The Stars

By CPT Dan Malaktos


“The stars… their seemingly infinite luminescence stretching out to the far reaches of space.  Brighter than the laser blasts, the seemingly never-ending sources of power we rely upon so heavily.  This is the same weaponry that fuels our wars.  Battles long gone, battles of the inevitable future,”  Commander Dan Malaktos stood at the far end of the Stardrifter Lounge, pilot country aboard the Imperator-II Class Star Destroyer Relentless staring out the view port, staring at the battles, the struggles, and the deaths that could not be seen with the naked eye.


“Commander Malaktos… don’t you think you should be getting to the ceremony?”


A familiar voice.  Dan turned half way with tired eyes to see his Wing Commander, Colonel Valtane Gavryn Ricaud.  Dan ignored the question.


“Where will I die?”  Dan asked instead.


“What?”  Ricaud was quite puzzled at this.  Dan frequented depression valleys, but he never asked questions like this before.


“Where will I die, Val?”


“An officer like you?  You’ll die serving the Empire.”


Malaktos wasn’t surprised at the answer.  “Just like them.”


“Who?”  Dan was acting peculiar, indeed.


“During my stay on the Relentless I have killed seven hundred and twenty six people just like me.”


“You do what you have to do, Dan.”


“That’s not even factoring the countless raids and strikes against capital-class ships I took part of in Sword Squadron.  After every mission I come back here and drink.  Not to victory of the mission, not to forget, but I pray for the souls I have slaughtered in cold blood.  And I know I will die just like them, Val.  Just like them.  I don’t want to face that.  I’m not saying I don’t find honor in what I do; I wouldn’t give up my life on the Relentless for anything, but one day, I would like to live to settle down with a nice woman and start a family… but then I think of how many I have prevented of doing that themselves, and I know if there is a Hell, I’m damned well going to it, so there’s no point now, is there, Val?  I’ve just got to keep doing what I do, or I’ll end up like them.  Scattered across the reaches of space…”   Malaktos let out a deep sigh.  “Val, when I die, don’t let my coffin drift out there.  Please.  I don’t want to stay there…”


Ricaud didn’t quite know what to make of this.  “Come on, Dan, we’re going to be late to the ceremony…”


Reluctantly, Malaktos peeled himself away from the viewport and walked down to the main briefing chamber.


*        *          *


The main briefing chamber of the Relentless was elegant.  It had an extremely high ceiling, and holovids across the room.  It was a perfect place for the public promotion of Vice Admiral Jarak Maldon to Battlegroup Commander.  After Admiral Theodore stepped down, the Battlegroups had been in somewhat of a disarray, left to be commanded personally by Admiral Sarriss.  But, Theodore had chosen Maldon as a replacement before he stepped down.


Ricaud and Malaktos walked into the room just as the fanfare began, and took two empty seats along the inside of the middle rows.


“…and today, we honor Vice Admiral Jarak Maldon, who has been selected by Admiral Sarriss and Grand Admiral Ronin to be given the honor of the promotion from Commodore to Battlegroup Commander!”  The announcer’s voice was deep and rich.  As soon as the word promotion was boomed over the loudspeaker, cheering commenced in a wave of voices throughout the ceremony room.


Jarak stepped across the floor and began to do the ritual salute and other customs.


“What about him?” Malaktos whispered.


“What about who?”  Ventured Ricaud.




“What about Jarak?”


“Where will he die?”


“Oh, give him twenty years, he’ll be retired on Corellia, a couple kids, a wife…”


“What about you, Ric?”


“I’ll probably settle down on Pakrik Minor...  maybe a farm… I don’t know, Dan.”


“…and now, Vice Admiral, you are hereby promoted!  Colonel Valtane Gavryn Ricaud will serve as acting Commodore until a Commodore is appointed.”  At this, everyone stood up in unison, saluted, and filed out of the briefing room.


*        *          *


Malaktos awoke in a cold sweat.  He stared at his chronometer and watched the countdown until his alarm went off.  Dan stared at it angrily for a few seconds, then slapped it shut.  He sat up straight, got out of bed, and quickly dressed and shaved.


Just as he finished putting his Commander Rank pin on his uniform, Malaktos’ comm.. buzzed on.  Dan flipped the switch pensively and stared at the chronometer.  0500.


“Commander Dan Malaktos.”


“Morning, Commander.  Rouse your Squadron.  The Strike Cruiser Apollo needs an escort for some recon.  Briefing at 0600.  Colonel Ricaud out.”


Dan flipped the comm. off, and proceeded out his quarters.


*        *          *


The door hissed open.  Captain Jon “Falcon” half awoke, mumbled, then fell asleep.  Malaktos reached into his pocket, produced a small metal rod, and pulled it out all the way.  After bracing himself, he scratched it across the side of the wall.  The sound was unbearable.


“Get up sleeping beauties!  Briefing at 0600!”  Satisfied at having almost deafened Dagger Squadron, Malaktos trotted out the door and whistled his way to the mess hall.


*        *          *


Malaktos picked up some thick, starchy white monstrosity and piled it into a bowl.  After pouring a generous cup of coffeine, he plodded his way to the other end of the mess hall, where he found the Commander of Shield Squadron, Lieutenant Colonel Ace Pilot eating and reading up on proper Commander techniques.


“Morning, Ace.”


“Hey, Dan.”


“Why are you up so early?  I don’t think Shield has any missions today.”


“Couldn’t sleep.  You?”


“Escort duty, for the Apollo.”


“Jeez, what’s better?  Early morning recon or training simulators?”


“I’ll take the recon any day, Ace.  Keeps the squad awake.  Especially since briefing is at 0600.”


Dan took a bite of his slop.  Ace cringed while Malaktos chewed.  After swallowing, he cringed himself, and took a large swallow of coffeine.  Dan glanced at his chronometer.  0535.  He quickly finished his gruel and chugged the coffeine, just in time to see the rest of the squadron filter into the mess hall.


“Well, I’ll be seeing you, I like to be early for my briefings.”


“Mm.  Ok… bye.”  Ace gave a half-hearted farewell; his mind was on his studies.


Dan walked over to his squadron to inspect them.


“You all have bags under your eyes.  Do I need to set a curfew?”  No response.  “I said, DARKRIDER, DO I need to set a curfew?  You look like you just crawled out from under a tauntaun.


“Erm, no, sir.  Just tired.”


“Well eat up, we have little time.”


*        *          *


Dagger Squadron plodded into the briefing room reluctantly, while Malaktos seemed to be driven by an unknown force.  He walked up to Colonel Ricaud and received his map information.


Ricaud addressed the squadron.  “Good morning, pilots.  I trust you all got enough rest?  This morning, you will be escorting the Strike Cruiser Apollo to the border of Aurora Prime, where some triangulations pinpoint some pirating activity.  Commander?”


Dan loaded the data card into the slot on the holovid and cleared his throat.  “The Apollo has redirected its weapon power to its hyperdrive unit.  Because of the speed increase, we will be transferring to the Apollo’s hangar for this mission.  We will be ready to launch one hour pre-real space entry.  Flight three will launch and maintain a defensive perimeter.  The Apollo will complete her scans, and then transmit hyperspace data to our navcomputers.  Backup coordinates have been pre-loaded onto our systems in case of emergency.  In any case, we will be covering the Apollo’s hyperjump, so bring your data pads and some reading material, pilots.  In the event that fighters are apparent, Flight one will launch.  If capital-class ships appear, Flight two will be loaded with heavy rockets and launched to dispose of them.  If any combat situation DOES arise… Spear Squadron will provide long-range support.  We launch at 0800.  Dismissed, pilots.


After the pilots filtered out, Ricaud pulled Malaktos aside.


“You’ll be ok, right, nothing’s bothering you?”


“I’m a pilot now, I’m not a person.  Nothing can bother me.  I have a mission to carry out, and a ship to protect.”


*        *          *


The Dagger hangar space of the Relentless was quite large.  Being the Relentless’ escort squadron, Dagger needed space to resupply quickly.  The fighters were fairly spread out and special docking clamps were fitted on to the floor and the sides of the bay, instead of along the ceiling.  After readying his fighter, Malaktos looked once more at his chronometer.  0745.


“OK YOU MYNOCKS, GET READY!  IN YOUR FIGHTERS, NOW!  Everyone jumped in their fighters, and after the last pilot did, so did Malaktos.


The flipping of switches echoed the early morning hangar bay.


“This is Commander Dan Malaktos of Dagger Squadron requesting launch clearance for the squadron.”

A voice spouted over his comm., “Clearance granted.  Good luck out there, Dagger.”


Malaktos closed his canopy, and watched the others do the same.  He activated his repulsor lifts, which started to whine in unison with the other fighters in the bay.  The clamps lowered them in order out the hangar bay, into the cold, dark reaches of space, only to find relief in the tiny specs of light in the distance which lit all the starsystems in the galaxy.


*        *          *


Malaktos throttled up to escort speed and opened a comm. channel to the Apollo.  “Strike Cruiser Apollo, this is Dagger Commander, requesting landing clearance.”


“Dagger, this is the Apollo, clearance granted.  Let’s get this mission over with so you flyboys can get your beauty sleep.”


Dagger Squadron assumed parade flight formation and landed one by one in the hangar bay of the Strike Cruiser Apollo.


*        *          *

Upon leaving his TIE Defender, Malaktos was greeted by the Commodore of the ship.  He was a short, stocky fellow, with dark wavy hair, and eyes set deep in his head.  He spoke with a heavily accented tongue.  “Wehlcomb to ze Strihk Croozer Ahpahllo.”


“Cozy,” remarked one of the pilots.


“I am Captahn Ihrkov.  Ze hyperjomp will be complete in foor ahwhers.  Zis droid vill toor you of ze facilities you vill need to uuse.”  At that, the Commodore left.


“I am C9LO, protocol droid.  I will show you to the areas you need to see.  If you have any questions, please ask.”


“Do you make toast?  We just got up,” remarked the same pilot from before.


“I-do-not… understand, sir.”


Malaktos took out his durasteel dagger and made a cutting motion across his neck.  “Can it.”


“Ok, I will first show you to the bar…”


“Now you’re talkin’!”  Lieutenant Alun Tringad commented.


*        *          *


“Do you think they can pull it off, Colonel?”


The bridge of the Relentless was a technical marvel.  The Relentless used to be an Imperial Class Star Destroyer, but was later updated to Imperial-II class, or Imperator-II, which meant that the bridge wasn’t as clean and efficient as the new Imperial Deuces.  There were 7 bridge gunner consoles, along with the missile shielding and the laser shielding at separate ends of the bridge.  As a result, the crew on the Relentless was extremely proud and skilled.  People were bustling about at all times.


Colonel Valtane Gavryn Ricaud stared hard at the newly appointed Commander Quake.  “I know Dan.  He always sees the safety of his target.  He has nothing left to live for, but nothing to die for.  Have you seen how aggressively he flies?  He’ll stop at nothing to take out his enemy, that’s partly why I had him transferred out of Sword.  I was afraid on a strike or a raid one day he’d play chicken with a Corellian Transport or some other shuttle and ram it.


“Can he do it?  I have no doubt of it, I’m not worried about him.  I’m worried about the rest of the squadron.”


“Why didn’t you tell them about the danger?  I mean Spear is going in for support. My Squadron, Colonel.  I don’t want any situation where I might lose ANY one of them.”


“I understand that, Commander.  Everything is under control.”


“I hardly think that what’s waiting for Dagger at-“


“Stand down, Commander.  That’s why you’re going in with your squadron.  Speaking of which…  ready your squadron.  You launch in 30 minutes.”


*        *          *


“…and last, but certainly not least, is the briefing room, sirs.  The briefing will start shortly,” spouted C9LO in his prissy protocol voice.


Upon entering the main briefing room on board the Strike Cruiser Apollo, the lights dimmed and Captain Ihrkov walked in through a nearby door that was impossible to notice upon first glance.


“I trust you had a goot toor of ze Ahpahllo?  Let us get doon to beesiness.  Ze Ahpahllo vill hyper oot here.”  The Captain’s hand gently floated over a primitive holovid.  A flat one.  It looked to be the kind used pre-Empire.  Malaktos had seen a similar holo-map on his command ship 14 years ago, the Victory Class Destroyer Juror.


A representation of the Strike Cruiser manifested itself at the apex of Ihrkov’s swing.


“Yoo eleete Star Deestroyahr pilohts shood be able to vacate ze hangar in 30 seconds, yes?”


Captain Falcon and the rest of flight three snorted.


“Ve believe zat zhere is a stolen Imperial Croozer in ze immediate drop point.  You will have to distract its defenses vhile ze Ahpahllo scans ze sheep.  Ve vill zhen receive orders from ze Relentless.  Get ready to lawnch.”


The pilots filed out of the room with a little surprise on their faces.  Malaktos made a signal as soon as the Captain was out of sight and walked off into the hangar.  All the pilots followed him quietly.


Malaktos found a nice discreet spot behind a Delta Class Escort Shuttle.  All of the pilots huddled up, twelve in all, including Dan.  “There’s something we’re not being let on to.  We were told that pirating activity was taking place, now we here it was the piracy of an Imperial Cruiser.  This kind of mission isn’t for us, it’s for Sword or Shield.  They told us Spear was standing by for support.  My guess is that they’re already in hyperspace.  What does this tell you guys?”


Lieutenant Manticore was the first to get his little gears grinding in his head, “They don’t want to risk losing a Strike Squadron.”


Dan shook his head, “No, close, but no cigar.”


Tringad had a revelation, “They don’t want the cruiser back.  There’s got to be something on the cruiser, some kind of tracking device, or something.”


“Which means, they LET the cruiser get captured.  Ok, during the mission, keep one ear on our private transmission.  My orders above all else, understood?”


After everyone nodded, Malaktos added, “Ok, get to your fighters, whether we’re set up or not, we’re escorting this hunk of Imperial credits.”


*        *          *


Dagger Squadron watched out their canopies as the mottled sky outside the hangar faded to starlines, and then to the normal dotted space.


“Flight three.”  Malaktos chirped over the comm.


Four TIE Advanced speeded out the hangar.  Malaktos gave until the count of 15, then opened his comm., “Flight one, form on my wing, Echelon, extended right.”  At that, Malaktos and three other TIE Defenders lashed out the hangar like a stretched elastic band.  Before he even viewed the scene, he gave the ok for flight two’s Assault Gunboats to come onto the scene.


“Vaht are you dooing, Dagger?!  Flight three is supposed-“


“Just a little insurance, Captain.”


Malaktos looked up for the first time and surveyed the scene.  A Modified Nebulon B-2 Class Frigate lay in dry dock at a platform, with many containers littered around the area.  A couple freighters were flying in and out, and some R-41 Starchasers were flying escort.  Dan did a quick count.  Six.  Twelve in dock at the platform, along with who knows what else standing by.  Malaktos ran an IFF on the R-41s.  Just as he thought… they were Rebels.  Malaktos scanned the rest of the ships and noticed a TIE Defender…  wait.  It was Dagger 1-4!  The fighters were masked as Charlie Squadron!  The Apollo… as a Rebel strike cruiser… the Euripedes

Dan opened a private channel to Dagger Squadron, “Ok, guys, it’s starting to clear up.  That tour was to distract us.  Our IFF was changed.  We are now Charlie Squadron.  The Apollo is the Euripedes.  That Modified Frigate, that’s our Imperial Cruiser.  They’ve re-christened it the Slashing Hawk.  Those R-41s, they’re rebels.  And so are we.  Do NOT fire…”


“Zees is Commondor Anton Slavik of ze Strike Croozer Euripedes.  We have captoored zees Imperial Fighters and our fighters vere replaced by zhem.  Zey are going to oversee ze operation.”


“This is General Tanktoria of the Frigate Slashing Hawk.  Acknowledged, Euripedes.”

Malaktos opened an Imperial comm. frequency, “Captain, WHAT is going on here?!”


“Vee are-“


Before he could finish his sentence, twelve Missile Boats exited hyperspace.


“All Rebel ships in the area, this is Spear Squadron of the Emperor’s Hammer, stand down, or prepare to be obliterated!”


“Damn!  What now?!”


“General, finish transferring ze cargo to ze platform!  Send your fighters to aid Charlee Squadron!”


“Acknowledged, Captain, it will take 10 minutes to complete the operation.”


Thirty seconds later, the remaining R-41s launched.  Malaktos did some quick calculations in his head, then opened a frequency to Dagger, “Guys, look like you’re going to engage Spear.”


“But, sir…!”




