Wing VIII/ISD Colossus

Pilots of the Imperial Star Destroyer Colossus,

Today, January 7th, 2001, marks a significant event in Colossus History. Today marks exactly one year from when I became Commodore of this beautiful ship. It is also precisely 2 years and 3 months that I have served on board this ship. 
Let us review the three significant events in the past year:

February 2000, we were the first ship to ever receive the illustrious TCCOM's Citation. Our BSF count was around 175 I believe, which was way more than expected, after we had been seriously threatened with closing of the entire ship. Such great improvement was unprecedented by the Colossus, and merited recongition and reward.
Summer 2000, I had announced the time period of the Summer to be the Resurgence of the Colossus. I had designated the Nine Points (which I still have copies available of) as guidelines to help reshape the Colossus. Some worked out immediately, some worked themselves out eventually, without outside help, and some...are still waiting to rise again. The Resurgence, I believe, was a success even though it in itself failed. I believe this because of event #3,
September 2000, the Colossus was awarded the Fleet Commander's Own for the year of 2000. This was a very special award for us, because it was the first time that the FC's Own was awarded to a ship that was not the flagship of the EH.

So all in all, it's been for the most part a pretty good year for us...we've had our downtimes like every other ship, and we still do. And now, this year, this era comes to a close. Who can say what the next year has in store for us? But now, we must look at the present. 

Today is also the end of an era. First, I would like to call upon Major Chei-Ras and Major Troutrooper to stand up and approach. As of this day, I am hereby stepping down from the position of Commodore of the ISD Colossus. I've put in one full year of efforts as Commodore, and two years, three months of effort as a member. And now, the time has come for me to part. I can do nothing more for this ship; I have done all that is possible for me to do.

When I first became Commodore, I had a dream. My dream was that one day I would be called "The COM who changed the Colossus" in Colossus History. I hope that I have accomplished my dream, whether I know it or not. I hope that all of you were able to learn something from me, in some way, be it about commanding, piloting or anything else, and be it through my triumphs or my fallacies. I know that I was far from perfect, and I hope all those that succeed me will do a better job than I have. I just hope that my reign as COM has sparked enough vigor and enthusiasm into the ship in order to cause change, if not bring it. 

And so, I call upon Major Chei-Ras to take control of the ISD Colossus as Commodore and to be known from now on as Rear Admiral Chei-Ras. I hand the reigns to him, in hopes that he will seek to do better than I once had. And Major Troutrooper, my protege, whom I have been training all along for this day, I elevate you to the position of Wing Commander of Wing VIII. You have proven most capable of such tasks, and it is time for you to take action. Together, I hope that both of you can revitalize the ship and make it a feared presence in the whisperings of the TIE Corps. 

So where will I be going you ask? Well, a shuttle should be here any minute to pick me up for my next destination. It's hard to leave the Col after so long, but I will manage. I'm probably headed off to the SSSD Sovereign. I'm to become the IOA and possibly the FSEA as well, in addition to an IWATS course professor. But I won't be far off. I'm always going to be in #isd_colossus on IRC with ops too, since I own the channel ;-). I'm going to stay on the eGroups, and if Chei-Ras doesn't mind, the CMDRs eGroups as well. I'm going to be here all the time as an old-time adviser, just like Drake and Kayle Bayron. I'm always available on AIM, and every now and then ICQ. Feel free to drop me a line by email if you ever have any questions or anything, or just want to see what's doing. 

As for the policies and such that I have established during my tenure, Chei-Ras and Troutrooper, you are free to do with them as you wish. If you like the news system on the Colossus site, feel free to use's still got a few chinks in it, but it works for the most part...I'm sorry I never finished the site, it could've been really great. TT, as ArenaMaster, you control the Colossus Arena, and it's all up to you now...if you ever want to add an Adjudicator, let me know, I'll do the database and ASP work. The email codes, do what you want with them...enforce them or not. The medals system is up to you, if one of you would like a current BSF count since the beginning of the month, I have all BSFs from then. The Monthly Awards...if you want, you can keep them...Raf made some outstanding graphics for them, and I suggest they be used.

However, I have two more presents before I leave. One, CM Devin McCloud, I am hereby promoting you to CPT. Second, LCM Wap Eal, I am hereby promoting you to CM. Both of you deserve these promotions, and you've earned them. All roster stuff will be carried out as soon as the FO gets to it.

I will be back one day, though. And when I'm back, I expect to see the Colossus bustling with activity. I expect the Colossus to be the new BG flagship. One day, I'll be back for my ship. Until then, I will be watching you, silently.

In Service of the Empire and the ISD Colossus,

COM/VA Ari/ISD Colossus 
[GS] [ISMx9] [PCx3] [LoC-CSx6] [MoT-gh] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [OV-2E]
Executive Officer of the Battlegroups
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor