Sword Squadron:

Part II

Destruction of the Relentless


Dramatis Personae


Sword Squadron:


CMDR-CM Ted (human male from ???)

FL-CM Tom  (human male from ???)

FL-LCM Stallion (human male from Courscant)

FM-LCM Badlan (human male from Corellia)

FM-LT Trow (human male from Ord Mantell)

FM-LT Vapester (human male from ???)

FM-LT Martelus (human male from ???)

FM-CM Anar Par (human female from Thyferra)

FM-GN Rhe Jace (human male from Bothawui)  

FM-CM Binad Plor (human female from Denab)

FM-LT Shaco Terner (human male from Commenor)


Sword Tech Xenom (Verpine male from Roche)

D-3P0 (Military Protocal Droid)


Dagger Squadron:


CMDR-CPT Dan Malaktos (human male from Courscant)

FL-LCM Manticore (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Rejili Holthaus (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Leonid DeBastide (human male from Courscant)

FM-CPT Falcon (human male from Courscant)

FM-LCM Talon Ray Hunter (human male from Alderaan)

FM-LT Fireball (human male from ???)



Spear Squadron


CMDR-CM Quake (human male from Valhalla)

FL-LCM Brad Tack (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Bart (human male from Yaga-Minor)

FM-LT Grim Reaper (human male from ???)

FM-CPT Pete Mitchell (human male from Courscant)

FM-LCM Treb Helfest (human male from Courscant)


Shield Squadron


CMDR-CPT Kane (human male from Courscant)

FL-LCM Adam Lagoda (human male from ???)

FL-LT Devon Thannier (human male from Corellia)

FM-LT Garrett (human male from Corellia)

FM-LT Bryan (human male from Courscant)

FM-LT Sparrow (human male from ???)

FM-Magnus (human male from ???)
FM-LT Aphotic Ace (human male from ???)


Remorse Squadron


CMDR-LC Kungs Backa (Twi’lek female from Ryloth)

FL-CPT Kereseea (human male from Selonia)

(Remorse XO)


Imperial Personnel


COM-RA Andronicus (human male from  Scotti IV) (Commodore ISD Relentless)

WC-COL Val Ricaud (human male from Alderaan) (Wing Commander ISD Relentless)

COM-GN Tra Shee (human female from Courscant) (Commodore Corvette Nal Rhe)

WC-CPT Borol Keler (human male from Sullust) (Wing Commander Corvette Nal Rhe)

Joran Delsar (human female from Aurora) (Imperial Intelligence)

HA Brutal Coffey (Imperial Task force Commander)

(Defected from Moff Jerrajord’s lost regime)




New Republic forces:


VA-COM Shiel Rho (Bothan Male from Bothawui) (Commodore CR-90 Malher)

GN Rel Embered (human male from Courscant) (Alliance Intelligence) 

Nal Pershe (human male from Thyferra)(Director Thyferra Bacta Ltd.)


Chapter I: New Enemies


Badlan, Sword pilot, sat on the deck of the Relentless bay. He was hugging his knees in the dark watching the stars twinkle through the open bay. It was early morning Aurora time and all the rest of Sword were still asleep. The experiences of the Sword’s mission to the Salm and assault on the Thyferran Bacta convoys were still on his mind. And what Joran had told him, about conspiracies and counter-agents within the depths of the war. She swore to contact him since the Evacuation from the Salm, but a month later and back on the Relentless the Supremacy Dawn, her ship, had not resurfaced and she had not sent Scandoc Transmissions in his inbox. He had used his many old Republic allies and friends in CorSec and the Empire to ask about Joran. He had even sliced the Imperial Database, but she was a mystery. Perhaps she had not existed at all!

Footsteps echoed throughout the bay bouncing off the fighters. Badlan reached into his flight suit pocked and withdrew a mini blaster. He was no longer taking chances since his meeting with Joran.

Badlan used the force and searched the individuals mind as they approached. He put the blaster back into his pocket.

“Hello Badlan.” Said Kungs Backa the Twi’lek woman stood her hand on her hip, the other hand playing with her brain tail.
“Hey Kungs.” He said smiling. Kungs Backa was CMDR of an old TIE Fighter Squadron which had served aboard the Platform Salm before her destruction. Remorse had escaped when the VSD Rrae had attacked from Thyferra and Remorse had boarded the Corvette Nal Rhe and jumped out of the system.

“What’s up?” She asked sitting beside him sliding down the wall.

“Nothing, I still exist on Corellian time sometimes so I get up early.” Badlan said.

“Hmmm… You OK?” She asked.

“Sure, why not.” Asked Badlan forcing a smile.

“Dunno, you seem down.” She said. As she spoke the Nal Rhe moved into view from the bay and Kungs smiled.

“How’s it go with Andronicus?” Asked Badlan.

“Good, you’re friend the Spear Commander, what’s his name?” Asked Kungs.


“Yeah Quake, he pulled some strings within the Naval Corps and got the Nal Rhe to join the Relentless Task Force.” She said smiling.

“Cool. You gonna get those crappy TIE Fighters replaced with TIE Defenders and Advanced?” He asked.

“Working on it.”


Badlan went back to bed for the last five minutes as Ted, the Sword Commander, hated pilots getting up too early. The newest Sword arrival woke as Badlan crept back to his bunk.

“What are you doing outta bed?” Asked Lieutenant Shaco Terner.

“Went for a walk.” Badlan said but the dazed rookie went back to sleep. “That kids gonna get Vaped first Combat mission we go on.” Badlan muttered.


“Rise and shine Swords, lets go get eats!” Said Ted smiling and tapping his officer’s stick against the metal posts of the bunks.

Badlan pretended to wake up annoyed and sleepy but he had been awake almost an hour earlier.

Together the Swords walked to breakfast, in the Relentless pilots’ mess. Together all thirty-three Wing IX pilots assembled eating noisily and chatting. Each Squadron had a table to itself, Sword’s was the only without a space seat. At the head of the room ate Val Ricaud, Wing IXs Wing Commander. The Colonel was the funniest man Badlan had ever met possibly excluding Major Minkus or Colonel Kessler but despite his humour Ricaud was a good officer.
“What’s up for today Ted?” Asked Badlan.

“Um… Combat drills, lots of ‘em.” Said Ted smiling.
There was a moan amongst Sword but Badlan remained still.

“Why?” He asked.

“Cause we’re gonna blow the crap outta some Rebels soon and we need to be ready.” Said Ted.

“What kinda mission?” Asked Badlan.

“Well, lets just say I can’t tell ya. But you’ll know when I load the software package into the simulator.” Said Ted taking a bite.


The combat simulator was the most sophisticated in the Empire and Badlan admired its marvels. The mission was to blow up a rebel shipyard against the backdrop of a blue/green planet and also blow a Dreadnaught defending it. Three times it went successful and Trow was starting to show the talent that Badlan had suspected always lay within him blowing up several ships and components of the shipyard.

One Sword died all three times, LT Shaco Terner. The kid looked scared Sithless when he left the combat sim. Badlan didn’t blame him and Ted left Ricuad a memo stating that Shaco should be left out of the assault. So Shaco was sent into the simulator to get to grips with flying whilst Sword went on the mission.


Badlan again sat on the deck of the Relentless’ fighter bay. Watching this time the swirling dust and nebula clouds. Smiling he opened the data card and a small holographic recording from his family.

“Hey son, hope you’re doing well on Corellia, and we hope CorSec is treating you well.” Said his father, the small holographic figure flickered.

His mother stepped into the limelight, “Hello darling, well um, we’re off again to Kuat, the people on Denab have been helpful enough to grant us research funds to aid the project. I also have a job opening on the local TIE Fighter base if you would like it. I’m must keeping you’re options open…” Badlan turned the cylinder and the image faded.

Three days later after that recording was made the Rebels Destroyed the Death Star II at Endor and killed the Emperor. A week later, they invaded Kuat, his parents he hadn’t heard from since, he had arrived to the Kuat Drive Yards just in time to watch the Grey Wolf, Thrawn’s ISD pull out under Ysanne Isard’s command and the local TIE Fighter Squadron which Badlan had been offered a job be blown to bits.

He also watched the Alliance destroy the research asteroid facility his parents worked at under Thrawn explode, but also several shuttles escape, giving him a small glimmer of hope.


“Hey.” Badlan escaped back into reality as Val Ricaud the Imperial Wing Commander came and stood over him.

“Hey Ric.” Badlan said smiling.

“What’s up, hope I wasn’t interrupting something really depressing.” Ricaud said smiling.

Badlan had to smile at that. “Nah, just thinking.”

“I ran some checks on that Joran woman you are obviously obsessed with, she doesn’t seem to exist.” Ric said.

“Thanks anyway.”

“Well you’re late for a briefing Badlan.”

“Yeah you need to get there before I do, or I kick ya ass!” Ricaud said smiling. Badlan stood up and Ricaud started walking and so Badlan walked along side him toward the briefing room.


“Greetings Sword Squadron. This is you’re mission, should you suicidal drunkards choose to accept it.” Ricaud said. The Squadron laughed. “Well you’re supposed to blow a small ship yard at Sullust.”

Badlan leant over to Ted. “Ain’t that the heading of those Thyferran Bacta convoys we vaped?” Said Badlan.

“Yeah, looks like they were heading for Sullust.” Ted said. “They would probably head to other systems from there.”

Tom coughed loudly, retched and threw up before Ricaud could speak again.

“Sith Tom, have you been drinking?” Asked Ric looking at the vomit.

“No, I swear, honestly.” Tom said.

“I’ve had them on alcohol lock down since the mission was announced.” Said Ted.

“Perhaps Master Ted is ill through some other means.” Said Dreepio. The Droid shuffled forward.

“Thanks Dreepio we already though of that.” Rhe Jace said sarcastically.

“Can I go to the medical bay please?” Asked Tom throwing up again.

“Go.” Ricaud said indicating to the door.


Rel Embered stood at the door to the Throne room on Thyferra, this was the first time he had been called since his failure to eliminate Sword Squadron at the Platform Salm.

