Sword Squadron:

Part I

Bacta Convoys



Dramatis Personae


Sword Squadron:


CMDR-CM Ted (human male from ???)

FL-CM Tom  (human male from ???)

FL-LCM Stallion (human male from Courscant)

FM-LCM Badlan (human male from Corellia)

FM-LT Trow (human male from Ord Mantell)

FM-LT Vapester (human male from ???)

FM-LT Martelus (human male from ???)

FM-CM Anar Par (human female from Thyferra)

FM-GN Rhe Jace (human male from Bothawui)  

FM-CM Binad Plor (human female from Denab)


Sword Tech Xenom (Verpine male from Roche)

D-3P0 (Military Protocal Droid)


Imperial Personnel:


COM-RA Andronicus (human male from  Scotti IV) (Commodore ISD Relentless)

WC-COL Val Ricaud (human male from Alderaan) (Wing Commander ISD Relentless)

CMDR-LC Kungs Backa (Twi’lek female from Ryloth)(CMDR-Remorse Sq.)

COM-GN Tra Shee (human female from Courscant) (Commodore Corvette Nal Rhe)

WC-CPT Borol Keler (human male from Sullust) (Wing Commander Corvette Nal Rhe)

LC-CMDR Sal Dodrel (human female from Kessel) (CMDR-PLT Salm)

Joran Delsar (human female from Aurora) (Imperial Intelligence)

New Republic forces:


VA-COM Shiel Rho (Bothan Male from Bothawui) (Commodore CR-90 Malher)

GN Rel Embered (human male from Courscant) (Alliance Intelligence) 

Nal Pershe (human male from Thyferra)(Director Thyferra Bacta Ltd.)

Chapter I: Salm


Not knowing was the worst part, whether they were heading into oblivion or simply to meet old friends from the Corellian Underground. But Wing Commander Val Ricaud had typed in the Navigational co-ordinates personally whilst wiping the co-ordinates of every other star system from the Nav-Computer.

As the stars became streaks of light and a light space tunnel formed around his Missile Boat LCM Badlan gasped.

No way out, no escape, hope we don’t get interdicted, hope Ric didn’t mess up!


Badlan simply decided to stop the aching feeling of dread and so Badlan meditated quietly for the remainder of the journey.

His console bleeped. Badlan’s eyes snapped open. The light speed journey was at an end!

The stars became pin pricks of light again to reveal a Platform and Corellian Corvette. Quickly punching up his HUD he ID’d them as Imperial. But EH Imperial? He though worryingly.

“This is Commander Ted of Sword Squadron, Platform Salm, identify yourself.” Ted, the Sword CMDR said quickly.

“This is Lieutenant Colonel Sal Dodrel of the Imperial Platform Salm, we’ve been waiting Sword Squadron!” A voice replied.

“We want reassurances Lieutenant Colonel,” Ted said, Good Ted, insurance. “I want to know my pilots are in no danger.”

“Commander, with all due respect, you have no co-ordinates in you’re Nav-Computers, you may as well dock or I’ll send an ATR to pick you’re fuel-less ships up later.” Dodrel said almost laughing.


Upon docking on the reflective floor of the Salm’s fighter bay Badlan noticed a Twi’lek in Imperial uniform waiting for them at the door to the briefing room.

An alien Imp! How extremely strange. The Missile boat came to a stop around five feet from the ground and activated its repulsor drives. The other TIEs did the same arranged in orderly rows across the deck floor.

One by one the Sword Squadron pilots came out, LCM Badlan - the oldest pilot who even served during the clone wars, LT Trow – Ex. Stormtrooper and Ord Mantell citizen, LCM Stallion – The technical wizard who worked on his MISS more than the Verpine tech did, CM Tom – The Ace of the Squadron who flew more combat simulator missions and had more kills than anyone else.

And then there was LT Vapester, the more shy and reluctant pilot and not as well versed in Star Fighter tactics, LT Martelus the most elusive pilot on the Relentless whom barely said a word to anyone unless it was urgent. Then there was the ‘Three Elite’ as they called themselves, there was Commander Anar Par a young women from Typherra who was deeply involved in the trade of Bacta. General Rhe Jace was the Sword’s second oldest pilot whom was even at Endor, he was even older looking than Badlan and had a battle scar from shrapnel. The man was often moody. Lastly was Commander Binard Plor, another young lady from Denab whom no-one really knew anything about but was stunningly attractive. 


The Twi’lek officer walked toward the pilots, her single brain tail spun around her shoulders.

“Hello, my name is Lieutenant Colonel Backa, but you guys can call me Kungs. I’m to give you you’re orders.”

The Twi’lek woman walked into a briefing room with a holographic projector centred in the room. She captivated it and left the devise on standby.

“Sword Squadron, Wing IX, Imperial Star Destroyer Relentless, TIE Corps Battle Groups, Emperor’s Hammer.” She said quickly. “Recently repeated attacks from other Imperial sects and pirates forced the New Republic to move their Bacta Supply convoys closer to our boarders. Imperial Intelligence decided to put a TIE Squadron behind enemy lines in an effort to disrupt the convoys.”
Badlan watched the murmur erupt from the Squadron. Stallion and Anar erupted into conversation. Ted, Tom and Trow began to look at each other as if to say what about the Relentless?

“C’mon guys, hush up!” Kungs Backa said and she activated the holographic projector. A spacial grid appeared and several freighter craft materialised onto it. Several Bulk Freighters, Container Transports and Cargo Trains. “The bacta convoys will consist of any possible kind of Freighter ships and we have no exact details on which type of freighter craft the convoys will consist of, we have taken great lengths to obtain convoy lists and several Imperial Intelligence officers are already working on that. We also will be finding out the freighter’s escort details within the next twenty rotations.” The Twi’lek officer said.

“When’s our first mission?” Asked Ted.

“Within the next few days, possibly sooner. We don’t have all the details.” Kungs replied. “Other questions?”

“Are these shipments designed for Military purposes or Civilian medical aid?” Asked Anar, she was from Thyferra.

“We have made sure that all the convoy’s bacta is for Military purposes, if we were to attack civie bacta it wouldn’t look good for the Imperial Senate.” The Lieutenant Colonel said.

“Why isn’t the Relentless in on this little operation?” Asked Badlan.

“Let me get one thing straight, this ain’t just one mission, this will be a several month operation and to have something as large as an ISD behind enemy lines wouldn’t be very practical, therefore to aid the operation you will operate from the Salm to help keep you’re stealth.”


The Salm had a small promenade with a lounge called the ‘Flaming

X-Wing’ the bar was smaller than the ’Stardrifter’ and was less decorative. The Salm only had a crew of 34 and the Corvette Nal Rhe had a crew of 18. The Nal Rhe was designed to provide evacuation for the crew and even had its own Squadron of TIE Fighters and Interceptors commanded by Kungs Backa. The entire facility was designed as a listening post to listen for enemy ship movements.


Badlan watched the TIE Fighters and TIE Interceptors of Remorse Squadron zip by the windows of the Salm’s promenade. He turned back and watched the data file from his mission pack. It included a small video film of Thyferra and the bacta tanks and massive bacta factories. Bacta was the primary medical treatment in the galaxy and treated most ailments from a cut finger to a viral plague. It was a clear liquid which regenerated broken cells and antibodies and destroyed bacteria and virus’, however Bacta had cause major problems. Moff Seerdon had tried to destroy the Alliance bacta storage village on Thyferra but was thwarted by Rogue Squadron and Seerdon himself killed by Skywalker. Then Ysanne Isard, director of Imperial Intelligence of Courscant released the Krytos Virus in an attempt to bankrupt the Alliance as it bought every drop of bacta from Thyferra to cure their alien members but the virus didn’t spread. Next she capture Thyferra and started a civil war after loosing Courscant but again Rogue Squadron stopped her plans.

Since the Rebels re-took Thyferra they stopped all bacta production going to the Empire despite the Alliance’s free trade policies. The Emperor’s Hammer had to produce their own Bacta.


The TIE Fighter swept past the X-Wing as it’s flaming hull continued to rip apart.
“Good shot Stallion you just took out Remorse 4!” Tom said grinning.

Suddenly from no-where Kungs appeared and blasted Tom’s TIE Fighter away with a single shot to the left solar panel.

Stallion pulled behind Kungs and throttled down to match her speed. He fired but the X-Wing darted between laser shots.

“Missed Mr. Stallion!” Kungs said pulling her brain tail from the console.

Stallion grit his teeth and fired again however Kungs had throttle back and Stallion pulled away to avoid hitting her. The shield-less X-Wing blasted Stallion’s spherical cockpit and it turned to pulp around him.

“Yahoo!” She cried smiling.

The Salm was taking shots from the Rebel force and so Badlan pulled next to Trow and Martelus.

“Alright Tom’s gone I’m taking command of Flight II on the basis of rank.” Badlan said.

“Badlan the station’s shields are failing!” Said Trow pulling the TIE into formation. Badlan thought hard. Watched the Y-Wings continue to fire Proton Torpedoes at the Salm.

“We’re going after the Y-Wings. Ted wanna watch out for Kungs? She’s awfully good.” Asked Badlan.

“So good I lost her sensor blip.” Vapester said.

“I’m on you’re back Sword 8.” Ted said referring to Badlan.

“Sword 4, Remorse 1 is on you, brake left!” Said Martelus.

“Where?” Asked Vapester worryingly. He looked back but Kungs’ X-Wing was baring down on him and crimson lasers tore off both solar panels leaving the command pod swirling sparks flashing away.

“This is Sword 1, combating X-Wings 1 through 4, Badlan you have a clear run!” Ted said pulling backward.

One X-Wing pulled ahead, it wasn’t Kungs’ Badlan saw quickly. He watched the station get larger as he got closer.

“Martelus, you up for that X-Wing to aft?” Asked Badlan quickly.

“Sure.” Martelus pulled away upwards quickly, the X-Wing ignored him.

“Where’s Sword 9 and 10?” Asked Trow worryingly.

“Dunno, probably combating the Xs.” Badlan replied. Really Sword 9 and 10 were gone.

Badlan watched the X-Wing close on Trow and wondered where the hell Martelus had gotten to. He was about to throttle back and give Trow a hand when green lasers smashed through the X-Wing the S-Foils tearing away. Badlan gasped. Martelus pulled back into formation his Twin Ion Engines roaring.

“Thanks Sword 6!” Badlan said.

“No proble…” Martelus replied when a massive fiery blast roared through his fighter obliterating it. Badlan looked back, it was Kungs. She had caught up with them and a missile had meant to destroy them all luckily Trow and Badlan had been a few seconds ahead of Martelus.

Badlan looked for Ted. He was no where to be seen but neither were the three other X-Wings which he was combating. He had taken them all out, except for Kungs Backa!

“Trow, make sure you destroy those Y-Wings!” Badlan said. Pulling up. Kungs followed him. Only the one X-Wing and the five Y-Wings remained. Badlan knew that Doyon was the first to fall and Stallion was destroyed only Trow and himself remained. Trow was now to attack the 5 Y-Wings alone!

Red lasers flashed against the hull of the TIE, just missing. Badlan pulled the stick back as far as possible lasers continued to clipping the TIE Fighter. Badlan grit his teeth and dropped all lasers and shield energy in an attempt to avoid Kungs but she kept her speed up and stayed with him. Badlan pulled across her and changed directions completely throwing her off his tail. He reactivated the lasers and shields and threw engines to maximum, she was above him he realised and pulled to starboard avoiding laser blasts. With a turn back he was on her tail firing at the Twi’lek pilot. He then tuned into the force and threw himself into a force vision. He knew what she would do and so tore away causing a considerable gap between them. He fired. And at long range the lasers splashed against the shields causing no massive damage but enough to make her think twice and abort her run. He turned again and found himself below her pulling directly up he fired into her shields and they fell.

She turned away, Badlan had forced her into the path of Rhe Jace.

Rhe Jace came racing behind her and fired into her cockpit.

“Thanks Jace.” Badlan said.

“Its OK man.” Jace replied.

“Where are the other Elites?” Asked Badlan.

“Gone, Kungs’ flight of Xs got ‘em.” Jace said.

Badlan checked his sensors, he looked for Trow, he was firing at a slow Y-Wing which was also under fire from the Nal Rhe and the Salm. The Y-Wings were gone Trow had helped to put something else on his mind as well as the Corvette and Platform.


“Low and behold!. I may have been destroyed first, but I at least got two kills!” Doyon said. He was holding up an embarrassed Badlan’s hand. “Lieutenant Commander Badlan killed not even one Y-Wing and only managed in holding off an X-Wing and allowing another Sword to destroy it.” Badlan buried his head in his hands.

“What’s the verdict Judge Doyon?” Asked Tom smiling.

“Personnel slave of the one with the most kills, Lieutenant Trow!” Doyon said laughing.

“Lieutenant Trow, kills, 5 Y-Wings. No-one got better, even Tom only got three Y-Wings and one X-Wing.” Ted said reading the scores out.

Trow stood grinning. “During my months as a Cadet and then as a Sub-Lieutenant I remember Badlan’s jokes, such as putting invincible Z-95 head hunters in the combat simulator and sending 500 at me in a row. Therefore this will be very SWEET!” Trow said.

Badlan blushed again and stood up walking away from the ‘jury’ and sat next to Kungs who was laughing. She put an arm around him.

“Don’t worry Badlan, you may not have taken any kills but you saved Trow and set me up for the kill by distracting me to Jace’s presence. You did good!” Kungs said smiling.

“I know they’re just razzling me, its our way.” Badlan said drinking some more Lum.


The next day an Imperial Lambda class Shuttle landed next to the hovering Sword Squadron fighters. When it landed Kungs revealed that was the monthly news report from Aurora. Along with it out buzzed the Verpine Technical Officer Xenom, he trundled along on his insectoid legs. Behind him came a young beautiful women which Badlan watched from the upper rail of the stations hanger bay. She was tall but not lanky and had black hair. She was slender with revealingly tight clothing which displayed her assets. She had a tattoo just below her left eye which stretched to the bridge of her nose in a claw shape.

She was very attractive.

Along with the tech and woman came out the Sword Squadron Military Protocal droid D-3P0, or Dreepio. The Droid was blue and exactly as all the other threepio droids. And as all the other droids it was very annoying.

“Hail the Supremacy Dawn.” She said to the pilot of the Shuttle whom was descending down the ramp.

Badlan looked across the bay, the Verpine Tech was already looking at ‘his’ fighters and looking at all the scorch marks from the hyperspace journey. Stallion came over to talk to the Verpine and discuss his newest ideas for maximising the Missile Boats performance. Kungs was talking ‘CMDR’ talk with Kungs with Tom butting in with combat tips and suggestions with Trow listening in.

The ‘three elites’ were sitting on the Sword Sq. supply cache which they had off loaded from the shuttle. The other Swords were at the simulator with Remorse Squadron tuning their skills for the battles ahead. Doyon returned from the combat simulator and came and stood next to Badlan.

“Oh great, Dreepio’s here!” Doyon said with great disappointment in his voice. “I thought we lost him back at the Rel.”

Badlan laughed.

“Who’s the girl?” Asked Doyon.

“Dunno, came on the Shuttle, pretty.” Badlan said watching her.

“Very.” Doyon said.

The shuttle took off but as soon as it left the bay it was replaced by a yacht, the Supremacy Dawn, it was heavily modified, lumps of mechanical equipment protruded from the hull.

As it landed a Bothan, two Sullustans and a human with a robe left the Supremacy Dawn and proceeded to the left side of the bay. The woman remained and shook hands with Ted and Kungs.

Two other women, and a man exited the lift at the right side of the bay and Badlan watched them walk toward Kungs Ted and the mystery woman. Badlan recognised the central woman as Sal Dodrel, the woman was CMDR of the Salm and from Kessel, an ex-political prisoner from the Clone wars. She was older than Badlan and probably should have retired long ago, but she was still at the Salm a backwater post, in a backwater sector which Badlan didn’t know the name of. The man he recognised as the Wing Commander of the Corvette Nal Rhe, he therefore assumed the other woman was Tra Shee, Commodore of the Nal Rhe and ex. Courscant Tactician.


That night in the Flaming X-Wing lounge Badlan approached the woman from the Supremacy Dawn and sat down with her after the Bothan left.

“Mind if I sit down?” Asked Badlan.

“Sure.” She said.

“So, who’re you?” Asked Badlan smiling.

“Pardon?” Asked the woman.

“You seem to be some sort of a mystery.” Badlan said.

“Joran Delsar.” Said Joran extending a hand.

Long into the night they drank discovering that Joran was not only beautiful but an Imperial Freelance Intelligence Officer, working with different Imperial sects. Also she was from Aurora and knew the Grand Admiral personally. Her mission how ever was shrouded in secrecy. 


“Sword Squadron, I am Sal Dodrel, Commander of the Platform Salm, information brought to us by intelligence officers have revealed that a convoy will exit hyperspace and travel through a small asteroid field near to our location.” Sal said.

She was standing in the centre of the briefing room next tot he holographic projector. Sword Squadron were seated around the room as was Joran sitting in the dark with her Bothan aide and cloaked human colleague. Kungs and her XO were seated next to Ted.

Sal activated the holographic projector and stepped back. A spacial grid appeared with small red asteroids on it, the asteroids were spaced apart enough to allow large capital ships to move confidently through and blast the small asteroids if they got too close.

Suddenly several craft materialised onto the image and stopped in a long convoy passing throughout the asteroid field.

There was an Alliance Dreadnaught in the centre and Alliance Freighter craft including Bulk Freighters, Cargo Ferry, Muurian Freighters, Conveyer Transports and various other freighter types. 

“We have obtained a complete list, all of which are carrying Bacta. There are: 1 Dreadnaught, 3 Conveyer Transport, 5 Cargo Ferry, 11 Bulk Freighters, 4 Muurian Freighters, 20 X-Wings, 15 A-Wings and

5 B-Wings. These ships will travel in a direct line through the asteroid field.” Sal said.

Badlan leant over to Trow. “Easy kiddo, easy.”

Trow nodded.

“You will approach from the port side and destroy all of the freighters and leave, destroy as many of the fighters as possible and if at all possible destroy the Dreadnaught. We have a supply of warheads for the Missile Boats from the Empire so don’t worry about that.”

When the briefing ended Sword Squadron proceeded directly to the fighter bay and boarded the fighters quickly. Kungs came and stood next to Badlan’s Missile Boat.
“Cya Badlan, come back my friend!” She said. Badlan returned her smile and stroked the tip of her brain tail.

“I will, now say goodbye to Stallion cause he wants to say goodbye.” Badlan said laughing. She smiled again and stood back Saluting.

The fighters lifted from the bay and Badlan looked back to see Joran walk onto the bay next to her Modified Yacht. She waved goodbye, but a dignified small wave. Badlan returned a salute.

“Hey Ted.” Badlan said.

“What have I told you Sword 8?” Asked Ted.

“HEY SWORD LEADER!” Badlan shouted at him.

“Better, go ahead Sword 8.”

“I’ve been looking at the co-ordinates, we only have enough blips to get there and back, so if we run into trouble or our exit vector is blocked, we’re screwed!” Badlan said.

“Hmmm… Yeah, looks that way doesn’t it?” Ted said.

An overwhelming feeling of dread ran over Badlan, he pushed it deep into his chest hoping it wasn’t a Jedi based warning.



Chapter II: Convoy Missions


Upon entering the Gramtis System Badlan checked his HUD for enemy ships and when his ship rocked violently and his shields went from green to red. Two laser bolts flashed past and Badlan quickly pulled down. An X-Wing pulled across his bow, Badlan pulled up but he saw a more tempting target, a Flight of X-Wings were aiming at Martelus just to the port of him. Badlan switched to missiles and fired. Without the auto aim the missile just flew forward and hit the third

X-Wing dead on, the X-Wing exploded, but the blast engulfed the other two X-Wings and also destroyed them as well.

“Sword 8 has three kills!” Badlan shouted. When no-one replied Badlan grew worried.

“Any Swords out there?” Badlan asked.

“Martelus? Anyone left?” Asked Badlan.

“Can’t see anyone!!” He said in a panic.

Badlan pulled across to avoid more A-Wings, and saw a TIE Defender.

“Ted? Vapester? Anar?” He asked.

“Its Sword Leader.” Ted replied.

“God damn it are there anymore Swords left?” Badlan asked as an A-Wing fired at him, lasers flashing past his shields.

“Can’t see anyone!” Ted said quickly.

“I’ve seen Martelus, but not the others!”

“Look out!” Ted shouted. But Badlan had already seen it. He pulled across to port sharply avoiding a missile. It flashed past and exploded. Badlan turned to combat the A–Wing taking it out with three shots which plummeted the shields.

Badlan saw three TIE Defenders flying in formation. At least Flight I were all alive, but Badlan ad yet to see another Missile Boat other than Martelus and quickly scanned for Trow, when Jedi senses wailed he pulled downward and avoided laser fire from one of the B-Wings which exploded above him. He watched as the B-Wing’s destroyer pulled through the fading flames. It was Tom!

“Tom, wanna go for the freighters?” Asked Badlan.

“Sure, Trow, Ted and the others are already there!” Tom said, he pulled the MISS port and levelled out.

“Reckon this is a trap?” Asked Badlan.

“Nah, just bad luck.” Tom said. “We must have dropped form light speed exactly into the X-Wing’s path, and optimal firing range.”

“Anyone get vaped?” Asked Badlan nervously.

“No, you took the worst of the fire Bad, Trow and Ted took a shot each but you took the worst!”

“Yeah, my shields are low.”

“You’re lucky not to get vaped my friend!” 


The Freighters were filled with a clear liquid as Badlan already knew, but was confirmed when the freighters exploded and leaked the Bacta into space.

Badlan thought it was great flying through it leaving the fighter wet and dripping.

The fighter resistance was destroyed relatively quickly leaving the freighters for optimal picking.

Badlan plummeted his heavy rockets into the shields and hull of the freighters, massive blasts roaring through the hull leaving bacta bubbles spilling outward.



. . .


“A Squadron from the Empire has destroyed our Bacta convoys on the way to Sullust.” Said Rel Embered, the tall human shifted on the balls of his feet before the hologram of Nal Pershe, the director of Thyferra Bacta Ltd.

“Yes I have received a report from the Dreadnaught Bacta Dream. The Squadron was of TIE Defenders and Missile Boats. The have been identified as Sword Squadron of the ISD Relentless.” Nal said, the hologram flickered.

“The Relentless isn’t behind boarders!” Said Rel, he moved over to his console and tapped at his console. “The Relentless was sighted by a small strike team assaulting the Tibanna Gas refinery near to Minos, they are WELL behind lines!”

“Then perhaps they are operating independently.” Nal shifted his cloak rained off his shoulders and his long black hair gave him a menacing appearance, for a Thyferran.

“Yes, perhaps, in fact that is a likely assumption.” Said Rel. He moved back to face the hologram.

“You were assigned as my consort to the Republic during new transaction of Bacta since the civil war with the Rogues and Ysanne Isard. I want reassurances that the Bacta will arrive at Sullust and Yaga Minor safely.” Nal said angrily pointing his holographic finger at Rel Embered.

“I will find their location.” Rel said.

“Excellent, destroy them ALL!” Nal said and the hologram faded. Something was nagging at Rel. He walked over to his console. Deep on Courscant at the Intelligence Bureau, the cool fan jets ran through the sterile room. He began tapping buttons.

“Ah!” Rel said, he tapped at the console and opened a com link. “Adrel, we have two spies on the Relentless do we not?” Asked Rel.

“We do.” His aide replied.

“Is one of them within Sword Squadron?” The Intel officer asked again.
“Yes, do you want me to open negotiation channels?” Asked Adrel.

“No, that would take too long, we need results within the end of the cycle or Nal is going to withdraw his Bacta supplies.” Rel said.

“I have the official agent’s recruiter here.” Adrel said.

“The Alliance officer whom recruited the spy and planted him within the Squadron. I have his name here and he’s still an active officer.”

“When was the last contact with the agent?” Asked Rel.

“Three years ago.”
“That’s too long Adrel, he may have settled in.” Rel said.

“No, the file says that the individual has their price. Always has their price. Says here that they were an Old Republic guy too." Adrel said.

“OK. Who’s the officer?” Asked Rel.

“Um… they’re Bothan, Shiel Rho, he commands a CR-90, called the… um… Malher, it’s a Bothan Mon Calamari Starship loaned as a diplomatic gift from the Calamari’s to the Bothan Spy Network.” Adrel said reading the scrolling text.

“Get me the Courscant Communication Array and bring up all information on the current location of the Malher.” Rel asked.

“Its on the boarder to the Emperor’s Hammer doing work for the Bothans and their blasted network.” Adrel said.

“Alright prepare a shuttle to Thyferra, I’ll stop off there on the way to the Malher.” Rel said.

He would go to Thyferra and ask for help with, he would ask Nal for Ships to combat the Swords and then use the Malher to trap them. But first locating their base would be difficult.



. . .


Badlan’s battered Missile Boat landed on the bay of the Salm, he left the cockpit and walked over to Kungs who was sitting on a crate laughing.

“Take many hits Badlan?” She asked smiling.

“Shut up you!” Badlan said.

“What happened.” Asked Kungs.

“We dropped from light speed into the firing line of some X-Wings, I took the hits.” Badlan said.

“Get any kills this time?” She asked.

“Nine!” He said beaming. “Five X-Wings, One A-Wings and three Freighters.” He said.

“Congrats, didn’t loose anyone?” She asked.

“Nope, Stallions alive too.” Badlan said grinning.

“Shut up.” She said. “So, mission accomplished?” She said.



Badlan saw Joran in the secondary Salm bay whilst he was playing with a remote blaster droid. He was reflecting laser bolts with a lightsabre and Trow was shooting it with low level blaster bolts.

“Badlan, are you a Jedi?” Asked Joran.

“Yeah, not a very good one though.” He replied as a blaster bolt hit him in the leg.

“Light or Dark?” She asked.

“light.” He replied.

“A light Jedi in service of the Empire?” She said smiling, her hands on her hips. She scratched her tattoo.

“Yeah, so strange?” Badlan said.

“Well… yeah!” She said.

“You’re right, it is but that’s what I am.”

“Wanna go for a drink, you too kiddo?” She asked Badlan and Trow.

“Little early but sure.”

Together they went to the ‘Flaming X-Wing’ and had some Lum. Together they laughed and talked about old posts, Trow about ‘FoxtrotGamma09’ his old Stormie regiment. Badlan about the Old Republic and Joran about her life on Aurora.
Trow left to meet with Stallion who was going to help him fix his ship. Together Badlan began striking up a new conversation but Joran was strangely still. 

“Joran, you OK?” Asked Badlan smiling.

She was sat with her legs tucked against her stomach and chest with her feet resting against the rim of the chair and she was hugging her legs. Badlan noticed her body language very carefully, he saw what she was doing and read her like a book, she was comfortable in her situation comfortable she was talking to him. Cool. Badlan thought.

“Fine.” She said.

“Sure?” Badlan asked.

She looked at him strangely. “We need to talk Mr. Badlan, please accompany me to my quarters.” She said smiling and rubbing her tattoo.

Together they left the deserted ‘Flaming X-Wing’ and walked to the habitat section of the core. She opened the door and let him in.

Was this an ‘invitation?’ Badlan wondered provocatively. Badlan searched her mind, it wasn’t, however he sensed she was about to get something heavy from her chest.

“Mr. Badlan…” She began.

“Badlan.” He said.

“Very well, Badlan, can I trust you?” Asked Joran. She sat in a chair and Badlan sat in the one opposite.

“Really, because…” She began again.

“Joran, let it out, you need my help, I can feel it.” Badlan said with warm eyes.

“You’re really a Jedi, aren’t you?”
“Not a very good one but yes I am.”

“Well then, I am Joran Delsar, Imperial Intelligence, Aurora Sector.” She said. Badlan nodded. “I need you’re help my friend.” That was the first time she called him a friend and although he found her beautiful Badlan thought that that was an amazing thing to say.

“I am here to serve.” Badlan said letting a warm smile escape him.

“Above the call to duty and honour?” She asked him leaning forward.

“With all my heart I fight, because I fight for what I believe in.” Badlan said.

“Very few pilots live past 8 combat missions, how many have you partaken in?” She asked.

“Almost 500.” Badlan said.

“How do you have so many battles on you’re record and are still here?” She asked.

“Guess I’m a good pilot, but its more like I use the force and fight the fight when I need to, not going for glory or points or kills but do what has to be done, I DO what has to be done.” He said.

“I’m here to make sure you’re mission succeeds.” She said.

“Hmmm… so why am I in you’re quarters?” Asked Badlan.

“Do you know of the structure of war Badlan?” Asked Joran.

“I’ve fought long enough and gone through the ranks enough to know of the underlying structure of war, the counter-agents, spies, alliances, rebellion, dirty money, gang warfare. I’ve been involved in enough of it already, war has a way of sucking you into it.” Badlan said.

“It’s a scary world.”
“Yes it is.”
“When you go back to the Relentless, look out for a High-Admiral, watch out for him, you won’t have heard of him before.” Joran said.

“We need to leave the Salm?” Asked Badlan nervously.


“Because the forces of darkness are moving against us.” Joran said. She moved nervously in her chair. “Ronin was going to rebel against the Emperor during the dying months of his reign. If the Rebels hadn’t gotten to him first there would have been a defection the likes of which the galaxy hadn’t seen since Zaarin!” She said.   

“Wow.” Badlan said generally surprised.

“Wow indeed.”

“Why would he rebel?” Asked Badlan.

“Well my father and Ronin were best of friends and he was from Alderaan.” Joran explained. “Two years after the Death Star destroyed my father’s world he went to Ronin and asked him to help him overthrow Palpatine.”

“That’s a little hard to believe!” Badlan said.

“Well it’s the truth, the plan was in its final stages when the Alliance struck at Endor and Ronin’s plan was put on hold. But it turned every Imperial sect against him, the Rebels have taken it under consideration to rid the galaxy of its largest Imperial sect.”
“The EH?” Asked Badlan.

“Aye…” He words turned to panicked whispers.

“The forces are closing on us Badlan. The Rebels and an HA lead sect, know anything?”

“There are several HA led sects, Moff Jerrajord’s lost regime for instance and the Imperial Star Fleet.” Badlan said.

“They’re hands are closing around the Empire’s neck Badlan, I need you’re help.” She said. Leaning forward she kissed him on the cheek and stood up. She activated her blaster and opened the door looking for possible eavesdroppers.

