!



Chapter II: Thyferra; Zaltin vs. Xucphra!


Badlan sat back in the Supremacy Dawn’s Primary Command Chair and closed his eyes. The Hyperspace trip had been going on for almost five hours.

Thyferra is ahead, is my death with it?

Badlan heard the door open and searched the force to see who it was.
Kelkacho, Joran Delsar’s aide stepped into the cockpit of the Stock Light Freighter and sat in the Second in Command seat.

“You’re shift’s over B, go get some sleep.” Said Kelkacho.

“Not tired, besides it’s sun up on Corellia now, I can’t sleep.” Said Badlan.

“Well go do something then, I’m not in the mood, this mission is suicide, only because you guys are in on it, fly boys will never be good Intel guys.” Said Kelkacho.

“Military Intelligence, a contradiction in terms.” Badlan muttered and left the cockpit. In the Cargo hold Joran was sleeping on a make shift mattress on top of some crates. The other Swords were lying on sleeping bags on the floor, just wearing their normal black jump-suits. Badlan activated the lightsabre and it hummed and began to eat up the atmosphere, making the room immediately warm. He shifted it between hands and sliced across violently. Badlan did a combo using the lightsabre in a variety of moves which made the weapon buzz quickly.
Badlan deactivated it and stepped into the cargo hold, it was around thirty meters long and twenty meters long, which meant that the Dawn couldn’t really take a lot of cargo. At the moment around ten meters was taken up with equipment for the mission, mostly communication equipment along with some sensor equipment. It wouldn’t be difficult to smuggle such machinery into Thyferra, the hard part would be getting onto the planet.


*  *  *


Tra Shee watched the stars fall back into pin pricks of light as the Corvette Nal Rhe dropped into realspace.

Thyferra! Oh my god! The Super Star Destroyer Armada!

Tra Shee slumped back into her chair. There was around thirty ships in the entire fleet. The SSD Armada was the flag ship for Brutal Coffey the Fleet Commander for the Jerrajord Regime.
Tra remembered her mission pack, Jerrajord had been a Moff, a very powerful Moff whom had been gifted with the task of completing the Death Star II, he had almost lost his life when he fell behind schedule. When the Alliance Fleet dropped lightspeed he had the ‘honour’ of pressing the button, destroying the Redemption and Liberty Calamari Cruisers. Jerrajord died when the Death Star exploded. However his second in command, Brutal Coffey had taken command of the Armada and formed a separate Imperial sect, honouring Moff Jerrajord.

“Ma’am, do we raise our shields?” Asked another officer.

Akagi stepped forward violently. “Absolutely not!” She shouted.

“The Colonel is correct, if we raise our shields we present ourselves as an enemy. Cruise to the position.” Ordered Tra Shee.

Akagi stepped back, Dan, Lohr and Quake stepped forward. Leaning on the railing they watched the nose of the SSD approach.

The bridge was large and cylindrical, which was the shape of the head of the Corvette all along the bridge the officers tapped at their consoles.

The Corvette slowly swept along the side of the SSD, the connection pylons where the top deck plating met the bottom. This was where the weapons array was housed.

“Has anyone noticed we’re getting closer to the SSD?” Asked Lohr, “and right by the weapons array, that’s smart!” Lohr said sarcastically.

Shae stepped forward, emerging from the darkness of the Corvette.

“You talk too much.” She said.

“How many Wing IXers did we bring in this little suicide run?” Asked Dan.
“This is it.” Said Akagi. Shae, Akagi, Dan Malaktos, Lohr and Quake stood and watched.
“Why is he here?” Asked Lohr pointing to Quake.

“Because he has the power to help us out.” Said Akagi.

“Be quiet all of you!” Shee said angrily.

A shrill whistle rang throughout the bridge, the Armada were hailing them. The Nal Rhe pulled over the top of the hull and into ‘orbit’ of the city scape.

“You guys, get back from view.” Tra said. Quake and the Wing IXers left the railing and went back into the shadows.
“Answer the hail.” Tra said.

The view screen flashed on and Brutal Coffey appeared. He smiled.

“Corvette Bacder. Please state you’re identity.” He asked.

“This is the Thyferran Corvette Bacder, Thyferran Home Defence Corps, Battle Group seven.” Said Tra Shee.

“One moment.” Brutal disappeared for a moment and Tra looked into the darkness.

“I hope Joran is a good slicer.” She said.

“What do you mean?” Asked Shae.

“She supposedly sliced some information into the Jerrajord and Thyferran computers that we are a Thyferran Cruiser.” Said Tra.
The whistle rang again. “Answer him.” Said Tra Shee.

The High Admiral reappeared. “Very well Captain Shee, you are cleared to go into orbit.” Said the Admiral obviously not bothered. He disappeared.
“Commander go into orbit.” Ordered Shee.


*  *  *


Rel Embered was sitting on the last step in the palace room, it had been wide and spacious, now it was filled with Jerrajord Imperials. Up on the multitude of Comm. screens and holonews images Rel watched the Alliance Virus epidemic. Watched CorSec get virtually wiped out at Corellia, watched the Sullustan shipyards get destroyed at Sullust and the Sluis Van R&D Facility get vaped.

Nal Pershe, the Xucphra (or Thyferran Bacta Ltd.) director seemed to take great pleasure in torturing the Intelligence Officer, not physically but mentally. He would often describe how he was going to become the richest man in the universe and how the Alliance was slowly dying from a plague. The worst part was all these things were true.

But he had some hope, situation reports came every five hours and often told as to how the Emperor’s Hammer were fending off repeated attacks and that spies within the EH had told of an operation sent by the EH to Thyferra in an effort to end the war. In a strange twist of fate, Rel Embered was relying on the Empire to save the Alliance.

What a strange world it is too!...


*  *  *


Badlan joined Trow, Joran, Kelkacho and Kungs Backa in the cockpit of the Supremacy Dawn. The Hyperspace tunnel seemed to be ending. Badlan sat back as the others leaned against his chair. Badlan grabbed the single hyperspace engine lever and as the console beeped he flung it back.
The streaking stars flashed back and became dots again. The black hulk of a planet zoomed into view, it was under night. Thick asteroid fields meant that there was only one way in and out of the Thyferran System, and they were travelling it.

The Jerrajord Primary Fleet was also protecting it.

Ahead lay the SSD Armada, ISD Phantom, ISD Counter Strike, ISD Revenge, VSD Rrae, ISD II Tenchu, Dreadnaught Slasher, Lancer Frigate Gladiator, Lancer Frigate Tiberian, Nubian-B-Frigate Fortune and the Corvette Elite.
Then there was the Thyferran Home Defence Corps fleet, there were almost thirty Dreadnaughts and twenty Corvettes keeping the Jerrajords happy, it would take a Death Star at long range to vape such a fleet.

“Well ladies and gentlemen, how’d you like to be disposed of? Tortured to death, suicide? Vaporisation?” Badlan asked sarcastically.

“Um, how close do we have to get to that SSD?” Asked Trow nervously.

“Well close enough for a scan.” Said Joran. “Otherwise we’ll just skip off the atmosphere.”

“That’s the idea, get a scan or don’t land.” Said Kelkacho.
“Will we need to avoid a scan?” Asked Kungs.

“Nah, I’ve got more fake plates than any other Intel guy, who do we want to be? Corellian, Sullustan, Mon Cal, Sluis Van, Denab?” She asked.
“Denab will do fine, a human world is better.” Said Badlan.
“Why?” Asked Trow.

“Not all of the Empire is alien friendly.” Badlan said and pushed his head back to see Kungs with her head resting on the chair.
“Well fly us in B.” Said Kelkacho sitting down.

Badlan grabbed the controls and pushed the stock light freighter on a course which would take them on a direct route over the Armada.

There was a shrill whistle as the communication systems picked up a hail. “Preparing to answer said Joran looking down at her console.

“Badlan stoke the engines, we’re gonna have to get the hell outta here if the Imps don’t go for it.” Said Joran.
Kelkacho sat back with a mug and sipped some drink as Joran answered the hail.

“This is the Regada Vain how may be help you?” She asked in a pleasant voice which didn’t really suit Joran.
“This is the Super Star Destroyer
Armada, please transmit ID Code and purpose of visit.” Came a voice which Badlan knew wasn’t Coffey.

“We’re here to ship out Bacta and transmitting.” Said Joran and pressed the off button. She nodded to Trow who send the data package.

Badlan held his breath. Would they go for it? Was the ID Code faulty, did Brutal Coffey already know this ship? Badlan heard a whistle. We’re dead!

Regada Vain you have been confirmed. Please land at the Xucphra City space base.” Said the Jerrajord Imp and the communication cut out.
“Score one for the good guys
!” Said Trow and laughed.
“Am I a cool slicer or what?
!” Asked Joran to Kungs and smiled.

“Well you’re not modest.” Said Badlan.

“Shut up!
Badlan cleared the SSD and pushed down toward the surface and toward Xucphra City.


Upon landing in the city Badlan made his way through the bustling crowd. Badlan had hidden his lightsabre in a pocket inside his civilian cloak, it was easily reachable but at the same time hidden. He carried a bag which held some of the equipment for the Mission. Suddenly he felt his soldier being tugged at and he span to face a Stormtrooper which was considerably taller.

“Hold out you’re arms and prepare to be searched.” A metallic voice ordered. Badlan froze. He held out his arms and the trooper ran a scanner over his body. It buzzed as it passed over the lightsabre. He ran it over the bag and it buzzed as the equipment was scanned. The trooper took the sabre out of the pocket and pointed the blade point toward himself.

“What is this?” He asked.

Badlan pressed the button using the force.

The lightsabre flashed on and cut through the trooper’s neck. Badlan grabbed the lightsabre as it fell. He span around and slashed all around himself. Stormtrooper limbs and blood and bodies fell all around. Badlan was alone, people running, screaming a void was made as people ran knocking each other over to avoid the Jedi’s wrath. Badlan looked around, Joran had been just behind him when he was searched, but now he could not see her.

Suddenly a lone Stormie appeared as the civilians ran for their lives, a blaster rifle resting in his hands, a carbine on the end of the rifle. Badlan was skilled enough in the Jedi arts to deflect slow, low energy bolts, but a carbine would spew blaster pulses in quick succession and at high power, Badlan would be cut down. Badlan brought the lightsabre to bare, all that was left, him and his Jedi weapon.

The Stormie fell as a blaster pulse burned through his armour plating.

Badlan looked across. Joran!

Suddenly as the civilians cleared the central space port courtyard a whole squad of five Stormtroopers descended the steps from the second level. Badlan ran the only way he could, toward the structural pillars on the opposite wall. Joran also bolted for the pillars.

Blaster Carbines whirred as pulses flew into the pillar which Badlan was running at. Badlan jumped hurtling through the air to avoid death. He landed violently against the floor, but behind the pillar.

Badlan stood quickly and looked over at Joran who had escaped without any effort, realising that the lightsabre was in fact drawing the Stormtroopers toward Badlan he shut it off and proceeded to pull out double Imperial Issue Pilot Blasters, they would be more effective in a long range light fight. Swinging his arms across from the pillar Badlan fired three pulses into the advancing Stormtroopers. One was hit all three times, falling, dead. Joran shot another in the shoulder, the armour protecting the Jerrajord Imp. The Stormtroopers scattered, seeking cover behind the structural walls holding the stairs in place.

Two other Stormtroopers approached from the Docking bay sections, firing. The last few civilians seemed to be exiting from that area, then Badlan saw two civilians walking toward the Stormies from behind. A blaster bolt burned through the first and fell to the ground, dead.

The second seemed to be grabbed from behind, his blaster which had been trained on Joran, now flailing with his arms, the man threw the Stormtrooper to the ground. It was Trow. The downed Trooper lifted his blaster toward Trow who stepped forward and kicked it from the man’s hands, grabbed his own weapon and threw five pulses into the man’s chest.

Badlan drew his attention back to the remaining four troopers on the stairs who were gradually wearing away the Duraplast pillars. Badlan activated the lightsabre and nodded to Joran, she understood.

Get ready to blow some Stormies!

Badlan threw the lightsabre so that is hit one trooper, splitting the armour across the arm and throwing him into his colleague. Sparks flew as the sabre smashed through Duraplast and bounced toward the other two who were sheltering on the other side of the stairs. Stormies, who were unhurt, ducked for cover, giving Joran and Badlan a perfect shot. The Stormtroopers all were killed as a multitude of Blasters erupted into them. All was silent.
!” Shouted Trow angrily. Badlan ran, and Joran did too. Then Stormtroopers came from behind the pillars, obviously from the city.

They fired. Badlan took a shot.

Badlan fell.


Ricaud watched Badlan through the Bacta tank, the pilot was unconscious. A blaster mark burned through his stomach. The Bacta bubbled. If he had been any where but Thyferra he’d be dead.

Ricaud stepped back into the main complex room, three Vratix Ashern Rebels were seated behind the main conference table, resting on their insectoid hind legs.

The Vratix were around three meters tall, with two sharp claws extending from their arms which extended from their shelled bodies which was in three sections. They had two hind legs which were immensely powerful. Their heads were large with insectoid eyes, the Vratix had neither XX or XY chromosomes making them neither male or female.

Ricaud stepped up to the table, Ted stepped by his side.

Joran, Kungs Backa, Kelkacho, Kereseea, Trow, Tom, Stallion, Doyon, Anar and Reaper had all assembled on Thyferra.
“Now Gevar, I need you to help us with out mission.” Said Ricaud.

“Whys should wes trust yous Imperials?” It asked, pushing up on it’s hind legs.

“Because we have a common enemy. The Jerrajord Imperials.” Ricaud argued.

“No, thes Alliance will bes here soon.” Said Gevar.

“No they won’t, the Xucphra have poisoned the Alliance.” Said Ricaud.
“Poisoned?” Gevar asked worriedly.

“Yes with a deadly plague, it has already wiped out 3% of their Alliance Fleet officers, by the end of the week it will be 5%.” Said Ricaud. “They’re not coming. Its us, or slavery.”

“And yous promises not to stay ins control when wes liberated?” Asked Gevar.

“We just want the Jerrajord war to end, it will when Thyferra is liberated.” Said Ricaud.
“Wes agree, reluctantly.” Said Gevar.

“Excellent, firstly we will need to know the best way to liberate the planet.” Said Ricaud.

“Buts what of thes fleet in orbit?” Asked Gevar.

“That will be the Emperor’s Hammer’s responsibility.” Ricaud said.

“Wells the best ways to take thes planet will be the rainforest.” Said Gevar.

“Where is the power base?” Asked Val.

“Um, the palace, in the cleared areas outside Xucphra City.” The Vratix said.

“Cleared areas?” Asked Ricaud.

“Yes, a huge area, cleared ofs trees, for Bacta factories, and in thes middle is the Palace facility, with Nal Pershe’s private factory and production and shipping facilities.” Said Gevar.

Ricaud smiled. “Can the Ashern take the Palace?” Asked Ricaud.

“No, theresa too many Stormtroopers and TCHD guards.” Gevar mournfully reported.
“We need to take Nal Pershe.” Said Joran who was standing back from the cold dark main chamber, she strode in wearing her usual skin tight jump-suit and stepped past Ted. “Pershe’s regime of Xucphra is based on a dictatorship, without him the Ashern, Vratix and Zaltin will be able to lead an uprising, Pershe’s staff will unable to work without him.” She said smiling.

“Whos this?” Asked Gevar.
“Joran Delsar, Imperial Intelligence.” She said.

“Ahs, an Intel guy.” Said the Vratix.

Joran bowed her head letting her black locks fall over her fringe.

“We take Nal Pershe, we crumble Xucphra, I’ll base my reputation on it.” She said.


*  *  *


On Courscant the main palace, which was once Emperor Palpatine’s throne room was now the Council Meeting room. Once where an Evil Man had controlled the destiny of Trillions, now a select few, democratically

Improved the lives of Trillions.

At the head was Mon Mothma, an older woman with a long white robe and tired eyes. Princess Leai Organa Solo stood to her left, her beauty never seeming to fade. She represented the Alliance Military.
As well as this was Mon Calamari Admiral Ackbar, also representing the Alliance Military. Borsk Fey’lya, as always represented Bothan Interests. As well as this almost a hundred other creatures represented their own worlds.
“I believe Madame Chancellor that our doctors cannot find a cure to this plague. They have worked Relentlessly for months with no results.” Said Ackbar.
“Then what would you suggest?” Asked Mon Mothma.

“We take our unaffected Forces to Thyferra, and liberate the world.” Ackbar suggested.

“I disagree, we have doctors working tirelessly on Kothlis and Bothawui and we believe we are close to a cure!” Borsk Fey’lya stood and addressed the Council.

“I agree with Ackbar, Madam Chancellor, you see investigations into Nal Pershe’s dealings reveal that he is a meticulous man whom has been planning for every conceivable death that may fall his way. Including death by this virus, he will have the cure.” Said Leai.

Then the Council voted on the plan, would Ackbar take the unaffected fleet to Thyferra? The vote was 31/3 and Ackbar was off to Thyferra.


*  *  *


Badlan escaped his Bacta cell thirty hours after the blaster shot pierced his liver. No-one was around, but a Bullet Headed One-Bee Droid informed him that everyone was on reconnaissance in the rain forest.

Badlan dressed and went to the balcony. The building was made of stone, but had air conditioning, which Badlan realised upon stepping outside to the blistering rain forest heat. There were other domed Vratix buildings, a sort of village was situated here with small gardens’ which surrounded the village. The Vratix settlement was situated in a clearing within the rainforest and indeed the trees stretched for miles, so that Badlan could not see anything of Xucphra City. But he could see the rising smoke of other Vratix villages. A Vratix approached the balcony.

“Hello Badlan.” Said the Insectoid creature.

“Greetings, and who are you?” Asked Badlan.
“I am Ahera, I am working with you’re team I am with Ashern Intelligence.” Ahera reported. Badlan smiled.

“You have a beautiful world.” Badlan complimented.

“Thankyou.” It said.

“How are you feeling?” Asked Ahera.

“My wounds are gone, I still feel burning, inside.” Badlan replied.
“A residual effect of the Bacta treatment, it still repairs minor damage inside.” Ahera said.

“Well thanks, I would be dead if you guys hadn’t helped out.” Badlan said.

“I hope you will return the favour for the Vratix and Thyferra.”

Anar Par entered her family homestead with great caution. She had been disowned by her family after joining the Empire and did not know how they would react to her. The homestead was nothing compared to previous homes they had owned under the Zaltin Corporation, since Zaltin were abolished it appeared that the Par family had been reduced to the status of slaves.
Anar’s sister, Helfa Par was sitting at the table, an angry look on her face. Anar’s father Kedgerie Par was standing over his daughter with a more ashamed look on his face.
Badlan and Ted stepped into the room after Anar.

Helfa Par stood and walked toward her sister. “Hello Sister.” She said coldly before slapping Anar across the face.

Ooh! Bitch slap! Badlan thought.

Helfa walked back behind the table and sat down passively. Her father seemed agitated. “Anar, how could you?” Asked Kedgerie. “How could you join these murderous bastards?”

Propaganda. Badlan growled silently.

“I’m not a murderer, and neither are my friends!” Anar replied.
“So who are these gentlemen?” Asked Helfa.

“This is Captain Ted, Commander of Sword Squadron and my superior officer, this is Lieutenant Commander Badlan, Sword Squadron’s executive Officer and yes these are my friends.” Said Anar.

“Remember what the Empire did to us Anar? What Ysanne Isard did to us?” Asked Kedgerie.

“Ysanne Isard is dead, my Fleet Officer is GA Ronin, a fine and honest officer.” Anar said.

“What ever.” Said Helfa, she snorted and turned away. Badlan analysed the two sisters. Anar was more beautiful that Helfa, but her sibling was also attractive. Helfa seemed more boisterous and in you’re face than Anar.

“What is it you want?” Asked Kedgerie.

Badlan stepped forward. “We need you’re assistance.”

“Yes, we need help to take Nal Pershe from his throne.” Ted said.

“Oh?” Asked Helfa.

“Yes, our Intelligence Officer has drawn up a plan, if we take the dictator then Xucphra will fall with him.” Said Ted.

Not too much Info Ted!

“And how do you propose we do such a thing?” Asked Kedgerie.

“That is where you come in.” Said Anar.

“You are Ashern are you not?” Asked Badlan.

“We are, but.”

“And you do work in Nal Pershe’s private factories do you not?” Asked Badlan again.

“We do, however Nal Pershe is a neurotic man who believes in planning for every possible scenario, and that includes getting in and out.” Said Kedgerie.

“Well OK, but the man, from what I remember of him has an ego, we can exploit that somehow.” Said Anar.

“And what do you intend to do when you capture of kill Nal Pershe?” Asked Helfa.

“A Star Destroyer Fleet will drop into realspace and attempt to drive out the Armada and her escorts.” Ted informed them.

“And when that happens this Star Destroyer will just jump out system, no demands or anything?” Asked Helfa.
“We have no interest in Thyferra, we have Bacta factories in EH Space and we just want the Jerrajord Regime to fall.” Said Ted.

“We don’t trust Imps.” Helfa said defiantly.

“Well you’re bosses do, we already have the Vratix on our side.” Ted said smiling.

Nice card to play Teddy.

“The Vratix?!” Exclaimed Kedgerie.

“Yep, we’re working on a plan for getting into the palace.” Said Badlan.

“We just thought as you’re a couple of the various moles inside the factory you could help us.” Anar said.

“Plus having a Thyferran in Sword that she would have ties and contacts on the world, and here we are looking at them.” Said Ted.

With that the Par father and daughter couple couldn’t really refuse.


*  *  *


“Report High Admiral.” Nal Pershe quipped as the HA Brutal Coffey appeared on the holocommunicator.

“Our forces attacking the EH have destroyed the colony on Hesprit, three thousand EH citizens are dead.” Reported Coffey.

Nal smiled. “Excellent.”
“As well as this we have attacked the Yaga Minor ship yards and destroyed all defence stations and current ships under development, we have also achieved an excellent mission to Kothlis where we destroyed the Bothan Skyhooks, almost three hundred Bothan Noblemen are dead. Oh and before I forget the Alliance Military Death toll has reached 4%.” Brutal finished.

Excellent, excellent!” Nal Pershe said excitedly.

Before he forgets! Rel Embered thought angrily at Brutal Coffey’s casual comment on the number of dead Alliance Fleet Officers.

“By our estimations the disease will have killed 40% by the end of the month.”

“I also have some news Admiral.” Nal reported. Rel looked around the busy throne room, the Jerrajord Fleet Officers were pacing, obviously hard at work running the Thyferran business and the war effort.
“Well go on.” Brutal assured him.

“There was a small fire fight at the Xucphra City Landing Port, a man with a lightsabre and several other men and a woman with Blasters killed two regiments of Stormtroopers before blasting out of the city with their light freighter.” Nal explained.
“They flew into the rainforest and disappeared.” Nal said. “I had surviving Stormtroopers check the data base, it appears Sword Squadron and their mysterious female companion have infiltrated Thyferra, I have others searching the Rain Forest for them and the Ashern.”

“This is quite alarming.” Brutal said.

“Indeed, we have a look out for them and I have doubled security.”
“A wise precaution.”

“As always Admiral, good luck.” Said Nal.

Bastards! Plotting the destruction of countless millions as if it were a game, I hope Sword Squadron find and destroy them all!


*  *  *


For the next few days Badlan was out of the loop, the only ones who were allowed to be in on the planning was Joran, Kelkacho, Ricaud, Ted, Kungs, the Vratix, Gevar and Ahera and also the Par family, Anar, Kedgerie and Helfa. Until then the Swords, other Vratix and the Zaltin whom Sword had recruited had to wait.
For a whole two days nothing happened so Badlan relaxed for the first time in almost three months, ever since the Bacta Convoy Mission to the Salm...


The passenger truck lurched forward and Trow almost fell from his seat. The large Thyferran man to his left laughed and slapped Trow on the back, almost knocking the man from his seat again. Doyon smiled as the look of disgust appeared on Trow’s face, mainly because the Thyferran to his left smelt bad, and the truck smelt bad and it was cramped.

The truck exited the forest and made for the palace at the centre of the man made desert.

Tom stepped into the hanger bay, it was buried under thousands of tons of earth to avoid Xucphra and Jerrajord attentions. Tom smiled as he saw two TIE Defenders, and six Missile Boats, parked inside the hanger bay. Tom turned to Joran.

“What did you? How did you?” He asked her in obvious shock.

Joran smiled. “That would be telling Commander.” She said and walked down the steps and into the hanger. Ted was already circling his TIE Defender. Joran wiped the sweat from her brow.  

Damn its hot on Thyferra!

Badlan came running up. “I don’t know what to say.” He said.

“Say Thankyou! She got us new Tee Dees and Misses!” Tom said smiling.

“No she didn’t.” Badlan said.

“Then what are those?” Asked Tom in a sarcastic voice.

“The Wing IX, Sword Squadron Tee Dees and Misses!” Badlan said.

“Really?” Badlan nodded in reply. Tom went running off to meet his fighter.

“You got me the Pacifica, Thankyou.” Badlan said and hugged Joran.

“Its OK, why is it called the Pacifica anyway?” Asked Joran.

“Oh, the Pacifica was the name of the fighter Adega 1-1.” Badlan revealed.

Adega? Don’t know that Squadron.”

“That’s because it was decommissioned years ago, Adega was the Squadron I started my Star Fighter career in, during the clone wars the Commander of Adega was killed and I took his job, his fighter was recovered, because he ejected with a damaged suit but his fighter was still salvageable, I took his fighter and the name when I took the Adega Squadron job, and that’s why my fighter is called Pacifica.”


“Sword Squadron! Over here.” Ricaud shouted.
Badlan and Joran walked between the Wing IX Squadron TIEs and approached Ricaud who was standing next to the Vratix Gevar and Ahera. Joran and Kelkacho stepped up to the podium and next to the Vratix.

“Alright Swords, when I requested permission to go on this mission I did because I thought I, you’re crazy old Wing Commander could give you some help. Well now we’re going to give you a proper job that deserves the name Sword Squadron attached to it.” Ricaud said.
“What’s going on?” Asked Stallion whispering into Badlan’s ear.
“Dunno, where’s Doyon, Trow?” Asked Badlan and Stallion shrugged.

“Well Sword Squadron, we’re going to attack and capture Nal Pershe, upon Joran Delsar’s personnel experience at waging Guerrilla Warfare she believes that if we take the dictator that Xucphra will fall, we hope she’s right.” Ricaud said and smiled, he indicated to Joran who stepped up.
“Alright Swords, this is the deal, the three best pilots, deducted by the Sword Sq. Kill Boards indicate that they are Commander Tom, Lieutenant Commander Stallion and Commander Anar Par. These three pilots will lead and aerial attack as a diversion for our escape with the prisoner. As for the rest of us, we have found a way into the Palace itself...” Joran began.

“No there is no way into the palace!” Helfa Par cried out.

“Well stay behind then, because we’re going in.” Joran said. “Basically the Vratix have discovered that the Bacta pipes are in fact devoid of security systems, even the neurotic Nal Pershe has failed to see that one. We will enter the Bacta pipe inside the jungle and let the Bacta take us to the palace where Trow and Doyon have already set up a net which will allow Bacta through but will catch us, we will then leave the pipe and enter the palace.” She briefed.        

“Excuse me, pipe!?” Badlan said.

“Yes, we will don under water swim gear and jump into the pipes, then exit at the palace, if you’re claustrophobic, then I suggest you sit this one out. We will then storm to palace using my and Kelkacho’s slicing skills to lock doors or open them etc.” Joran said.


Badlan could only JUST fit into his wet suit, time had not been kind.

By he out on his goggles and fitted the oxygen devise. Joran settled in an equally tight wet suit and stood before the Swords and Zaltin troops.

“Kedgerie Par, anything about Bacta we need to know, like not inhale or something?” Joran realised the sexual reference after she said it and as the audience laughed she shook her head smiling.

Kedgerie stepped up. “One thing, the pipe is rather small however if you get the chance to light a naked flame, DON’T! Bacta when not treated with Ryll is flammable.” Kedgerie said.

“Alright get ready to go, don’t panic, just keep tight, arms hugged against the chest and don’t try to turn and get stuck.” Joran ordered.

Ricaud stepped up and put his feet into the pipe, the Bacta gushed past, he crossed his arms and put them onto his chest and dropped into the pipe, he was carried along with the Bacta.

Fuck this is suicide!!!! Badlan panicked.

Soon he was next and a less than friendly Zaltin guy pushed Badlan forward. Badlan looked up at the jungle and let go.


The Bacta tank was completely dark, blackness... Badlan felt himself being carried along the pipe. He tried not to panic and used the force to calm himself, but it was overwhelming and around fifteen minutes into the pipe trip his breathing apparatus slipped from his mouth, it hung, suspended by a small bit of wire to the wet suit, but he could not reach it. He could no longer breathe. Suddenly as he felt the last of his air escaping his lungs he stopped, there was even light and suddenly Ted, Doyon and Ricaud were lifting him from the pipe, just before the nasty Zaltin Grunt escaped.

“What happened?” Asked Trow.

“I lost my breathing apparatus.” Badlan said.

Badlan inspected the facility around him, obviously underground, because it was cool rather than blistering heat. There were millions of pipes all connecting and carrying Bacta to the various facilities in the desert.

The Vratix and Zaltin cleared the way and the party walked from the maintenance level and climbed the stairs up to the Palace and Operations level. Badlan moved ahead, pointing his blaster around the corners of walls. In the end they ended up dodging or taking out guards all the way up to level 34 of the palace facility, this was Nal Pershe’s private level, Nal at the moment was in the Throne room overseeing the Thyferran War effort and his business.
There was a direct route of three corridors to the throne room where Sword Squadron would make their assault and then capture Pershe, then the three pilots would attack giving the party a chance to escape.

Ricaud signalled for a Vratix to move forward. As it did a guard left the room and the Vratix grabbed the guard and killed him. Badlan entered the door on the left, Nal Pershe’s private kitchen. It was spotlessly clean with multiple kitchen counters and appliances. As the party of twenty entered the kitchen two Stormtroopers entered from the opposite end. Everyone, even the huge Vratix ducked behind the first two rows of metal counters and the Stormtroopers moved up and down the first row. Badlan slid along the linoleum floor toward the Stormtroopers, he indicated for Joran to come forward but she was reluctant. Kereseea, the Remorse Squadron XO came forward first and the Stormtroopers stopped. Badlan held his breath.

Silence entered the room.

Badlan could plainly hear the soft growling of the Vratix. “Someone’s in here!” One of them said in despair and Badlan activated the lightsabre and slice one as the Trooper backed away. The second turned to shoot at Badlan but was shot by Kereseea. Badlan ran forward, jumped onto the last counter in the kitchen and sliced a Stormie which came running forward. A second Stormie stopped next to Badlan and prepared to shoot however he was shot by other Zaltin officers who ran forward now that they had been discovered. There were three doors, on infront and two to the sides. A Stormtrooper closed all three with the flick of a switch. Two Vratix had made their way into the door on the left and were trapped, but making short work of the Stormies.

Badlan stuck the lightsabre through the door and it vaporised the transparent steel and jutting into the man’s neck, spilling blood all around. Doyon had released his lightsabre also and was slicing at a Stormie who had escaped death by blaster.

Badlan showed the sabre into the lock of the door and the door opened. Stormtroopers were positioned at the end of the new corridor and so Badlan ducked back against the wall. A blaster hit a Zaltin man square on and the first fatality of the operation was at hand. Badlan fired back along with his allies and killed some of the Stormtroopers.


*  *  *


“What’s going on Director?” Asked Brutal Coffey.

“A small Ashern force has entered the palace and is attempting to reach my position. My defences are down, someone has sliced the computer mainframe.” Pershe said worryingly.

“I will divert more Stormtroopers to you’re position.” Coffey promised.

“Fools! You should have learned as I did, not to cross Sword Squadron, they’re too good, I think you pissed them all off Pershe!” Embered said.

“Why do you keep him?” Asked Coffey.

“I like to torture him.”


*  *  *


Badlan force pushed the last Stormtrooper away, now he was feeling physically tired. The force was not strong within him.
Doyon however ran on ahead and sliced away two Stormies within seconds.

“Having you Jedi has certainly been a rewarding experience.” Ricaud said and helped Badlan up.

A Stormtrooper Barricade took out two Vratix including Gevar who took a shot to the head. Joran and the Swords ran forward using the corridor for cover and shooting the Stormtroopers. Reaper took a shot to the arm, but kept on going, his genetic modification obviously helping in some way.

Joran fell, Badlan didn’t stop to see whether she was dead. Badlan ran forward in the mad scramble forward. Suddenly as lasers blasted all around him Badlan saw that they were in the throne room. Badlan dove back as the Stormtrooper he was tackling was shot by his own kind.
Trow threw a Concussion Grenade into the room. It exploded and threw the Stormtroopers away. Badlan ran in and dove behind one of the consoles. Lasers flashed all around.

Lasers tore into a Vratix foot soldier whom survived and grabbed a Stormtrooper and tore him into two.

Using the distraction the Zaltin officers rushed in and fired toward the throne room.

Nal Pershe walked backward towards the cell which he had had made for Rel Embered. As the battle progressed he found himself in the clutches of Embered. He managed to pull away from the Alliance Intelligence Officer and ran to the nearby console and began to activate his security systems.

Kedgerie ran in and ticked a Stormtrooper straight in the face. His daughter pushed past another and fired toward some of the Jerrajord Fleet Officers sheltering behind their consoles.


*  *  *


Tom pushed the Missile Boat toward the Palace, lasers rained all around his ship. The shields of the facility were still Off-line so he pulled the fighter towards the palace tower, where the battle was progressing. He switched to missiles and fired two at a lower level of the tower, the explosion shook the foundations of the building.

“TIEs!” Anar warned and Tom pulled away to battle his foes.


*  *  *


Suddenly the throne room blast doors began to close and Badlan realised that the mission had failed. He turned and ran back through the door, blaster shots whistling past his head. Ted kicked a Stormtrooper away and fired at a Jerrajord Fleet Officer who fell backward.

Ted took a shot in the back and fell short of the blast doors.
“Cover me
!” Shouted Ricaud who ran into the open and pulled Ted through the door. Duraplast debris flashed around.

“Common!” Shouted a Zalin Officer and his officers abandoned their effort and ran through the blast doors. Kedgerie Par abandoned his post and ran for the exit, he dove through the last bit of the blast doors, his daughter was trapped.


Separated and panicking Badlan ran down the corridor, arching his back and firing at his pursuers. The Vratix had literally broken down the windows and climbed down the side of the tower. Badlan hadn’t seen Joran for ages and in fact hadn’t seen anyone but Zaltin members since he had been told to get out. He had to bet back to the tower basement to escape. Stormtroopers seemed to pop up from every corner. Badlan sliced them away or blasted them where ever possible.

I can’t believe we failed! It seemed like such a good plan.

Badlan met up with the Imperial team back near the 30th level, in the end they arrived at the hanger bay, TIE Fighters littered the floor and they managed to steal some of the vessels and escape back to the forest.

*  *  *


Rel Embered watched as the Stormtroopers grabbed the woman whom had been with Sword Squadron. The carried her over to Nal Pershe. The long hared Thyferran Dictator smiled and struck her across the face.

“I know you, do I not?” He asked smiling. Rel looked around the room, during the failed fire fight pillars and Duraplast walls had been disintegrated, Stormtroopers, Thyferran and Jerrajord Fleet Officers lay dead around the room.

“I don’t think so, your worship!” She said sarcastically and spat at him rather pathetically. Usually spitting in you’re enemy’s face was a sign of rebellion of doing the impossible, but she missed and Nal smiled.
“I do Sir, she is Helfa Par, a member of the Zaltin Par Family.” Said on of the surviving Xucphra Officers.

“Helfa Par?” Nal said as if he knew something but couldn’t quite put his finger on it. “Hey! Embered, doesn’t Sword Squadron have a Par?” Asked Nal.   

“Fuck you Pershe.” Replied Embered as he leaned across the bars of his cell.
“Common Embered, you don’t love the Empire any more than I do.” Pershe said and the Stormtroopers shifted. “I mean the Emperor’s Hammer Imperials.”

“True, but on thing has revealed to me during this whole experience, that is there is no evil force in the universe, just evil leaders who get their grimy little palms into power. People like you Embered, Palpatine. You’re arse holes who get an opportunity and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Rel said confidently, obviously unafraid of the Thyferran leader.

“You will show some respect to me Embered!” Said Nal.

“Why?” Asked Rel smiling.

Nal, seeming to have lost the argument with Rel Embered moved his attentions back to the Thyferran Zaltin prisoner. She tried to move back as he approached, the Stormtroopers unmoving.

“Who is you’re family?” He asked. “You have a family member in Sword do you not?”
“Yeah, Anar Par.” Said the Xucphra Officer again. Nal smiled.

“Well Miss Par, prepare to die slowly!


*  *  *


Ted wasn’t dead, but he would need more than a few hours in a Bacta Drip to live. His life still hung in the balance. Stallion wasn’t shot down but he was badly hurt when he landed after being hit with a missile, his repulsors failed and he took a bad fall. Kungs was knocked out and Ahera carried her out.
Ricaud broke his leg after getting back into the Bacta Pipe on his way out and Joran took a blaster shot to the stomach. Badlan, Tom, Kereseea and Kelkacho were called to the main hall at the Ashern complex.

“Kelkacho, Lieutenant Commander Badlan and Commander Tom. Unfortunately we can no longer trust you and you’re Imperial allies.” Ahera said.

“What?!” Badlan cried out in disgust.
“The Mission was a disaster, we lost almost thirteen members of the Ashern Rebels, the Zaltin lost twenty three Officers, whereas Sword Squadron and their Intelligence Officers escaped without any fatalities.” The Vratix informed them.

“We may have escaped however, Joran Delsar and Captain Ted were seriously injured in the battle, General Ricaud broke his leg and Lieutenant Commander Stallion broke three ribs and punctured his lung.” Kelkacho reported. The Vratix and Zaltin procession moved closer to the trio sitting at the table. Tom stood and looked as if he was going to hit Ahera.

The Vratix would tear it in two! Badlan thought.

“We swear to you Ahera, we are trustworthy, we want this war to end as you do, having the Ashern and Zaltin organisations on the side of the Emperor’s Hammer has been endless help, help us help you!” Tom said passionately. Ahera looked at Tom as if to understand his plight, but shook it off.

“I’m sorry, the Ashern Zaltin alliance has spoken. Leave Thyferra, we will give you time to make arrangements and let you’re wounded heal.” Ahera said.


*  *  *


“It’s from Kelkacho.” Tra Shee informed Quake, Lohr, Dan and the others. Akagi stepped forward picked up the pad and read it allowed.

“Officers of the Nal Rhe, unfortunately our Mission to capture Nal Pershe has failed with several fatalities, none of them ours. However the Vratix believe we set them up, we will be shortly leaving Thyferra and will need to make special arrangements to leave, and hopefully smuggle the Supremacy Dawn and Sword Squadron fighters off Thyferra later. Yours Kelkacho.” She read out. She looked up at Dan.

“We’d better get ready to jump out of the system.” Said Dan.

Tra nodded. Lohr sat back and shook his head.

“What about all this stuff about them overthrowing the government?” Asked Shae.

“Well none of that was made apparent, it was just Joran being over ambitious.” Said Lohr. “Their main mission was to gather info.” He said.

“I should have been down there, I could have been all Mr Lord Ambassador to the Vratix.” He said.

“I think the Vratix have their mind made up.” Said Akagi.

“Well get you’re stuff packed ladies and gentlemen, because we’re outta here.” Tra said breaking up the Wing IXers.

*  *  *


Rear Admiral Andronicus finished his communication from Jarak, the Battle Groups Commander. Basically the Relentless was to jump into Thyferra and cause as much damage as possible, the entire BG would be involved in hit and run raids in an effort to divide the Jerrajord fleet.
Andron knew another reason they’d be going though, and that was to give the
Nal Rhe and Sword Squadron a little cover as they ran the Jerrajord Blockade of Thyferra. God help them! Andron thought, running a blockade in an old Imperial Shuttle and a Stock Light Freighter wasn’t going to be pretty. Not pretty at all, now hopefully they would stand a fighting chance that Ricuad and the Swords would make it off Thyferra alive.

All seemed lost, the Jerrajord war wasn’t going too well, the Swords Mission had failed and the Alliance death toll had risen to a whole 6%, maybe not a lot, but in the long run, some twelve thousand officers were gone. By the end of the season the Alliance would be gone.

The war was lost, Andron knew it and as moral was at an all time low the Relentless Commodore doubted that the EH would pull through without significant casualties. Time would tell...


*  *  *


Badlan strode into the medical ward confidently, Zaltin and Vratix members were being treated in the ward, Ricaud was in his bed, the bones were beginning to heal, the Bacta had sped up his recovery immensely. At the end of the room was the main door to the Bacta Ward.

As Badlan entered on his left were two Vratix in extra large Vratix sized tanks. In the others were mainly filled with Zaltin Officers and at the end of the room was Joran Delsar, dressed in only three pieces of cloth, one around her chest, the other around her lower regions, a piece of Bacta machinery was plugged to the wound and around her head was the third piece of cloth which was stained red, she had banged her head on the fall.

He put his hand against the glass wall of the Bacta tube and she was conscious, not drowning because of the breathing apparatus feeding her oxygen. She put her hand against his.
“Joran you are an incredible person, I’ve never met anyone I’ve liked more than you, you’re my best friend.” Badlan said.

She smiled through the breathing apparatus. Badlan stepped away and moved over to Ted’s tank.

“Hey Commander... hey Ted.” Badlan said smiling. Ted was dressed similarly to what Joran had. “You’re a great guy Ted, pull through yeah? Sword Squadron need you.” Badlan said.


Badlan found Trow sitting against the back wall of the complex, looking through the transparent steel, at the jungle outside.

“Hey Stormie.” Badlan said.
“Hey Bad.” Replied Trow.

“What’s new?” Asked Badlan.
“Nothing, just pissed off with this Vratix thing.”
“Yeah well, I have a feeling Sword Squadron and the Emperor’s Hammer in general will pull through the current situation.” Badlan said.

“What ever.”
“Yeah well, you’ll make a great Commander one day kiddo.” Badlan said and rubbed Trow’s hair.

“I wish you wouldn’t do that, you know, make me look like a little kid infront of the others.” Trow said.

“I’m sorry, I had no idea.” Badlan said. “I have nothing but the utmost respect for you Trow.” Badlan said and stood back and Saluted. Trow returned it.


Badlan played catch with the rest of the Squadron for the rest of the day, the Zaltin and Ashern operations appeared to be seriously damaged by the disaster. No wonder the Vratix were pissed off. Badlan realised.


Anar Par stood with her father in the upper levels of the underground facility. Her father appeared to be sobbing over his lost child, his daughter hugged him as he wept. Badlan knew what it was like to loose family and sympathised with the situation.

Anar stood quietly reflecting her situation, she was wearing the Sword Squadron trade mark black coveralls or Jump-suit. Badlan stopped around three meters from her.

“Hey Anar.” He said cautiously.


“You know I lost family once, I’m sure we’ll get you’re sister back.” Badlan said.

“I know we will, I’m staying on Thyferra.” Anar said.

“Wow.” Badlan said taken aback.

“I have to stay on Thyferra...”
“No you don’t. As Sword Squadron we’ll get back you’re Squadron.” Badlan said.

“There is no chance.” Anar said.

“Sword Squadron!” A familiar voice rang across the Fighter bay and Badlan looked up. Only to almost have a heart attack. On the top level was Joran Delsar, only twenty hours after he had visited her. She was standing naked except for a towel which she had pulled around her. She was dripping with Bacta.
“My quarters, now
!” She shouted. Then realised she was only wearing a towel. “Give me a chance to get dressed!” She said and smiled sheepishly.






Chapter III: The End Of A Saga


Joran Delsar dressed in her usual Jump Suit and opened the door to let Sword Squadron enter. In with them came Ricaud, Kungs Backa, Kelkacho and Kereseea. Nine Zaltin humans also came with them, obviously willing to trust them.
“How long have you been out of the Bacta?” Asked Ricaud.

“Thirty minutes.” She replied, her hair still wet.

“Great.” Ricaud said limping.

Ted came in also, wearing a medical gown, he was also wet with Bacta, obviously only just come out the tank himself.

“Is everyone here?” Asked Joran.

“Everyone.” Kelkacho said.


“What’s going on?” Asked Kedgerie one of the Zaltin.

“Well Mr Par, we’re going to kill Nal Pershe.” She said.
“How?” Asked Trow nervously.

“This is the plan.” Said Joran and stepped back into the main section of the Supremacy Dawn. Joran stopped everyone on the balcony and jumped into the cargo pit so that she had an audience. And then she began.
“Nal Pershe is an ego maniac, he has control of Thyferra and all it’s riches, he had a supply of Bacta delivered every week from the Zaltin factories, delivered by hand through the swirling sand storms by slaves of Xucphra does he not?” Asked Joran obviously full of energy since her Bacta treatment. There was a murmur of acknowledgement from the Zaltin Officers.

“Good, then we are to pose as some of those slaves from Zaltin and move a bomb mixed with the Bacta.” She said.

“Its been tried, and failed.” Kedgerie said.

“Yes but this time we have Imperial Technology backing us up.” Said Joran.

“What could possibly hold off an Imperial Scanning team?” Asked Ricuad.

“How about a Cloaking field generator?” Asked Joran.

“Where’d you get that?” Asked Tom inquisitively.

“Badlan’s cabin on Aurora.” Said Joran calmly.

“What!?” Asked Badlan angrily. “You stole my Cloaking field generator?” Badlan said in disgust.

“Yes.” Joran said calmly.

“You had a Cloaking Field Generator and you didn’t tell us.” Ted said and slapped Badlan round the back of the head. Badlan glared at Joran. You’re dead darlin’! Badlan sent to Joran telepathically.

Are you reading this? Asked Joran through thought.


I’m scared! :P Joran said and implanted the universal Joking image for Holochat and Internet Relay Chat, :P, into her thoughts.

“Right, so we smuggled the bomb in, drop it by the Shield Gen protecting the Palace and Sword Come in, a few heavy rockets and goodbye Nal Pershe.” Said Joran smiling.

“My sister?”

“My daughter?” The Par kin echoed.

“Alright, we’ll blow a hole in the wall and bring in the Supremacy Dawn and rescue her.” Joran said.

“Better. But one problem, it’s still insane!” Said Kungs Backa.

“Kungs you worry too much.” Joran said.

“Thanks Joran.” Kungs replied.

“Look it’ll be difficult but you’re Sword... well some of you are Sword Squadron and you do the Impossible!” Joran said obviously still on her Bacta high.

“That’s Rogue Squadron.” Doyon said smiling.
“Rogue, Sword, they sound the same, sorta.” Said Joran.

“And what about Remorse Squadron?” Asked Kereseea smiling.

“Well you sound quite frankly depressing.” Joran said. Kungs raised and eyebrow and pushed back her Brain tail.

Badlan waved her off.

Stallion jumped into the cargo pit and grabbed Joran by the shoulders, “OK is there a cure for Bacta because I think she’s had too much.” Stall said sarcastically.

Ricaud laughed. “So that’s how she came up with this ridiculous plan.”

Reaper smiled. “Hey all ridiculous plans always work, isn’t that the way life is?” He asked.

“Ridiculous?” Asked Joran. “Its not ridiculous, it’s genius, its on the same level of genius as Palpatine’s plot to finish off the Rebels.” She said.

“Joran, get to the point before you put all the nice people off.” Kelkacho said and smiled.
Joran smiled. “I’m sorry I’m a little outta it.”

“Are we gonna do this or not?” Asked Anar obviously eager.

“You don’t have to, but if we succeed it’ll be the end of a war, the beginning of a new Thyferra, shinny medal for the Imps, fame for the Thyferrans and a slap on the back for the Intels.” Ricaud said.

Everyone laughed. Ricaud looked at Kungs who looked at Kereseea and nodded.

“Ever since the Salm exploded I have stuck with these guys, I wouldn’t miss this for anything.” She said.

Ricaud looked at Kedgerie who looked at the other Zaltin and nodded firmly. Next he shot a glance at Joran.

“Better talk to me General, I’ll sober her up, but we’re in.” Said Kelkacho.

Next he looked at Ted, who looked at Badlan. Badlan circled the group, Tom, Doyon, Stallion, Trow, Reaper and Anar. Badlan turned back and gave Ted a firm nod and an even ‘stronger’ nod to Ricuad.

“Did you really need to ask?” He asked Ricaud and Ric looked and Badlan shook his head and exhaled a laugh.

“Lets do it. In the Service of the Empire!!” Ricaud said.


*  *  *


Tra Shee laughed allowed as if the world’s funniest joke had just been told to her. She handed the pad to Dan who smirked. “Ricaud.” He said.

Next he threw it to Quake who skim read it and shook his head with a beaming smile, “I always said Ted, Badlan and the Swords were crazy bastards.” He said.

“What?” Asked Lohr and ran over, he read it quickly and smiled, “Hey they’re Wing IXers, they’ll pull it off.” He said.

“What is it?” Asked Akagi and Shae who came over.

“Sword and the others are attacking Nal Pershe’s palace tonight, we have to be ready to leave within the next few hours.” Said Quake. The Lord Ambassador smiled and stepped away.

“You think they can do it?” Asked Tra Shee.

“Yeah, they’re a good Squadron, cause not as good as Dagger.” Dan began and the others moaned and threw what ever was within reach at Dan.

“They’ll do it.” Said Quake, “I know for sure.”


*  *  *


Andron watched the Stars become a tunnel of light as the Imperial Star Destroyer Relentless entered Light Speed.

“Onward to Thyferra.” He said and turned to face the two four holograms facing him. One was Kane, Shield CMDR, the next Tack, Quake’s successor as Spear CMDR, the third was Commander Darkstar, Hammer’s temporary CMDR until either Lohr or Shae returned from Thyferra, and the last was Lieutenant Commander Talon Ray Hunter, Dan’s successor until he or Akagi returned from Thyferra.

“Good evening gentlemen.” Andron greeted. The holograms saluted him in perfect unison. He returned it and picked up the pad.

“Right, all Commanders and A-Commanders, prepare you’re Squadron’s for heavy combat. We’re off to Thyferra, to assault the Victory Class Star Destroyer Rrae.” Said Andron.

“Thyferra?” Asked Talon Ray the most inexperienced off all the officers.

“Yes son, but most importantly we’re to cover the escape of the Nal Rhe, Supremacy Dawn and Immortal Dream.” Said Andron.

Nal Rhe?” Kane said. “That’s the Corvette that has been tailing us since Sword got back from that secret mission.”

“That’s right Captain, it and the other ships are holding Wing IX Officers and that’s much more important than taking the Rrae down, what ever happens, those Officers are to be kept safe, understand?” Asked Andron.

“Yes Sir!” Came a unison of voices.

“Then get ready men, and as Ricaud would say ‘Clear the skies!’” Andron said and the holograms disappeared.


*  *  *


This crude carrying devise is heavy, especially with, well A LOT of Bacta on it. Joran Delsar thought, in her robes which covered her face she headed onwards. With Ricaud behind her carrying one of the handles.

He leant forward and above the small sand storm shouted.

“How much further?”

“Not far, in fact here we are.” She said as a Sandtrooper appeared through the sand mist. She readied her blaster. Ahead and on the other side of the train Kelkacho looked back.

Joran covered over the last barrel of Bacta and pressed the cloaking field generator.

The gates to the palace were huge, and as the train stopped between them the Imperial scanning team moved forward. The scanned the train which was covered.

A lead Sandtrooper moved forward, his white uniform now grey with the sand. The scanning team finished and Joran breathed a sigh of relief.
She looked at Kelkacho who looked back and winked. Joran reaffirmed her grip on the handle and began to move forward again. The Sandtrooper stopped them and began to lower hoods of the Zaltin members.
“What are they doing?” Asked Joran into the ear of one of the Zaltin.

“I don’t know! They’ve never done this before!” He said.

The Sandtrooper Captain came to Joran and pulled off her hood.

“You’re not Thyferran!” He said.

“I am Sir!” She said.

“I know you’re kind, you’re Alderaanian!” He said.

“You got me!” She said and withdrew a blaster and buried it into his chest. She pulled the trigger and downed the Sandtrooper in one shot. Next she fired at the other two Sandtroopers and the unaware Scanning Team.

“Common!” She shouted and the party moved forward lugging their bomb with them. Then immediately became under fire.


“Remember dad, wait until we give you the signal until you leave in the Supremacy Dawn.” Said Anar and smiled as her fighter lifted from the bay. She roared out into the Rain Forest air triumphant.

Her Missile Boat glistening in the sun.

The TIE Defenders of Captain Ted and Lieutenant Gilbert and the Missile Boats of Tom, Stallion, Badlan, Trow, Doyon and Anar, and the TIE Advanced of Remorse Squadron, consisting of Kungs and Kereseea roared forward to meet their fate.

Badlan smiled and realised that somewhere in his heart of hearts that they could pull this off.


Joran jumped as blaster shots rushed through the Bacta Train. Barrels all but exploded throwing away flames into the carriers as the untreated flammable Bacta flowed out. Three Zaltin went down and Kelkacho took a shot to the shoulder throwing his arm back and into the ground.

Joran ran to the nearest building and fired at the Stormtroopers which had left the Barracks Complex. Blaster shots whistled past as the light fight continued. She raced forward moving behind a new shield, a small Bacta pipe. He pushed the pistol around the pipe and fired. Ricaud dragged Kelkacho from danger just before the man kicked Ricuad off and stood by himself. The others joined Joran with the other Zaltin members as they tried to move forward.
”We need that bomb if Sword are going in.” Said Joran.

“I know, but if we go for it we’re dead. We need to clear the Stormies.” Ricaud warned and fired.
“That’ a pipe behind them isn’t it?” She asked.

“So?” Asked Kelkacho.
“Reckon that Bacta is treated with Ryll?” She asked.
“Carbine!” Ricaud shouted and a Zaltin handed him the Blaster Carbine rifle. Ricaud blasted into the pipe and it shattered, flames roaring as the Bacta caught fire.

“Yes.” He said and smiled.

“Go!” Shouted a Zaltin. The Officers ran for the next building and Joran, Ricuad and Kelkacho made it. The next Zaltin was literally blown up by an Imperial Jerrajord AT-ST. Joran was about to fire when a fire ball roared upwards form the ground and exploded right under the Walker. The Bacta pipe continued to catch fire. Joran smiled and ran on.


Lasers flashed all around as Badlan manoeuvred the fighter over the man made desert. The palace was ahead.

Badlan saw the shield bubble activate and wondered if Joran had failed.

Gotta have faith!!

Suddenly TIEs began to approach the tower from above, from space Badlan realised. They were also coming in on the horizon from the TCHD bases.

“Alright guys TIEs incoming and fast!” Ted shouted.

Badlan grabbed the stick, looked through the bottom left transparent Duraplast window and pulled to the left, the ground racing away. Green lasers smashing through the air.

The Battle had begun!


*  *  *


Tra Shee stood on the bridge of the Nal Rhe and smiled, they were clear of the Jerrajord Task Force, the SSD Armada hadn’t moved and inch, there had been a close call when the Super Star Destroyer had begun to release TIE Fighters and Interceptors, and Tra Shee had almost raised the Corvette’s shields, doing so would have given the game away, but she hesitated and waited and the TIEs went to the surface. In the next moment Nal Pershe reported Sword Squadron were attacking the palace with their fighters.

The game had started and Tra and the Wing IXers held their breath.


*  *  *


Trow swung the fighter to the left as fighters flew over the shield bubble protecting the palace and fired. There was literally a hundred TIEs, easily enough to wipe out the Squadron, even of advanced models. And there were more coming from orbit. Don’t panic!!

Pushing the fighter down to avoid TIEs approaching from above he found himself weaving through the Bacta factories to the right of the Palace.
A lone TIE Fighter approached from the front.

“Right! Lets go get Stormie a TIE Fighter to paint on his fuselage!” Trow said pushing up and lining the cross hairs onto the craft, which fired two sets of lasers into Trow, Trow fired a single shot, shredding the Duraplast cockpit and throwing off the two wings. Trow’s celebrating was short lived as his first layer of shields were down to red in and he had only killed one TIE.

I have to survive! I will survive! I’m gonna get me a Commander job and I have to be more careful firing into TIEs, don’t let them hit me!! I may have shields, but I’m not invincible.

Trow saw that two TIEs were following him and Trow pulled up throwing dust into the air. Looking back as the TIEs followed him into a vertical climb Trow pushed the Missile Boat into G force and pushed away, the TIEs did the same but more slowly. He sent the MISS into a SLAM turn and faced the Jerrajord TIEs before they had pulled out of the vertical climb and fired. Lasers smashed through metals sending TIE wings and ball cockpits spinning away. Then Trow saw a lone Interceptor following Kereseea and pulled to follow it. The ‘squint’ as it was known as was firing at Kereseea who despite his superior TIE Advanced was having trouble shaking the TIE Interceptor. Trow fired from long range when the HUD lit up. The TIE didn’t explode but smoke roared from the engines and it levelled off.
It hit a Bacta Storage tank and smashed it open with the left solar panel. The ball and right wing continued on for another three meters and hit the ground with no explosion except a little fire.
Then suddenly the Bacta, Trow saw, ignited and ran back to the tank and the whole thing exploded in a fire ball which Trow, at around 300 feet had to move aside to miss getting cooked.
“Thanks Stormie.” Kereseea said and pulled away.
“NP, hey Anar, is Bacta flammable?” Asked Trow.

“When untreated with Ryll and a couple of other chemicals then yes it is. We’ve been over this in the other... never mind.” She said.


Kungs Backa pulled to port and pointed her ship toward the Palace, nothing was going to stop her. She switched to dual Heavy Rockets and fired. The Missile streaked forward screaming at the Palace shield bubble and exploded.

Nothing more than Capital Ship Shields, even they come down!! Kungs though. She pulled her Lekku off the console and checked the shield strength. Nothing!! Not even .001 of a percent dropped!

She swore. The shield was impenetrable. Then fourteen TIE Interceptors dropped with their repulsors into her view and fired, lasers skimming her own shield bubble. Sith! She fired, quad lasers into five of the TIEs and dropped them like flies. This was going to be difficult!


Ted, Sword CMDR managed to out manoeuvre the first five Jerrajord fighters that came for him, moving into position for a strafing run on the shield bubble. Then Kungs reported that the shield was impossible to break and it was all on Joran Delsar’s team. Then a TIE fighter approached from behind and another Sword TIE Defender approached, obviously Tom Gilbert. He was pulled onto his side and appeared to be ramming Ted, but he fired deliberately past Ted destroying the ship behind him with such an explosion that even Ted who was flying away could see the flames.
“Thankyou L-T!” Ted said and smiled.
He pulled back around and targeted a new Squadron, one which was approaching from the South Side from the Palace. With them was a Thyferran Home Defence Corps TIE Bomber Squadron escorted by two Squadrons of three TIE Interceptors. Ted switched to Heavy rockets, he had ten and he put it onto one. Ted fired at the lead TIE Bomber whom turned the second Ted fired. But the slow clumsy Bomber began to move far too late and the Rocket hit the Bomber’s launcher pod shattering the Bomber completely before the warhead exploded. The blast radius was so large that it completely engulfed the Bombers and one of the Interceptors which were reduced to molten metal. The Interceptors were thrown away, two of them exploding with the blast and the other three hitting each other as they were pushed away.

“You’re gone! Scratch five Bombers and six Interceptors for you’re Commander!” Ted said and grinned devilishly.


Stallion fired a missile into the far TIE which exploded, flames gushing from the broken craft. He didn’t think the battle was going too badly as the Swords and Remorse pilots had managed to divide the TIE Fighters and battle say twenty independently helping each other out when necessary. No-one was dead; yet.

Stallion watched a TIE Fighter pull underneath him destined for Badlan’s path. Stallion ‘flipped turned’ the fighter upon itself and fired. The first laser missed, but Stallion was determined. Stallion fired again and this one hit the TIE, sending a jet of fire from the TIE, but the TIE ran on. Then he hit it again and It took a chunk out of the left solar panel, but the TIE lived. Now Stallion was pissed. But before he could finish off the TIE, two more bore down on him and he swore and pulled away. The first of the two fighters hit him on the front shields. But the second missed and Stallion moved across the axis of the TIEs, a risky move but the TIEs who weren’t expecting this missed Stallion and pulled onto his tail completing the turn.

“Bastards!!” Stallion whispered as another shot took out his aft shields. “Someone... help!!” He pleaded as the TIEs moved closer. He diverted energy to equalise the shields but he was still virtually unprotected. Stallion looked back to see the first TIE move closer and fire and Stall held his breath.

The second TIE which was slightly lagging against his wing mate exploded as emerald lasers plastered through it. The first TIE which had fired two bursts of Blasters looked back and missed all of them, and attempted to evade without knowing the location of his attacker. In the end the TIE Advanced belonging to Kungs Backa roared into view and hit the other TIE square on the entrance hatch blowing it off, the pilot ejected as the craft broke up and hit the desert surface debris rolling over the sand. 

“Thanks Kungs!” Stallion said.

“Any time Wing mate!” Kungs said and Stallion smiled and the two parted looking for other targets.

Tom watched the first of the TIEs hit the dusty landscape, the first, his Commander, didn’t know his pilot was gone. Tom smiled evilly.

In Starfighter combat, you must be aware of you’re surroundings at all times, or you die, without even knowing it! Tom recited the TIE Corps Combat Text book, Tom had never been massively academic, but had found a talent in flying and then combat and reading about it and having lessons on how to be good at it was the thing Tom did best was truly amazing as was being at the top of his class at the Daedalus Academy.

The second TIE flew on, oblivious that his Flight Member was gone as Tom had killed the TIE with one shot. Tom fired and the ship threw off the outer layer of metal and threw itself into the nearest TIE and both exploded in a fired ball which was very impressive to watch.

Another Two TIEs pulled across his bow obviously oblivious to his existence and Tom pulled onto their tail, the TIEs knew he was there and pulled away to port in formation to survive. But Tom flicked on the Missiles and the HUD formation changed, the missile beeped and the display shone yellow, then turned red and a continues beep rained toward his ears. “Goodnight!!”

The small Advanced Concussion missile flashed away, in the atmosphere of Thyferra it left a trail of smoke and hit the first TIE in its Twin Ion Engine forcing away both wings and shattering the cockpit. A fire ball smashed into the second TIE vaporising the Solar Panelled wing and throwing the unfortunate pilot toward the ground.

Tom smiled again. This was when Tom was most happy, in the cockpit of his fighter.

“TIEs at point .08!” Ted cried.

“I got ‘em!” Tom replied and pilled across, the three TIEs appeared in formation, lasers whipped past his fighter, and he jinked it so that it fractionally moved, he span the fighter so his wings flapped over on themselves and none of the lasers hit. Tom continued on his run not firing, just waiting. The TIEs were so close, in another five seconds he would over shoot them, but Tom was in no rush.

The TIEs were so close that he could see the pilot and he flicked his finger over the trigger twice and the middle TIE exploded, Tom watched the other two TIEs pull away as he flashed between the fading flames. Pulling away he followed the second TIE as it pulled to port. Tom fired long range and hit the TIE on the port wing shredding the Duraplast off and throwing the TIE off course, but somehow it clung onto life, so Tom fired a line of laser pulses and one hit  the cockpit and it exploded. Tom smiled and whooped. “Sword Squadron are gonna end up with a Million FCHG points by the end of today.” He said.

“Amen to that!” Badlan replied.


Doyon dove deep into the Force and saw the path the TIEs would run in the next few minutes and pulled into position. The Dark Side flowed through him and he smiled, the TIEs were dead.

He pointed the Missile Boat into empty space, five TIEs followed from behind but the old Colonel ignored them. He fired into empty space and the laser blast looked as if it was going to arch into the distance but then the TIEs flew into view and the lasers hit both blowing them away.

The 5 behind closed and fired, Doyon’s shields dropped as he took yet another hit. Fucking TIE Fighters!!

Doyon dropped back the throttle and the mindless Jerrajord Pilots flew past at much faster speed. Doyon pushed up the throttle and the three Interceptors attempted to evade, but Doyon flashed one with an unguided missile and it exploded, a TIE Fighter lost both it’s wings as a piece of debris hit the TIE at close range. Doyon followed the other three and fired another missile which hit and destroyed both a T/I and T/F, the last Squint moved ahead trying to stay one step ahead of Doyon.
But Doyon put on his SLAM drive for a few seconds and caught up with the TIE and fired. It dropped to the floor, flames escaping the Imperial TIE Interceptor.

Two more approached to the front. And then two came forward from behind, and Doyon held his breath. He used a new Missile Boat Weapon which Tom had designed where the Missile Launcher had an aft hatch and was able to release a warhead like a mine. Doyon pressed it and dropped one into the faces of the two from behind, one exploded and the flaming fire ball was left behind as the speeding ships continued on. One still followed from behind and the two approaching were firing.

Can you be blind sided?  Doyon asked the TIE in his mind.

Doyon pushed the throttle up to make it so that the TIEs would overshoot him at the same time. Then he pushed down and the TIEs pulled down to follow him and as they turned down the missed each other’s existence and hit one another. Flames shot all around as Doyon pulled up from the drop. He looked forward and saw he had travelled far from the battle without even noticing.

“Common Ric, we need that shield down!” Doyon pleaded.


Anar Par switched back to lasers and fired into the Assault Gunboat, one of the Jerrajord’s more advanced models exploded and threw what was left of it toward the ground.

“Ted my dad’s gonna be here in five minutes, we have to get on with it.” She said.

“I know Anar, but we’re stuck unless Joran can take the shield down.”

TIE port side, .45 Klicks. I’m on.” She reported and fired. The TIE burst into flames just like the seven others she had killed.

She flashed away to hit another TIE.


Reaper shot the Missile into the Laser battery as he continued his strafing runs on the Planetary laser batteries. They pointed upwards, huge block like structures which sent penetrating lasers into the sky. Reaper had watched them try to take out Sword and Remorse Ships with no success, but he had seen them accidentally hit Jerrajord and THDC TIEs not just blowing them up but vaporising almost the whole TIE, giving Tom Gilbert more than enough reason to try to take them down.

The Missile hit on the firing chamber and the whole thing erupted into fire and smoke. He pulled up to avoid collision on the energy barrier.

“Common Joran, we need the shield down.” He said.

More TIEs!!!

Fifteen TIE Fighters swept in firing into the ship and leaving his shields in the red. The pulled to starboard as five more swept past.
“Um... TIEs coming from orbit.” Reaper reported.

“God damn it, they’re everywhere!” Trow replied.

“Alright, call up Joran Badlan, we need her to do her work!” Ted ordered quickly.

“G’damn it!” Reaper swore as a laser bolt lit up his front shields.

“Joran this is Badlan, common, we’ve vaped around thirty TIEs out of 100, but, they keep coming, they’re overwhelmed, get rid of the Generator, quickly!!     


*  *  *


Nal Pershe watched the battle from the main window, from the high tower he smiled as he watched TIEs flash over the bubble and try to take out the Swords. Then he looked down as the Infiltration team tried to take out the Shield Generator. He already had Walkers in the area who had killed a third of the Zaltin Officers and were hunting the last of them who had made off with some kind of explosive devise. Nal looked down and saw the Stormtrooper Regiments make off around the base looking for the Officers. A TIE hit the Shields and it rippled, Nal Grinned.

“Status of the Shield?” Asked Nal.

“It has dropped .9 of a percent due to the laser misses and damaged TIEs hitting it.” One of the Jerrajord Fleet Officers.

“Good, what about the TIEs?” He asked.

“Thirty three have been Destroyed, one hundred and thirteen are still out there and a hundred more are on way from Al Dred Base on the southern continent. Fifteen more Squadrons are being dropped from the Escort Carrier Omnipotence.” The man reported again.
“Excellent, then we have no more need for those two.” Nal Reported and smiled. He looked toward Rel Embered who was in his cell and Helfa Par who was sitting on the steps moving up toward the throne.

“Execute Them!!” He said.
“No!!” Rel cried angrily and stood up from his seat and put his hands on the bars.
“What!?” Helfa said in shock.
“Lay one finger on me Pershe and you will regret it!” Rel said.

“Stormtrooper, see where I’m standing?” Asked Nal.

“Yes sir.” The Stormie replied.

“Execute them here, blaster shot through the back, make them life for a moment.” Nal said and walked away calm and collected.

*  *  *


Joran pulled Ricaud down as the walker fired again. Ricaud dropped the mid sized torpedo bomb and dove for cover.
“I’m a Wing Commander not a frickin’ Soldier!” He shouted in Joran’s ear.

“We now you’re both.” She replied and ran on leaving Ricaud to pick up the bomb before the AT-ST came back. The wall behind exploded as the Walker fired and Ricaud ran to the nearest collection of Bacta tanks. Throwing the bomb down again he ducked under the pipes as the Scout Walker blasted the top off the a Bacta container. The Ryll treated Bacta bubbled as it was super heated but didn’t explode. Blaster shots rained down next to Ric and he slipped. The Walker stopped and prepared to fire. Its cannons swivelled for a good shot and Ricaud stopped, stunned. The head exploded, throwing the legs away in opposite directions. Ricaud looked back and smiled. An AT-PT, or Personnel Transport, a smaller version of the AT-ST came striding up.

Suddenly Kelkacho appeared from within. “Yee-haw!” He shouted.

“Where’d you get that?” Asked Ricaud.

“From the vehicle bay, common, get the bomb, we’re gonna clear the way!


Ricaud found himself shooting Stormtroopers which the AT-PT had missed on his way to the Shield Generator. In one hand his blaster, in the other the cylindrical bomb. Suddenly a rocket flashed from within he huge tower complex and a Stormtrooper disappeared from view as it fired. The PT took a hit on the left side and stopped dead, all electrical equipment shorted out.
Kelkacho looked out of the front hatch to see one of the massive Laser Turrets turned slowly to point straight at the commandeered AT-PT. Kelkacho swore. And fumbled for the hatch. He felt the lock but couldn’t turn it. “OH FUCK!!

The turret stopped, its lasers pointing at the AT-PT. Kelkacho opened the hatch and then the turret fired. Ricaud slipped in the sand as the AT-PT exploded, the legs collapsed as fire engulfed the ‘head’ and threw armour away.

“Kelkacho!!” Ricaud shouted and looked to see if Kelkacho had escaped.
“Yes?” Asked Kelkacho and groaned. The man had somehow ended up behind Ricaud.
“I thought you were dead.” Ric said.
“Wishful thinking.” Kelkacho said.
“What happened, I got out just as it exploded and the blast threw me clear.” He explained.

Stormtrooper blasts rained over Ricaud’s head and he threw the bomb clear and helped Kelkacho up and to safety behind a wall.

They’re everywhere! Ricaud thought. Then as the Stormtroopers approached the turret which had destroyed the AT-PT exploded and the Stormtroopers were cooked. Joran appeared from the building to the right and smiled.

“Did you do that?” Asked Ricaud as the battle raged elsewhere.

“Yes, I put a bit of a grenade into one of the pipes.” She said and smiled.
“Where’s all the Stormies gone?” Asked Kelkacho, “this place was crawling.”

“I’ve got the Vratix and the Zaltin working their magic, they’re drawing them away.” Joran said and put her hands on her hips and smiled. A blaster shot flashed past and Joran returned fire to whom ever it was had shot at her. A sharp cry came from behind the building.

“Shall we?” Asked Joran and helped Kelkacho up.

“Bring the bomb Ricaud, its time to end a war.” She said and smiled.       


*  *  *


Nal Pershe continued to watch the execution, Helfa Par and Rel Embered were dropped to their knees and the Stormtroopers aimed at them and prepared to fire.

“Goodbye Rel Embered, you’re Alliance will be following you shortly.” Nal said cruelly.

“Fuck you Nal!

Suddenly there was such a massive explosion that it shook the foundations of the Palace. Nal twirled round to see the Shield Generator explode, sending debris flying upwards.

“Sword Squadron!” Nal Pershe screamed.

The shield flashed off. No longer was Nal Protected.


*  *  *


Badlan watched the Shields drop and smiled. “Joran did it!” He said amazed.

“You sound like you doubt me Badlan.” She said.

“Good work, I love you, now get the hell out before the place goes to hell. Badlan turned off the transmission and moved the Missile Boat into position. TIEs roared all around, more were even escaping through the Palace Hanger bay.

“Oh sithspawn, a lot more TIEs, I read 100 coming from the east side, thirty are coming from orbit, and five Squadrons are coming from the Palace." Reported Anar. A laser struck Badlan’s front shields and shot into the TIE. Laser shots roared from below as the Zaltin escaped they appeared to be taking out some of them, but there was almost fifty laser batteries. Badlan shot at another TIE which flew down and hit the Bacta container blowing up almost a whole Square mile of containers. Badlan flicked to Rockets and fired. The Rocket hit the Palace right where the throne room was held. The explosion blasted a hole in the wall, flames tearing through the Duraplast. But then Badlan was hit around five times by defences and forced to withdraw.


*  *  *


Nal Pershe pulled himself up from the floor, rubble was all around him, plaster covered his expansive clothing and looked forward. Rel Embered was standing over him, blaster pointed into his face.

“Hey Nal, how about a surrender?” Asked Embered.

Nal was pulled up from the floor and looked about the room, Stormtroopers lay dead or stunned, Fleet Officers were bleeding and some of them were cowering at the office section of the room, some went for Blasters only to be picked off by Helfa Par. Then she gunned all of them down, even the young women, her hatred for Imperials was obvious. Embered threw Nal forward and pointed the Blaster toward Nal.

“Where’s cure for the plague?” He asked the Thyferran leader.

“There is no cure.”
“Bull shit.”

“I swear!

Embered fired a laser blast which flashed past Nal, but only just. The Thyferran broke down almost crying. “It’s in the database.” Said the Thyferran.

Rel ran to the console and began to type into the database.

“Stop!” Helfa Par ordered and pointed the blaster at Embered.

“What? I’m trying to cure millions of a plague, help me!” Rel said.
“No, from now on Thyferra is neutral, the Jerrajords are going down if they try to oppose Thyferra and if the Alliance dies then so be it, neutrality for Thyferra!” she said angrily.

“Do you want the deaths of millions on your head?” He asked her.

“No. Do it, but be quick!” She said.

“Guard Pershe.” He ordered and she struck the Director with the butt of the blaster.

He continued to hack the database.


*  *  *


“We have to end this!” Anar shouted.
“What!?” Asked Kungs above the roar of TIE Engines and explosions. Blasters whined and pulsed all around. In the distance Anar could see Badlan, Ted and other Swords flying around between TIEs and destroying them.

“More TIEs are coming up from the west!

“Loosing shields!

“Gah... I lost my Warhead launcher.”
“Electronic failure, loosing engines.”

“TIEs, point O9, three klicks.”
“How many?”

“Thirty three.”
“Look out Stall, Gunboats.”
“Bandit’s going for a missile lock.”
“Help me out here!!

Right that’s it! Anar thought. She pulled straight for the tower.

She smiled. “Helfa. Can you hear me?” Asked Anar.
“I’m here sis.” Helfa replied.
“We can’t hold out anymore.” Anar informed her.
“Then pop a missile in here.” Helfa said.

“You sure?” Asked Anar.
“I am, we have to end the Xucphra Corporation once and for all, break the Cartel, Bacta for all!!” Helfa replied.

“Have you control of Nal Pershe?” Asked Anar.

“Yeah we got him.

“Prepare for a well guided missile.” Anar said and flew into the jaws of death.

Badlan watched Anar pull towards the tower and pick up three TIE Fighters. He fired into the first and killed it. The second fired and her ship shook and sparks and a small explosion erupted from the warhead launchers. Next the Thyferra pilot tried to evade the third whilst preserving her run but took a third hit before Badlan blasted it.

“Anar, what are you doing? You’re launchers are toast, you can’t make a run on the tower.” Badlan said.

“Sorry Bad, goodbye tell Sword that I love them all. In fact tell them all.” Anar said and smiled.

Goodbye Anar, may the force be with you!! Badlan sent to her.

She pulled her damaged Missile Boat and ran into the tower, she disappeared, in the next second a flame flashed from within the throne room and Nal Pershe, Anar and Helfa were no more.

Then all hell broke loose.


Anar Par pulled into the throne room with lasers flashing all around and her ship on fire. She flew into the huge chamber and over a man who was working at a console, then over her sister who was training her blaster onto Nal Pershe. “Goodbye Helfa.” Anar said.

“Goodbye Anar, I forgive you, you’re a true Thyferran.” She said and Anar hit the Bacta pipes which were running behind the throne, they served as decoration but they were untreated with Ryll. And the Missile Boat Exploded.


Rel Embered continued typing furiously. He had found the cure, buried deep within the data base and take it out and put it into a Scandoc submission. He sealed it with an encryption code and signed a short message to Mon Mothma. The Missile Boat approached and Embered saw that it was in fact a Sword ship. He looked back and saw Nal Pershe screaming with fear. Fear of his own death. Rel smiled and realised he has to send it soon or the Alliance would be lost forever.
He put it into the transmission antenna and pressed send.

It flashed “Successful Send”

“YES!!!!!!!!!!” He shouted and hugged his arms to his chest. Rel Embered had saved the Alliance and a second later he was killed when a Missile Boat exploded.


It was over Badlan saw and he watched as Joran’s stolen Transport cars swooped out of the Palace. The tower flashed all along itself down toward the centralised building some 300 feet below it. The explosion was impressive a massive flash which sent jets of flame out in all directions. This time the explosion was everywhere and as fireballs struck the ground Bacta pipes ruptured and the entire area was filled with flames. More and more fire balls tore up through the ground.

“Wahoohoooweee!!” Cried Badlan. “Thankyou Anar.” He said and smiled.

Anar had sacrificed herself to save them and to save her world, there was no-one more brave than she.

“Yes!!” Trow roared triumphantly.
“We did it, we did it!” Doyon said and smiled with a new sense of relief.

“Thankyou Anar, she was a Sword wasn’t she Ted?” Asked Tom as he flew away.

“She was exactly what makes Sword what it is, self sacrifice, devotion, bravery and honour. Thankyou Anar.”
“ANAR PAR!!” Came an eruption from all the Swords and Remorse ships.


Joran Delsar boarded her Stock Light Freighter to see Kedgerie Par at the controls watching the ever increasing fire ball. The Palace was completely engulfed, nothing was left and almost all of the TIEs were gone, caught in the blast.
“Kedgerie, you’re daughters sacrificed themselves for Thyferra.” She said.
Kedgerie turned. “I know, thank you Joran, good luck in all that you do.”

“Thanks.” She said and shook his hand.


Sword, Remorse and the Supremacy Dawn entered orbit, the tyrant destroyed, they were victorious. They had done the impossible. However ahead lay the Jerrajord fleet, six ISDs and the Super Star Destroyer Armada. Such a fleet was so large that it had almost three thousand TIEs between them. Swords had no chance of making it through and they had no other way off of Thyferra other than the Hyperspace exit through the Jerrajord fleet. They Jerrajord plot was over, without Thyferra they had no power base. But they could still take out Sword Squadron before they collapsed. 

“Sword Squadron, Kungs Backa and Kereseea, General Ricaud, Joran Delsar and Kelkacho. I would like to convey my pride, you have all achieved the impossible, you took on the Jerrajord TIE Wings and the might of the Thyferran Xucphra force and won, a triumphant victory indeed, and whatever happens know this; I have great faith in you all and a knowledge that you are the best the Empire has to offer.” Ted said. 

Badlan smiled. Mainly because he was telling the truth. Sword Squadron were the best and they had done something which very few could do.

Badlan switched to a secure channel from himself to Ted. “Why’d you say that, worried we’re not gonna make it through the Armada?” Asked Badlan.

“Well maybe a little, but I meant most, really.” Ted said.
“Oh I believe you.” Badlan said and smiled.
“Its been a pleasure serving with you sir.” Badlan said and typed <<<SALUTE>>> across the Com line. Ted returned his own little salute; {SALUTE} and cut out the line.

Badlan looked forward, more ships than he could count and they were launching TIEs.


*  *  *


“General!” Came a shout from the other side of the bridge.

“Yes Lieutenant.”
“Sword Squadron and the Supremacy Dawn are coming out of orbit, they’re on an approach vector, they’re hailing.”

Joran Delsar appeared on the screen and smiled. “Hello General Shee, we’ve done it, we’ve killed Nal Pershe, Anar Par is dead, but we’re on our way, if we don’t make it, then get the hell out.” Joran said and disappeared.

“Wow, Sword did it.” Akagi said and smiled.

“But getting through that fleet won’t be easy.” Tra said.


*  *  *


TIEs came forward, Interceptors, Bombers, Fighters and Advanced, there was almost a hundred coming at the Wing IXers.

Badlan smiled.

Impossible odds, but then Corellians never had any uses for the odds.

Badlan looked forward to see the phrase which was stuck to his HUD controls, it was there to remind him who he was.

’First they came for the Sullustans and I was not Sullustan so I did not speak out, then they came for the Twi’lek and I was not Twi’lek so I did not speak out, then they came for the Mon Calamari and Quarren and I was not from Mon Cal so I did not speak out, then they came for the Bothans and I was not Bothan so I did not speak out... then they came for me and there was no-one left to speak out for me.’


The quote was written about the Imperial Dictatorship of Corellia about the Imperial Secret Service prosecuting the non-humans. Badlan was Imperial though and it was to remind him, as an Imperial never to step down the path toward the beginning of that phrase.

Badlan gripped the stick and flicked the lasers onto full, Shields were recharged and lasers at full, Badlan’s ship was at full capacity, everything was good.

Then the TIEs came.

They swing over the Missile Boats, TIE Defenders and TIE Advanced with emerald lasers flashing against the blackness of space.

Badlan jinked the ship so that none of them it, the TIEs seemed blurred as they flashed past. Badlan watched himself run through the tunnel of TIE and simply fired forward. Lasers struck a distant TIE and the first kill was Badlan’s!

*  *  *


Tra Shee pricked up as the consoles began to bleep, then suddenly more and more of them bleeped, scanners, warning, New craft alert.

“What’s going on?” Asked Tra.

Lohr looked up. “Um... ships dropping Hyperspace, right infront of us!” Lohr cried.

“Where?” She asked looking out of the front of the Corvette.

“Wait, not infront of us, they’re hyper path takes them through us!” Lohr cried.

“Akagi, evasive!!” Tra Shee ordered.

The Corvette Nal Rhe pulled to starboard, the engines flashing as it propelled massive thrust.

Suddenly blurs of ships rolled past and shook the Corvette in their wake, but somehow the Corvette managed to survive.


“Is it the Relentless?” Asked Shae before the ships had a chance to dematerialise.

“What a day early?” Asked Quake.

“No, it’s the rebels!” Dan reported, “lots of them.”


*  *  *


Badlan watched the CR-90 and several other ships drop lightspeed almost on top of the Jerrajord ships. A Dreadnaught from Thyferra and an Alliance War Frigate collided as the ship exited lightspeed causing a massive explosion. Almost immediately the Rebel and Imperial Capital Ships began to fire on one another. Before the shields went up the Frigate Buena destroyed a Jerrajord Corvette and a Rebel CR-40 as small lesser capital ship took a direct hit from the SSD Armada and exploded.

Badlan saw the TIEs roll past his canopy and now with new ships in the area pulled across.

“Badlan where you off?” Asked Ted.

“Use the Rebels! Use them as cover, use the distraction and we may just survive.” Badlan said and pulled past Home One, Admiral Ackbar’s Flag Ship. X-Wings were escaping through the ship hold, Badlan fired three lines of lasers into an X-Wing and pulled over. Immediately the TIEs now with a bigger threat to worry about were moving to combat the Mon Calamari Cruisers. Badlan saw three TIE Squadrons skimming the surface of the Home One, lasers pulsating and striking at the shields. Crimson lasers also flew outward and a TIE Exploded just ahead of Badlan.

Badlan pushed the Missile Boat past the leaning edge of the MC-90, ignoring the Engine Wash.

Badlan now saw that the Jerrajords were using all the fighters available to them. TIEs roared from their bays, long lines of TIEs were escaping from the Armada, Badlan watched the TIEs dissipate, go in different directions and Emerald Lasers tore through space. Badlan shot at a TIE and it exploded, he ran to line between the Jerrajord SSD and the Alliance Fleet. Another Missile Boat came into view and as TIEs came forward one ran over and a flash indicated that the pilot of the MISS had hit it.

“Trow, Stall? Tom?” Asked Badlan.

“Trow here.”
“Common, follow me and we’ll get back home.” Badlan said and pulled to port running in parallel to a Jerrajord Corvette.


Ted fired at the first X-Wing which was flying against the weapons array of the SSD. The S-Foils snapped off and the ship rolled over on itself. Ted smiled. Two laser shots to the front forced the second into the SSD’s weapons sections.

“Flying here is dangerous Commander, Colonel.” Ted said. Ted grit his teeth and greatened his grip on the stick.

“Yeah, I suggest we do as Badlan said, use the Rebs as cover from the Armada.” Tom said.

Ted pulled aside as Interceptors roared past, not interested in him but rather in getting away from laser fire.

“If we’re gonna move, we’d better do it now!” Doyon said seeing a MC-70 ahead, Rube lasers were pounding the SSD but it was returning fire with devastating results. Doyon pulled across. Now the ships were properly into the battle and Snubfighters and TIEs rolled between each other.

Ted, Doyon, Reaper and Tom were on the Port side of the SSD which was pointing toward Thyferra, so they had already passed over the ‘nose’ tip, the bridge and engines were ahead. Badlan and Trow had pulled to Starboard where the Home One had dropped Light speed and was taking fire. Stallion, Kungs and Kereseea were going underneath the SSD and the Supremacy Dawn holding Joran, Ricaud and Kereseea were going over the top Starboard side. Each had chosen a route past the great Armada when the chaos of the rebels began and each were living the consequences. For instance, Joran and her freighter had to live with the mass collection of Rebel Snubfighters which were attacking the cityscape. Badlan, Trow, and Ted, Doyon, Reaper and Tom were living with the Turbo Lasers of the Armada, Rebel and Jerrajord Capital ships and Kungs, Stall and Kereseea had to combat the TIEs who’s exit vector was the bottom of Imperial Capital Ships.

Ricaud swivelled in the gun turret of the Supremacy Dawn as X-Wings and A-Wings, catching site of a Freighter with Imperial Markings swooped in for a pot shot.

Ricaud fired at an A-Wing which moved away as electrical discharges flew off it. Then he turned again firing into a Y-Wing’s nacelle which exploded sending the Y-Wing spinning away. The freighter took two massive hits and Ricaud turned to see one of the Armada’s many Turbo Lasers cannons which was shooting at them. Ricaud switched to the Missile Launcher built into the cannon and fired into the Cannon which exploded threw off Duraplast and exploded.

“How much further?” He asked.

“A fair way.” Came a reply.

“We’re never gonna make it outta here!” Ricaud said as the lights dipped as laser pulses hit them.


Stallion managed to throw the TIE off so that it pulled into the sights of Kereseea who fired a pulse into the TIE. It exploded in a ball of fire.
“Thanks man, lets go!” Said Stallion. Snubfighters snap rolled into formation to make runs on the Shuttle Bay of the Super Star Destroyer. Small dots flashed over the bay and red lasers pricked the hull of the SSD. Small flashes danced across the starfield and X-Wings exploded under the fire from the fighter. All around TIEs zipped backwards and forwards. Stallion fired at a TIE which wasn’t going for them but crossed his sights.

“Stallion look out A-Wing!” Kungs shouted, but it was too late and a laser blast hit Stallion throwing his MISS of course. An A-Wing flashed past.

“Stall!” Kungs cried.

Stallion pulled into a spin and when he pulled back Kungs and Kereseea were well away. TIEs and X-Wings suddenly seemed to be in a strafing run and Stallion for some reason was in the middle. He engaged the SLAMs before the lasers touched him but stopped them almost right after to avoid hitting something.
A lone TIE flew along on its own seeming to be minding it’s own business, Stall popped a laser blast into it’s frame work and killed it.


Badlan saw one of the Jerrajord ISDs, the Counter-Strike, it was between the Home One and the Armada, but a lot of space was between, however if he continued to fly straight through empty space where the dogfight was most fierce then he was likely to be vaped, or get Trow vaped. However going close to the Counter-Strike mean getting closer to the Armada and doing that would be unwise. Those lasers could chew him up and spit him out. A TIE rolled past and an X-Wing followed it, red lasers flashing and popping. That decided Badlan and he pulled down toward the Counter-Strike. The ISD had taken fire from the Home One and another MC-55 Mon Castoda. Its hull was buckling, massive flames roared from great holes in the hull and great glowing cracks were appearing where Duraplast sheets met and were now superheated, the ISD wouldn’t survive, but that would keep the TIEs and Snubs away.

Badlan dropped the fighter toward the Counter-Strike and made sure Trow was with him. As he passed over the nose Red lasers danced upward from the Mon Castoda and the nose and several other locations along the triangular ship, jets of fire roaring upwards pushing the deck plating upwards like it wasn’t there. Badlan turned the Missile Boat on its side and prepared to engage the SLAMs. “TROW!!! SLAMs!!”

Badlan shouted and he engaged, the Missile Boat over ran the hull and underneath the Bridge tower, shortly after another laser caused the deck to buckle there and flames roll over the Bridge which exploded too.

Trow ducked underneath the other side of the Bridge and whilst he was still under it, the thing exploded, Trow weaved as debris was send raining down onto the surface like meteorites. Badlan sighed.

“Nice flying Stormie.”
“Lets go another way next time huh?” Asked Trow.

Looking back Badlan saw the ISDs top hull tear off as the ship exploded, flames licked space and the entire Counter-Strike was gone!


Doyon lead the others past the MC-80 to the right, unfortunately a Jerrajord Dreadnaught exploded from cross fire and forced them to the to the wrong side of the MC-80, the side which was under fire from the SSD. Crimson and Emerald laser pulses were exchanged, X-Wings carrying payloads flashed backwards and forwards, some exploding. TIEs ran in unison with the Turbo Blasts and some exploded. It was chaos.

Reaper took a hit from the SSD and his shields dropped instantly.

“Reaper get those shields up!” Tom ordered.

“But my lasers.” Reaper began.

“Lasers aren’t worth shit in a blockade run, shields are better.” Doyon joined in.
The TIE Defenders and Missile Boats pushed past a Thyferran Dreadnaught, the stinging lasers of the Armada gone.


Kungs fired a missile into the TIE Squadron approaching and the resulting explosion threw the TIEs off balance. Stallion who was slightly lagging after his knock fired at one of the TIEs which exploded in a cloud of fire.

“Common Relentless!!” Stallion said wishing for a return to his beloved home.


Joran pushed over the clear deck panelling of the Armada it was a miracle they had survived at all. Red lasers crashed between them as the Alliance Ships attempted to bring down the mighty behemoth.

She turned the ship as an A-Wing almost hit them. Snubs were running themselves in strafing runs over the SSD in an attempt to crash her shields and it was working. The Jerrajords were outnumbered and the surprise attack had wreaked havoc on the Imperials. Joran smiled, they had destroyed themselves with their own acts. How beautifully ironic!

She watched a Jerrajord Lancer Frigate fall slowly to it’s death, it flashed into the hull of the Armada, Duraplast flashed as the metal was vaporised. The Corvette didn’t properly explode until it had been buried into the SSD by around thirty meters. It blew as a massive column of fire which sent a small chunk of metal hit the front shields. The weapons array erupted into flames for around thirty meters, where the two deck plates connected.

Joran looked back, Kelkacho and Ricaud were inside the gun turrets and then she saw through the two back windows the MC-90 Home One. It wasn’t following her, rather strafing the city scape trying to get better shots but she didn’t want to run over the city scape for the turbo lasers. So she pushed forward into the pillar of fire and screamed through the fire and out the other end. There two chunks of Corvette hung lifelessly. She flashed between them.

“Yea-haw!!” She cried.

“Joran?” Called Ricuad.

“You are one crazy bitch!”


Ahead was the Flag Ship of the Thyferran Home Defence Corps, the Victory Class Star Destroyer Rrae. Badlan smiled, this was the ship which had taken over the Relentless. The Malher, it’s accomplice, was brought to justice when the Squadrons of Sword, Dagger and Spear had destroyed it, along with the rescued Relentless, now it was the Rrae’s turn. Badlan smiled.

He pushed the ship into a firing range. “Trow aim you’re Heavy Rockets at the VSD Rrae, its revenge time!” Badlan said and smiled.

“I’m not sure.” Trow said.

“Well I’m going for it, I could do a lot better with you’re help.” Badlan said.

Trow seemed to come round and flew into formation. Badlan fired all the rockets into the VSD. They hit along side Trow, two on the bridge tower, and then the other sets of five roaring through the triangular hull. The blast easily over powered the old VSD. The entire vessel exploded and Badlan dropped past the debris of the Rrae and smiled, he was almost past the Armada, and although his shields were low he looked as if he were to make it. But had the others made it too?


*  *  *


Admiral Ackbar helped up the injured Mon Calamari up from the floor, the bridge was in virtual ruin, but the Super Class Star Destroyer Armada was worse. It’s shields were long gone and although half of the Bacta virus free Alliance Ships had been destroyed, almost all of the Jerrajord ships were gone and the Armada just needed a little push

“Move the fleet away from the Armada!” Ackbar ordered.

                                 *  *  *



Badlan watched the TIEs slowly thin out, they had left the battle behind, Trow was still with him. He looked around, trying to see the other Swords, to see if they still lived, he looked for Kungs and Joran as well, but he saw none of them.
Badlan looked back at the battle, the Alliance Warships were moving away, flying as fast as the fat Mon Calamari Starships could go.

Lasers roared from the SSD Armada but it’s hull was covered with burning marks, hull breaches and deformed metal structures as the metal had liquefied and then re-hardened in the cold of space. Badlan watched another of the Mon Calamri Starships explode, but also saw some of the Lancer Frigates, three of them explode in unison as Y-Wings bombarded them. They were safe, the battle was behind them, the Nal Rhe and the Jump point ahead.

Suddenly the Armada exploded, the bridge tore off and the entire triangular body pulsed in a massive flash. Fire tore from the hull, debris roared outwards, screaming against Alliance, Thyferran and Jerrajord ships alike, entire squadrons, entire wings of fighters exploded as metal tore against metal and the Jerrajord war was officially over.

“Where are they?” Asked Trow.

“I don’t know.” Was Badlan’s honest reply.

Suddenly came a familiar cry, a whoop of excitement and victory. It was Doyon, plainly obvious as Badlan had heard it a thousand times before.

With him was the two Toms, Ted, Stallion, Kungs Backa, Kereseea, and the Supremacy Dawn. Badlan smiled and looked back the fighters were outlines against the swirling fire ball of the Armada, they had survived against all the odds.

Badlan pulled into range next to the Nal Rhe and smiled. Sword Squadron had made it.

“We’re the greatest!” Badlan said and pressed the button for Hyperspace.





*  *  *


Epilogue: Last Hour Of the Last Day


Mon Mothma put down her tea and sighed, the entire Palace on Thyferra had exploded, no cure had been found and the 7% death rate would become 9 in three days. All seemed lost. Ackbar reported that they had lost a considerable amount of people at Thyferra and that if no cure was found then the percentage of Alliance surviving would be around 5%. There was no way to protect against Imperials and Pirates in that shape.

Mon Mothma checked her messages an there was one from Thyferra which looked interesting, she opened it.

“Mon Mothma, my name is Rel Embered, I was captured and brought to Thyferra three weeks ago, and now I am dead, however thanks to an Emperor’s Hammer Squadron, myself and another Thyferran have taken the palace and have captured Nal Pershe, however this Imperial Squadron, designated Sword intend to destroy the Palace and so, I have found the cure and have sent it to you. This is my legacy.

Thank you.”

Mon Mothma smiled and looked at the file, it was indeed a cure. And with that the Alliance was saved.


The Relentless was pulled out of Lightspeed by an EH Interdictor Cruiser, three hours after Sword Squadron dropped into Real space in the same zone.

There Sword Squadron and the others rejoined the ship and under the chaos of the virus and the Jerrajord War the Relentless slipped back to Benat very easily. Badlan slept for the whole nine hour journey and woke fresh and awake. In the next few hours there would be a parade, the Wing IX fighters would fly forward leading the Relentless, on each side of her Bridge tower would fly the Dreadnaught Tranquillity, Rear Admiral Quake’s ship and the Nal Rhe would travel on the other side.

Behind the Rapier task force would follow up the lead and together Wing IX, the Rapier and Relentless would pull into Aurora, victorious.

Badlan showered, dressed in his ‘dress’ jump suit and put his medals over his chest. He shined his helmet and walked to the Shuttle Bay.

It was the last hour of the last day, for Badlan on the Relentless, but he didn’t know it.

Badlan walked to the shuttle bay, one hour was left before he was due out and he decided to make sure the Pacifica was up to maintenance level. On his way from the Concourse Badlan walked through the huge Blast doors toward the shuttle bay when he heard a call.
Badlan turned to see Joran Delsar standing in a Droid Socket alcove smiling. She scratched her tattoo and brushed back some hair. Badlan smiled and walked over to her.

“Hey.” She said.
“I would have thought you would have left by now.” Badlan said.

“Nah, why would I miss Wing IXs big moment?” She asked.

Badlan smiled again. “We did something fairly incredible these past few months.” Badlan said.

She nodded, “Yes we did.” She stepped forward toward Badlan. “I have something for you.” She said and reached down to the Black Stormtrooper utility belt strapped around her waist. She withdrew a Holographic Data Chip and held it infront of her face. “This will change your life forever.” She said.

Badlan took it and looked at it. “What is it?” Asked Badlan.

“Watch it and see.” She said and stepped away.

Badlan looked at it again and slotted it into the Holocube he had on him always. He walked to his old sitting spot against the wall and looked out into space.

It began to play. His parents appeared standing together.

“Hello Hadar,” They said. “We are being held by Warlord Zsinj at a special asteroid facility. We are being to forced to finish Thrawn’s legacy, the Cloaking field project.” Said his Mother, Merro Badlan.

“We send this to Imperial Intelligence in the hope that it reaches you. We need you to help us son, we are still alive, we know you are in the Imperial Navy, help us!” Jes Badlan said and his father and mother faded.

Badlan was too stunned to react. Nothing could have prepared him for this. He stood, put the Holocube into his pocket and ran to find the Supremacy Dawn. Upon finding it he saw Joran standing in the open hatchway.
“Is this real?” He asked holding up the chip.
“100% authentic.” She said.

“I have to find them.” He said.

“Are you willing to leave all this and possibly join the Intelligence Business?” She asked.

“I’ll do anything.” Badlan replied.

“Then come and find me.” She said and the hatch flashed shut. The Freighter lifted off the ground and flew off into the distance. Badlan wondered why she was leaving. Maybe if she thinks I’m serious then I’ll come find her and this is a test. Badlan realised.

Fine you want me to show commitment? I’ll find you Joran!


Badlan ran back to the Sword Quarters, it was empty, all the Swords were gone to the bay to get ready to leave.

Badlan had a new goal in life, to find his parents.

Badlan packed his lightsabre, pilot uniform, rations, Blasters, he raided the Sword Squadron armoury and got explosives and Gatti Sticks. He packed his personnel stuff and prepared to leave the Relentless possibly forever. Badlan took one look back into the Sword Quarters. On the way to his Shuttle, Kawolski, so named because Kawolski had swapped it with him after Endor for a part which K needed for the ISD Conquest so that he could get the ship up and running. Badlan loaded it up and ran back to the situation room and handed in his resignation on Ricaud’s empty desk.

“Lieutenant Commander Badlan, please report to the Shuttle Bay for immediate launch.” Came Ted’s voice over the Comm.

“Badlan reached for the Com link and began to speak.

“Ted, go ahead I’ll be out in a minute.” Badlan said and so Sword left without him for a second.

Badlan now running as fast as he could bumped into Quake who was on his way to the Shuttle which would ferry him to the DREAD Tranquillity.

The fall knocked Quake and Badlan square over.

“Wow! Where you off in such a rush?” Asked Quake.
Badlan sat up, “Well, I’m, leaving Quake, I got personnel stuff to take care of.” Badlan said.

“You’re leaving?” Asked Quake in shock.

Badlan nodded.
“You can’t leave you’re like the Relentless’ resident Old Man, you’re been here longer than Ricaud.” Quake said.

Badlan nodded, “This is something I have to do Quake.” Badlan said.

This time Quake nodded. “Yeah well, good luck.” He said and Badlan shook Quake’s hand.

“Will it be dangerous?” Asked Quake.

“More than even I know.” Badlan replied.

“Then, on behalf of the Advanced Guard, I present you the honorary Force Pike, I’m sure a Jedi would find a lot more use for it than us Advanced Guards.” Said Quake. He took a Force Pike from it’s sheath and handed it to Badlan.

“Quake I can’t.” Badlan said.

“Take it, it’ll help you.”
“Thank you so much.” Badlan said and strapped the sheath around this back and put the Pike in.
Badlan nodded, and Saluted and ran off.

“Badlan, hurry back!!” Quake shouted.


Badlan launched the SHU Kawolski out of the Relentless and towards the EH boarder. Badlan looked back at the Wing IX fighters, the Rapier task force, the Nal Rhe, and the Relentless!

“Goodbye Wing IX!” Badlan called.

“Badlan?!” Asked Trow.

“Yeah it’s me, I’ll see you later I guess.Badlan said and smiled.

“But Badlan...” Ricaud began. Badlan ignored him.

“Cya later.” Badlan said.

With that Badlan pressed the Hyperspace button and launched the shuttle into lightspeed. Badlan’s Quest had begin.



=== THE END ===



==== Acknowledgement ====


I would like to thank the following;


The brave Men and Women of Wing IX:


RA Andronicus

GN Ricaud


MAJ Dan Malaktos

CM Brad Tack

MAJ Lohr Zadash

CPT Kane

LT Tom Gilbert

CM Tom

LT Trow

LCM Stallion
COL Doyon

LT Aragorn

LCM Leonid De Bastide

LCM Talon Ray Hunter

COL Ritsuko Akagi

LCM Rejili Holthaus

LCM Curry

LT Argyle Ironfist

LCM Bart

LCM Tiger

CPT Darkstar

CPT Shae Kitane

LT Shino Kisaki

LT Da'emon Narshay

LT Bryan

LCM Devon Thannier

LT Keronium


Other EH Members who have made my stay enjoyable:

MAJ Minkus

COL Callista

COL Kessler

VA Jarak Maldon

COL Scoser

LC Ford

CPT Kayle Bayron

LCM Zero Lestat

CPT Ahkliat

CPT Werdna Elbee

HA Kawolski

AD Theodore

COL Darklord


And of Course, the one whom without we wouldn’t even be here:


Grand Admiral Ronin


Thankyou all, and I hope to see you all soon!



In the Service Of the Empire!!



Lieutenant Commander Badlan


RSV/LCM Badlan/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves

"Mind Over Matter; I Don't Mind And You Don't Matter" A TC Corps Philosophist