Sword Squadron:

Part III

Sword Redemption


Dramatis Personae


Sword Squadron:


CMDR-CM Ted (human male from ???)

FL-CM Tom  (human male from ???)

FL-LCM Stallion (human male from Courscant)

FM-LCM Badlan (human male from Corellia)

FM-LT Trow (human male from Ord Mantell)

FM-LT Vapester (human male from ???)

FM-LT Martelus (human male from ???)

FM-CM Anar Par (human female from Thyferra)

FM-GN Rhe Jace (human male from Bothawui)  

FM-CM Binad Plor (human female from Denab)


Dagger Squadron:


CMDR-CPT Dan Malaktos (human male from Courscant)

FL-LCM Manticore (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Rejili Holthaus (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Leonid DeBastide (human male from Courscant)

FM-CPT Falcon (human male from Courscant)

FM-LCM Talon Ray Hunter (human male from Alderaan)

FM-LT Fireball (human male from ???)



Spear Squadron


CMDR-CM Quake (human male from Valhalla)

FL-LCM Brad Tack (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Bart (human male from Yaga-Minor)

FM-CPT Pete Mitchell (human male from Courscant)

FM-CM Dante Anr (human female from Selonia)


Shield Squadron


CMDR-CPT Kane (human male from Courscant)

FL-LCM Adam Lagoda (human male from ???)

FL-LT Devon Thannier (human male from Corellia)

FM-LT Bryan (human male from Courscant)


Remorse Squadron


CMDR-LC Kungs Backa (Twi’lek female from Ryloth)

FL-CPT Kereseea (human male from Selonia)

(Remorse XO)


Imperial Personnel


COM-RA Andronicus (human male from  Scotti IV) (Commodore ISD Relentless)

WC-COL Val Ricaud (human male from Alderaan) (Wing Commander ISD Relentless)

COM-GN Tra Shee (human female from Courscant) (Commodore Corvette Nal Rhe)

Joran Delsar (human female from Aurora) (Imperial Intelligence)

Kelkacho (Human male from ???) (Joran Delsar’s aide, Imperial Intelligence)


New Republic forces:


VA-COM Shiel Rho (Bothan Male from Bothawui) (Commodore CR-90 Malher)

GN Rel Embered (human male from Courscant) (Alliance Intelligence) 


Moff Jerrajord Imperials:


Nal Pershe (human male from Thyferra)(Director Thyferra Bacta Ltd.)

HA Brutal Coffey (human male from Courscant)

(Imperial Task Force Commander)


Chapter I: Deception


Badlan was within the simulator, whilst the others grieved for the loss of their ISD, the loss of their Wing Commander, Commodore, the loss of two pilots at the hands of the Alliance.
But Badlan wasn’t ready to grieve, not yet, because what Joran had said as they hypered out of the Benat system made him think outside the box.
“They Rebels have the Relentless!” Joran had said. But he had watched along with half of Wing IX, watched flames burst from the hull of the mighty ISD. Watched the core go nova and vaporise all aboard and all of the hull that was still intact, but his own sensor readings and suspicions told him that this wasn’t so. That the Relentless was alive and out there in the clutches of Rel Embered the man whom Joran had named that was hunting Sword Squadron.
Badlan looked at the screen. Saw the Relentless exploded, so he slowed the speed. Zoomed into the highest resolution and focused in on the focal point of the explosions. The probe capsules, obviously stuffed with explosives were what the Rebels had used to blow the Relentless.
But then why send in troops? Badlan watched the explosion grow at a slow speed. Saw the bright blue/white gleam as the core went nova, but again, why did the core only crack the hull where the engine exhaust ports were housed? Badlan watched the flames spread out and then in the slow motion state something caught his eye.
He replayed it and enhanced it. Zoomed in and almost died when he saw it.

“The Relentless isn’t vaped!!” He said running into the bay where Sword Squadron were housed. They all looked up as Badlan ran down the ramp. “That’s what Joran meant! The Relentless lives!”
Tra Shee, Kungs Backa, Kereseea, Ted and all the other Swords, obviously in a depressed state as the delusional Sword pilot came running to their audience.
“Look!” He cried.
“What’s you’re problem?” Asked Ted angrily.
Badlan held up a data pad with an image on it. “This is from the simulator!” He said. The officers around him made a circle to see the image. “That explosion is the “Relentless” exploding, but look there in the corner, its outta focus but its there!”
And it was, Ted looked, it was the Relentless, the triangular Imperial Star Destroyer its engines spewing white hyperspace exhaust as it thrust into lightspeed.
“Deception!” Said Ted angrily.

When the Nal Rhe and Supremacy Dawn left Hyperspace they found themselves in orbit of the forest world, Dantooine. Behind it and closer to the triple sunned system was Tantooine.

The Supremacy Dawn docked with the Nal Rhe and with her crew of eight Tra Shee saluted Joran Delsar.
“You want you’re ISD back?” Asked Joran referring to Sword.

“Hell yeah!” Said Stallion.

“Good, because the Relentless isn’t really...”
“Destroyed.” Ted finished for her. “We know, Badlan found that out already.” He said smiling.

“I had a feeling he may!” Said Joran. “Well they weren’t expecting for you to keep the Relentless’ existence a secret forever, just until they got it to Courscant.” Joran said.

“Where is she now?” Asked Doyon.

“My Aide is slicing that data now on a small data transceiver.” Joran said.

“Are the Thyferran and Jerrajord’s in league?” Asked Badlan.

“Yes, now that Rhe Jace has shown himself as a member of the Alliance I can safely that I trust you all. Here is the plot.” Although she suspected Badlan already knew she revealed the Thyferran/Jerrajord story.

“Five Months ago the Thyferran Director decided he was pissed off with Alliance prices and wanted the Imperials back. Because you see, well Mr. Ricuad could explain it to you better than I can, he was PREX after all, um...”

“Does this have anything to do with the Bacta Monopoly and the collapse of the Galactic Market?” Asked Trow.

“A Corporate Division guy huh?” Asked Joran. Trow nodded. “Well yes, when the Galactic Market crashed Bacta prices fell, and when Nal Pershe took complete control of the Bacta Production he created a problem for himself, Ok so he was getting lots of cash to him and him alone, but the Bacta prices were still falling because the Alliance were only dealing with him, since the Market crashed the Alliance were able to dictate their own prices. So Nal Pershe decided to, out of his own greed, kill millions and get the Imperials back in power.

He created a virus with the Imperial Moff Jerrajord regime to put in his Bacta, he would sell the infected Bacta to the military and kill every Alliance fleet officer. Then he and the Jerrajord’s would wage war on the EH.” Joran explained.

“Money, people have died for money!” Said Tra Shee angrily.

“Even I wouldn’t wish what that psycho’s doing to the New Republic.” Said Vapester.

“Well, the Alliance is infected and almost three quarters of their fleet are infected, and now they’re waging war on the EH.” Said Joran.

“Where does the Relentless come into this?” Asked Trow.

“Well when he was working for the Thyferrans Rel Embered, the Alliance Intelligence man who’s been hunting Sword contacted the Bothan Spy Network and a Bothan called Shiel Rho, who by chance commands the Malher which attacked the Relentless. Shiel is the man who recruited Rhe Jace into Sword Squadron, so in an effort to stop you guys from vaping Bacta Convoys he had Rhe dug out and give away the Salm’s position.” Said Joran.

“Bastard, Rhe’s gonna pay for the deaths of both Sal Dodrel and Borol Keler.” Said Tra Shee.

“Later it appears that Nal Pershe forced Rel Embered to destroy the Relentless, was it part of his plot? No, just a way of using the Alliance to help both him and the Jerrajord’s.” Said Joran. “So with the help of a Thyferran fleet, Rhe Jace and the Bothans, Rel Embered got Jace to give up the location of the Relentless and then the Alliance hatched a plan to make it appear that the Relentless had been destroyed when in fact it was captured.”

“Clever little Rebels.” Said Anar. “I can’t believe, that Jace, would betray us, he’d been an ‘Elite’ for years!”

“Well, apparently Shiel Rho lost contact with Rhe Jace after the Endor battle and the consequent aftermath.” Joran said, scratching her tattoo.

“Alright so what’s going on now, I mean galactic scale?” Asked Binard.

“The Thyferrans are about to get visitors, the Jerrajord’s are gonna get into orbit of Thyferra and attack what’s left of the Alliance, and the Emperor’s Hammer.” Said Joran.

“How long do the Rebels have left before their people start dying?” Asked Martelus.
“A little under 5 days, their people are now sick, like Tom was, but Tom was infected earlier thus he would have died sooner.” Said Joran.

“We never even got to see if the cure worked.” Said Kungs.

“Alright, maybe we can’t help the whole EH for now, what about Shield, Dagger, Spear Squadrons and the Relentless?” Asked Badlan.

“Well, basically, the Relentless is on its way to Yaga Minor, its gonna be repaired, its people processed for interrogation and the Relentless itself repaired in time for the trip to Courscant.
“Can we save her?” Asked Ted.

“Yeah, but difficult, kind of, fail and we’re dead situation.” Said Joran.
“Sounds like a Sword Squadron kinda mission.” Said Ted.

“About the other Squadrons, well Quake and Spear are off to get Rhe, Rhe himself is off to Corellia, he’s scheduled for reprocessing. He’s travelling with an A-Wing Squadron called Gamelied, a Thyferran Squadron, now the Thyferrans may just turn around and blast him now that they’re gonna swap sides.” Said Joran.

“Lets hope.” Said Anar.

“Well Quake may have to follow them all the way to Corellia and they don’t have the fuel or the weapons to get that far into Alliance space.” Joran sat on one of the metal crates near the wall. “As for Dan and Dagger, well they’re after the Rrae and the Malher. Lets just say that having only read Dan Malaktos’ file I have reason to believe that the section saying ‘Hot Head Tendencies’ is true. One Squadron Verses two primary capital ships like this is suicide!” Said Joran. “It appears that the Relentless will be needing two new Squadrons, if not three.” Joran said.

“Are we going after the Relentless or not?” Asked Binard.

“We are.” Said Ted. “With General Tra Shee’s approval.” Said Ted.

“Oh I’m with you.” Said Tra Shee. 

“Lets go and get the Rel back!” Said Badlan smiling.


Tom, Sword pilot had escaped from quarantine. Some of the medical staff had tried to force him to stay inside the quarantine room, however Tom had forced his way out. The medical staff then deleted the suspected cure which Dan Malaktos had synthesised from the infected Bacta. Next minute Tom was in a light fight. Blaster pulses flying all around. Stormtroopers rushed in, to at least try and stop the Alliance.

They were slaughtered, and the Rebels made their way to the bridge, where Tom feared they would kill his Bridge friends and the Commodore, Rear-Admiral Andronicus, and Wing Commander Ricuad. Tom slipped his way back into the medical centre and into an airduct, where only a scanning team would be able to pick up his life readings.

Still weak and ill from the apparent disease which he hand acquired Tom remained there. Watching the battle from an inspection airlock window he noticed Sword Squadron and the others of Wing IX.

When a massive explosion rocked the ship and flames appeared tearing through the hull he wondered if all were lost. But the Relentless entered light speed instead.

Upon three hours into the light speed trip Tom realised they were not headed back to the Aurora sector or even to Benat or the Minos Cluster but rather further into Alliance Space, suggesting that they were under Alliance Command.
The ship dropped light speed at a world instantly recognisable to Tom as he had spent childhood holidays there.

Yaga Minor.

Famous for their shipyards, but a world, VERY much in Alliance control. They were bringing her to be repaired!


*  *  *


Rel Embered sat on the bridge of the VSD Rrae, the Thyferran Victory Class Star Destroyer rolled into Sullust just in time to watch the last of the Bacta Convoys jump to light speed.

Rel was nervous. He had realised with Shiel Rho that Nal Pershe was the man behind the virus. And also that it was carried in his Bacta.

Rel stood. He nodded to the commander, “I’m just off to the Malher.” He said as confidently as he could do. And being an Intelligence Officer, Rel Embered could be confident.

“All hail Director Pershe!” Said the Commander rising.

Rel turned to see Nal Pershe’s face on the communiqué screen. He grew nervous again.
“Director Pershe, a pleasure as always.” Said Rel. He didn’t want to leave whilst Nal was communicating as it may arouse suspicions.

“Mr Embered, what excellent fortune that you are here!” Said Nal smiling. The pampered, man, dressed as if he were a prince stood from his throne.

“Oh?” Said Rel.

“Yes. But first tell me how the assault on the Relentless went.”

“It went according to plan.” Said Rel. “We did loose some fighter though.”

“Never mind, now my news, I have decided to switch alliances, I no longer harbour any loyalties to Mon Mothma and the Alliance council, Bacta prices continue to fall, I will soon have to cut wages of my people so that the economy can remain intact!” Said Nal.

“To keep yourself fat and rich you mean!” Said Rel angrily.

“From now on, the new Thyferran ally is High-Admiral Brutal Coffey and the Moff Jerrajord Lost Regime. They will bring prices down once both the Alliance and Emperor’s Hammer are crushed!” Said Nal ignoring Rel’s comment.

“You’d kill millions, for credits?” He asked angrily.

“Yes, now, Commander arrest Mr Embered and return to Thyferra, we shall begin our plans soon.” Said Nal and the communication ended.

“Shiel! They’re allied with the Jerrajord sect! Thyferrans virus!” Shouted Rel into his communicator. The Commander came forward and fired a stun pulse into Rel’s chest. The man fell down unconscious.


“Sir! The Thyferran cruiser is going to Hyperspace.” Said one of the Bothan bridge crew.
“Bastard Thyferrans are defecting. Knock out their engines!” Said Shiel Rho.

The VSD went to hyperspace before a single shot hit them.

“Sir, we have enemy TIE craft emerging from hyperspace, its... Dagger Squadron!” Said the Bothan officer.

“What?!” Said Shiel.

Before he could react lasers hit the CR-90, small flashed appeared across the hull, causing no permanent damage.
“Launch what fighters we have left!” Said Shiel. “They must have followed our hyperspace trail!”

Dan pulled across the bow of the Malher, laser blasts flashing and roaring. The battle of Dagger Vs. Malher had begun!


*  *  *


Badlan stood next to Joran dressed in civilian clothing in the Moff Cantina. So named because it used to belong to an Imperial Moff.

Badlan felt stupid in Joran’s aide’s clothing but he bore it. Badlan stepped forward, walking in unison with the beautiful Intelligence Officer towards Dierg Repto. Dierg was a short, balding human who sat on the bar stool drinking Lum. Badlan stepped forward but it was Joran who shook his hand first. Badlan didn’t want to, it sickened him. Dierg Repto was filth, no worse, he was Rancor Droppings to Badlan.

“Hello, hello!” Said Dierg and then left his sociable attitude behind when he saw it was Badlan coming toward him. He turned to leave but Joran had already prevented him from leaving. Badlan sat next to him, Joran blocking Dierg’s exit.
“Hello Repto.” Badlan said, smiling as much as he could.

“Um... Badlan, hello.” He said nervously. “What do you want?” Asked Dierg, anxious to leave.
“Oh I dunno, a drink, money, Revenge.” Said Badlan putting all his voice into revenge. Dierg moved back but Joran pushed him back into his seat.

“I’m sorry!” Said Dierg.
“My, friend, for what?” Said Badlan in a sincere voice.

“For, the thing with the um, Hutts, and Imps and the Alliance.” Said Dierg. Badlan smiled. I’d had known Dierg has shopped him to the Hutts and the Empire for money, but the Alliance wouldn’t pay for him, he must have done it because he wanted rid of me.

Badlan smiled again. “I knew all about the Hutts and the Empire, but the Alliance, that WAS a shock!” Said Badlan angrily.

“How about, money?” Said Dierg nervously. “I could fit you and this lovely woman up on the Yaga Minor Asteroid hotel, where’d you buy such a beautiful woman? Corellia.” Badlan sighed as Dierg said the last part.

“I ain’t no Prostitute you fucking little rat.” Said Joran anger filling her voice. Badlan nodded her off the man.
“Alright, I’ll tell you what Repto.” Said Badlan. “I’ll cut you a deal, I let you live, and you help me get back my ship!” Said Badlan.

“What ship would that be?” Asked Dierg.

“The Imperial Star Destroyer Relentless!” Said Badlan.

Dierg gasped. “You ARE kidding right?” Said Dierg. “OK, one, you hated the Imps for years, and now you’re an Imp? Second, you’re an Imperial Commodore now? And lastly, are you crazy? The Relentless!? That would be an impossible job even for me and my boys.” Said Dierg.

“OK, one, I only hated Palpatine, second, I’m not a Commodore, I’m a Flight Member who serves on the Relentless, my Squadron mates are here with me. And lastly you ARE gonna help me our I’m gonna kill you! And I can do it Dierg, I have powerful friends!” Said Badlan smiling and copying the way Dierg tried to weasel out of the operation.

“And I’m one of ‘em!” Said Joran.

“Are you gonna help us?” Asked Badlan. “Or am I gonna have to do some lightsabre carving?”

“Will I be paid?” Asked Dierg quickly.
“OK, 500,000 Credits, that do ya?” Asked Badlan.

“Little on the small side.” Said Dierg pondering. “I mean expenses for this kinda operation would be 300,000 at least.” Said Dierg.

“Repto, I’ve got explosives, fighters and a crew of 13.” Said Badlan. “We also have an ATR which belongs to me buried somewhere on this rock.” Said Badlan.

“I’ll need some men.” Said Dierg. “And weapons.”
“You already have weapons small time, and you know it, you also have enough men for the job.” Said Badlan. “Well?? Decide.”

“OK, what if I refuse?” Asked Dierg.

“I cut you up, revenge, my entire family almost got vaped when you shopped me to the Empire. I lost almost all my money when you called in the Hutts and I almost lost my freedom when you clamed I was an Imperial spy working within Rebel Ranks.” Said Badlan. “You owe me.”

“What if I skip systems?” Asked Dierg worryingly.
“Well this last month I’ve been shot, vaped, watched friends die, lost my salvation, ship, patience and sanity. I’ve had a Shitty life Dierg, all because of the sodding force, when I left the Yakoant I came to you for help and you almost got me killed and I had to uproot for the fifth time in a year. So I’m not exactly you’re best friend.” Said Badlan angrily.

“Sorr...” Said Dierg.

“Do NOT apologise to me! I will beat you to death.”


Badlan and Joran left the Moff Cantina and walked to the land speeder parked in the gallery.

“Will he help us?” Asked Joran.
“Probably, it depends how much of a wanker he’s being at the moment.” Badlan said smiling.
“OK, one other thing, where the hell did you get 500,000 credits, I’ve checked you’re financial accounts you’ve got 466 Credits.” Joran said smiling.

“I worked for twenty five years in the Old Republic Navy, they fed me, clothed my and gave me a bed during those years, I spent around 1,000 credits a year on shore leave and pilot parties, etc, and sent the rest to the bank of Sullust. And don’t try looking for it, I don’t put my Imperial Pay checks in there, they’re the 466 Credits you saw before, the Sullustan Account is under a different name.” Said Badlan smiling.

“Sullustan? How much money is in there, I doubt you’d give it all to Dierg.”

“Almost three million Credits.” Said Badlan smiling.


“Lot huh?”

“Any way, you’ve been a Reler for two years now, surely you’ve had more that 466 Credits?” Said Joran.

“Ricuad can be awful stingy!” Said Badlan joking, he started the land speeder engine.

“I spent it, I had a 3 month MIA period during which I went looking for my assassins sent after me from Corellia by some guy. That took a lot out. Then there was the various parties I’ve been to. Lot of victories and wild times on the Relentless.” Badlan said grinning. His expression changed suddenly. He pushed the land speeder forward and moved onto the road.   

“You miss the Relentless huh?” Said Joran.

“Yeah, I do, we’re gonna get her back.” Badlan said.
“That we are Badlan.” Said Joran reassuringly.

“Three months ago I didn’t even know you existed. Now I can’t imagine a day without you.” Said Badlan smiling and stroking Joran’s cheek.

“Common ‘Old Man’ lets get back to the warehouse.” Said Joran using Trow’s favourite insult.


The Warehouse on the outer edge of the city was a prefect place to hide the Sword Fighters until they were needed. It was abandoned so

No-one was gonna come looking for it. Also it was on the edge of the city, near to the dangerous jungles, Badlan had seen night predators stalking smaller animals in that jungle and he had felt a malevolent presence, not one of any Jedi, but an evil non the less.

The Land Speeder pulled up to the door and Badlan knocked using the force without bothering to get out of the Speeder. Badlan seemed tired after doing that and he closed his eyes for three seconds and he seemed to recover.

Anar came to the door he blaster ready.
“BLAST!” Said Badlan smiling.

“Bastard, scare the crap outta me why don’t ya?” Said the Thyferran.

“Sorry.” Badlan said in a voice that told Anar he didn’t mean it.

“Hold on.” She said and she opened the large door.
The TIE Defenders were here along with Kungs and Kereseea’s TIE Advanced and the Flight II and III Missile Boats.

Badlan smiled.

“Hey Pacifica!” He shouted toward the Missile Boat.

“Well did you meet Mr. Repto?” Asked Ted.
“Yeah, lovely guy.” Said Joran sarcastically.

“Will he help us?” Asked Stallion.

“Well I threatened him with death if he doesn’t and I’m gonna have to take a large chunk of chain outta my piggy bank but it’ll be worth it.” Said Badlan.

“This guy shopped Badlan to the Hutts and Imps and Alliance.” Said Joran.

“What did you do? Swear at all of them?” Asked Vapester sarcastically.

“I destroyed a Squadron of TIE Fighters which were pursuing me with Dark Jedi after I fled the Yakoant, a Hutt was killed after I miss hit a TIE. Then after he got his money and the Imps or Hutt had failed to get me he wanted me out of the way, so he called in the Alliance, rather than piss off the Imps or Hutts. He told them I was a collaborator.” Said Badlan.

“Nice, guy!” Said Joran again.


*  *  *


When the Victory Star Destroyer Rrae dropped lightspeed Rel Embered ran to the window of his cell. He saw Thyferra and its one large moon. He could see a billion twinkling lights of the Factories and Bacta Container Villages. There were a few smaller capital ships, mainly Dreadnaughts which were the workhorse of the Thyferra fleet, perched behind the moon.

“You’re arrival is impeccable Rrae, Mr. Embered prepare to be amazed.” Came Nal Pershe’s stuck up voice over the communications.

But Rel watched and saw it and almost died with shock.

A Fleet of Star Destroyers dropped lightspeed above the planet, smaller ships, Lancer Frigates, Corvettes, Dreadnaughts, Assault Frigates and then with a massive flash of hyperspace came a Super Star Destroyer.

“Oh.... FUCK!” Shouted Rel.

“Indeed Mr Embered.”

“This is Brutal Coffey of the Super Star Destroyer Warlock, asking permission from the Thyferran Authorities to set up base here.” Said ‘Brutal Coffey’.

“Permission Granted High Admiral.” Said Nal and Rel slid to the floor in despair. The Alliance was dying from a disease, the Emperor’s Hammer were about to be vaped and what remained of their forces incorporated into the Jerrajord’s, and the Thyferrans had all control over the Bacta, leaving the dying Alliance with no hope of finding a cure. It was going to hell!


*  *  *


Joran Delsar ran over to her Stock light Yacht and into the hold.
“Any work from the Nal Rhe?” She asked her aide.

“They’re gone Joran, a Rebel Force discovered them, forced them out.” Said Kelkacho, Joran’s aide.

“That’ll make our job more difficult, they believe that the Nal Rhe was there serving as a fighter base and are looking for an Imperial Squadron, it won’t be long until they find us.” Kelkacho said grimly.

“Sword Squadron!” Shouted Joran, she descended the ramp and walked into the old warehouse. Sword Squadron gathered around her, leaving their tasks aside.

“It appears the Nal Rhe has jumped system, the Rebels found them, they’re looking for us.” Said Joran.
“Do we have enough time to rescue the Relentless?” Asked Ted.

“I Dunno. It depends on how long we can get Repto to get himself sorted.” Said Joran.

“Well he’s had three hours, I’ve seen him assault an Imperial Facility on Denab two hours after the job was given to him.” Said Badlan.

“How does that help us?” Asked Joran.
“Wanna go and pay him a little visit?” Asked Badlan.
“Alright, go and see Mr. Repto and get him sorted, we’ll sort out a plan and get it back to you, we’ll assault tomorrow. With or without Mr. Repto’s assistance.” Said Ted.

“Hey, Kelkacho, know how to use one of these things?” Asked Badlan throwing Joran’s aide his lightsabre. The man caught it and activated it spinning he then swung fiercely cutting a piece of pillar in two the lightsabre hummed and buzzed.

“May not be a Jedi, but this thing is just a fancy Vibro Blade.” Said the man smiling.

“Well then get your coat, we’re going Repto huntin’” Said Badlan smiling. 


The land speeder ran along the main high street in the city of Dante Ander. The traffic was light for this time of year Badlan noted.

Seated next to him was Joran and behind was Kelkacho.
“What do you intend to do?” Asked Joran.

“I was pleased when you told us the Relentless was at Yaga Minor, as I knew I had, um, well enemies here.” Said Badlan as he drove.

“Oh?” She asked.

An X-Wing Flight ran over them and Badlan looked up to see if they were following. But the swooped over the city and out of view.
“Repto may have betrayed me but I can still use him.” Said Badlan.

“Can he do the job?” Asked Kelkacho.

“Yeah, and three months or so ago the Alliance clamped down on Repto and his followers and left them almost broke.” Said Badlan.

“And you know this how?” Asked Joran.
“I have contacts all over the galaxy, look at my communication list from the Relentless you’ll see I send them all around the galaxy, I almost lost my freedom cause the Intelligence division thought I was a spy.” Said Badlan.

Joran laughed. “So you have contacts everywhere because?” Asked Joran trailing off.

“Because I can help the Relentless and indeed the Emperor’s Hammer stay ahead of the Rebels, I can stay on step ahead of the newest threat to the light Jedi against the dark or the Light against a rogue light, like me.” Said Badlan.

“So if Repto needs the money to keep his organisation alive then why are we going after him?” Asked Kelkacho.

“Because Repto won’t deal with me.” Said Badlan.

“Why?” The Aide asked again.

“Because after Repto betrayed me I got VERY annoyed, so annoyed I turned to the dark side and killed his brother.” Said Badlan.

“By the Force!” Said Joran.

“Are you more dangerous as a Sith?” Asked Joran cautiously.

“Do your force powers increase?” She asked.

“No, but I murder innocent people and become one hell of a lot more determined.” Said Badlan.

There was silence in the speeder car for a moment when Joran spoke out.
“But the Dark Brotherhood Sith aren’t chaos Jedi.” Said Joran.

“True, but only well disciplined Jedi are allowed to become Sith otherwise the Brotherhood would become disorganised and chaos would ensure. Without my Light Jedi training I was a tearaway, violent and a bully. So Imagine the light brought me to the well disciplined man I am today, imagine the exact opposite of that, I am even worse than my non-trained persona. I become a Chaos Jedi.” Said Badlan.


The Speeder Car stopped outside the city, but on a large hill away from the jungle forest.
“So where’s the man’s hide away?” Asked Joran.

“You’re standing on it.” Said Badlan.
He stepped on the ground twice.
“Windy tonight.” Said Kelkacho seeing Badlan’s Imperial Navy Trench coat flutter in the wind. Kelkacho tied his cloak to stop it from blowing off.

“Indeed, we are in hurricane season, there is a storm around 60 Klicks to the north.” Said Badlan.

The ground seemed to tear open and Badlan stepped into the light.
“Come on.” He said and the others followed.


Ted sad down next to Kereseea and Kungs Backa at a giant crate which was used to store what ever was held at the warehouse.

“Sword Squadron! Gather around.” Said Ted.
The Swords came around. Dreepio the Sword Squadron Droid came running up along with Joran’s Astro Droid, R2-K99.

“We have settled on a suitable plan of attack to rescue the Relentless.” Said Ted. “Kungs?” He asked.
The Twi’lek picked her brain tail up and draped it over her shoulder. “Now, the earlier reconnaissance into the location of the Relentless has indicated that she is docked to a repair facility thirty miles east of the city and that she is almost completely repaired. Joran Delsar has managed to secure info, a Prison ship will arrive tomorrow to take away the crew who are being held in both cargo bays and the cells. We believe that the Bridge Crew and Command Staff are being held in the cells.” She said. “Artoo.” She said.

A small map of the area appeared showing the Relentless’ situation, it was docked to an umbilical structure emanating from a facility which rose around forty miles from the ground. Around it was the forest floor, and a shield dome which covered the entire facility.
“Now, with the help of troops which will pose as a work shift detail and using a Assault Transport which Badlan promised Mr. Repto would own they will fly in giving the fighters a chance to get through the shield at ground level. Next using the diversion the fighters will create the ATR will dock with the Relentless and fight their way to the bridge, freeing the crew in the process. Then we cover the Relentless as she jumps out of Yaga Minor.” Said Kungs. She smiled and scratched her head, her large cranium was sweating in the intense Yaga Minor heat.

“This is all very well, but will it work?” Asked Stallion.
“It’ll be tight and rely very much on Mr Badlan and Joran’s negotiation skills, plus on the success of the troops. But it is possible.” Said Kungs.

“Bah.” Said Martelus obviously disturbed by the plan.


“Mr Badlan, Ms Joran and Mr Kelkacho to see Mr Repto.” Said the guard who had escorted the threesome from the entrance area.

“Oh shit.” Said Repto and shifted slightly as he saw Badlan.
“Something you wanna tell me Repto?” Asked the man seated next to him. “Seeing as you knew our entrance I assume you have done business with us before, or perhaps he is an old employee?” Asked the man.

“This is strictly business.” Said Badlan.

“Sure Mr Imperial.” Said the man. “I don’t deal with Imps, they have a way of back stabbing you to get outta paying.”

“Well here’s the cash in advance.” Said Badlan throwing down the Galactic currency onto the table.
“Ah, I see, but why do you wear an Imperial Jacket on an Alliance world?” Asked the man.

“I didn’t plan on getting out of the car until we got here.” Said Badlan.
“I see, and this lovely lady is?” Asked the man. Badlan looked to Joran to see if she wanted him to answer. She nodded.

“This is Joran Delsar.” Said Badlan.

“I heard the name. What’s she do, she your aide, wife... mistress?” Asked the man. Badlan looked again. Again Joran nodded.

“She’s with Imperial Intelligence and the gentlemen is named Kelkacho.”

“Shit, Intel, well say goodbye to your lives.” Said the man raising a blaster.
“We’re not interested in your small time operations. We just want...” Began Joran.
“The Imperial Star Destroyer Relentless.” Said the man.

“Indeed, we want out ISD back and you want money, I have money, and seeing as you are soldiers of fortune I give you money and you help us get the Relentless.” Said Badlan.

“Why is Repto so scared of you?” Asked the man.
“Because so very long ago, he pissed me off, I turned to the dark side and killed his sibling.” Said Badlan.

“Jedi, a Dark Jedi, you could take down that ISD yourself.” Said Repto.
“No, I managed to regain my composure, I’m light again. I need help.” Said Badlan.
“So Mr Badlan are you an Intel agent too?” Asked the man.

“No, I’m an Executive Officer in a Squadron from the Relentless, Sword Squadron.” Said Badlan.

“Indeed. Job accepted.” Said the man smiling.
“Thankyou Mr...?” Asked Badlan.

“Mr Zoraan.” Said Zoraan.

“Thanks Zoraan. May I invite the Squadron?” Asked Badlan.

“You may.”

“Are you crazy?” Asked Repto.

“No, you are for turning down such a lucrative deal. You put yourself first, now you will be punished.” Said Zoraan.


The Morning of the 15th


Badlan awoke, on Corellian time again and joined the Squadron a little later to get ready for some fancy flying.
Joran was gone, as was Kelkacho, only the Sullustan pilot remained, ready to fly the Supremacy Dawn into the Relentless in the upcoming battle.

Badlan checked his Missile Boat, checked all primary systems. Lasers, Communications, Shields, Warhead Launchers, Life Support, repulsors and sensors as well as computer systems. Then he checked the ship’s hull for fractures and the structure for stress points. He then made sure the core was at full power and fine tuned the engines.

“Ready?” Asked Ted.
“I’m good to go.” Said Badlan smiling.
“We’re about to do something great Badlan.” Said Ted.

“I know, and we’re doing it as a Squadron. You know, if we don’t make it, I’d just like to say its been a pleasure drinking buddy.” Said Badlan. Ted saluted and Badlan returned it.

Badlan lifted the MISS off of the ground and blasted it into the nearby jungle. Crashing through trees and into the depths of the Yaga Minor jungle.
Time to get our ISD back! Thought Badlan.


Joran Delsar sat in the cockpit of the Assault Transport Omega VI on its way to the Alliance Repair Facility. Next to her sat Zoraan and Dierg Repto. The facility loomed forward, emerging from the mist.

“Alright people, get ready.” Said Zoraan.

“Here, code.” Said Joran handing Zoraan a small piece of paper. “Type it in and send it when they request it.” Said Joran.

“This is Yaga Minor Repair, please identify yourself.” A voice boomed over the communicator.
“Yes this is Assault Transport Omega VI bringing in the Alpha Shift.” Said Zoraan.

“Very well Omega IV, please transmit clearance code for deactivation of the shield bubble.”

Zoraan sent the code and waited.
“Code confirmed, please report do docking centre 5.” Said the voice.
The ATR pulled closer to the skyscraper like building and Joran held her breath.

“There we go!” Said Zoraan smiling. The shield bubble flashed in the blue early morning sky, the thing collapsed in a circular wave.

“Go Sword Squadron!” She said smiling, she could see the trees being bowled aside as the ships roared through.

The shield began to close again as Badlan pulled underneath it. The Omega ATR was through. Go Joran!!

He looked around, he was the last one to pass through the shield.

“Now Sword Squadron!” Said Joran and as she finished the TIEs and Missile Boats smashed through the canopy and began to fire on the station.

“Yee-haw!!!” Shouted Stallion. Explosions smashed over the hull of the superstructure. Badlan threw the missile boat at the ISD Relentless and fired into the ship.
“Sorry Rel!” Said Badlan smiling. Fighters screamed from the hull of the Yaga Minor Facility. Debris blast off and falling to the forest floor.

Fighter began to launch.

“Fighters, 12 O’clock!” Shouted Ted pushing down as Alliance X-Wings screamed forward firing.


The ATR pulled upward, changing its course to fly to the Relentless, almost immediately the facility began to fire. A tunnel of crimson laser blasts filling the sky. The ship rocked as lasers clipped the shields.
“Go, faster!” Shouted Joran as the shields crumbled. X-Wings came racing forward darting between laser shots. A laser beam struck the top hull, hull tore open and the primary systems crashed.

Joran fell from her chair, sliding down the ramp and into the main hold. Kelkacho thrust an arm forward saving her.
“Going somewhere?” he asked smiling.

“Pull the ship up, we need to get into the Relentless’ shadow!” Shouted Joran. The ship’s hold and cockpit suddenly went dark as the Relentless blocked out the Yaga Sun. Lasers stopped as the ship became obscured by the Relentless’ superstructure.

“Wow! What a ride!” Said Zoraan.

Badlan pulled the Missile Boat between laser bolts following the X-Wing. Leaving his Missiles alone he activated his primary laser cannon and fired, a small green blast shattered the cockpit of the X-Wing killing the pilot and the Astro Droid.

“Sword 8 Has kill!” He said pushing the MISS down so that it pointed at the forest floor.

Badlan was being chased, two X-Wings were on him, firing into his ship. A blast knocked him upward. Suddenly one exploded and the explosion flashed outward. The Other manoeuvred and throttled up to avoid the Imperial Craft, but what ever it was sent green lasers into the ship and it flashed and fell.

Badlan looked left, it was a TIE Advanced. Kungs Backa.

Underneath the Relentless Badlan saw the ATR close on the hull of the Relentless, ready to land in the bay, hopefully to retake the ship.


Tom saw the lasers flash from within the small inspection airlock and he saw the TIE Craft. He saw who they were and he knew that Sword Squadron were with him. Tom wasn’t sick anymore, he wasn’t vomiting and he didn’t have stomach pains anymore, he was cured by Dan Malaktos. So Tom grabbed his blaster and began to walk toward the cell bay. Ducking between patrols of Alliance personnel and security systems he made his way to the cell bays, to free the Relentless crew. Suddenly an Alliance soldier ducked from behind a console stuck a blaster in his neck and forced him to the ground.
“A little piggy escaped!” Said the soldier smiling.


The Bridge of the Relentless was large, with a small bridge which officers could walk over, either side of the bridge was a crew pit where now Alliance Officers worked.
Commodore Andronicus sat in his chair but he was under guard, his Wing Commander was kneeling next to him cradling a damaged arm.

Above them, standing with triumph in his actions was some kind of Admiral.

As the battle began the smirk disappeared and he began to direct his officers as to save their prize.

“Go Sword!” Said Ricaud under his breath as X-Wings and A-Wings darted between the superior flying of Sword TIE Defenders and Sword Missile Boats.

“This Is futile what do they intend to achieve?” Asked the man.

“Sir! An ATR has altered course it intends to dock!” Said a junior officer excitedly.
“Send all troops to the docking bay.”

“The Emperor’s Hammer doesn’t forget Admiral, neither do my officers.” Said Andronicus.

“We shall see Admiral.”


Joran Delsar watched the bay of Relentless, saw the troops assemble at the entrance to the concourse and watched them fir blaster cannons to the falls.

She picked up her rifle. “Do the honours Mr Repto.” Said Joran.

The short bald man pressed a button defiantly and a missile flashed from the launchers into the crowd killing them all. The explosion rocked the bay.

“Go!” She shouted and the door opened in the ATR and the soldiers poured out. Blaster wailed as more Alliance soldiers approached.

Red bolts flashed all past Joran and she fired, pulses racing from her rifle. Soldiers cut down as the battle raged. Joran watched as men to her left and right were shot and killed but she ran on. Soon Alliance individuals were emerging from doors and close combat ensured. Kelkacho shot a Vibro knife into a man as he fired and killed on of Repto’s men to his left.
Joran pushed a man’s blaster pistol aside and struggled before shoving a cylinder into his side and activating it. The lightsabre blade slashed into the man and he was killed. More of Zoraan’s soldiers rushed forward.

“Look out!” Shouted Kelkacho. The man dove for the floor as two men were cut down as laser fire slashed through them. Joran threw the lightsabre and it span forward, the soldier cut in two. She ran forward gabbing the Jedi Weapon. Kelkacho ducked between some equipment gasping as laser fired flashed forward.

“Where’d you get that?” Asked Kelkacho.
“Badlan!” She shouted back. Kelkacho pushed his arm against the crate and fired, laser bolts flashed across the corridor and into the Rebel firing point. A man threw a grenade and it exploded blasting apart throwing men aside.

“We’re not going to survive this!” Said Joran clutching on as more men rushed forward.

Tom walked slowly in an attempt to slow down his own death. When a missile hit the Relentless the man lost his footing and Tom span pushing the man aside. The blaster clattered along the floor. The man dove at Tom throwing the two into the wall. Thrusting his knew up Tom broke the soldier’s jaw and throwing blood against the wall.

“Gah!” Shouted Tom as the soldier punched him twice in the stomach.

Tom punched the man again, in the jaw causing great pain.

Tom jumped toward the discarded blaster. The man also attempted to reacquire his weapon. Tom pushed the man off with a big kick and fired into the man twice killing him.

Tom jumped into the lift and began the journey up to the cell bay...


Joran began the steady climb toward deck 1, the bridge. Having travelled half the ship the soldiers had suffered many casualties.

Joran jumped forward seeing a soldier going to fire at her. She slid behind some equipment. Kelkacho popped his head above the hatch and pulled the blaster from his belt firing before the man could turn to see him. Joran threw the lightsabre at two soldiers. One fell dead the other wounded when the blade cut his arm. She pulled her aide up and ducked as sparks roared.
“We’re loosing power to this section!” Shouted Joran and the two ran, leaving behind their allies. Sparks roared, flashing around them as the equipment exploded.

The blast doors began to close. Joran slipped and fell to the floor. Kelkacho dove through them as they closed.

She ran forward attempting to gain entry to the bridge. But it was too late. Remembering the lightsabre she plunged it into the metal and it immediately began to liquefy.


Badlan pulled over the Yaga Minor Facility as A-Wings followed him. Lasers seemed to follow him. Trow pulled toward him firing over his canopy into the A-Wings. A missile shattering them.
“Thanks Trojan!” Said Badlan as he dove underneath the superstructure again. Badlan looked up. A Calamari Cruiser was upon them! It loomed above ready to intercept them.

“Come on Joran don’t let me down!” He said.


Tom opened the cell bays one at a time. Handing them weapons which he had stolen or acquired on his journey toward the cell bays.
“Tom!” Said the Chief Engineer.

“What’s up man?” Asked Tom.

“What’s going on?” He asked.

“Sword have come for us!”


Joran watched the lock crumble as liquefied metal burst and popped. The lock shattered. The door opened.
“Thank god Badlan gave you that.” Said Kelkacho greeting her.

To their left came foot steps. Kelkacho and Joran taking up positions to fire on them.

Zoraan and his guards emerged form the corner.
“Well Mr Zoraan, we’re here, the bridge.” Said Joran.
“Two decks and counting.” Said Zoraan smiling.

The lift opened and the regiment of Alliance soldiers were shocked to find nothing within the lift except an open torpedo casing.

It exploded, filling the bridge deck with flames.

“What the hell is happening?” Asked the Admiral as all the lights and electrical systems flashed off.
“My people are here for us.” Said Andron. The man struck him.

Joran and her people emerged from the smoke. Allied together they shouted running into the bridge area, first into the small corridor. Striking officers with the butts of rifles. One man withdrew a blaster and Joran stabbed him. The lightsabre humming.

“Close the blast doors!” Shouted the man.

The doors began to close when Joran sliced the lightsabre into the doors and cut large holes through the metal.

When the doors locked there were still gapping holes in the frame work.

“Your ship’s falling apart Andron!” She said smiling poking her head through the hole.

The Alliance soldiers got over their shock and fired into the blast doors Joran ducked as laser bolts flashed through the holes. Andron jumped up and grabbed the Admiral. In a head lock the Admiral attempted to get at his weapon. Ricuad jumped up and grabbed the man’s pistol putting it to his head.

Almost instantly the blast doors glowed read and exploded outwards as Zoraan’s men heated it.

“Hold you fire they have the admiral!” Shouted one man. As Zoraan and his officers ran into the bridge the small volley of fire was halted as superior mercenary numbers increased.

“Joran to Sword Squadron, the Relentless is ours!!” She shouted smiling.


Badlan throttled back and fired into his pursuer. The A-Wing exploded.
“Joran, we have a capital ship in firing range within one minute, get the Relentless outta here!” Said Ted.

Almost as if Joran had a Jedi Brain the thruster exhaust ports glowed blue and the umbilical cord snapped, the station bucked. Joran had the Relentless fire into the station and it part exploded.

“Yes!” Shouted Martelus.


“We need some crew up here!” Said Andronicus. “Mr Zoraan send some men to the cell bays to get the crew up here.”

Suddenly an Alliance soldier rushed forward from behind the corridor and fired. The shot hit Repto and killed him. Joran was just about to return fire when a shot killed the soldier from behind. Tom and the other Relentless crew members came running toward their stations.
“This is what being an Imperial is all about!” Said Ricuad smiling.

“Permission to join Sword Squadron sir.” Said Tom saluting Ricuad.

“Granted Commander, good to see you play your role even if your not flying.” Said Ricuad.

Tom ran off and disappeared form sight.

“Well Mr Zoraan it appears that Mr Repto is out of your business.” Said Joran.

“It is just as well, he is a back stabbing manipulator.” Said Zoraan. “Well Commodore, now that you have your old troops back I’ll take mine and leave this place, good luck.” Said Zoraan.


The Relentless pulled into orbit just as Tom escaped into his Missile Boat. The Relentless was about to jump back to Aurora.

“Join us Sword Squadron, you’ve earner yourselves all a new Palpatine Crescent and a life of gratitude.” Said Andron.

“If it’s alright the same with you Sir.” Said Ted.

“We’d like to go and help out Dagger and Spear.” Said Ted.

“Very well. Miss Joran says she’ll join you later, she’s going to make sure that the Relentless gets back to Aurora space. And Ricaud says good luck.” Said Andron smiling.

“Alright Swords, where to?” Asked Ted.

“What do you mean?” Asked Tom.

“He means do we go to Sullust and help out Dagger with her attack on the Malher.” Said Stallion.
“Or do we got to Corellia and help out Spear with their attack on the defector Rhe Jace.” Said Trow.

“I say Sullust.” Said Anar.
“Why?” Asked Badlan.

“Because we’ll have better luck attacking the Malher and the Rrae with Dan, plus we’ll have enough fuel to get back home. If we go to Corellia then we get stuck we’re dead.” Said Anar.

“Don’t you have contacts at Corellia Badlan?” Asked Binard.
“I do, and we can get fuel and supplies there.” Said Badlan.

“I think Corellia because Dan will get shot up a little and fly home in a bad mood whilst Quake can’t go home.” Said Doyon.

“I’m more inclined to get revenge on Rhe Jace for betraying us.” Said Vapester.

“I have the final stay and I have to say that Corellia looks more viable.” Said Ted. “We can trust these friends of yours right, Badlan?”

“Yeah, these I grew up with, these we’ll have no problems from.” Said Badlan.

“Then to Corellia it is!” Said Stallion.
“Corellia!” Said the Sword Squadron pilots as their crafts entered hyperspace.



Chapter II: Rhe Jace’s Trial


Commander Aneth Jer of the Thyferran Naval Corps sat in his A-Wing Cockpit and looked at the Imperial Missile Boat ahead, carrying the Imperial Spy.

“Commander Jer!?” Came a voice.

“This is General Anter of the Thyferran Dreadnaught Bactaen, we request you destroy the Rebel Spy and return immediately to Thyferra Prime.” Said the General.
“Sir, destroying Rhe Jace would mean breaking the treaty!” Said Jer.

“We have new allies, and Imperial sect.” Said the General
“The Emperor’s Hammer?” Asked Jer.

“No, the Moff Jerrajord Lost Regime.” Said General Anter.
“Destroy Jace and return to Denab for relocation to Thyferra.” Said the General and the transmission cut.

“This is A-Wing 1. A-Wing 2, secure Channel.” Said Jer.

“Secure channel, what’s up sir?” Asked the Second of 5 A-Wings.

“We have new allies and orders, to destroy Rhe Jace!” Said Jer.
“What?!” Exclaimed Jer’s Wingman.

“Just be quiet, I have him in my sights, he won’t notice anything until I fire will he?” Asked Jer.

“No Sir.”
“His shields are down?” Asked Jer.

“Yes sir.”
“Goodbye Rhe Jace!”


Rhe felt a jolt as a laser bolt smashed into his ship from behind.

Were Wing IX after him?! No!! My escorts are firing at me!!

After the second laser bolt failed to destroy his Sword Missile Boat he pulled across, another three bolts flashing over where Jace had been, they hit an A-Wing square on and it exploded. The A-Wings flew through the explosion and Jace avoided more laser blasts. Jace fired into one of them which branched forward. Jer pulled after Rhe with his Wingman at his side.

Lasers streaked past Rhe’s cockpit. Rhe followed the other Two A-Wings which were evading a possible attack. He fired a missile at both of them. It hit the one which exploded in a ball of flames which dissipated as it ate up all the oxygen.

The second A-Wing evaded again but Rhe was already upon the Thyferran fighter. He fired the ship took a hit and exploded.

The other two A-Wings fired and Rhe took another hit. His shields fell and all seemed lost.

Spear Squadron escaped lightspeed and fired several laser bolts through the A-Wings. Jer’s Wingmate exploded.

“Damn!” Shouted Jer as a Spear Squadron TIE Advanced fired into him.

He span, his ship aflame and exploded.

Quake, Tack, Pete, Argyle and Bart flew into formation to follow Rhe as he flew toward Corellia.

“Give it up Rhe!” Shouted Quake.

“Let me go!” Replied Rhe angrily.

“You betrayed us! You destroyed the Relentless.” Said Quake.

Suddenly three Corellian Corvettes dropped lightspeed ahead of Rhe Jace. He flew over them and they seemed to know his identity as they didn’t fire.
“Unidentified TIE Missile Boats and TIE Advanced you are trespassing in Corellian Space, in the name of CorSec, surrender your vessels and prepare to be boarded!” Said the Commander of the Corellian Corvette.

“Evasive!” Shouted Quake.

Dante pushed her Missile Boat down but a laser shot hit it and the missile launcher exploded. She was killed instantly.

“Look out!” Shouted Tack as lasers flashed over him.        

Quake realised that Spear Squadron were all in deep shit!

Badlan watched the stars go from dots to spots as he dropped lightspeed. He saw Corellia emerge from lightspeed, his old home, the place where he grew up, where he was born. He also saw the many space facilities and ships orbiting. However two ships stuck out particularly. Badlan scanned them, they were two Corvettes, far from Corellia’s orbit, closer to Selonia than Corellia herself. They were accompanied by a debris field, spinning shards of metal, flames spurting from them.
“By Smuggler’s Run! Another Imperial Squadron, Shields up!!” Shouted the Captain.

“This is Commander Ted of Sword Squadron, we have no quarrel with the Corellian Authorities, just with Rhe Jace, an Alliance Operative, we are also on a search and rescue for Commander Quake and his pilots.” Said Ted anxiously.

“This is Captain Alharer, of the Corellian Defence Force, stand down your vessels and prepare to be boarded.” Replied the Captain.

“As I said, we have no quarrel with the Corellian...”

“Stand down or I’ll vape the lot of you!” Said Alharer.
Badlan pulled down as turbo-lasers flashed out sending crimson flashes toward the Squadron.

“Leave them Sword.” Said Ted.

“Hold your fire Mart!” Said Badlan angrily. The Lieutenant stopped firing immediately.

Badlan flew between the firing Corvettes and then pulled down into the engine wash to avoid the laser fire. Despite being bombarded by engine wash, Badlan was in the Corvette’s blind spot and Badlan intended to stay there.

“What now?” Asked Vapester worryingly.

“We have to get to the planet!” Said Stallion.

“How, we’ll have CorSec all over us in minutes!” Said Tom. Badlan pulled the fighter down as the turbo lasers came into range again.

“We have to go!” Said Badlan.

“Why?” Asked Martelus.

“Because a INT is about to drop into realspace!” Said Doyon reading the same future as Badlan. Suddenly the Jedi’s predictions came true as a Moff Jerrajord Interdictor dropped into realspace.
“CorSec will have other things to worry about.” Said Badlan.

“Where can we go Badlan?” Asked Anar.
“There’s my home.” Said Badlan.

“You have a home on Corellia?” Asked Vapester.

“Yeah, I was born there, um, after Palpatine closed down the Old Repub. I put my home up for sale and bought it under a false name so that the people thought that I no longer owned it.” Said Badlan.
“Sounds good, where do we hide the Squadron?” Asked Ted.

“That’s up to you.” Said Badlan.

“Well where could we go?” Asked Stallion.

“I honestly don’t know, there are no moons or anything, you think a platform or a station is going to accept Imperial Fighters?” Asked Badlan.

“We could try the grass lands.” Said Tom.
“Tom have you been to Corellia before?” Asked Badlan.

“I’m Corellian.” Said Tom.
“Wow!” Said Badlan.

“Alright, the grass flats it is.” Said Ted. “Tom, Badlan lead us in.” 

“What about the Mountains?” Asked Badlan.
“Even better!”


The TIE Defenders and Missile Boats swooped down low between the clouds, Badlan saw X-Wings and Z-95 Headhunters approaching to combat the Jerrajord Interdictor and its TIEs. When Corellia burst into view Badlan smiled, this was his home, he’d grown up to love Corellian Brandy, have no use for the odds and to be a true smuggler at heart, Corellia, the place to be!

The mountains were striking and imposing Badlan saw as he shot from the clouds. Running over the grass lands he saw Corellia’s native creatures and even caught sight of a sand panther as it swept by.

“Alright, most of CorSec are after the Grav ship.” Said Ted naming the Interdictor using its common pilot slang name.

“Good, land by the lake, it’s a perfect spot to hide us.” Said Tom.


*  *  *


Upon leaving interrogation Rel Embered was take, or rather dragged to the officer, or throne room of Nal Pershe. The man was seated at the desk area sorting out papers, Rel thought it strange that the man didn’t have servants to do such tasks for him.

“You know what?” Asked Nal not bothering to set the parameters for the question first.

“What?” Asked Rel, shortly before being dropped by the Stormtroopers.

“Ever since Rogue Squadron forced the Civil War to end they left the Zalin corporation in complete control of the Bacta Cartel, and a void for me to fill. I disbanded the Ashen Rebels and the Zalin and now the Bacta is mine!” Said Nal with a hint of pride in his voice.

“What is going to happen to the Alliance?” Asked Rel sitting up as best as he could.

“They’re dying, reports from Alliance Fleet Command report the deaths of only 5,000 people, but the Bacta disease will spread.” Said the Company director.

The throne room had been turned into a war room since the Jerrajord Imperials had arrived. Imperial Officers were walking between the many desks and computer consoles which the Imperials had set up.

“I always said that the Imps were good schemers, I had no idea the Thyferrans could match their talents.” Said Rel.

Nal smiled. “Indeed. The plan is going better than projected. We thought in the first three weeks of introducing the disease...” Began Nal when the communication screen flashed on and Brutal Coffey the Imperial High Admiral appeared on the screen.

“Ah, Director, my forces have begun to strike into the heart of the dying rebellion, CorSec were reduced to sixty percent when my fleet showed up, as well as that we destroyed an Imperial Task force belonging to the Imperial Orthodoxy. Also a EH allied Dreadnaught was destroyed as it attempted to return to its space. We are beginning a massive strike to disable them within the next few days.” Said Brutal.

“Excellent.” Said Nal. “I have news. Bacta Prices have risen 15 percent, things are beginning to return to the Imperial days.”

Rel looked out of the window to see a Skipray Blastboat hovering from the window. He realised its intentions and kept his head low. Blaster pulses flashed through the metal walls cutting down the Imperials and their equipment. The far wall (some fifty meters away) burst into flames as the Blasters penetrated the wall.
“What’s happening?” Asked Brutal, shortly before a blaster shattered the viewing port. The Stormtroopers standing over Rel were vaporised as they returned fire. The blaster of one falling to Rel’s side. He picked up the heavy rifle and went to fire at Nal whom was cowering on the floor.

“Sithspawned Ashens!” He shouted, then fell silent as the blaster came to bare on him.

Rel pressed the trigger.

But he collapsed, exhausted by his interrogation, he passed out.


*  *  *


Badlan, Tom and Stallion sat in the bar on Corellia waiting for Badlan’s contact to arrive. People were looking for Sword Squadron, but also for Spear, whom hadn’t been destroyed in the battle with the Corvettes were still being searched for and requests for information on the missing TIEs, though had dwindled since 40% of CorSec’s space force had been vaped in the battle with the Jerrajord Imperials, gave the Squadron some information that indicated that Quake and his men were alive. Badlan sat reading the holonews report on the desk. It indicated that although the Imperials had been forced out the Corellians were still counting their dead. Thirteen Corellian Gunboats and eighteen Corvettes had been lost as well as three Dreadnaughts and around thirteen Squadrons of X-Wings. Badlan had been with CorSec and so hated the Jerrajord Imps even more.

“That’s him.” Said Badlan as a man entered the almost empty bar.

“What was his name again?” Asked Stallion.

“Salvador, call him Sal.” Said Badlan.

“Hey Sal!” Said Badlan.

“Hello Badlan. Is it true?” Asked Sal.

“What?” Asked Badlan.

“That you’re an Imp?”
“Yes its true.”

“I don’t know if I can trust you.”

Badlan looked over Sal, he hadn’t changed much, he was still tall, with broad soldiers and a muscular build.

“I’m still Badlan, remember what the Alliance have done to me? I’m surprised I don’t hate them even more.” Said Badlan.

“These you’re imp friends?” Asked Sal.

“Yes, meet Tom and Stallion.” Said Badlan indicating the officers.

“You a Commander?” Asked Sal.

“No, I’m XO of Sword Squadron.” Said Badlan.

“Honorary XO.” Said Tom smiling.

“All I need is information.” Said Badlan.
Sal sighed. “What do you need?” Asked Sal.
“Where are Spear Squadron?” Asked Badlan quietly.

“They headed into the Selonia System after they lost a pilot in their fight with the Corvettes.” Said Sal.
“And the Selonians?” Asked Badlan.

“Haven’t seen them.” Said Sal.

“Where’s Rhe Jace?” Asked Badlan.

“That I honestly don’t know.” Said Sal.

“Shit.” Said Tom and Badlan looked round before his comrade told him not to. The Alliance Security Officer entered the building with two other officers. Badlan looked back around slowly as if not bothered.

The Officers rushed forward and aimed their Blasters at the trio of Imperial Pilots.
“Sword Squadron, in the name of the New Republic you are under arrest. Commander Ted, please come with me.” One man said to Badlan.

They think I’m Ted! A likely assumption to make considering the facts. What can I do? I can’t give in. Its quiet in here, little room, if we all rush them at once we can take them. In fact I could wipe out two with a flick of a lightsabre. Badlan knew his plan could work. It must have been Sal that gave us up, I know none of the Swords would have.

Standing Badlan flashed his idea telepathically to his friends they flashed acknowledgement to him and Badlan stood. Not waiting for the man to stand Badlan dug into his cloak and withdrew the lightsabre. Although not a master in its use Badlan could wield it confidently against a non-Jedi opponent, without the risk of accidentally lopping off limbs.

He activated the blade as he withdrew it, he swung it from low through the man in front of him, the blade killed him via cutting him into two separate pieces. The second and third officers brought their Blasters to bare and Tom whirled around to shoot the third whilst Badlan cut open the Rebels’ Carbine Blaster tip. The weapon was useless so the man withdrew a Virboknife and swung wildly, Badlan brought the lightsabre to his front to combat the lunge. The man fell through as his swung tore through the blade. The soldier looked at his blade and realised it had been melted by the lightsabre. Badlan punched the man and threw him into the table.
Badlan turned to reveal Stallion with a gun to his head, held by Salvador. Tom was pointing his blaster at the man, but Stallion was at risk. Sal wasn’t looking at Badlan so his picked up his mini pilot’s blaster and fired into Sal killing him.


“How’d it go?” Asked Ted as Badlan returned to his apartment.

“Not good it was a trap, we got out of it and I think Spear are somewhere in Smuggler’s Run.” Said Badlan apprising his CMDR of the situation.
“What now?” Asked Badlan.

“We are running out of time, Dan is in serious trouble, we need to get back to Sullust.” Said Ted.

“How do you know that?” Asked Badlan.

“Because I told him.” Said Joran swivelling round on her chair to face Badlan.


Joran was as beautiful as he remembered her, stunning dark hair with a trim figure which she flaunted by wearing a skin tight jump-suit. She had a distinctive tattoo just below her left eye, a sort of claw shape with the point descending to the bridge of her nose. Badlan didn’t love her, though he would have liked to, but he felt some kind of bond to her. Ever since they met on the Salm Badlan had always missed her when she was away.

Badlan ran to meet her, she stood and they hugged. “Hey, what’s up with the Relentless?” Asked Badlan.

“They’re good, they got over the boarder and have begun repairs, I figured I’d come and help you guys.” Said Joran.

“She has been somewhat invaluable since the Salm.” Said Ted.

“I did some slicing, Dan is in trouble he’s trapped in the Sullust system, if we’re going to help Quake and get Rhe Jace, the it really needs to be tonight.” Said Joran.

“But we don’t know where either are.” Said Kungs coming to sit on Badlan’s sofa. “Though I’ll bet Intel girl knows.” Said Kungs sarcastically.

Joran smiled. “I do, Quake is on his way back here, I spoke with him earlier, he got fuel from Smuggler’s Run, god knows how.” Said Joran.

“As for Rhe, he’s at the Corellian Training Institute. The best way to get him would be an aerial strike.” Said Joran.

“Lets get the fighters ready, hopefully Quake will be able to get in with the recent devastation.” Said Stallion.

“We’re underestimating our enemies, we need to come up with a more suitable plan.” Said Badlan.

“I would but we have no time left.” Said Joran, “The Imperials back home are about to have a hard time from the Jerrajords, we need to get back.”  


Rolling over the hills of Corellia Badlan noticed trouble when  fighter Squadron approached from the east mountains. It meant they were close to the base. Joran fired her Blasters from the Supremacy Dawn and they hit the A-Wings knocking them from the sky and into the ground. Badlan looked ahead. Waited...

“X-Wings, straight ahead!” Said Anar. She moved her TIE Defender to combat the crimson lasers coming right for her.

Badlan fired a missile and it exploded on top of an X-Wing, the ship survived the missile blast but was pushed into the path of the second X-Wing. Both exploded in a shower of Duraplast and molten metals. Fire roared over the hills. Anar fired dual lasers into the X-Wing and it shuddered, the second volley failed to destroy it. Martelus flashed over the debris of the first two and blew out the shields and hull of the third and it erupted into flames.

“More fighters!” Said Joran.

“How far to the base?” Asked Trow.
“Another thirty miles or so, hang on!” Said Doyon as a laser blast flashed past his ship.


Rhe Jace awoke from his long sleep, it had been a long time since had slept a whole day. He liked the feeling of rest, utter contentment and being at peace, he took a soothing bath and ate a good breakfast. He was happy, no more sneaking around pretending to be an ‘elite’ along with the other two, Anar and Binard. He doubted he would get reassignment after this so he would probably get a desk or fighter job. Something better than espionage.

He heard crackles in the distance and he wondered if the Jerrajord Imperials were back. Looking out of his window he saw TIE Defenders and Missile Boats and he knew it had to be Sword Squadron.

Persistent Bastards!


Badlan saw an A-Wing running in parallel with him and saw what it was chasing. Doyon. The Missile Boat began to turn toward Badlan and the A-Wing followed him.   

Doyon’s giving me a shot!

The MISS pulled across the firing line of the A-Wing in a manoeuvre which would have gotten him killed normally. Except Badlan fired into the A-Wing vaping it instantly.
“Thanks Old man.” Said Doyon falling back into formation with the other Swords as more Alphabet fighters approached protecting the base. Badlan saw that Alphabets were coming from the aft also apparently from the city garrison.

“Alphabets Front and back!” He reported.

Anar pulled her fighter in sync with Binard and Stallion. The Missile Boats she was escorting followed her. She blew up an A-Wing with a Proton Torpedo, shards of metal flashed over them. “Firing!”


Rhe dived down as laser shots roared through the Institute Village. A fuel dump roared throwing off electric shots which sliced through the trainees. The instructor took a laser bolt form one of the TIE Defenders and vaporised in a cloud of fire.

Running and ducking continually he made his way through the institute courtyard as fire erupted from the ground. A laser bolt blew out an X-Wing which send flames forward to knock Rhe off his feet.

He saw someone who looked like Stallion or Binard run down and fire a proton into the control tower. The tower burst into flames and the top half fell into the firing and combat ranges. Rhe heard the screams of new trainees and wondered how Sword had discovered his position. Then he saw the supremacy Dawn. Joran Delsar!


Badlan watched from just below the cloud line as Stallion’s group of Anar and Binard finished their run on the Institute. Flames erupted from the buildings as laser bolts burnt holes in the ferrocrete walls. The TIE Defender took a shot from one of the Turbo Laser Batteries and Anar combated the shot to avoid destruction.

Good Anar, stay alive!

Badlan as a part of Tom’s group swept down with Trow at his side. Lasers flashed outward toward his hull and Badlan kicked the rudder bringing the left wing and missile launcher to port. He fired a Concussion Missile outward and it cut through the laser battery. The explosion blew out several power relays and the laser battery to its side dropped and lost all power.

Trow fired three missile into the facility leaving the central warehouse, holding the base equipment, burst into flames. Ferrocrete flashed into the sky along with a fireball which Trow span to avoid.

The last three laser batteries made the mistake of firing at Tom and Tom pushed his rudder down and fired into all three with quick succession of flashing laser beams. He cut through the two empty shells that were the batteries and off through more smoke.

“Laser batteries are down!” He shouted triumphantly. Badlan dropped his speed down and fired into the central courtyard sending a fireball out through the recreational areas.


Rhe Jace dropped to the floor as a ship fired a Concussion Missile into the courtyard. Jumping into the pool hall he avoided fiery death. However the explosion grew and the forced knocked him into the pool and underwater. The explosion inadvertently saved Jace and as the fire cleared Jace, wet through cleared the pool.


Badlan dropped over the base one final time and fired into an X-Wing which was parked before joining the dog fight which had started over the south side of the base.        

Ted span downward running his TIE Defender through the smoke, at his side Martelus and Vapester. Vape blew off his last missile and let it drop to the damaged base. Looking back he saw no fighters and smiled the others were keeping them busy.

“Go ahead Supremacy the base is all yours!” He said and sung over the damaged buildings. He watched as crimson lasers went for him the second he cleared the smoke but another Missile Boat, Stallion blew it up from just above the mountain floor.

Rhe looked over to the far side of the hanger, the Supremacy Dawn was hovering around a Klick off the floor. Rhe knew it was all over, he was dead.

I was stupid to think I could escape Sword Squadron, in the end they would have gotten to me, just its now sooner than later. I was so stupid, I should have stayed with IX and the Relentless, I was happy there, no brain washing was going to conclude that the Empire’s evil image was propaganda. Evil is such a strong word, It means a great many things, but not to describe the Emperor’s Hammer.

The Dawn dropped a bomb toward the base floor. The End of Rhe Jace had come.


Badlan watched as the Supremacy Dawn escaped from the blast radius of the ‘Mega Bomb’ she had dropped, a white explosion vaporised almost three miles in every direction.

“Swords! Go, hyperspace!” Said Ted and pushed up the TIE Defender and thrust it through the clouds. Badlan and the others did the same. The clouds dissipated around Badlan’s fighter as he shot from the surface. Crimson lasers vaporised the clouds sending rain against his canopy. The X-Wings were closing!

The clouds flashed by and Badlan’s MISS rocked as a laser blast hit it.
“Eight is hit!” He said.

Dropping through the atmosphere he entered space and relaxed the throttle forward.

“All Sword’s prepare for Hyperspace, set co-ordinates for Sullust!” Said Ted.

“What about Quake?” Asked Trow.

“There’s nothing we can do!” Said Joran as she blasted an A-Wing off her tail. Badlan looked back, suddenly aware he was worried about Joran’s safety.

“How are you and Kelkacho doin’ in there?” He asked, knowing it would produce an eye brow from a few Swords.

“We’re good.” She replied.

“Be advised a DREAD on an interception course!” Said Tom. Badlan checked his HUD. The Dreadnaught was indeed on an interception course. He noted it as an Alliance ship not CorSec and so had little problems in destroying it.
“Alright be advised, the Dreadnaught is blocking our path, we’re gonna have to fight. Badlan saw Kungs for the first time in the battle, she was flying along side her wing mate and XO, Kereseea.

“Kungs, you hit?” Asked Badlan.

“Nah, we were your reserves down there if you fly boys got yourselves in trouble, which seemed pretty likely, but you did good down there.” She said. Badlan smiled.

“Thanks, take care you wily old Twi’lek.” Badlan said smiling.

“Old am I? Takes one to talk.” She said giggling.

Badlan cut the conversation short when the first laser shots began to come down. Through three hit Badlan they did almost no damage because of range.

“Alright, who’s got warheads?” Asked Ted. “Just tap the comlink.”

Badlan tapped it, he had five Concussion Missiles and three Proton Torpedoes. He heard taps form Anar, Stallion, Doyon and Trow. Binard, Martelus, Vapester and Tom were all out.
“Damn, we’re gonna have to go warheads than follow up with lasers.” Said Ted.
“TAC, do you concur?” Asked Badlan referring to the Squadron Tactical Officer.

“Yeah sounds good, would be better to go after their lasers, except there’s no way to deal with the batteries the other side except to double back.” Said Tom.
“I heard a yay vote in there somewhere.” Said Trow and the Squadron laughed.
“Alright, no slow byes, we want those fighters to aft to stay a few klicks behind.” Said Ted.

“Joran, try and vape some to aft if they get too close, OK?” Asked Tom.
“Sure, I’m on it.” She replied. They closed to missile firing range and Badlan fired two of his three protons. They smashed into the hull of the Dreadnaught. Badlan smiled. Lasers whined over him and he fired his lone laser pulse blaster into the holes which he had created. Badlan had commanded a Dreadnaught in his time and those knew its weaknesses, but the designs had changed somewhat since those days. Badlan was getting closer to the Dreadnaught than he dared close though he decided to leave his last Proton for later in the fight with Dagger. The lasers were blaring all around him now, his shields lit up as the lasers reflected or passed close to the Missile Boat.
“She’s gonna blow!” Shouted Binard as her ship rolled after taking a hit. It burst into flames and the beautiful woman that was Binard was killed instantly.
“Binard!” Shouted Badlan angrily. He looked back to see flames erupt from her power core.
“Shite!” Shouted Stallion as his flight mate was killed.

“Badlan what are you doing?!” Asked Ted and Badlan looked back to his forward position. The hull of the DREAD was now so close he would crash within the next five seconds. He pulled up, racing between turbo laser blasts.
“Sithspaaaaawn!” He screamed, the ship rocked and another torpedo from Stallion punctured the hull just ahead of him. Badlan had pulled up just in time. He soared past a turbo laser turret which slowly turned to combat him. What he saw nearly killed him. The TIE Advanced and Missile Boats of Spear Squadron dropped from Real Space and began firing warheads into the far side of the DREAD. Flames erupted from the hull and Badlan watched as it began to brake apart.

“Swords! Brake formation, the DREAD is vaped!” Shouted Badlan. The opposite side of the DREAD exploded and Badlan watched as Sword Squadron broke formation and went spinning away into the black of space. He entered formation with Sword, Spear and the Supremacy Dawn.

“Hey Sword, did you get Jace?” Asked Quake.

“Vaporised.” Said Badlan.

“Ah, well done.” Said Tack.

“Where to now?” Asked Quake.
“We were kinda keen on helping Dan take out the Malher and the Rrae.” Said Ted.
“That was five days ago, you think they’re still alive?” Asked Quake.
“We have to see.” Said Kungs.

“Prepare for Hyperspace!” Shouted Badlan and pressed the large red hyperspace button and let the stars become streaks.



Chapter III: Wing IX reunited


The journey from Corellia to Sullust was a long one and required three course corrections where the fighters would drop lightspeed and reposition their alignment. Badlan caught himself napping on the final leg of the journey, nothing wrong with that, he had the computer program the end of the journey and a warning signal if he dropped lightspeed prematurely. As well as that he couldn’t speak with the other Swords or Spears.

So he took advantage of the long trip. He thought all that had happened, with the Mission to Destroy the Bacta Convoys belonging to the Thyferran Bacta Ltd., which Joran had indicated was just another name for the Xucphra Corporation, an had its name changed to avoid Republic attentions. Meeting Joran and Tra Shee aboard the Salm, having the Salm only to be destroyed. Then the Relentless was hijacked and appeared to have been destroyed. Then the rescue of the Relentless from Yaga Minor and the assassination by Sword Squadron of the traitor Rhe Jace. Now they were off to meet Dan and Dagger Squadron in their efforts to destroy the Bothan ship Malher and the Thyferran ship Rrae, though since the Thyferrans had switched sides to the Moff Jerrajord Imperials whom were attacking the Emperor’s Hammer and had also infected 70% of Alliance forces with a virus in the bacta. Oh what tangled webs we weave!


Reverting to realspace revealed the volcano planet Sullust. Around it were Golan Defence platforms and shipyards. Badlan saw it, against the back drop of the Volcano World, a CR-90, the Malher. Badlan smiled and switched his shields on and prepared for battle. They had been across half the galaxy, fought hundreds of Alliance ships and forces. They had beaten the odds time and time again! But then again what loyal son of Corellia ever hat time for the odds?

Badlan saw the rest of his Squadron plus the Supremacy Dawn and Spear Squadron drop hyperspace and fall into formation around him.


Shiel Rho of the Bothan Spy Network turned to face to upcoming EH ships.

“Sir! It’s Sword and Spear Squadron, and some sort of stock light freighter.” Said one of the Bothan Officers from the bridge below.

“Sir, they’re on an attack vector!” Said another.

“Shields up, I see that Wing IX wants its ship avenged even if they have it back.” Said Shiel, he smiled. “Bring turbo lasers to bare, vape them all!”


Badlan soared past the wreckage of a TIE Advanced which Badlan knew belonged to Dagger.

“Dagger have lost at least one!” Said Badlan.

“I see it, I also see Dagger!” Said Kungs.

“Where?” Asked Ted.

“Above the Golan Defence Platform, they’re running from Sullust.” Said Kungs.
Badlan looked and saw them. “This is Spear Leader, I’m picking up fighters following Dagger!” Said Quake.

“Specs?” Asked Joran.
“We’ve got X-, Y-, A-, B- and T-Wings coming from Sullust, all hold the Sullustan Home Guard IFF.” Said Quake.

“Right, Sword, you wanna help me out?” Asked Joran.
“Depends, what’s your plan?” Asked Badlan.

“We go and give Dagger a hand whilst Spear get that fucking Bothan piece of crap.” Said Joran.

“I’m with you, with Tedster’s permission of course!” Said Badlan. “Sir?” Asked Badlan.

“Sword Squadron, prepare for combat, form up and head for Dagger Squadron.” Said Ted smiling.
“This is Quake, good luck Sword, as much as I hate to say it, bring Dan home alive.” Quake said and flashed a typed message to all the TIEs simply stating - :P “All Spears pull into formation and prepare to destroy the CR-90.”


Looking forward Badlan saw a total of seven TIE craft, some off different types, he saw alphabet fighters flashing lasers off to the rear of them, some ships were hit, but survived, Badlan was shaken by Binard’s death, they had not been great friends but it shook him more than the death of Shaco Terner. Badlan wiped the sweat from his brow and gripped the control stick harder as if to reassure himself of his control of the Missile Boat. He saw Dagger clear the laser perimeter of the Golan V and point towards the Sword fighters which were approaching him. Badlan watched the Snubfighters adjust their course to lock onto Dan’s people. Badlan sighed as his TIE raced through space.

He looked left and saw Anar, the Thyferran was only a matter of fifteen meters off his port side.
“Hey Anar, those two A-Wings look like viable for a fly-by.” Said Badlan.

“Agreed, I’ve got your back.” She said.

Badlan saw Ted and the others slightly ahead racing on though they did. Looking forward the Dagger ships were distinguishable now against the star field as they reflected the red glow of Sullust’s mantel like crust. Badlan readjusted his course to shoot the A-Wings which were after the straggler of Dagger, Talon Ray Hunter. Badlan activated his Concussion Missiles, A-Wings would be destroyed by a single one, he decided to destroy one A-Wing and then hopefully deter the second away from Talon’s hull.

The A-Wings entered range and Badlan watched his targeting system go from Yellow to Red and he fired. The Missile screamed ahead and hit the A-Wing hard on, flames tore from the fuselage and sparks erupted from the dying craft. The second A-Wing manoeuvred to avoid being caught in the core breach of his Wing mate and Talon Ray was clear.

The Alphabet fighters entered range and Badlan looked to Starboard as a massive exchange of fire occurred. Stallion and Trow took two hits and though their shields took the blast it caused a surge in the power grids of both ships and both lost control and were send spinning away. Badlan took a hit as he fired at an X-Wing, ultimately the X-Wing exploded and was send spinning away but it let off a shot which sent electronics sparks tearing through his systems. He pulled his hand away from a console to avoid electrocution.

“I’m hit!” Said Badlan pulling away as another X-Wing moved in for the kill. The X-Wing refused to relent as Badlan did all sorts of crazy movement, but the X-Wing stayed on his tail. In the end a laser flashed catching the X-Wing in the core section just behind its R2 Unit and it exploded. Badlan caught a glimpse of the Supremacy Dawn and concluded it was the one whom had saved him.

Badlan saw that Dagger Squadron had finished its turn and were coming to bare. Green laser bolts smashed through the dogfight and Badlan watched as one obliterated a Y-Wing he was attacking.

The dogfight roared and Badlan took another hit, he looked for Trow and in a strange way felt like Trow’s guardian seeing as it was Badlan whom had recruited him into Starfighting. Trow wasn’t even on the HUD and Badlan feared the worse.

“Give me a hand!” Shouted Rejili and Badlan dove down to help Rej out. Badlan hit the throttle and ran forward, he bore laser shots into the back of the B-Wing and it disintegrated around him. A small chunk of B-Wing ricocheted off the front of his hull and he jumped as it scraped the cockpit canopy.
“Thankyou Bad.” Said Rej and pulled down after an A-Wing which had pulled across Rej’s bow.

Badlan kicked up the throttle and went after another B-Wing, this one was after no-one but was limping home so Badlan decided to go after an easy kill. His laser cracked the B-Wing hull open and fuel and oxygen leaked out, neither ignited. Badlan smiled, a lethal combination. He fired, not at the B-Wing but at the cloud of fuel escaping the B-Wing’s hull. The flash erupted the fuel and it trailed back to the B-Wing and it exploded into a massive fireball.

“Another one for the Relentless!” Shouted Badlan.

“Show some damned respect Badlan!” Said Dan angrily.

They don’t know do they?! They all think the Relentless is still destroyed! Badlan smiled and pushed the ship down and let lasers rip into the hull of another fighter.
Xenom is really gonna have to paint some more Alphabets on my fuselage. Badlan smiled. He felt better, all his friends, we most of them were still alive. Then he thought of Trow.

“Badlan hailing Trow, Stallion?” Asked Badlan.

“This is Trow.” Replied Trow.

“Yo?” Badlan recognised Stall’s voice.

“Just checking you guys’ aren’t Bantha Fodder.” Said Badlan and smiled.


Quake pulled across the hull of the Malher again firing Quad lasers into the ship’s hull. They were still damaged and so he was making light work of the hull. But fighters had descended from the Malher and the Bothans weren’t shy about showing off their flying abilities.

Quake brought his ship alongside Tack’s and fired into the side of the Malher. The explosion knocked an A-Wing off course and into its comrade. Tack dived as laser shots flashed above the top of his ship.

“Tack!” Said Quake as he blasted an A-Wing.

“Look out Quakey!” Said Tack and Quake saw an A-Wing flash behind him, laser shots squealed toward him and he manoeuvred over the top of the Malher and Quake forced the A-Wing into a mechanical lump on top of the Malher.

“This isn’t working!” Said Quake.

Badlan dropped the throttle back and pointed his ship toward the fighters which had passed through the dogfight alive. They were after Spear and trying to save the Malher.

Badlan turned the ship in as tight a turning circle as he could perform, the engine exhaust from the fighters showed him where his target would be. Badlan smiled and fired off another concussion Missile, it shattered the canopy of an X-Wing and the ship burst into flames. Badlan pulled onto Stallion’s port side and hailed Stall.
“Stall, you wanna take that X-Wing Flight, the stragglers, three klicks.” Stallion obliged and fired a missile. The blast destroyed the first X-Wing, the explosion vaporised the ship and molten metal splashed the second X-Wing. The molten metal froze in the cold of space and the second X-Wings hull cracked under the pressure. The resulting explosion pushed the third X-Wing away from its flight and it slowed its speed, and Dan pulled up behind it and blasted it with a with a quick shot it the rear.

Badlan fired into an A-Wing which was after Quake’s Squadron. He smiled, the Malher wasn’t massively damaged but repeated attacks for days from both the Relentless and Dagger had worn down their defences. Then he saw it, and he smiled. He checked again, forgetting that a battle raged outside and forgetting that if he didn’t concentrate he would end up vaped, he reached deep into the force and saw what he had seen before.

“Everyone clear the Malher, she’s gonna be blowing up right about now!” Said Badlan and as he shouted now the Relentless dropped into realspace.

“Yeah!” Shouted Ted.
“All Wing IXers clear the Malher!” Shouted Ricuad.

Badlan looked back as all the Imperial Fighters whizzed away from the Malher. He smiled and looked at the Bothan MC-90. The saw the Missile Boats, TIE Defenders, TIE Advanced and Assault Gunboats which were clearing the basic perimeter. Badlan looked at the Malher one last time. The Sullustan Guard Fighters were regrouping at the Malher as if to make one final stand. Badlan knew they were all doomed.

“Hello Sword, Spear and Dagger Squadrons, thank you for your valiant efforts.” Ricaud’s voice boomed over the communications systems.

Badlan smiled, finally the upper hand!

“How in the name of the Force, how are you here, I watched you explode!” Said Dan.

“Oh ye of such little faith. Come back and dock and we’ll explain everything.” Said Ricaud.

The Communications ended and the turbo lasers began raining down...


Shiel Rho looked in despair as the Relentless,

The ISD I had captured and sent to be administered into the Alliance Fleet. Sword Squadron had rescued it, Spear and Sword Squadron had destroyed my agent on Corellia, and now the combined forces of Wing IX were going to destroy me! I shouldn’t have opposed the Wing IX and the EH! I should have bought my time and destroyed them all gradually!

Then the Bothan Calamari Cruiser’s bridge exploded.


Badlan watched as the mass of Turbo Lasers blew apart the entire

MC-90, he watched as the explosions ran through the ship and engulfed the Sullustan fighters. Then he got the order to pull out and he pressed the hyperspace button and the stars became streaks...            


Badlan sat on the bay of the Relentless once again after almost a month. It had been a long three months since the Salm Mission had gotten underway. But a lot had happened since then, and even more since the evacuation from Sullust.
The Relentless, after all the bad luck was down the 1/3 strength, a lot of pilots had died in the consequent battles. So to help alleviate the problem a Squadron from the Colossus, Iota Squadron would be joining the Relentless, the CMDR, Captain Lohr was unhappy with the Command Structure anyway and so his people would be joining the Relentless under the new name Hammer Squadron.
Joran Delsar would be staying on the Relentless until the Thyferran situation alleviated. As well as this the Relentless had gone over a complete overhaul. Quake the Spear Squadron CMDR had been appointed Lord Ambassador by Grand Admiral Ronin and had left Spear Squadron in the young hands of Brad Tack.

Badlan sat, still on Corellian time more than ever since his mission there and so he was up early and again footsteps approached from within the shadows. It was Joran and she sat next to Badlan, just as Kungs, Trow and Ricuad had done before her.

“What you thinking?” Asked Joran.

“Oh just about how much life has gotten weirder since I met you.” Said Badlan smiling. He stroked her hand and kissed her on the cheek. She rested her head on his shoulder.
“I have bad news you’re not going to like.” She said.

“What?” Badlan asked.      

“The Jerrajords just destroyed a Task Force consisting of Dreadnaughts, Lancer Frigates and Carrack Light Cruisers.” She said.

“Sword Squadron have a new mission.” She said looking a him.

“I dread to think.”
“The Squadron and I are going to Thyferra to work with the Zalin corporation and the Ashern Rebels to try to overthrow the Xucphra Corporation or what ever they’re called now.” Said Joran.

“What?!” Badlan said.
“I know you’re all tired and sick of all this behind lines work, but the Alliance is dying from the Bacta Disease and the EH is the only real threat to them, its up to us to end the war.” She said.

“In the service of the Empire.” Said Badlan.

“Indeed.” She said and kissed him. “Meet us in the briefing room in around three hours.” She said and walked away.

Badlan wondered what she meant by the kiss, but the situation had overshadowed the romantic moment forever.

Badlan looked into space, at the Nal Rhe which had survived the Yaga Minor escape and wondered if this were his destiny. To save the Empire. To save the galaxy.