The Praetorian Case
CM Darksaber


    It all began, when a pilot of ISD Immortal was assigned CMDR of Elite Squadron Praetorian, CPT Nix. The fearless leader of Demon Squadron.


   Praetorian needed a strong hand to control a squad so full of hot-shots. Great Pilots, some of the finest of the fleet and I dare say of the remaing Empire. But everything has a down side, and as good pilots they were full of themselfs.


     Day One. The shuttle Intelos approached the DGN Lichtor V, home of Praetorian Squadron, aboard CPT Nix felt a  shiver on his back...  The Lichtor was an Intel Ship after all and Tie corps pilots never did like Intel very much. He chased those thoughts of his mind, he might not be very please about it but he was a Special Operations agent now. In the meanwhile his ride just entered the hangar bay, It has time to go a meet his new pilots. As exiting the shuttle he stranged only a smiley looking pilot was waiting for him... a young CM.

-« Welcome Sir, » He said  « I´m CM Linkan, I´ll be showing you to your quarters »

- « Where´s the rest of the Squadron? » asked Nix confused for this poor reception.

« In the cantina probably. » answered Linkan

« DOING WHAT?? » Nix replied with surprise

« Drinking probably... it´s what they do best outside their cockpits » Linkan whispered.. ashamed of having to say it



Day Two.  6.00 am.  Nix turn on his compad and called Linkan. He just ordered him to gather all pilot at once.

Conference Room.  The 10 pilots were there already waiting for him. They all looked extremely tired and not ready for combat but at least they were there...

« Well » Nix started « My name is Nix, and I´m your new CMDR and for want If seen where there will be some serious changes... get ready for it and for work to.»

« Now all pilots are excused except the two FLs that are... » he looked to his datapad « CPT Turr Phennir and COL Samuel Shadd III »

He waited a few seconds so everyone else left .... then continued « I have to be sincere to you two, the squadron is a mess and I was called to put a end to this. So first we´ll have a simulation of War Games to decide who stays in Prae and to see who of you losses the position of FL as an example. »

They both left with a sad look on their faces... work was going to begin.


That same night, Nix used the holonet to call what he felt was home : ISD Immortal.

VA Adrenaline was surprised to get such a call in her quarters, normally she should get them in the bridge.

« NIX, is that you ? What´s up, Is Intel already already checking on us ? »

«Adren, I´m calling because in need your help, I´m found here a bounch of indisciplinated pilots and i was thinking we could...... »



Day Three. Again the Conference Room was full with Prae pilots. This time they looked shaved and sharp. Good thought Nix, they got the idea

« Well, men..It ´s time to go to work and show the fleet that you are indeed the best of the best »

« We are transferring to the Isd Immortal near Aurora, there we still participate in simulated combats with some of the best Immortal pilots...get ready we leave in a hour. »


Nix was glad they were leaving Lichtor V, and specially happy the destination was Immortal.



   After a week of war games, Nix was pleased with his squadron, they won almost all the combats even if the immortal put up quite a fight, his pilots proved themselves how excellent they were. Meanwhile he had promoted CM Linkan to the rank of FL dropping Turr Phennir and the squadron was now running very smoothly indeed... And now was time to go back to Lichtor and plan new accomplishments to Praetorian.

They had but arrived to the DGN when an important dispatch reached Nix,.. they were going to see action and very soon to, in just a couple of days.. They were to attack a Target inside the Greoop System, deep in New republic Territory......




Four days later, COL Mell had gather his pilots in the briefing room:

« Step lively pilots»

« Two days ago, Praetorian Squadron was sent on a strike mission deep in enemy territory. They did not return»

Some noise was heard in the audience, immortal pilots were thinking of ex-squadron companions, Nix, Dras, Weasel and of friends they recently made when of prae´s tour of duty aboard Immortal, Linkan, Akagi....

« A recon by Phantom squadron has found them on a convoy to a prison facility where they will be "interrogated " . We must rescue them. The convoy is heavily guarded, so nearly every pilot on board will launch on this mission. The Immortal and her escorts will jump behind you and engage their large ships, you   

will engage the multiple fighters they will deploy. Ranger Squadron will disable the CRV Piece of Meat. E/S Pickup1 will then proceed to dock with it and rescue the praetorian pilots. When that is accomplished finish by destroying all rebel ships. »

«Dismissed and may the force be with you all »




  As the E/S Pickup1 docked with Immortal after a successful mission, looking from the viewport Adrenaline thought she had to recommend CM Roguewing, for having got 15 kills and CM Mikkel Filla, for disabling the CRV for some medals, maybe some PCs. She then picked up the mic and announced to the crew


« By rescuing the pilots of praetorian Squadron, we have shown them that although they may be the best pilots when It comes to fleet competition when it comes to combat, the best pilots are found on the ISD Immortal »


One thing was sure, a week later, Dras Hempor came back to ISD Immortal

CMDR/CM Darksaber/Falcon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal