Naval Corps

The Naval Corps is currently in the midst of Operation: Conquest.  A Full-Scale Naval Strategic game involving both Task Forces.  The goal is total conquest of a region of space. For those who do not know about the Naval Corps, it is a Battle Group in the TIE Corps, dedicated to strategic, and capital ship combat.  Derived from the same rules used in Imperial Storm, and Operation Dark Hammer, it pits two or more sides against each other in a conflict that is decided as often on the bridge of a Star Destroyer as it is in the cockpit of an Assault Transport.  This is a game of intense strategy, and unlimited possibilities.  The outcome of the previous wargame was not decided until the final few days of a 4 month long conflict, so it's still much to early to tell who is winning. but both sides are pulling out all the stops.  Specific rules for this game are located at and the map is located at Regular updates will be appearing at

NavCOM/VA Bargon/VSD Monitor