The room was huge, the ceiling was so far up Rel couldn’t see the top but for few lights. He walked slowly up toward Nal Pershe’s position, the man sat in a small chair at the end of the hall, surrounded by silks and valuable cloths. The Thyferran Bacta Director waved him up before he could kneel.


“You have failed.” Said Nal Pershe before Rel could defend himself.

“Agreed, but the Bacta convoys have run smoothly since have they not?” Said Rel.

“Agreed.” Nal mimicked.

“What do you want of me?” Asked Rel moving a step backwards.

“You’re agent within Sword Squadron, I wish his name and contact details.” Said Nal standing and walking up to the Alliance Intelligence Officer.

“That is not my information to give Director, you would have to take that up with the Bothan Spy Network.” Said Rel.

Nal walked away as his request had been refused.

“Where is my fleet?” He asked referring to the VSD Rrae which he had ‘borrowed’ for the battle against Sword Squadron.

“It is at Sullust with the CR-90 Malher. They are being repaired and helping to protect the Bacta.” Said Rel.

“I want them back.” Said Nal.
Rel sighed, he wished Nal hadn’t asked. “Very well.”
“Who’s command are they under?” Asked Nal Pershe smiling.

“Vice Admiral, Shiel Rho, of the Malher.” Said Rel.

“Shiel is Bothan no?”


“Very well, you may keep my fleets, under my commander’s command though, and they will help you to destroy the Relentless.” Said Nal.

“How?” Asked Rel surprised.

“The Swords reside on the Relentless do they not General?” Asked Nal.

“They do but...”

“So you will inform Alliance Intelligence. And together the Thyferrans and New Republic will destroy the Relentless.” Said Nal.


When Rel left obviously troubled but what Nal was proposing a small door opened and a man escaped.

“Ah, High Admiral.”

“Hello Director.” Said the HA.
“Find that little conversation interesting?” Asked Nal.

“Very. The Moff Jerjorrd lost Regime will attack the EH soon, with the Alliance under Medical epidemic they will purchase more Bacta, and with that Bacta they will go bankrupt.” Said the HA.

“They will soon realise all affected patients will have been dunked in the liquid.” Said Nal.

“By then it will be too late, when they are falling the Thyferran and Moff Jerrajord Imperials will attack the EH and overwhelm them. The war will be over soon and we will be the only ones left.” Said the HA. The Admiral began walking away.

“Where are you going?” Asked Nal.

“To the Relentless. Be ready for my fleet, it will arrive in orbit soon!”


Badlan smiled and fired into Trow’s Z-95 which survived and pulled across to port to avoid more fire. Badlan’s own Z-95 shifted its position to follow but Trow evaded well. Badlan smiled again. Trow’s simulated Z-95 Headhunter’s shields were down.

“I’m on you Trojan. No way out now!” Badlan said a he followed the trail of fiery debris and leaking fuel.

The Z-95 was dying Badlan realised and watched his HUD as the engines slowed to %50, Trow was good, but still a Stormie at heart, it would be a while before he became an Ace, not that Badlan was an Ace, he was just an experienced Officer.

Ignited fuel continued to roar from Trow’s fuselage and Badlan knew that his ‘protégé’ had only moments to live. So Badlan blew him out into space. Trow even managed to eject and Badlan overrode the ‘end mission when player destroyed’ command and left Trow in a simulated environmental suit and Badlan blaster him in that situation too.

“Son of a Hutt!” Trow said as soon as he saw the grinning Badlan after escaping the simulator. “You’d shoot a man when he’s down?”

Badlan’s expressions became serious. “Yes I would, I’d rather do that than have to take prisoners or worse leave a poor man to suffocate.” Badlan said.

“So… what do you think of this mission?” Asked Trow referring to the upcoming assault of the shipyard facility in orbit of Sullust.

“Dunno, seems OK, just as long as we don’t see the Rrae or Bacta Convoys.” Badlan said. The Rrae was the VSD that had forced Sword and Remorse from the Salm.

“Well their courses did put them on a direct route to Sullust.” Trow said. The Lieutenant scraped some crud from his jet black Imperial helmet and caught up with Badlan. They descended to Concourse, the centre of the Pilot deck which led to all the major facilities, the Tour of Duty Centre, the Hanger Bay, the pilot barracks, the Verpine tech warehouse and most importantly the Star Drifter lounge. The took a left to the pilot Barracks and into Sword Squadron’s lounge. Doyon was cleaning out the crap which had accumulated in the barrel of his Blaster over the years.

“Hey.” He said not bothering to look up. “You guys enjoy you’re little flying practice?” He asked.

“Yeah it was good.” Trow said.

“How’s Tom?” Asked Badlan referring to his FL.
“Not good, Ted’s with him, he has some kind of virus. A sorta eat away you’re inside’s kinda bug. Tom’s in quarantine.” Doyon said looking gravely at him.

“Is Dan treating him?” Asked Badlan.

“Yeah but he needs to know he cause.” Doyon said. “Ted asked me to ask you guys if you know of anything Tom has come in contact with since the Bacta Convoy mission.” Doyon sat back in the chair.

“Bacta!” Trow said in shock.

“What about the stuff?” Asked Badlan.

“We got the Supremacy Dawn to pick some up from the 1st convoy we blew.” Said Trow. “Y’know one of the Cargo Trains dropped a container.”

“By the Force, the kiddo’s got something!” Said Doyon and jumped up with Trow and Badlan to go to the Medical bay.


Dan Malaktos was Commander of Dagger Squadron and just like with all the pilots Ricaud the WC administered his own twisted little form of Moral, making jokes about the pilots had given Dan an obvious one.

“Dan Malaktos? Oh yeah, Dagger Commander and Doctor of the Relentless, he’s always in his sickbay, setting fire to mice, pulling legs off spiders and burning woodlice with a magnifying glass, we always ask him what these experiments are for, he just says they’re ‘Top Secret!’” Ricuad had used that little one to scare the Sith from some SLs on their first week at the Relentless.

And so it had stuck and even modified; Dan Malaktos, Rel Doctor, with his long shinny needles!


But Badlan didn’t care anymore, he just wanted Tom well again. Badlan had known Tom for a while and he was one of the three greatest pilots Badlan had ever met, just after Scoser and Ahkliat. Plus they were good friends often sharing death matches which Tom usually won and sharing evenings in the Star Drifter.

Tom was inside a small chamber with a view port, Tom was in a medical gown but the floor was covered in vomit. Tom was aware and Ted was even talking with him.

Dan came over and said to Ricaud who was standing next to Ted, “I’ve tested most of the ship no signs of infection yet, the virus hasn’t mutated into a form which is airborne, this virus at this stage attacks through the form of bodily fluids.” Dan said. “If I want to cure him I need to know the cause.” Dan said.
“We may have it Dan.” Badlan said as he approached to CMDRs and WC.

“Well, spit it out Badlan.” Ricaud said.

“Tom was infected with the Bacta we captured from one of the Cargo Trains back at the Salm.” Doyon said.

“Jesus.” Dan said. He walked over to console and began tapping. “What happened to this Bacta?” Asked Dan turning to Ted.
“Dunno… um… It was destroyed with the Salm I guess.” Ted Said.

“Yeah it was destroyed.” Badlan said.

“Wait, why would the Bacta be infected, wasn’t it going from Thyferra to the New Republic?” Asked Ricaud.
Badlan remembered what Joran had told him, about all the stuff that went on 'behind-the-scenes’ in the war. Badlan had even been caught up in such things before, had in fact even been involved and now it was back to haunt him.

“We need to find more infected Bacta if we want to cure him, I may be able to create and antibody from the original virus samples.” Dan said.

“Want us to get on it?” Asked Ted turning to Ric.

“No, you have a mission to complete, I’ll have a word with Imperial Intelligence.” Ricaud said.

“Ric, Joran probably knows what’s going on, if I can find her.” Badlan said.

“Would you forget about the god damned woman Bad? She’s starting to annoy me.” Ricaud said.

Suddenly a weak voice rained from the quarantine chamber. “Let Badlan find her, she’s in the Intel business already, she can help. As well ask Anar, she’s Thyferran, maybe she has contacts.” Tom said.

Ricaud nodded. “Don’t worry pilot, we’ll get you cured.”

Tom nodded and slit back against the wall and sat down.

“Badlan, one last try for this woman, if she doesn’t reply within three standard days, you forget about her.” Ricaud said and Badlan nodded. “Ted, prep you’re Squadron, you’re still going on this mission to Sullust.”

“Aye.” Ted said.

“Dan do you think this virus is artificial?” Asked Val Ricaud.

“Looks like it came from a lab, but the virus has been mutating within Tom, I need original samples.” Dan said.

“Ted, get Anar onto Imp Intel, get her to give them any contacts she has on Thyferra.” Ricaud said.


“Aright Sword Squadron, I know you’re missing two, Tom is still ill and Shaco isn’t ready for combat. However, Tom will be alright, don’t allow yourself to be distracted by this. A distracted pilot is a dead pilot.” Ricaud said.

The Sullust system appeared onto the large space map. The planet loomed high above the backdrop of stars. The space station appeared in green indicating the Rebellion aspect. Badlan saw there were several ships within range of the station, mostly freighter craft on their way to the volcano planet. The Dreadnaught which protected it was situated above her to starboard.

Fighters were also shown to indicate the fighter garrisons.

“This mission is high risk as the chance of reinforcements from the enemy are almost on the 100% level.” Ric said moving to the side of the briefing map. “There are also many fighter bases on the moons and facilities surrounding the area, you go in and get the hell back out again! Blow the shipyard and Dreadnaught, there’s nothing more you need to know, good luck Sword. Oh and Kane and Shield Squadron are on standby for a quick jump in assistance, good luck!”


For the first time in a while Badlan saw all of Sword Squadron assembled for the first time. Except it was missing two members. Tom was still very ill and Shaco not confident enough or talented enough to fly. But Sword had all they needed. Badlan saw, Ted, Anar and Vapester of Flight I walking toward their famed TIE Defenders. Badlan was temporary Flight Leader of Flight II in Tom’s absence, and he watched Trow and Martelus walk to his left, their suits clasped to their environmental systems pack positioned on their chests. To his left, Binard, Stallion, Rhe and Doyon walked slowly toward the Flight III Missile Boats.

Ted called them over and they made a circle. The bay was bigger than Badlan had remembered and the entire situation seemed powerful to him, unity, victory honour, the things which a TIE Squadron needed to survive.

“Alright Sword Squadron, we can’t do anything for Tom now, but let’s kick Rebel ass and sent that Shipyard to hell in his name!” Ted said and extended a hand for the Squadron to clasp. They all did and Ted counted them in.

“3, 2, 1…” He said.

“SWORD SQUADRON!” Shouted the Sq. Badlan looked up toward the TIEs which hung from the ceiling and looked into space. The situation he environment, felt awe inspiring and he took a moment to reflect.

“Martelus, you’re with Trow, I’m on my own and Stallion and Doyon are together.” Badlan informed his Flight.

Martelus nodded as usual not speaking unless something needed saying.

The fighters lifted from the bay and Badlan saw the Minos Cluster reflected in his helmet.

“Lets go!” Said Ted and the fighters roared forward with the characteristic roar of the Twin Ion Engines.


Hyperspace took three hours but burned only 5% of the Missile Boat’s fuel. Badlan disengaged the Hyperspace drives when the computer told him and watched as the inertia take him around 500 Klicks further. If he hadn’t have stopped there he would probably of hit Sullust itself. There he saw the Squadron all parked out ahead of him. The Missile Boats of Flights II and III and the Defenders of Flight I. He activated the HUD but didn’t look at it instead he checked the space around him visually. The Station was ahead, not a factory but a ‘dry dock’ yard. A central Command Structure with outstretching arms to allow several small ships to dock or even one large Capital Ship. Badlan smiled. The Target!

He also looked for the Dreadnaught and just as in the Simulator there it was above and to port pointing toward Sullust. Badlan smiled again.

“Sword Leader standing by.” Ted Said.

“Sword 3 Standing by.” Said Anar.

“Sword 4 Standing by.” Said Vapester casually.

“Sword 6 Standing by.” Said Martelus.

“Sword 7 Standing by.” Trow said.

“Sword 8, Flight II Leader standing by.” Badlan Said.

“Sword 9, waiting to kick some Rebel ass!” Said Stallion, everyone laughed.

“Sword 10 Standing by.” Said Doyon still chuckling.

“Sword 11 Standing by.” Said Rhe.

“Sword 13 Standing by.” Said Binard.

“Alright Swords, time to kick some Rebels back where they came. Badlan you and Stallion’s and Rhe’s group assault the Shipyard. Trow, Mart, you guys up for that Dreadnaught?” Asked Ted.

“We’re good.” Trow said.

“Me too.” Said Martelus.

“OK, you have you’re orders, I’m with Trow and Mart flying defence. Anar you’re With Badlan and Stall’s group, Vapester, you’re with Rhe’s group. Go!”

The ships split up.

“Welcome to Sullust! Dalharty en Sullust! Kelpres yuuu Sullust!” Said an automated message.

“Yeah, yeah!” Said Badlan pulling toward the shipyard. It got larger as he flew closer. Stallion and Doyon flew along side him. Anar was above them both.

“Fighters?” Asked Badlan.

“Can’t see any.” Replied Stallion.

“Wait, I’ve got a system Patrol Craft that wasn’t on the Sim.” Anar said.

“Ted?” Asked Doyon.

“Try and vape it with one pass, if not leave it.” He calculated quickly. “No warheads.”

Badlan moved forward pulling the throttle forward and firing into the Patrol Craft with several piercing lasers blasts, Anar, Stall and Doyon joined him. Anar’s quad laser blasts did the most damage. The Patrol Craft avoided destruction but only by pulling away when its hull began to buckle.

The Shipyard had a Corellian Gunship parked inside its left repair bay. The pylons extended to it in two places. The briefing had indicated that it was disabled and awaiting repairs.
Badlan was pulling into it from the side through that very repair alcoves. He fired missiles, dumb fired them into the structure. The pylons buckled and exploded. He went after the main adjoining pylon in an attempt to wreak mass destruction on the shipyard. He had used this tactic on the shipyard in the Simulator to great success to such an end that the other Swords copied his tactics by attempt three.

A laser blast reflected from his shields and he pulled the ship down to avoid more laser blasts.

“Under fire!” He reported.

“Be advised, Imperial TIE Spacecraft, you are in a restricted area, by order of Vice Admiral Shiel Rho leave immediately.” A distinctively Bothan voice rained through.

“Sounds Bothan.” Binard reported.
“Bothan name.” Said Rhe.

“Swords heads up, Alphabet fighters en route.” Anar reported.

“Alright people, 3 minutes remaining to blow this thing.” Ted ordered.

Badlan watched the X-Wings approach as he administered his second run on the yard. Rhe descended on them blowing them away with a well placed missile. 

“Three for me!” Rhe said.

Badlan watched a loner A-Wing roar from under the shipyard superstructure. He pulled across it as it went for Trow. Firing well placed laser shot into it.

“That’s the second A-Wing you owe me for Protégé!” Badlan said smiling.

“Stop with the fighter blasting MISSs, blow the yards!” Ted ordered.

“This is you’re final warning, leave or be destroyed.” Said the Bothan again. The MC-80 burst from the planet’s horizon blocking the Sullust star from view.
“Oh Sith! They have an MC-80 within approach vector.” Said Doyon.

“Finish off the Shipyard!” Said Stallion becoming impatient.


Badlan decided to cause some damage, switching to Heavy Rockets he pulled into line with the shipyard blasting its hull open. He pulled up to the command centre and fired into it several times with the rockets. He pulled through he roaring flames with intent to cause more damage to a connecting pylon.

But the A-Wings and X-Wings were upon them!

Fighters roared into position behind the Swords with deadly intent. After watching two crimson laser blasts flash past his canopy Badlan pulled sharp and hard to the right.

“Um.. TIE Defenders!” Shouted Badlan as the X-Wing followed. “Help poor Badlan!”

“Coming in Sword 8.” Said Anar. They Thyferran woman fired into the X-Wing but missed. Badlan took a hit.

“Ah! Shields at 60!” Badlan said.

Anar fired again this time forcing off the X-Wing.

“We’re out numbered 2/1!” Said Vapester pulling away from enemy fire.

“Thank god Shaco isn’t here he’s get vaped in a second!” Rhe said.

“Kane?” Asked Binard referring to the assistance.

“No Badlan’s run on the bridge of the yard opened up holes in their shields in their hull, we can take advantage of that!” Ted said.

“Done.” Said Binard descending toward the flaming bridge. She fired into the bridge and the entire thing exploded.

“Wow!” She said.

“Nice shot. Everyone toward the hole!” Said Ted.

Lasers smashed into the missing ‘head’ of the station. Its power grid continued to smash up and overload.

“Look out Bad, X-Wing to starboard!” Said Trow. Badlan pulled up, the X-Wing was travelling parallel to the yard. He fired lasers tearing through metal and shields. It exploded with a flash of twisted metal.

“Squad at point 0.4!” Said Rhe.

“Got ‘em!” Doyon said. Pulling up he fired into the first A-Wing. The other two manoeuvred. One smashed into the yard’s hull with a dramatic flash.

“One left!”
“Got her!” Said Anar firing green bolts into the ship so that it hit the hull of the shipyard.

“Nice shot.”
“Turbo lasers are heavy here.” Badlan said watching his side as he fired into the hull of the yard.

“That MC-80, the Malher is almost here!” Said Martelus. He and Trow were still attacking the Dreadnaught.

“Dreadnaught is at 50% hull, finishing!” Trow said pulling across the vertical line of the Dreadnaught, letting dumb-fire missiles pour into it.

“The Shipyard doesn’t look good Sword Leader.”

“I know. Its working.” Ted said.

The Corellian Gunboat exploded. The main energy conduit ruptured creating flash points all along the hull of the ship. Fire roared from the holes throwing metal into the pylons. The docking pylons shattered and flames flashed from within the connection plating.

“Look out she’s gonna blow!” Shouted Badlan pulling from the Gunboat’s position.
“Badlan the gunboat you’re kill?” Asked Binard.

“Yeah, the Yard’s going, look out!”


The yards blew with a massive flash. Fire roared from the yard, someone had hit the energy conduits.

“Yee-haw!” Shouted Badlan.

“Who hit it, Badlan make that shot?” Asked Ted.

“It was me.” Badlan said.

“Good shot Badlan, drinks are on you, Trow, condition?”
“We’re good, Martelus took a hit, more Xs coming you’re way.” As Trow spoke the Dreadnaught exploded.

“Go for the exit vector!” Shouted Ted.

Martelus’ fighter was damaged but only slightly. The ship was sparking but otherwise intact. As the Sq. pulled out X and A Wings followed them firing crimson lasers at the Imperials.

“Get him off me!” Asked Rhe nervously.

“I got him!” Shouted Anar. The X-Wing slowed and exploded. The R2 unit sent spiralling away.

Badlan looked to Starboard, several freighters were off in the distance near to the location of where Trow and Martelus had blown the Dreadnaught.
“Trow did you scan those freighters?” Asked Badlan.

“Send me the data.” So Trow did.
“Ted those freighters, 5.32 Klicks 6 O’clock Starboard are Thyferran and holding Bacta, we can help Tom!” Badlan said.

“Sorry Bad, we can’t risk it. We’ll turn up another source.” 


As the Squadron entered hyperspace the Station finally exploded, spewing twisted alloys into the Sullust orbit. The Malher finally caught up with the position that the Swords WERE in.


“Sword Squadron were here?” Said Rel Embered nervously.

“Yes General, they destroyed a Sullustan shipyard.” Shiel Rho, Bothan Spy Network Vice Admiral said.

“Hmmm, send me the target data. I have had the go ahead from Imperial Command to destroy the Relentless, in a join operation with the Thyferran Authorities.” Rel said.

“Do you want to?” Asked Shiel.

“Why not we have the resources and it certainty would help.” Rel said. “But, I have a strange feeling about this man, Nal Pershe, he is strange. He is kinda sneaky, I have a feeling he has ulterior motives.” Rel said.

“Paranoid little man aren’t you?” Said the Bothan jokingly.

“That’s the game we play Mr. Rho, you a Bothan Spy Network officer and I an intelligence officer.” Said Rel.

“Indeed, the undertones of war frighten even me. I’ll have a word with my other contacts in an effort to investigate Mr. Pershe. Until then let the Alliance High Council send me some more fighters, I need them after this little charade. The Sullustans won’t be happy!” Said Shiel Rho angrily.  


Badlan was on the Bridge of the Relentless after returning from the Sullust Mission. Angry and annoyed that Red had refused to allow him to at least get a sample from the freighters.

But upon review he realised it was for the best. Staying any longer would have given way to the threat of interdiction or destruction from the masses of fighter gathering. Tom was getting worst and despite Dan’s resignation from the Medical Corps he had still decided to help treat Tom. In an effort to understand why the Bacta was infected in the first place Badlan was trying to contact Joran Delsar. The freelance Intel Officer, she was a personnel friend of Ronin and seemed to know what she was on about. War was Shitty. But even more so underneath. And at one time during the clone wars and the rise of the Empire, Badlan had been wading in shit.

He had ‘relieved’ LT Ibem from her post and was sending the message when the Commodore of the Relentless entered the room with Ricuad and another officer in tow. Ricaud stopped by Badlan, leant down and spoke to Badlan quietly.

“What the hell are you doing at this station?” Asked Ricaud angrily but quietly.

“Trying to contact Joran.” Badlan said. “Who’s the brass?” Asked Badlan wondering who the officer was. Badlan couldn’t see the man’s rank so simply asked.

“He’s a HA from some other Imp sect, you’ll hear soon.” Ricaud said standing up.

“Hello Mr. Badlan, long time no see.” Said RA Andronicus.

“Hello Andron.” Badlan said Saluting. He man returned the Salute.

“Do I have permission for leave this weekend sir?” Asked Badlan smiling.

“Why is it that you only call me Sir when you want something?” Asked Andron laughing. Badlan laughed also.

“Can I?”
“Yeah, when you hear what I have to say.” Andron said. “LCM Badlan, open a channel to all inter communications systems across the ship.” Andron said.

“Open.” Badlan said after pressing some buttons.

“To all members of the Relentless, unfortunately, we have another enemy to add to our already expanding list. The Moff Jerjorrd Lost Regime has decided to attack us when we are weakest and under attack from the most enemies. One of their officers, one High Admiral Brutal Coffey has defected, he believes in re-unification for all the Imperial Sects, I expect you to give him the same amount of respect you give myself and Ricaud. Prepare to receive further information later.” Andron indicated for the Comm link to be closed and Badlan obliged.

“By the Force Andron!” Said Badlan.

“Go and have you’re leave Badlan, be back in three days.” Andron said. Badlan saluted and they Commodore Saluted back. Badlan looked at ‘Brutal Coffey’ and remembered what Joran had said to him on the Salm.

“Look out for a High-Admiral!”

Badlan flew his Missile Boat toward Aurora on a 20 minute journey from the Relentless. He asked for landing clearance and it was granted after his ID was certified. He landed in the small mountain area south of the major cities. Very few individuals had ever walked to this area and Badlan had built himself a small cabin at the shore line of one of the alkaline lakes.

He landed the Missile Boat and activated the ‘cloaking field’ an experimental piece of technology which Badlan had acquired from his parents when they had worked for Thrawn on the cloaking project. It was buried in the gritty beach. Once activated the Missile Boat shimmered and disappeared. If only Thrawn hadn’t been cut off by Endor, the Rebels wouldn’t have had a chance!

He walked an indirect path through the trees toward the log cabin avoiding the traps designed to keep enemies away, there were more people that would want to see Badlan dead that he would have like to admit.
Badlan had placed a hair across the door to the cabin, no fancy technology, but the hair was broken, someone had been inside.

Badlan burst in blaster at the ready, ready to fire.

There sat Joran Delsar, curled up on Badlan’s bed.  



Chapter II: Plot to end an Empire


“Greetings Mr. Badlan.” Smiled Joran. Badlan kept his blaster raised.

“I thought you skipped.” Badlan said.

“Nah. This mission is too important to me B.” She said. “Plus I sorta like you’re company.” She said.

“So what re you doing here?” Asked Badlan.

“I found yer little safe house after talking to a couple of Stormies I go them to show me where they built this little house for some Moff, and when the Moff died, they say some new Sub-Lieutenant, Old guy (for a SL), and that they were paid never to tell anyone where this place was. Or ever return.” Said Joran. Joran Delsar removed her Blaster and placed it on the bed side cabinet. She was wearing her usual skin tight jump suite and curled up on his bed she look rather seductive.

“God damn it Joran, I’ve been looking for you!” Said Badlan angrily.

“Things are going to shit huh?” She asked.

“Sorta, Tom is VERY ill, well he’s got some kind of Virus, and we’re at war with a new Imperial Sect and there’s even a HA.”

“Yeah I know.” She said. “Its time to fill you in.”


“A year after Alderaan was Destroyed my father an Imperial Intelligence officer went to his old Friend from the academy, High Admiral Ronin, leader of a small but strong Imperial sect centred around the Minos Cluster and the Aurora and Carrida worlds. Ronin also disagreed with Palatine’s act of destroying Alderaan. Secretly they built up their forces and were about to perform a Coup D’etat. But Palpatine found out first and sent all sorts of fleets and assassins to stop what had happened with Zaarin. The assassins killed an Imperial officer inside Ronin’s quarters, but the man had volunteered to give his life for my father and Ronin’s cause. The assassins reported back saying that they had killed Ronin.

Palpatine then went back to concentrating on his Death Star II plot. With Xizor and Vader becoming a problem and the Rebels closing in on the situation and mounting a fleet near Sullust Ronin took power again from the man whom Palpatine had sent to take over. But before they could act. The man Palpatine had sent to take over the Emperor’s Hammer was called to Endor and so Ronin took the EH Fleet there and deceived Palpatine into thinking that the fleet was still under the command of The Emperor’s man.

Of course we all know what happened at Endor and Ronin took the forces and fled back to the Inner core to Courscant. Ysanne Isard took command there and then she lost and the fleet ended up here.

In the end the Rebels did Ronin’s job for him. Unfortunately when the assassins arrived to destroy Ronin they also came for my father, they executed him. Ronin helped me, I was then almost 19 so I joined my father’s Imperial Intel group and continued his work. Now you can see how much I don’t want to see all that Ronin has fought for destroyed. Ronin is a good man unlike Tarkin, Vader, Jerrajord, Piett, Seerdon and those other bastards. I wish it hadn’t taken the destruction of Alderaan to convince my father and I of that.” Joran explained in great detail.

“I almost don’t believe it.” Badlan said, “Ronin vs. the Emperor?”

“Tell me what’s happening now Joran, I need to know.” Badlan said.

“Very well. Three months ago Nal Pershe, Director of Thyferran Bacta Ltd. defected from the Rebel Alliance to the Moff Jerrajord Lost Regime. He apparently doesn’t like the Alliance. He and one High Admiral whose name I don’t know hatched a plan to destroy all Alliance Military personnel, he would release a virus into the Bacta he was selling and by the time they realised it existed they couldn’t stop it. By then they Thyferrans and this Imp Sect would be the galaxy’s most powerful players. The EH would be no proble to their combined forces. But in a twisted form of fate Sword Squadron turned up and vaped a few convoys!” Joran said.

“I see, so the Thyferrans are playing cat and mouse. Why are the Jerrajord’s attacking us now?” Asked Badlan.

“Probably because you’re a threat to their plans now that I’m on the scene and Tom is ill and that you know the Bacta is infected.” Said Joran.

“What do we do about them?” Asked Badlan.

“We fight the war. But first you get Tom a cure.” Joran said.

“We’ve tried.” Said Badlan.

Joran reached into the one of many pockets on her jump suit and handed Badlan a small data chip. “There’s a convoy at these co-ordinates. They’ll be gone in three hours.”

“Not enough time to wake Sword Squadron.” Badlan said.

“Then go. This is a Jetscoop devise. Here is the control.” She handed Badlan the devise. It was the size of a small A4 sized piece of paper. “Press the Red button to collect a sample, the green to close it.” She said.

“You knew I was coming.”

“I’m everywhere Badlan, I’m there when you take a piss, when you illegally picked up a Twi’lek dancing girl, I was there when you lost half of a months wages when you were under Scoser on a Sabacc game.” Joran said smiling.

“Bitch.” Badlan joked.

“Go, get Tom a cure, it will also help me and my people as well as the Rebels, should we wish to give it to them, we can also use it to prove that the Thyferrans betrayed them.” Joran said. Badlan stood up. “That Bacta is everything and my ship is lost somewhere over Dantooine, I have to rely on you again.” Joran said. This time he kissed her on the cheek.
“Cya Joran I’ll be back soon.”


The Hyperspace journey was short from Aurora to somewhere outside the Minos Cluster, a freighter en-route. Blow a hole in their hull scoop up some Bacta. Hyper out. Easy. Piece O’ Piss.

Upon dropping lightspeed he saw the convoy drifting between the nebular ‘drools’ in a train formation. Badlan wished Sword Squadron with him, Ted the firm but fair CMDR, and Badlan’s drinking partner, Trow, his ‘loyal’ protégé and best friend. Tom the ace, Doyon the old CMDR. Stallion the technical whiz and funny guy. And the Elites, Rhe, Anar, Binard and Martelus and Vapester. And perhaps even the annoying little LT Shaco.

But alone he was and half of the EH was counting on him, no Luke Skywalker pilot, no Darth Vader Jedi, no Wedge Antilles CMDR, no Mon Mothma leader, just Badlan.

X-Wings screamed at the lone fighter, 1 fighter, 1 target!

“Christ, I’m dead.” Loading missiles Badlan fired into the ships approaching some exploded with a flash of light and flames. Some fired back. But Badlan felt numb, all he could think about was Tom spewing his guts out and Joran waiting back at the safe-house both relying on him and Trow, relying on him to return.

He flashed between laser blasts and the X-Wings, he fired into the nearest freighter, he only needed a minute amount of Bacta. The shields of the Thyferran ship fell momentarily allowing the hull to be breached.

He opened the scooper and collected the Bacta as it seeped into space. He was alone. And as he dodged laser blasts he felt alone. Everyone he had known was gone. He felt almost alone in the cold black of space.

The Thyferran security ships were useless and he even blasted two more as he escaped. He has the bacta. His wing was shredding from it into bubbles. 

He entered light speed. No problem he thought, even easier than he had anticipated. He still had this overwhelming feeling of being alone.
His parents, sibling, Old Republic Sq. buddies, Corellian buddies, Kuat friends and colleagues his Imperial friends were beginning to fizzle away now. There was no point in keeping friends…


The Auroran authorities let him back into the world. And he returned some eight hours after he had left to his brick cabin deep in the Auroran pine forests, mountain ranges and great lakes.

Joran was sitting at the computer console writing in her little book. She smiled as Badlan landed but saw great pain in his eyes.

“What’s the matter?” She asked.

“I feel a little depressed.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, pressure of all that I told you?” Joran asked.

“Maybe, maybe the feeling of insignificance in galactic proportions and how those proportions make all those deaths of my loved ones mean almost nothing.” Badlan said dropping the scooper full of Bacta onto the bed.

“Life in this universe is indeed crappy huh?” She said.


“But you’re fighting for what you believe in right?”

“No.” Badlan said.

“How so?” She asked.

“You think I hate the Rebels? I don’t, I have nothing against them, they killed my sister, whilst aboard an Imperial Stormtrooper Barracks, they maybe killed my parents whilst aboard and Imperial Research asteroid, they killed several of my Sq. mates, whilst in battle defending or attacking, war. The Imperials killed my crew when Palpatine ordered my death warrant, I am after all a Light Jedi, people get killed and I don’t fight for that shit, I fight for freedom. I fight for liberty and justice, and maybe I’m fighting on the wrong team or maybe I shouldn’t fight at all, but in this civil war there is no escape, Pick a side, or get pulled in, I picked.” Badlan said. It seemed as if Joran didn’t have an answer. Badlan picked up the container and threw it to her. She placed it on the table smiled and stood. She hugged Badlan, which was probably what he needed.

“When we finish this, we’ll go to New Alderaan together, for the Winter Fete and there will be no war, no prejudice no tyranny, just us Badlan, OK?” She asked.

Badlan smiled despite his emotion. “Thanks Joran.”

Badlan left next morning, Joran slept on the sofa bed and Badlan in his own bed. They talked all night. She took a test tube of Bacta from the container and gave it to Badlan. He left her to sleep that morning leaving a data pad on the door for her t read. Mainly contact details. When she awoke she agreed to his terms for communication and concluded that Badlan knew how to play the game.


The Relentless had moved and at the location where she had been Badlan found a message buoy obviously left for him by Ricaud as it used Ricaud/Badlan’s ID code. It pointed out the Relentless’ new co-ordinates. The Benat System, within the Minos Cluster.

Upon leaving hyperspace Badlan saw the Relentless in a low orbit, several other ships, mostly cargo ships and escort carries were in orbit as well.

“Looks like this wars begun.” Badlan said.

He wasn’t ordered to report to the Relentless’ hanger but rather to the surface. Despite pleading with Andronicus Badlan was sent to the surface. He was given the locations for a base. Badlan smiled when he saw it. A make shift kinda facility, the kind put up in 24 hours, rows of TIE Fighters, TIE Interceptors, TIE Bombers, Assault Gunboats and TIE Advanced were lined up there. The Relentless was setting up a TIE garrison to defend against the Jerrajord Regime.

In front of the TIEs were rows of Pilots and Stormtroopers, lined up in a parade.

Ted looked up, “Badlan.” He said quietly as the Missile Boat flew overhead and snapped its wing down with a Twin Ion Engine roar.



*  *  *


Rel Embered sat on the bridge of the VSD Rrae the Malher beside him. The Thyferran and Rebel fleet together.
“Rel to Malher. Shiel you there?” Asked Rel.
“Yeah I’m here, I just talked to my contact in Sword Squadron he’s told us the Relentless’ position they’re setting up a staging area for some kind of new threat on the world of Benat.” Shiel Rho the Bothan said.

“Excellent. I’ll inform the high council and draw up a plan.” Said Rel.

The Bothan disappeared form the view screen.


*  *  *


Badlan walked over to Ricaud, Ted, Quake, Dan and Kane the Relentless Wing Commander and Squadron Commanders. He walked up to Ricaud and handed him the Bacta storage container.
“Bacta, from a Thyferran convoy bound for Sullust, don’t ask me if its contaminated, that’s Dan’s job.” Badlan said.

“I sort resigned from the Medical Corps.” Dan said.

“I don’t give a Ramos what you think Badlan.” Ricaud said with a grave face. Badlan got the clue.

“I’ll still help Tom and try out that Bacta though.” Said Dan taking the container.

“Where’d you get it?” Asked Ricaud.
“I flew in and got it.” Badlan said. “Check the scorch marks on my MISS, if you want.” Said Badlan.

“I believe you, I though you went to Aurora.” Ricaud said.

“I did, but then I got a bit of info, I flew in breached the hull and got me some Bacta.” Badlan said.

“And did Joran tell you anything else?” Asked Ricaud.
“Ask me again some time.” Badlan said.
“No Badlan! Tell me.” Ricaud asked.

“I, I… can’t, I promised.” Badlan said stuttering.

“Badlan this ain’t no walk in the cosmos, we’re in deep crap now, all our enemies are baring down on us. We’re going get ourselves killed!” Ricaud said.

“There’s a connection between the Virus and the Jerrajord’s regime.” Badlan said.

“Oh no, you don’t mean?” Quake said. The Spear Commander said.

“Allies.” Ted said saying it for Badlan.
“I feel sick.” Said Dan dropping to the floor.

“The under world of war stinks boys, its filled with slimy little bum faces who deserves shooting, bring back all out blow o’ everything!” Badlan said. “By the way nice base.” Badlan said indicating the facility below them.

Ricaud still looked bewildered. “So um… yeah it is isn’t it? What about the infected Bacta?” He asked.

“I know about the Alliance between the Thyferrans and the Jerrajord’s only.” With that Ricaud walked away. Badlan extended a hang to Dan.

“Common Dan I could of gotten myself vaped for that puddle of goo, get it analysed and cure Tom.” Said Badlan.

Dan nodded.


Badlan walked through that facility, temporary buildings set up for the pilots to eat, sleep, hold briefings and fix their TIEs. Badlan could see the Relentless from here in a low orbit. He saw cargo freighters dropping off more TIEs. He saw the Nal Rhe, still with the Relentless hovering above a small mountain around 30 miles to the east. He then saw a plaque on the door to one of the Fighter Barracks.

‘Remorse Sq. – TIE Advanced’

‘CMDR – Kungs Backa’

‘Temporary Ground Wing – Benat’

‘Primary posting – Nal Rhe Corvette’


Kungs was here. And she had new pilots otherwise they wouldn’t have given her the position on Benat. Badlan looked around.
“Hey Badlan!” She said walking up and hugging him.

“Hey Kungs calm down!” He laughed.
“Sorry, how are you?” Asked Kungs. The Twi’lek woman took a step back.
“I’m OK, that weekend was so worth going on I feel better.” Badlan lied. Kungs smiled.

“Ever since you came to the Salm things have changes so very much!” She said smiling. Badlan looked around the TIE Garrison, obviously temporary buildings, they were designed to be erected as temporary buildings, but they could be built in a matter of hours. The ground had obviously been blasted from orbit the ground was muddy and the entire Garrison was built within a crater.

“So you’re the new main Squadron around here.” Badlan said.

“Yeah, but if things go the way the Death Stars went we’re back to the Nal Rhe.” Kungs said.


Explosions flashed in low orbit, around the Relentless.

“Holy Sith!” Said a pilot who looked up. Small bursts of fire were flashing all around. The Relentless was moving to protect the Garrison.
“My god!” Badlan said realising the war had begun with a battle over Benat.

“I gotta go.” Badlan said. He turned to run.
“Good luck Badlan.” Said Kungs. So Badlan ran towards the Missile Boat he had carefully laid in a nearby grass plain. The Nal Rhe was moving in under the Relentless obviously to protect the base. One Missile strike before the shield went up would be the end.
TIEs raced over the grass plain. Badlan watched them go over head. Seeing weather they were Imperial EHers or Jerrajord’s his question was answered with their destruction at the hands of the Nal Rhe.

The Missile Boat was parked under a few trees, Badlan dived in strapped himself in and pushed the MISS up through the canopies of the trees.

Seeing the field of battle he analysed where he was needed the most he saw TIEs pulling across the base. Laser strikes from the Nal Rhe taking most of them, but leaving some to fire into the structures.

Badlan pulled up and across, firing laser pulses into the swirling TIEs. TIE Advanced swung from the floor, Kungs!

Badlan knew there was some kind of ship or ships in orbit but couldn’t see or scan. He killed two more fighters and pulled up. Through the clouds he soared, TIEs were descending to the planet floor. As they flew downward Badlan vaped some.

Two ISDs?? Badlan thought as he left the atmosphere. There was the Relentless. What was that other ship?

The Relentless was pulling into the firing angle of the other ISD, stopping it from blasting either the cargo ships, the Corvette or the base. Fire roared from two giant holes in the Relentless’ hull. The breach was causing several of the gun turrets to stop working, so the Rel was also turning to get its good turrets into firing range.

Badlan saw Sword and Dagger firing into the approaching TIEs. Spear was attacking the other ISD which data from the Relentless was telling him was the Orion. The ISD seemed to be winning but it had inferior TIE craft. Badlan pulled across the hulk of the Relentless, avoiding the burning pockets. Green lasers flashed everywhere. Badlan dived to the lip of the Relentless. TIEs approached. Lasers roared.

“Good to have you with us Mr. Badlan.” Said Ricuad from the Relentless.

Badlan fired into a TIE, its spherical cockpit burst into flames, shredding its outer skin of metal, it lost its right solar wing and it span into oblivion.

Badlan flew along Dan for a while, the TIEs weren’t bothering with the Wing IX fighters, their mission appeared to be the base.

“Dan mind if I tag along I lost my Squadron.” Badlan asked.

“Sure, just don’t vape any of my pilots Bad.” Said Dan.   

Badlan descended to the planet’s surface again to thwart the TIE Fighter attack. TIEs were racing around underneath the Nal Rhe, trying to get an angle of attack within such a difficult target as a crater. Badlan saw a birds eye view of the Corvette, it was firing at the approaching TIEs, sometimes hitting the grass plains or forests.
“This is Tra Shee, Kungs get under that god damn firing range, they’re attacking the parked TIEs again.” Said the Commodore of the Nal Rhe. TIEs were descending to the surface in long ‘queues’, so Badlan pulled to port, and fired in a line across the axis of the queue, TIEs exploded and fell to the floor.
“Yeah!” Said Badlan smiling.

Badlan pulled across to avoid TIEs which were looking for revenge. But Dan was there to defect their attack on Badlan.


Kungs Backa pulled her TIE Advanced under the Nal Rhe after a TIE Fighter which had escaped Badlan and Dan’s trap. She watched as the TIE fighter fired into the take off strip, two parked TIEs exploded. She grit her teeth, pulled her brain tail aside and fired. The TIE exploded and fell to the floor, exploding spreading debris across the floor.
“Yee-haw!” Kungs said. Two TIEs descended on her and avoided the Nal Rhe’s firing stance. It pulled under and fired. Her shields fell. Quickly Dan, Badlan, Rejili and Manticore pulled underneath and blasted the two TIEs with a barrage of fire. Badlan looked down and saw the devastation, they had lost several TIEs and several base facilities. Some casualties. The ground was a blaze.


“Relentless, we have a weak spot on the primary core emissions shaft directly below the bridge support structure, a good hit should blow it, but the weapons systems have already killed off two of my men, you’ll have to destroy it.” Said Kane pulling Shield away with a roar of TIE engines.

As he pulled away the Relentless pulled to be directly pointed square at the Orion. Its hull was still ablaze, fire shooting from the hull, eating up the oxygen tanks’ fuel.

“Fire primary laser weapon.” Ordered Andronicus.
“Firing!” Shouted Ricaud.

Massive green – emerald laser pulses flashed into the top bridge section of the Orion, then slowly pulled down toward the weak spot, it wouldn’t need a precise shot just one enough to ignite the reactor. The bridge of the Orion exploded and then the structure broke up sending massive explosions across the Star Destroyer’s bow.


*  *  *


“Mr. Embered, the Relentless’ position at Benat, they were attacked by the Moff Jerrajord lost regime, it appears the EH is at war again.” Said Shiel Rho on the briefing room at the Malher.

“Interesting. I also have some news, Nal Pershe reports that a lone Missile Boat was spotted assaulting a small Bacta convoy, it destroyed some Thyferran X-Wings and blew a hole in a convoy ship and collected some Bacta.” Said Rel Embered.
“Things get stranger still.” Said Shiel Rho. “A new virus has been reported fleet wide, there are only a hand full of ships not affected, this one included.” Shiel said. The Bothan moved across the room toward the door. But he did not leave.
“Think this had anything to do with the EHers, the Thyferrans, the Imperial Moff Jerrajord Sect?” Asked Rel.

The Bothan shrugged. “Maybe in its twisted little way, all three.” He said. “Have you’re contacts reported anything about Nal Pershe?” Asked Shiel Rho.

“Nothing, he’s a power hungry Thyferran Bacta monopolist. But he’s apparently not in league with any one else.” Said Rel.

“As far as you know.” Said Shiel.

“Yes, why don’t you try?” Said Rel.

“I will, when the ships arrive I will make contact with my spy within Sword Squadron, get him to tell use where the Relentless is and destroy them. Even if there is something else within Nal Pershe’s twisted little world, we may as well destroy the Relentless anyway, good for business.” Said Shiel. Rel Embered simply laughed.   


*  *  *


Badlan checked through the tangles debris fire bore through the damaged buildings. He should return to the Relentless, but for the moment he sat, recovering from the shock.


“Report.” Asked Ricaud sitting at his desk.
“Um… I didn’t loose anyone, Shaco was trapped on the surface but did

survived, if he had flown he would have been vaped.” Said Ted.

“You should train the novice.” Said Ricuad.

“I am, I have Badlan training him with Trow. Badlan may not be the best of pilots but he’s lived through almost 5000 missions and three wars. He is probably the best in the Squadron at living.” Ted said.

“I lost, well I lost Garret, Aphotic Ace, Sparrow and Magnus to that ISD, we took it bad Ric.” Kane said.

“I know Kane, you did good though.” Ricuad said.

“I got all my guys, but some were injured.” Quake reported.

“Fireball was injured, we put him in the Bacta drip.” Dan said. “Apart from that we’re all good.”


Benat was a greenish blue world with three moons, one big one and two dwarf moons. On the big moon was a listening post which was also recently built, but by the ISD Challenge. Badlan was sitting on the deck of the Relentless again, looking at the view. Explosions flashed between the two smaller moons which were locked together because of gravitational pulls. Trow came and sat next to him this time, not Kungs or Ricaud.

“Hey Stormie.” Badlan said using one of several nicknames Badlan had created to mainly annoy the LT.

“Hey ‘Old Guy’.” Trow said smiling as he slid down the wall next to Badlan.

“What’s up my little Protégé?” Badlan asked, Trow ignored the nickname and replied. Nothing, Kungs lost another one of the original Salm pilots, its got her a little depressed, plus Shield lost half their numbers.” Trow said.

Badlan looked at the younger Trow, he was mid-twenties whereas Badlan was mid-forties. Trow was an Ex-Stormie, hence the nickname, from Ord Mantell, Trow was the only survivor of his regiment, some forty men. He piloted a TIE back from their mission to an Ord TIE Station back to Ord Mantell, despite never having flown a TIE before. He then helped the Relentless by capturing a Rebel General with his Imperial Underground friends and transporting him to the Relentless. An A-Wing was about to Vape the ATR Trow was travelling when Badlan saved them, they had been friends ever since.

“Trow?” Badlan said. Badlan had had a realisation, a thing he needed to do. To save those dearest to him.
“Yeah?” The Lieutenant answered.

“The powers that be may, or may not force us from our home and destroy us, I don’t wanna die Trow, I’ve fought too many years and times to be killed now by something beyond my control.”

“You had a Jedi vision?” Asked Trow becoming worried.

“No, I’ve not had a vision for a while.” Badlan said. “You have to understand that within war there are sub-levels, counter agents, plots and plans. These things you cannot control, I just don’t want to be a victim of them again.” Badlan said.


“Long-story, maybe I’ll tell you someday.” Badlan said. “The Thyferrans the Rebels, the Moff Jerrajord, they’re all collected and when all hell brakes loose I wanna live you know?” Asked Badlan.


“Get Kungs, get Ted, get Sword, leave out the following, Martelus, Binard, Rhe, Shaco and Vapester, no offence but I don’t know them.” Badlan said. “Actually leave Ted, I’ll speak to Ted.”

“OK, but why?” Asked Trow.

“Tell them I’ll meet them on Benat tomorrow.” Said Badlan, “Sun-rise.”
“What’s this about?” Asked Trow.

“I promised myself I’d never loose any of my loved ones again, and I also promised I wouldn’t let anyone die. So I’m going to talk to Ricaud.” Badlan said.


Badlan left a bewildered Trow behind and walked to the Wing Commander’s office. Up on the bridge section of the mighty ISD Badlan had to take several lifts to get there.

He rang the bell and Ricaud called “Come in.”

“Hello sir.” Badlan said.

Ricaud smiled. “Sir?” He asked why he was being formal.

“A great threat is coming Ricaud, something which the Empire cannot stop but a man, or a select few can.” Badlan said.

“Badlan I don’t have time for you’re philosophical games. What did Joran tell you?” Asked Ricaud.

“We’re involved in a master plan. Concocted by the Moff Jerrajord Imperials and the Thyferrans. The Thyferrans fill their bloody Bacta with a virus. The whole of the Alliance Military goes sick and dies. The New Republic military destroyed by a healing agent. The Thyferrans and the Jerrajord Imperials attack us destroying the biggest Imperial Sect. They become a galactic force, we’re fucked!” Badlan explained.

“They Thyferrans and Jerrajord’s are allied?” Asked Ricaud.


“And what else is there?” Asked Ricuad sensing Badlan had some more information.

“That High-Admiral, the supposed defected Jerrajord Imperial, is a counter-agent. He’s here to have us destroyed.” Badlan said.

“Proof?” Asked Ricaud.

“I have none.” Badlan said.










*  *  *

“We have received new orders, we are no longer to destroy the Relentless, but capture it.” Said Shiel Rho, Embered smiled.
“Interesting and potentially more difficult.” Rel said.
“Yes, but the Alliance has concocted an ingenious plan to help us.” Said Shiel.
“Oh, send me the details, I shall read them in hyperspace. The equipment outlined in the briefing is aboard the Dreadnaught Lakashal. As well as that new fighters have arrived aboard the Escort Carrier, Rebole. Troops are aboard the Kil’op, they will be transported to the Relentless by the ATR group O’rt. We have one other destroyer, the Interdictor Legat-shal.” Said the Bothan.
“Strange names?” Said Rel wanting an explanation.
“Sullustan ships.”
Rel looked over the briefing, giving it a glance he decided it was acceptable. He read the ship list;
CR-90 Malher (Bothan)
VSD Rrae (Thyferran) 
DREAD Lakashal (Sullustan)
ESC Rebole (Sullustan)
ATR Sq. O’rt (Sullustan)
CARG Kil’op (Sullustan)
INT Legat-shal (Sullustan)
X-Wing Sq. Reed (Thyferran)
A-Wing Sq. Jed (Thyferran)
B-Wing Sq. Ler’t (Sullustan)
B-Wing Sq. Ger’er (Sullustan)
X-Wing Sq. Arhc (Sullustan)

He smiled. Looked at the plan again and realised how ingenious it was. “Have you made contact with the Sword Squadron agent?” Asked Rel.

“I have, the Relentless has moved out of the range of the Benat fighters to be of threat, however there was an attack there by the Jerrajord Imps, they have all but destroyed Shield Sq. They also have Crossbow and Hammer Sq. as inactive Squadrons. Sword Squadron’s pilot Tom appears to be suffering from the same ailment which is affecting the Alliance personnel, apparently my agent believes that the Relentless officers are considering the idea that it was Bacta that has caused this illness.” Said Shiel.

“Oh by the Force!” Said Rel.

“Nal Pershe.” Said Shiel.

“Nal Pershe!” Echoes Rel. “That bastard is up to something I knew it!”

“Also the Wing IXers are developing a cure, we could do with getting our hands on it.” Said Shiel.

“Go to lightspeed. When we get back with the Relentless, I’m going back to Thyferra, because them poisoning us and Jerrajord’s attacking the EH ain’t no coincidence.” Said Rel.


*  *  *


Badlan saw Ricuad move towards the High Admiral. He moved to greet Ricaud. They talked for about five minutes, Ricaud trying to find some clue about the HA’s purpose. Brutal Coffey obviously shunned him, leaving the bridge. Badlan followed him and gained access to his quarters through an air duct. Badlan waited. But time was something Badlan didn’t have. The commutation system rang and Brutal Coffey picked up the Scandoc transmission.
“Greetings High Admiral.” Said a voice. Badlan started recording. “I have good news, the Rebels are going to do you’re job for you. Rel Embered, the man hunting Sword Squadron has received word from his Bothan man who has an agent within Sword Squadron. The Rebels with my several Thyferran ships will be with the Relentless by 12 hundred hours.” Badlan looked at his watch, it was 11 hundred hours now.

“Holy Sith!” whispered Badlan. “The end is here!”


He ran to Ricaud’s office but the High Admiral had already left, jumping from the Benat system in his shuttle.

“Ricaud, the Rebels are coming!” Said Badlan. Then there was a surge from the windows of the bridge and Badlan watched the VSD Rrae, the CRS Malher and several other ships escape from light speed.

“Badlan?” Asked Ricuad.

“I HATE THIS WAR!!!” Badlan shouted.

“Battle stations, Rebel ships escaping from lightspeed.” Andronicus ordered.



Chapter III: Fall of the Relentless


Badlan looked at the small Alliance fleet. The two primary capital ships, the Malher, the ship from Sullust which had almost destroyed them. The VSD Rrae the ship which had destroyed the Salm. Here together. Badlan felt sick. All around him, every bleep of a console made him consider whom else was listening in.

Everywhere men lurked in shadows. Brutal Coffey, had betrayed them, but wait, and Alliance fleet, but also a Thyferran force, so it truly was the High Admiral. That bastard. Coming here to talk about helping the EH, so the Thyferrans and the Jerrajord’s truly were involved. Jerrajord’s, Thyferrans, betraying each other, deceiving the EH and the Alliance. Badlan’s head hurt.

In his mind he ran over what he knew.

Moff Jerrajord Lost Regime were Allies of the Thyferran people, the Thyferrans were poisoning the Alliance military with infected Bacta. The Jerrajord Imperials were attacking the Emperor’s Hammer, what was all this for?? Galactic Conquest. I know the plot, the players.
Shame we’re all gonna be dead soon. Thankyou Joran...

Badlan walked away.
“Where the hell are you going?” Asked Andronicus.

“The Hanger, gotta Vape some rebels.” Badlan said.


Upon reaching the hanger he found action. The Imperial pilots of Wing IX, the proud, the honourable, the few. Badlan saw old friends and new friends. Trow, Ted, Stallion, Anar, Doyon, Quake, Dan, Argyle, Rejili, Pete, Badlan was missing some of his friends, Tom, Minkus, Bayron. Some he had never met except through the IRC Holo network.

And then some he really didn’t know, but nether the less fought along side him in battle.

People like Leonid, Falcon, Talon Ray, Devon, Adam Lagoda Treb and Brad. They were Wing IX!

“All fighters, launch we have Alphabet fighters coming in. The pilots were running now, across the bay of the Relentless towards their parked craft, Badlan met with Trow, Dan and Ted.

“What about Tom?” Badlan asked.

“We’ve dunked him in some Bacta with the antigens I synthesised, he should be fine soon enough.” Dan said. “I hope.”

Badlan looked at the ships through the open bay door.

“Recognise them Ted?” Badlan asked.

“No.” The CMDR replied.

“They’re the VSD Rrae and the CR-90 Malher, a great conspiracy is unwinding. That bloody HA is behind it all!” Said Badlan.

“God.” Ted said.

“There’s more, there’s an agent within Sword Squadron.” Said Badlan. “Either the HA or the agent may be behind it. There are only three people who couldn’t be the agent and that is Tom, Doyon and myself.”

“Why yourself?” Asked Trow.

“Cause I know I’m not a traitor, that doesn’t help you anyway but I’m not him, Tom because the transmission I heard names him as not the traitor and Doyon cause he’s been in the EH too long and never betrayed us before.” Badlan said.

“All fighters launch immediately!” Said Andronicus.

“We’ll have to dabble in this later, I feel almost as ill as Badlan looks.” Said Ted.


Badlan watched Sword Squadron get into their fighters, Trow, Stallion, Doyon, Ted, Anar, Binard, Rhe, Shaco, Martelus, Vapester and then Badlan himself entered his fighter, pulling off the ground and into space.

They were coming and it was up to him. When and if he survived he was going to sort out this Shitty mess. Get the Sword Sq. Agent, get High Admiral Brutal Coffey, find Joran, stop the Thyferran plot and the virus. But first he would have to survive a direct assault.


*  *  *


Rel Embered was aboard the CR-90 Malher for the battle, looking at the space ahead he saw the Relentless, along with the Dreadnaught Lighthe and the Corvette Nal Rhe.

“This is Commodore Rho, launch the drones Lakashal, launch you’re ATRs Kil’op, Legat-shal activate you’re gravity well projectors and Rebole launch the fighters.” Ordered Shiel Rho.

“Very interesting strategy, and they will be deceived by it!” Said Rel.

The fighters screamed toward the Relentless, Rel smiled. The Relentless would soon be theirs.


*  *  *



Badlan pulled his Missile Boat about, the Relentless was still at half-strength so there was an all important necessity to protect her.

Badlan checked his HUD, A-Wings and B-Wings, mainly X-Wings, all Thyferran, he recognised the capital ship names as Sullustan and the Malher as Bothan and the Rrae to was Sullustan. Badlan wondered at the mix of races.  

The fighters were approaching at brake neck speeds apparently wanting to overwhelm to Wing IX TIEs with fast laser strikes. Badlan saw that the fighters from the Nal Rhe were launching, Remorse Squadron.

“All Squadrons report in.”
“Sword leader Standing by.” Said Ted.

“Spear Squadron Standing by.” Said Quake.

“Dagger Squadron standing by.” Said Dan.

“Shield Squadron standing by.” Said Kane.

“Remorse Squadron standing by.” Said Kungs.

“Emerald Squadron standing by.” said the Commander from the Dreadnaught.

“All fighters protect the Relentless as she makes repairs to her Hyperdrive, we’ll hyper out and get reinforcements to vape those ships.” Andronicus said.

Badlan looked forward, an Interdictor, no hope of Hyper there.

Badlan felt the force flowing through him now, more than ever, he had a purpose to live. To stop the Thyferrans and Jerrajord Imps.

Looking up he saw the threat warning as the Thyferran fighters came ever closer. He could now see them. Lasers flashed forward. Shaco, and some of the other newer pilots began firing now, it was futile, there was now point. So Badlan manoeuvred between the crimson lasers, some of them clipped his shields sending sparks and flames rolling over the energy shields. Badlan smiled.

“Common you Rebel bum faces, Daedalus would have bounced you first year of training.” He said quietly. The first Imperial fell, a Emerald Squadron TIE Interceptor, the ship had taken a laser beam at close blank range, fire sprawling outward from the cockpit.

The Thyferran entered range of Badlan’s lasers. But he fired a missile. As they entered short-range missiles screamed at their targets. A wave of projectiles came from Wing IX.

“Common!” Shouted Adam Lagoda.

Explosions tore through the area of space ahead as missiles tore up Thyferran and Imperial ships. Badlan rocked as orange flames licked his shields.
“Wow!” He cried. He manoeuvred between the Alphabet fighters. Lasers tore through the lines. Crimson and green. Badlan jumped as a laser blast rocked the canopy. The Missile boat turned on its side to avoid two approaching X-Wings. Although Kungs now had TIE Advanced she still used a few TIEs and one of those followed Badlan at the X-Wings. Green lasers followed him through the T-65 X-Wings blowing away both.
“Ah!” Shouted Badlan as the fighters snapped into flames.

“Alright fighters, some of them have gotten through the first wave and are on our trail. Look out for reinforcements!” Ordered Ricuad.

But Badlan was busy. The fighters were now intermingled, flying between each other. Badlan took up the tail of an A-Wing which flew over his bow. He fired into it the lasers tearing through the craft.

“This is Ted, I’m picking up strange readings coming for us, I think we have some kind of projectile weapons coming for us!”

Badlan saw one of them, a small probe shell. It flew by his fighter hitting an X-Wing square on and exploding. The explosion was the force of several concussion missiles.

“What the hell are they?” Asked Badlan.

One flew by and hit a Shield Squadron fighter, the blast rocked on of the Emerald TIE Interceptors into spiralling away.

“They’re coming right for us, loads of them!” Shouted Quake.

Badlan pulled down as the small devises pulled through the swarm of fighters. Two more hit destroying a Spear and several Thyferran ships.

“We’ve got three Assault Transport boarding parties on us! Evade!” Shouted Kane. The ATRs came running through the swarm of fighters, it had several A-Wing escorts, a barrage of laser beams flashed through the Wing IX fighters.

“They’re going for the Relentless!” Shouted Lieutenant Bart. He manoeuvred his fighter around and fired at one of the A-Wings, vaporising it. Badlan watched the last of the small probe capsules whiz past the dog fight area and sighed.
“You think those probes were for us or the Rel?” Asked Badlan.

“Maybe, they’re still going maybe the Relentless is they’re targets.” Said Kereseea the Remorse Squadron XO.

Badlan watched the ATRs also pass by the fighter dogfight, but his attentions were averted. An X-Wing was chasing Trow. Badlan felt an obligation to help him seeing as Badlan was training him.

“Hold on Trojan I’m on that slimy Rebel!” Said Badlan pulling the Missile Boat past several Flights of TIEs. Crimson lasers flashed by blasting a TIE Advanced into molten metal.

The X-Wing hit Trow’s Missile Boat square on the Twin Ion exhaust ports. Badlan fired and the X-Wing tore itself up into space dust.

Badlan had no time to see if Trow was OK, an A-Wing had picked him up on the HUD and was baring down for a kill. Badlan pulled the throttle back and the A-Wing was forced to manoeuvre away to avoid a collision. A Dagger Sq. fighter blasted the A-Wing with a quick missile.

“All fighters, this is Andron, return to the Relentless, we’re having problems with the ATRs and their escorts.” Andron said.

Badlan pulled backward wondering where the other Swords were. He saw flashes of light as lasers extinguished themselves when they ran out of energy and Badlan flew forward. He dropped lasers and put the throttle up to full. Skimming through space he saw some of Sword Squadron and pulled along side them. A TIE Defender and Three Missile Boats.
“Ted, Anar? Vapester?” Badlan asked.

“Its Vapester.” Replied the Lieutenant.

“Where’s that dumb kid Shaco?” Badlan asked.
“He got vaped, missile, close range.” Replied Stallion.

“Bah, I had a bad feeling for that poor kid.” Badlan said.

“Where are the others?” Badlan asked.

“They’re somewhere, Trow was damaged.” Said Doyon.

“Who’s the other, Miss?” Badlan asked not bothering to check the HUD.

“Its me, Martelus.” Martelus, the man of very few words replied.

“Alright, forget Ted, Trow, Anar, Binard and Rhe. We’re gonna vape some rebels with or without them.” Badlan said.

“You think they live?” Asked Vapester, with a worrying tone.

“Yeah, they’re good, I can feel their presence.” Said Badlan. He looked back, a lot of fighters were returning to the capital ships, he could even see Kungs. But further back he saw TIEs and Alphabets flying side by side. With Imperials behind firing into Alphabets and Alphabets behind the Imperials, vaping off the stragglers. And even further behind them some ships, caught in the fire still dog fought back where the fighters began.

“Looks like we have the lead.” Said Badlan.

He looked forward, the Relentless was ahead, there were small bursts of light as Rebel lasers flashed over the hull and shields.


The first Rebel Assault Transport flew under the super structure of the Relentless, the second and third were further behind, flying in formation. Lasers flashed from the Relentless’ hull and one of the ATRs exploded.

“Pilots, we’re being boarded!” Shouted Andron. “Security to the Docking bays.”


Pilot Tom of Sword Squadron left the Bacta chamber inside the quarantine area in sickbay on the Relentless. He didn’t fell like vomiting any more and the bleeding sores were gone.

But the red alert klaxons wailed so he dressed quickly and ran down the door of the quarantine lab.

“Hey! Let me the Sith outta here!” He cried angrily.

A nurse came running up to him, “Commander?” She asked.

“I feel good, I gotta get outta here!” He shouted.
“Doctor!” She shouted and Dan’s replacement quickly came running up toward the door.

“Run a full scan before we let him out.” Ordered the doctor. “That blasted Dan Malaktos better hadn’t have gotten this wrong!” He said.


Badlan saw A-Wings running across the Relentless’ hull. Lasers struck the hull of the ISD. Particularly where the hull was weakest from the earlier attack from the Jerrajord’s. Badlan pulled the Missile Boat the lip of the ISD where the bottom hull structure met the top and ran the MISS as close to the hull as he dared to go. He followed an A-Wing as it made a run on the bridge structure. He fired a missile and the A-Wing spun to avoid it.

“Clever girl!” He said. Pulling up he shot into the A-Wing’s fuselage with a laser blast which sent the A-Wing careering into the Relentless’ hull.

Other TIE Space craft ran over the Relentless, blasting A-Wings, the Alphabet fighters turned to face the TIEs dispatching a few TIE Interceptors and a member of Spear.

“Alright people, X-Wings are on my ass, wanna shoot em off?!” Asked Ted showing Badlan that he was still alive.

Badlan turned as the last of the TIEs were coming in to defend their capital ships, X-Wings were on their tail.

Badlan fired a missile which ran over the top of Dan’s fighter and blew an A-Wing away into dust.

“We have boarding parties on all decks and shields are failing!” Said Ricaud, “Return to defend us PLEASE!” He shouted through the Communication system.


Badlan looked down seeing the Relentless was still badly damaged, more Thyferran fighters were coming in. All seemed lost.


*  *  *


“The boarding parties are about to enter the bridge, and the machinery is ready. Legat-shal, drop you’re gravity well projectors, ready hyperspace engines.” Ordered Shiel Rho.


*  *  *


Badlan saw another one of the small probe capsules, it was disabled next to a destroyed TIE Fighter. Apparently it had been damaged when the ship exploded.

He wondered what the hell they were for. But the fighter were coming so he blasted forward ready for combat once more.


Ricaud was beginning to activate the bridge security systems when a blaster pulse flew forward and sliced his arm.
“Aggghhhh! Rebels fuckers!” He exclaimed. Falling to the ground he withdrew a blaster pistol.

“Ric!” Shouted Andron dropping to his side to defend his friend. Using the console as a shield he fired at the approaching rebel foot soldiers. Several of the Bridge crew also fired using the crew pit as a shield. Two Stormtroopers moved to combat them, only to be blasted.

“SECURITY!” Shouted Andron. The Rebel troopers moved into the bridge. Andron shot one in the chest and he fell into the crew pit. Another soldier used the diversion to blast a lot of the bridge crew with well aimed blaster shots. Andron shot him too. Several Rebel soldiers entered the bridge, Andron attempted to move back but was quickly surrounded Blasters pointed at him at all directions.

“Stun him!” Said the lead soldier, Andron blasted two before a stun beam disabled him.

“This is Lieutenant Page, the Relentless is ours!”


Badlan watched as A-Wings pulled over the bridge blasting elements of the Relentless’ command tower. But he was in deep Bantha Poodoo himself. Rebel X-Wings were on his tail.

“TROW! Return the favour!” He shouted, but it was Rejili, a Dagger pilot who fired green laser pulses into the attacking fighter.
“Look out she’s gonna blow!” Cried Treb.

The Relentless’ bottom hull was suddenly engulfed in flames as something exploded.
“Oh my god!” Cried Quake.

“Get as far away as possible, she’s gonna blow!” Shouted Anar.
Badlan raced away. All the fighters, Rebel and Imperial seemed to be pulling away. More explosions appeared in the hull of the Relentless.

Badlan looked back. The Relentless was doomed!

Badlan was reading strange energy signals coming for the Relentless’ engines.
“She’s going to lightspeed??” Badlan exclaimed.

“No, her hulls going nova!” Replied Kungs.

“Dreadnaught, Nal Rhe move!!” Shouted Tra Shee, the Commodore of the Nal Rhe.

There was a massive surge of light as the engines seemed to flash as if lightspeed were in progress. Suddenly the biggest explosions of all screamed over the hull.

“NOOOO!!” Shouted Falcon.


The flames cleared, and Badlan saw no Relentless, he didn’t even see much of the hull.

“Where’s the debris?” Asked Badlan.

“The core went nova, vaporised!” Said Stallion with great sadness in his voice.

“The Relentless??” Asked Rejili.

“She’s gone!” Said Trow with unbelief in his words.

“Holy Sith.” Said Bryan.


The Dreadnaught was gone but the Nal Rhe lived Badlan saw.

Suddenly Badlan looked at his HUD. The fighters were leaving, in the middle was a Missile Boat. Flying along side, in union.

Badlan checked who it was.

“Rhe Jace! You piece of...” Badlan started.

“Shut up Badlan you over dramatic fool. You precious Relentless is gone! Though if it is any conciliation I did enjoy my time with you all.” Rhe said.

The traitor was Rhe!


“Alright, this is Dan, I’m taking Dagger and going after that god damned CR-90 and VSD, I’m gonna kill them for what they did to the Relentless.” Said Dan, anger filled his voice.

“An we’re going after Rhe, we’re gonna get his ass!” Said Quake.

“This is Ted, are you crazy we’ve got no support!” Said Ted.

“Fine Ted you run off back to the High Council, but we’re going to avenge the Relentless!” Said Dan. Badlan saw that the small fleet was entering Hyperspace, leaving the Wing IX fighters.

“There’s only one way to go from here, and that’s Sullust!” Said Dan.

“I can’t do anything, I’m down to 4 pilots!” Said Kane.

Dan entered hyperspace, obviously on his way to Sullust.

“Stupid Dan.” Said Ted. “Quake, don’t go, you want to get yourself killed?” Asked Ted.

“I want to avenge the Relentless.” Said Quake and pulled after the fighters which Rhe had been with. He appeared to enter hyperspace and Quake for some reason seemed to know where they were going.

Kane entered Lightspeed back to Aurora leaving Sword and Remorse Squadron.

“Kungs, what now?” Asked Ted.

“I dunno.” She replied.

“What happened to Emerald?” Asked Vapester.

“They’re vaped.” Said Stallion.

A small yacht left lightspeed.
“My god, Joran what are you doing here?” Asked Badlan, looking at the Supremacy Dawn.

“I’ve come to bail you guys out, Rel Embered, he’s gotten what he wants, he has the Relentless! Go to Lightspeed, the Dantooine system, follow the Nal Rhe in!” She ordered.

“The Relentless is gone Joran.” Said Ted.

“Meet me at Dantooine! I’ll explain there.”


Badlan docked with the Nal Rhe, as only Kungs and Kereseea had survived so there was plenty of room. The Corvette and Supremacy Dawn entered lightspeed. Leaving the Relentless’ graveyard behind.