Death sighed as he entered his office...his desk was buried under datapads and papers...the work which piled up while he had his holidays on Coruscant...With a shudder he asked himself if the week holidays has been worth this pile of work. Slowly he moved to his desk and started to work his way through the mountains. Bills, bills, threats, bills, bills, orders, some reports, ...

Finally he came to the last three papers, whereby one of it was attached to a small box. He read his way through the letter and started to smile, opening the box slowly to take out his new Major-Insignia. Then he took the next letter, containing an idea of one of his pilots. Death slowly read it, took out a red marker, read it again and grinned while he read... "that could work" he slowly mumbled, then he moved on to the last letter. While he read it he looked was a report of what his pilots did while he had been away.

Death shrugged, put on his new rank-insignia and left his office for the more pleasure-full places on the ship, to get his pilots out of there and back to work...some did some things while he had been away, but not all, and now the time had come to bring them back to activity...he smiled when he thought of the plans he had in his datapad, to bring them back to activity...and he also thought that he would have to speak with that one pilot about his idea...with some changes that could work very well...

CMDR/MAJ Death/Avenger/VSD Aggressor