“Thankyou Mr. Badlan, I’ll contact you when times are relevant and necessary, you are to be my Sword Squadron and Relentless envoy!” She said.

Badlan saluted her. “I’ve done this sorta thing before, I won’t let you down Joran.” He said.


Upon leaving things looked different and Badlan almost wished that Joran hadn’t involved him, now he had the added dread of the possibility of an underworld involvement, as well as the threat of death via Alphabet Fighter.


Rel Embered stood at the door step to the palace on Thyferra, the building was massive and several security measures had been taken to assure the Director of Thyferra Bacta Ltd. wasn’t harmed. 

He was let in and sent to the ‘throne’ room where Nal Pershe sat, the man was pushed against rows of cushions designed to give him ultimate comfort. He was tall and had long black hair.

“Hello Mr. Embered.” Nal said.

“Director.” Said Rel in respect.

“What brings you to my doorstep?” Asked Nal.

“Well I have a request, I am in the middle of assuring Sword Squadron’s destruction it turns out that we have an agent within Sword itself. We will soon learn of their location.” Rel said making the most out of the leas they had, he only hoped the Bothan who held the operative’s leash had a way of contacting his agent or he was back to square one.

“Excellent, and you came to my door to give me this news or is you’re holonet transmission equipment malfunctioning?” Asked Nal sarcastically.

“No unfortunately the Rebel Squadrons who operate on EH boarders are falling apart and the New Alliance is in full blown war with the Imperial Warlords so I have no ships to assault them!” Rel said.

“And you want some of my ships?” Asked Nal. Rel bowed his head smiling. “Very well you may have one capital ship all its Squadrons and support vessels. Choose from the console over to you’re left.” Nal said casually.

“I have already selected the ship I require, the Victory Star Destroyer Rrae.” Rel said.

“Ah, you were guaranteeing on my agreement.” Nal smiled. “I like you’re confidence.”

“May I have the ships?” Asked Rel.

“Very well.”

“Thankyou, please could you order the task force to moved to the Sullust System.” Rel asked.

“And you are going?” Asked Nal brushing his long hair aside.

“To find a Bothan man who recruited the agent who resides within Sword Squadron.” Rel Embered stood. “Thankyou sir.” He began walking out of the room.

“Destroy them quickly Rel Embered.” Nal said. “I have a new Bacta convoy going through the Outer rim sectors heading for Sullust soon, and I have yet to wield out all of the spies.” Nal said.

As Rel Embered left the room a man withdrew himself from the long purple curtains at he edge of the room.

“Director.” The man bowed.

“Ah… High Admiral, I take it you heard our little discussion?” Asked Nal.

“Yes, using the Alliance to rid us of Sword Squadron will allow them to protect the infected Bacta and let it reach its destination!” The High Admiral said. “Ironic.”


“Soon when the Alliance and the EH are gone we will rule the galaxy together.” The High Admiral said smiling. “Is the Bacta infected with the Fenossa Virus?”

“Yes, it is shame the convoy was destroyed, it would have been used with the Alliance Military, killed millions!” Nal said.

“And none of it is civilian bound?” Asked the HA.

“No, all military bound.”

“Good, when the military is gone we’ll have a clear path to Courscant.”


Badlan was tuning the shield generators on his Missile Boat when Kungs approached him from the dark depths of the Salm’s hanger bay. The Pacifica was now cleaner than it had ever been before, all the laser scorch marks had gone since the cleaner droids had done their jobs.

“Wanna go dog fighting?” She asked spinning her brain tail like a scarf around her neck.

“Not right now, working.”

Trow, Anar Par, and Binard Plor came walking toward Badlan and Kungs.

“Hey Bad.” Said Anar smiling. She sat on the ground next to Badlan and Trow and Binard sat down on Badlan’s wing.”
“Hey.” Addressing them. “Get off my wing you Nerf Herders!” He said smiling.

Trow and Binard began laughing. “You coming to play some war games?” Asked Binard smiling. The Thyferran brushed her hair back and crouched down behind him.

“Outnumbered.” He said grinning, but the weight of Joran’s request still reigned down on him. “Well OK.” He rolled from under the Pacifica and rubbed a spot from his fighter. He then paused to look at the fighters painted on the fuselage. Each fighter represented a whole Squadron of Eight. There were 9 Y-Wings, 20 Z-95 Head-hunters, 7 X-Wings, 5 A-Wings, 2 B-Wings, 1 T-Wing. There were no capital ship kills displayed on the hull but Badlan smiled at them anyway. On a whole other row were the new ships, TIE Fighters – 3 of those, 2 Interceptors and 1 TIE Bomber. Then there were 4 Assault Gunboats and 3 TIE Advanced, destroyed during conflicts with rival Imperial Sects.

“Nice collection Badlan.” Said Binard.

“I think so!” He said.


The war games were between, Anar, Trow, Badlan vs. Kungs, Binard and Kungs’ XO. Badlan’s team were flying TIE Fighters and to make it even as was Kungs’ flight.

Green lasers darted at Badlan and he fired back hitting Kungs’ XO but not destroying him.

“Oh… Almost got yer lackey Kungs.” Said Badlan laughing.

“I’m now gonna get you only Bad.” Said Kungs smiling.



Green lasers skimmed Badlan as Kungs pulled up a strafing run, avoiding the lasers carefully he ignored Kungs and pulled up against her damaged XO. He followed the man carefully making sure to pull back on the throttle enough to stay with the man. The TIE roared and Kungs fired again. He lined up with Kungs and her XO.

“Can someone as good as Kungs be blind sided?” Asked Badlan to himself not activating the COM.

She fired. Badlan pulled away letting the lasers hit her own man killing him instantly. The explosion roared.

“God damn it!” She shouted angrily at the fact that her shot had killed her own man.

Badlan laughed.

“That’s it you’re DEAD Badlan!” She shouted.

Trow exploded as lasers tore through the canopy of his TIE.

“Badlan this is Anar! I’m on my own. Where are you, Binard’s on me!” Shouted Anar.

Binard pulled up to Anar firing past her canopy. The TIE shook as two lasers hit the cockpit.
“Aggghhhh!” Shouted Anar as her TIE shook and sparks and electric discharges flashed between her.

“Got ya Anar!” Shouted Binard.


Kungs pulled into Badlan the TIEs smashed against each other. The Solar Panels smashed together scraping against the metal, the TIE Fighters were fused together and Badlan took a chance by pulling away. But the TIEs were locked. The panels wouldn’t unhook. Fire roared between them flames fed by Kungs’ pierced oxygen tank.

“Let go Badlan…” She grit her teeth.

“I’m trying!” He said.

Sparks roared again and Badlan watched as Anar flew ahead of them with Binard close behind. Badlan pulled down taking Kungs with him.

“Anar pull over me!” Shouted Badlan.

Anar complied and pulled toward Badlan.
“Aieeee!” Screamed Kungs as Anar almost hit her.

Then Binard came to pursue Anar. Badlan pulled up and turned the controls across to move the fighter through a turn. That put Kungs forward.

“Goodnight my dear!” Badlan said. “Anar, we won!” Badlan said and Kungs hit Binard. As the lodged fighters screamed forward and Kungs hit Binard causing a blast which ripped Badlan’s port wing to tear off. Badlan was sent spinning away.

“Thanks Badlan.” Said Anar smiling.

“No prob.” Said Badlan and then his fuel pod ignited. Badlan exploded.


“Nice improvisation of a situation in there.” Anar said in the ‘Flaming X-Wing.’ 


“No I mean it you really saved me with that little manoeuvre with the locked TIEs. Very good.”
“Is this mission difficult for you?” Asked Badlan, referring to the fact that she was Thyferran and they were attacking Thyferran Bacta convoys.

“A little, however Thyferra Bacta ltd. monopolised the Bacta empire in the end and destroyed my families business through assassination. In away this is revenge!.” She said with renewed energy.

Badlan smiled. “You’re now scaring me!” He said with sarcasm.

She laughed brushing back her hair. “No this may put Thyferra Bacta Ltd. out of business perhaps even allow may father to set up his business again.” She said. “You ever been submerged in Bacta?” She asked.

“Yes, on many occasions unfortunately, a lot during the clone wars when we were attacked by clones and several times during the civil wars.”


They finished their conversation and Badlan found Ted. “Hey, how’s Tom?” He asked.

“Fine, his leg will be healed soon enough, that Bacta container we captured from the convoy is coming in handy it would have taken weeks to regenerate his leg through conventional methods.” During the mission one small container from a Convoy train had slipped from its hooks, filled with Bacta Joran brought the Supremacy Dawn in and brought it back from the convoy site to help any future injuries. Tom had been wounded when his console’s circuitry overloaded tearing through his leg during the return Hyperspace journey.

“Good, all fighters are fixed and ready to fly, just waiting for Tom and the next Bacta Convoy.” Badlan reported saluting him. Ted returned the Salute and Badlan returned to find Joran.


“Ah… Vice Admiral.” Said Rel Embered as the tall man entered the Mon Calamari’s bridge. The ship was filled with Bothans, the species were covered from head to toe with fur and look like animals with snouts.

“What can I do for you General Rel?” Asked the Bothan moving his chair along its tracks to face the human.

“I need to talk with you about you’re agents within the Bothan spy network.” Rel said.

“I apologise but all data is classified.” Said the Bothan turning away to face another console.

“I have no time for this Commodore, I have orders from Alliance High Command and from the Thyferran Bacta Association for information on one of you’re agents.” Rel said moving ahead of his Bothan ‘escorts’.

“Very well you will please enter my office.” The Bothan’s fur rippled a sign that he was not pleased.

Together Rel walked with Shiel Rho and sat down ahead of him to annoy the Bothan further. Shiel sat behind the desk and opened his arms.

“May I see the orders?” Asked Shiel. Rel handed him a data pad and the Bothan punched the buttons on it. “Very well General, everything seems in order.” Said Shiel. “My database is you’re database.” He said. “What do you require?” Asked The Bothan.

“The name and personnel details and how to contact you’re agent within Sword Squadron.” Rel said abruptly and the Bothan’s eyes became slits.
“Thyferra? Ah yes we’ve been monitoring the reports from Alliance, Thyferran and Imperial communication traffic and one Sword Squadron have attacked a Thyferran Convoy.” Shiel said. The Bothan’s fur settled finally begging to calm himself.

“Exactly, I am to find them and destroy them!” Said Rel smiling.

“Ah yes my agent’s name it…”


Badlan watched the stars become spots again. The Convoy was dead ahead and Badlan looked for Rebel fighters, he wasn’t to be caught out again.

“Alright Swords form up!” Said Ted.

“Flight II form up and prepare for bombing run.” Ordered Tom and Badlan formed up next to Martelus.

“Flight III do the same.” Said Stallion.

“Flight I, protect any possible threats to Flights I and II.” Ted said and he and Vapester stayed above Flight II and Anar went below Flight II.

“Stay sharp, fighters leaving the bay on Target Beta, the Nubian-B-Frigate Shall.” Said Rhe Jace.

Badlan scanned all the Freighter craft and fighter looking for anomalous craft as Joran had asked him.

He saw a Personnel Shuttle, Lambda class. He wondered whom was aboard it and decided to select it to memory and perform a scan after his first run at the convoys.


Rel Embered had decided to accompany the Bacta Convoy seeing as it was heading for Sullust anyway and had joined them at an outpost owned by Nal Pershe. The journey was going smoothly until several TIE Starfighters had showed up. In his shuttle which he had borrowed from Alliance Intelligence. He was about to die he decided quickly until his Sullustan pilot pulled them toward the Frigate which of all the capital ships was the most dangerous to fighters. A Missile Boat flew close and scanned him at one point, giving him an opportunity to scan it, it was Sword 8 and Rel scanned the guy through his database discovering him to be Lieutenant Commander Badlan. “Interesting.” Said Rel.

Nothing major happened this time and as Badlan fired rockets into the Freighters blowing holes into their hulls Ted kept the fighters busy and Badlan even took care of a couple of X-Wings from long range with Concussion Missiles.

“This is Doyon, I got an A-Wing I can’t shake!” Doyon shouted in despair. Badlan decided to help out his old CMDR and fired a missile into it.
“Danke!” Said Doyon who pulled ahead and fired into the nearest Freighter. Badlan heard Tom cough sometimes and wondered if he had gotten some Bacta into his system.

“Tom, you OK?” Asked Badlan.

“Sure. I’m good, just got a little cough. Prolly swallowed too much Bacta!” Said Tom joking.

Several A-Wings flew again and Badlan pulled across to pull behind them, they were after Binard and deciding to save her than destroy her this time he fired a dumb-fire missile into the A-Wing Squadron. The angle was wrong and the other Two A-Wings flew outward from the flames. Badlan turned and followed them shooting lasers at the one which hopelessly missed. He caught up with the A-Wing using the over drive boosters.

“Why such little escorts?” Asked Tom smiling and then coughing.

“Dunno, maybe the Rebels figured our fly by was a coincidence.” Said Trow.

“Nah Rebels aren’t that stupid, they probably just messed up again.” Rhe said laughing.

Explosions continued to tear through the ships and bacta leaked into space. Badlan through it was beautiful splashing around and reflecting the nebular light into beautiful colours.

“X-Wings, port side!” Said Vapester pulling downward avoiding laser fire.
“Nice evasion kid!” Said Stallion pulled next to Doyon.

“You wanna take Flight II, and I’ll take Flight I?” Asked Doyon.

“Fire away.”
Flight I pulled at Badlan but Doyon was on them and Badlan fired at the same point in time as Doyon, two missiles tore through the Flight destroying them.

“Head for the buoy so we can get our co-ordinates.” Said Ted.

Stallion continued to peruse when a Rebel fleet left hyperspace around 40 Klicks ahead of him.

“By the force!” Shouted Stallion but the X-Wings were already on him.

“Where’d Ted go?” Asked Trow.

“Light speed!” Shouted Badlan.

“Stall, FLY!” Screamed Doyon.

“Where’d the others go, Vapester, Tom, Martelus?” Asked Trow.

“Light Speed!” Shouted Badlan angrily.


Stallion exploded, the Missile Boat’s port missile launcher burst first turning the ship and then the whole thing ignited.

“No!” Shouted Doyon.

“This is Anar, Tom, Rhe, Binard, Martelus and Vapester are gone, just me Badlan, Trow and Doyon left, Stallion is down! Apprising of situation.” She reported.

“Thanks Bacta Queen!” Shouted Doyon angrily.

“Stall made it, he’s in his suit between here and the Rebel Fleet.” Trow said.

“Anar, Doyon go back to the Salm, Trow and I will get Stallion, he’ll board Trow and I’ll fly cover.” Badlan said. “Go!” He roared at the others.

“Go Trow, booster, I’ll vape the X-Wings.” Badlan said.

As Doyon and Anar went to light speed Badlan pulled toward the X shaped fighters and fired. Lasers tore between them and debris from the first two kills destroyed the third.


Trow caught up with Stallion and stopped. He pressurised his suit and opened the canopy. Oxygen leaked out and Trow thrust a hand forward toward Stallion who grabbed it and was pulled in.

“BADLAN!!” Shouted Trow as an A-Wing bore down on him.

Green lasers ripped through the A-Wing and it exploded.

“Common, fly!” Shouted Badlan.

The Missile Boat flashed forward and Badlan followed. Missile warnings from the HUD flashed and beeped. Badlan pulled away as the missile screamed toward him. The projectile ripped through he wing blowing the last meter off it. “Aggghhhh!!” Shouted Badlan as the ship span crazily and shook. Bringing the speed up he pulled from the dive and levelled the ship out, but such a ship wouldn’t survive hyperspace. Badlan pondered what to do.

“Trow, Stall, I’m not coming to Hyper space with you, my fighters too damaged I won’t survive the journey!” Said Badlan.

“No Badlan you’ll have to risk it!” Said Trow.

“Sorry guys.”
“We’re not leaving without you, you could have gone to light speed and avoided this damage if not for me!”

“Well OK, but when I’m destroyed you have to go hyperspace, lets head for the Buoy.” Said Badlan.

Upon reaching the buoy using the overdrive boosters to stay ahead of the Alliance fighters the Missile boats slowed. Nav-computer co-ordinates sprawled onto his screen but Badlan couldn’t use them.

He pulled close to Sword 7 and used all his Jedi power to press the hyperspace button from three meters and through titanium alloys within Trow’s ship.

“Say goodbye to Sword, Kungs and Joran for me!” Said Badlan with as much heart felt feeling as he could send through the communications system.

Then Badlan was alone. A tear slipped down his cheek. “Goodbye Sword…” He whispered.


The Supremacy Dawn roared from light speed and into view of Badlan’s cockpit.

“Hello Mr. Badlan, time to repay you for that drink!” Said Joran.

“Aha! Joran I’ve never been so glad to see ya!” He said.

“Even if were nude?” She asked laughing between the words.

“Maybe.” Badlan flew toward her, the leaning edge of his wing spilling fuel. Lasers tore from the Dawn and into approaching fighters. He snapped into her small hanger bay there was just enough room for him in there. The bruised Missile Boat landed in Joran’s bay, it was already littered with various equipment which she used during her work.

“Hey Baddie boy.” She said smiling.

“Hey.” He said smiling warmly.

“We’d better get outta here.” She said as the ship took hits.

Upon returning to the Salm Badlan saw that Sword had already landed. Everyone’s fighter had returned. He hoped they were shocked by his return!


Chapter III: Evacuation!


Rel Embered smiled and turned off the computer, his meeting with the Sword Squadron spy had gone perfectly, he knew the Squadron’s exact location and its compliment. No-one had died at the second convoy mission despite the arrival of the VSD Rrae from Sullust in response to the Frigate’s distress call. Though Badlan had had to be rescued by an unknown freighter and Stallion’s ship had been destroyed. Sword Squadron were certainly lucky!

But the VSD Rrae on loan from Nal Pershe and the Thyferran authorities was now ready, they were ready to strike the Platform Salm and finish off the Squadron. When they were gone the transaction of Bacta from Thyferra to the Alliance would go well and its military’s medical facilities would be greatly improved.


“Rather amusing don’t you think?” Asked Nal Pershe to the figure to is left.
“What using Rel Embered to rid us of Sword Squadron so that we can get Infected Bacta through to destroy the Alliance?” Asked The High Admiral. “More Ironic than amusing.” He said laughing.

Nal stood his long hair draping to his sides. He went to get a drink.

“The alliance between the Thyferrans and the Jerrajord Imperials will live on!” Said Nal holding up a glass. Within the grand palace in the heart of the Thyferran industrial centre Nal felt secure that soon the Rebel government thrust upon him would be gone and the Jerrajord Imperials would rule that galaxy. And all because of Bacta!


Badlan watched as a Victory Class Star Destroyer escaped from lightspeed and settled around 20 klicks from the Salm’s position. He had a clear view of it from the opening in the Salm’s hanger bay then several smaller ships also left hyperspace and Badlan leapt up.

“By the force!” 


Badlan ran to Joran’s quarters and on the way was met by Ted, Trow and several other Swords and Remorse pilots.
“Badlan report to the fighter bay we have enemy ships on way to…” Said Ted stopping to speak to Badlan.

“Can’t gotta find Joran, get her outta here, she’s more important than you can imagine.” Badlan said. Before Ted could countermine him he had run off again.

Joran was picking up data pads from her locker compartment within her quarters and was doing so very quickly. So much so that she was dropping them.

“Common Joran, we have to get the hell outta here!” Said Badlan running into her room.

“Look.” She said walking to the windows and pointing.

“Oh no.. Rebel Troop ships!” Said Badlan. Joran’s com-link bleeped and she picked it up.

“Don’t worry I’m on my way.” She said into it. “I have to get to the Supremacy Dawn. Join me?” She said smiling.

“I’m on my way to the hanger bay anyway.” He said and grabbed her hand and they ran toward the hanger.


“This is Lieutenant Colonel Sal Dodrel, Commander of the Salm, all personnel evacuate to the Corvette Nal Rhe, board shuttle group Evac within the next three minutes or find somewhere to sleep tomorrow cause you’re a permanent resident!” Said Sal, the ex. Kessel prisoner stood from her chair and watched the fighters come in ahead of the capital ships.

“This is the Salm, hailing the Nal Rhe, Tra, you there?” Asked Sal.

“Yeah this is Tra Shee, we’re ready to receive you.” Said Tra the Commodore of the Nal Rhe. “Five years and its about to end cause of Sword Squadron!” Said Tra angrily.

“Don’t blame Sword.” Said Sal. “This was bound to happen one day.”


The ATR transports were getting bigger every time Badlan and Joran ran past a window. They were coming to board. In the mean time

X-Wings and A-Wings were flying at high speeds shooting at the station.

“Must be a spy.” Said Joran as she ran through the now darker corridors of the Salm.

“Oh how’s that?” Asked Badlan.
“This station has been here five years undetected and now since Sword have come aboard out pops a fleet, there is a spy amongst you’re ranks Badlan.” Said Joran.

Suddenly a door opened and Kungs fell onto Badlan.

“What the??” Shouted Badlan.

“Sorry the lift failed. I only just got the door open.” Kungs said standing up.

“We have to get out of here Kungs, the Rebels will board.” Joran said.


“Those ships are Thyferran!” Said Anar Plor as she strapped herself into her TIE Defender.

“How’d you know?” Asked Ted as he did the same.

“That’s the VSD Rrae, under license to Nal Pershe of Thyferra Bacta.” Said Anar.

“Looks like we pissed him off.” Said Tom.

“Indeed. Stallion board the Evac and get aboard the Nal Rhe.” Said Ted.

“Hey do you realise that the director of Thyferra Bacta is called Nal, and we have a Sword member called Rhe? And the Corvette is called the Nal Rhe.” Said Binard.

“Cool coincidence.” Said Trow laughing.

“Alright Sword’s listen up, we have to defend the shuttles, Corvette and station until all are evacuated. Kungs’ Sq. will be with us, if she ever show up and we now have full Nav-computers courtesy of Xenom, the tech, chips smuggled aboard illegally, if discovered blame him.” Said Ted. Sword laughed.

“Where’s Badlan?” Asked Doyon.

“Gone to find Joran.” Said Trow.

“Forget him, he’ll be here.” Ted said.

The Remorse Squadron XO came running up to Ted’s TIE Defender and climbed up shouted into the hatch.

“Kungs, has reported in, she’s on her way with Badlan and Joran.” He said.

“Thanks Kereseea.” Said Ted.

The TIE Defenders and Missile Boats lifted slowly from the bay and roared into space. Lasers were already in full swing. As X-Wings ran across the bay the Station and Nal Rhe returned fire. An X-Wing exploded above explosions roared all around.

“This is intense!” Said Trow.

“OK Trow this is you’re first large scale battle yeah?” Asked Tom.


“Keep you’re eyes open at ALL times watch you’re HUD too, you’ll do fine.” Tom said.
“Thanks man.” Said Trow and fired into an X-Wing which shook and turned to avoid more fire.


The first ATR landed onto the Salm amidst the battle just as the last Remorse TIE Interceptor lifted form the bay and roared forward. Rebel shock troopers poured from the ramp of the ATR and escaped into the Salm. The troops panned out within the Salm and Badlan and his friends soon found themselves overwhelmed.

Joran arched her back and fired at the approaching Rebel. The blaster bolt hit him mid chest and he fell back.

“Badlan where the hell are you?? We need… Rebel’s overwhelming…” Said Ted through the Defender’s com system and into Badlan’s com-link.

“I got myself a full blown light fight here!” Said Badlan into the com-link firing himself at a soldier but missed.

“We can’t live through this!” Shouted Kungs kicking a trooper in the head as he lay on the ground. “We’re pilots not Stormies!”

“Trow was but he’s flying’ now!” Said Badlan firing at a Rebel on the top ramp of the bay.

Joran split from Kungs and Badlan but Badlan called her back.

“Fly outta her Joran and meet me back at the Relentless, I’ll be you’re envoy and I’ll look out for you’re HA!” Badlan said.

“Thanks I will.” Said Joran and she kissed him on the cheek.

Joran then resumed and ran toward her ship.


The bay was now littered with debris as the rebels attack pressed and Joran made it to the Supremacy Dawn discovering only her Sullustan pilot and Aide were aboard.
“Where’s Ader and Ore’pree?” She asked, referring to the Bothan Ader and the other Sullustan Ore’pree.

“They’re on their way!” Said her aide. So she returned to the hatch to wait for Ader and Ore’pree, but when they didn’t appear she considered leaving. But the Bothan arrived and took a the Sullustan behind her. But the Sullustan took a shot from pursuing Alliance troops and fell. Ader fell to her side firing but took a shot to her head and collapsed.

“NOO!” Shouted Joran firing into the Rebel soldiers.

“Wait for meeeee!” Shouted Dreepio, the Sword Protocol Droid. The Black 3P0 model droid shuffled along as lasers flashed around it and ran up the ramp into the Supremacy Dawn.

“Fucking Rebel bastards.” Said Joran as the modified Yacht lifted from the bay.


Badlan stopped to watch the Supremacy Dawn fly from the bay Blaster bolts flashing after it.

“Fly Joran, fly!” Shouted Badlan. Jedi senses wailed and Badlan ducked as blaster bolts flashed into space. Badlan looked, Rebel soldiers were attacking him. The Missile Boat was almost thirty meters away. He would never make it. The troops approached. Where in the name of the Sith was Kungs? She answered his thought. A TIE Fighter pulled slowly in front of him firing into the troops and the wall next to them. Fire roared through the regiment.

“Yahooo!” Shouted Badlan and waved at Kungs who flew over him and into space. Into the Battle.


Sal Dodrel sat alone on the Operations Centre of the Salm. Alone. As she had been on Kessel. She hoped that Tra and Kungs would honour her after she died.

“Computer, set auto destruct, one minutes.” Said Sal.

“Voice pattern confirmed, Commander Sal Dodrel, Lieutenant Colonel, Platform Salm… Activating.” Replied the computer.

Then Rebel troops entered the Ops Centre. They fired at her all eight of them killing her instantly, her burning body fell to the ground.

Then the Salm exploded.


Badlan skimmed across the bay of the Salm with his newly fixed missile Boat, fixed since it was damaged two weeks ago.

Badlan looked forward and then felt a blast rock his ship, burning debris slipped past him, the Salm had been destroyed.

“This is Sword 8, joining the battle!” Shouted Badlan and he fired with lasers at a Y-Wing. The Y-Wing’s nacelle exploded and the ship ripped apart.
“Badlan, the VSD is on us!” Shouted Ted.

“Where is it?” He asked. Badlan looked up, it was huge a VSD, the Rrae, it shone in the light of the nearby star and Badlan took a hit from its turbo lasers. He pulled away.

Badlan looked to port and saw the Supremacy Dawn go to Light Speed with a flash. “Cya later Joran.” Said Badlan.

But the Thyferran Strike Force was pressing the Squadron and the Nal Rhe so Badlan concentrated on the Y-Wings attacking the Corvette. He fired into a Y-Wing pulling back on the throttle to avoid the flames.

The Nal Rhe had performed a turn and was on an exit vector.

“This is Rhe Jace, I’ve lost lasers!” Shouted Rhe.

“Go to hyperspace Rhe, get back to the boarder!” Shouted Ted. Several A-Wings were pressing the attack on the Salm Badlan saw, primarily taking out its lasers turrets to allow the Y-Wings to press with warheads.

Badlan pulled after one as it flanked the Nal Rhe. He fired leaving a gaping hole in its hull. Firing again he killed the A-Wing.

“Badlan look out!” Shouted Anar.

Badlan didn’t care what Anar was warning him of but he pulled down anyway. A B-Wing pulled over him and with a quick flick of the controls he was on its tail, it pulled above the Corvette and Badlan fired into its fuselage leaving 4 wings to spin independently.

“The VSD is dropping back, Doyon, Trow and Binard must have damaged the Rrae’s engines.” Said Ted.

“This is Anar, I’m losing shields, I’ll be defenceless soon!” She cried as an X-Wing hit her.

“That’s the kind of info you don’t advertise Anar!” Growled Ted.
“Sorry Commander.” Said Anar.

“Sorry I’m late Sword but we were caught up when the Salm blew.” Said a familiar Twi’lek voice.

“Kungs!” Said Badlan smiling.

A Squadron of 12 TIE Fighters and 12 TIE Interceptors flashed past Sword following A-Wings and X-Wings as they flew past the Corvette on runs.

“This is Stallion aboard the Nal Rhe.” Said Stall. “We’re ready to jump to lightspeed.”

“Alright Remorse Squadron, prepare to dock aboard the Nal Rhe.” Said Kungs. “We don’t have fancy Hyperdrives like Sword.” She said laughing.

Kungs pulled her Squadron of older TIE models across the bow of the Corvette and the X-Wings and A-Wings scattered. She fired twice into an X-Wing which exploded and her older fighters also turned to assault the Alphabet fighters.

“OK, Remorse, dock. Sword cover us.” Said Kungs. The TIEs pulled underneath the Corvette and slowed, a small line appeared as the ships docked. Kungs pulled back and blew away an X-Wing making a run.

Rhe finally went to lightspeed and Badlan joined Kungs at defending her Squadron. She fired at an A-Wing. Badlan also locked onto an

X-Wing which managed to destroy and Interceptor before it exploded.

“Go Kungs, I’ve got the Rebels!” Badlan said. Sword fell into formation with Tom and Co. withdrawing from behind the VSD Rrae which had stopped since its engines had exploded. The last TIE Docked, Kungs nestled into the bay like a little Bantha cub and the Corvette went to Hyperspace.

“Yea-haw!” Shouted Trow and he entered hyperspace. Badlan watched as Trow gave the order to pull out and Badlan made sure all fighters had escaped. Then he pressed the button going to hyperspace.


“You let them escape!” Said Nal Pershe angrily.

“Yes, however they are unable to continue attacking our convoys now that they are back behind lines. You can continue with you’re operation Director.” Said Rel Embered from the private hall on the Rrae. The hologram of Nal Pershe flickered.

“Very well.”
“As well as that now that I have a spy within Sword Squadron I will be able to peruse them and the Relentless. They will not escape my grasp.” Rel Said smiling.

“Congratulations Mr. Embered.” Said Nal. “You may keep the fleet to continue to peruse Sword Squadron.”

“Thankyou Director.”
The transmission faded and Nal stood back. “Well High Admiral?” Asked Nal.

“He has sealed his own fate with his actions, release the Bacta and let it end the Rebels.” Said the High Admiral.





by FM/LCM Badlan/Sword 2-4/Wing IX/ISD Relentless