Episode I:Crovax, the cursed
CM Darksaber


   Crovax  woke up that morning feeling pretty satisfied  with himself, just made Captain and was the commander of a great squadron: Cyclone Squadron. He simply couldn´t take the smile of his face while looking himself in mirror; the Captain patch was beautiful. His career was a successful one, a greater flights expected  him.


   As he entered the briefing room, he took a quick glance at the new pilots, SL Tieger and SL Sint Seelasi. He hoped they could keep up whit the excellent pilots the squadron already had such as LCM Grace and LCM Saadam. So proud he was of his own squadron.


« Good Day men, today we are gonna do a quite patrol, just do make the new guys feel at home.»


« Where to, sir» questioned Flight II leader CM Gravin


« Into the Cauldron Nebula, we´ve been receiving strange transmissions from that sector, and we are going in to check it out. Be ready to go out at 12.00 hours. Dismissed»





  Entering his Missel Boat «Bloody Ewok», CPT Crovax felt a chill, and all he could think  of was the curse the last ewok he killed had cast upon him. But he left those thoughts in the ISD Challenge´s Hangar.


«Everyone ready?» He asked over the com.


The ready sequence passed without troubles


« Then let´s go out»


And with that Cyclone Squadron exited the Challenge belly.



 Cyclone arrived in Cauldron Nebula mere 20 minutes later. Entering realspace the pilot count was made and everything was okay.


« Let´s do a quick tour of this area so we can go home.» Ordered Crovax


But suddenly a BIG explosion occurred and all instruments in all fighters went dead for 5 minutes.


The first pilot to get back online was LT Darksaber. « Everyone ok? » He asked.


The oks filled the air waves. Everyone answered expect one.... CPT Crovax.

All pilots feared the worse. And flyed all over the area for 3 hours until LCM Saadam, FL of Fligth III, fearing the shortness of fuel, took over the Squadron end lead them back to Challenge.



A wave of discouragement hit the Squadron as they gathered in the briefing room. They had lost their great Leader.


What would the future reserve to this brave pilots .....




To a better understanding report to CPT Crovax´s INPR


 CMDR/CM Darksaber/Falcon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal