BIG Competition Results

Find out the winners of the Fiction, Graphics and Mission Design competitions. Also, you will be able to view and play all the winners, as well as the other entries spread out the newsletter this month.



The Secret - Complete Story!!!

The competition ended last month, so I got CPT Beef to finish off the story. You can now read the final chapter to the tale, as well as all the past chapters, by following the link above.


News On Medals

I still haven't got the Flying Contests medals sorted out yet. I now know that I can award Iron Stars, but the system is changing every five minutes so I have to wait for it to settle down.

Actually, the change was made because XO Kawolski noticed that there were no medals available to award runners-up. That was a problem with the BC Flying Contest, and it should now be sorted by the new revision.

More information on Iron Stars can be found at XO Kawolski's website and eventually at the Training Office once it is completely legal. BC competitions are Fleet-wide, so you should be able to work out who gets what just by viewing the info.