Dan flipped a switch, “Spear Squadron, this is Commander Dan Malaktos.  We’ll cover your backs.  Just knock out the communications on the platform.  After the long range comms are out, they won’t be able to get reinforcements.  So, take out the frigate.  It’d be better if it’s gone.”


“Commander, this is Commander Quake.  Sounds like a plan!”


“Ok, Dagger.  Follow my lead.”


Dan watched Spear close and launch torpedoes at the comm. array on the platform.  Dan gave them a count of ten and watched the distance between the R-41s and Spear close, then swerved around.  He was 2 kilometers from the lead.


“Dagger, engage those R-41s NOW!”


“Now you’re talkin’, Commander!” crackled Falcon over the comm.


Dan let loose a volley of superhot laser blasts, and watch the point-flyer of the rebels eat space dust.  Here we go again….


Malaktos looked out the port of his canopy and watched 4 more R-41s bite the dust.  He followed the torpedoes with his eyes to the platform, and watched as the comm. satellite split in two different directions and disintegrate.


“Vaht are yoo dooing?  Follow yoor orders!”


Dan swerved his fighter around lanced out green flames towards an R-41.  Within seconds, it took all it could and blew up.  His TIE flew through the cloud of debris and his fighter rocked.  An Assault Gunboat nearly rammed him, rolled, and clipped an R-41’s wing.  “Thanks, Alun.”


“No problem, oh, Dan… we’re even now!”


Dan couldn’t help but smile.  Dan had saved Alun in exactly the same way a couple months back.


Soon, all the R-41s were history.  Malaktos looked out his viewport, and found no contenders.  He was quite surprised at the speed they were dispensed with.  He moved his ship around to see an escaping shuttle.  He scanned it and targeted it.


“Commahnder!  Do NOT engage zaht shuttle!  It has a tracking device!”


“Ok, flight two, launch your rockets at the frigate.”


*        *          *


The whine of repulsorlifts died down after a while and Dan Malaktos jumped out of his fighter onto the Relentless’ hangar bay.


“Commander, what now?  Are you going to ask the Colonel what was going on?” Lieutenant Manticore ventured while Malaktos stormed across the hangar floor.


“No.  I need a drink.”


“I’ll second that!” Said an eager Lieutenant Arkette Darkrider.


For five minutes, there were twelve pilots parading in single file down the hallways of the Relentless.  They were lead by an angry Commander, followed by an indifferent Captain, an eager Lieutenant, a concerned Commander, and basically just people who wanted a drink.


Dan entered the Stardrifter Lounge and poured himself a tall glass of Corellian whiskey.  Other pilots poured themselves their respective favorites and scattered about the lounge.


Why couldn’t they tell us?  We’re just a diversion now?  What is happening?  Too much corruption.


“Aren’t you going to file your report?” Colonel Ricaud had a habit of popping up behind Malaktos.


“Aren’t you going to tell me what happened out there, Sir?!


“I knew you’d know what to do, but I couldn’t tell you what would happen, for security’s sake.”


“Colonel, we’re an escort squadron.  Why didn’t you send Hammer?!”


“Because I knew you’d be able to handle it best.”


Malaktos said nothing to this.  He simply gazed at the Stardrifter Lounge and took in his surroundings.  Captain Daro was conversing with Commander Dudesrule over over some whiskey by the competitive simulators.  Lieutenant Darkrider was taking shots at the bar with Lieutenant Tringad, probably some kind of contest.  Captain Falcon was arguing with Lieutenant Commander Hunter about the lifespan of vornskrs.  Colonel Marenta was drinking some fine wine out of a bottle at a table alone.  Lieutenant Manticore looked like he was trying to pick her up.


Malaktos downed the rest of his whiskey, and placed his glass on the bar on his way out.  A couple heads turned.  Marenta finished her wine, and Ricaud took a shot of whiskey himself.



*        *          *


Malaktos stormed off into the hallway of the Relentless.  The hallway of the Relentless was a bright place, even at 2300 hours.  The hall was lit by many lights, and took the appearance of the outside of the ship.  Pristine, peaceful, almost diplomatic, as the color put on.  Star Destroyer White.  It was a color you could purchase nowadays from your local shop.  The complete opposite of what the ship was meant to convey.  Fear, power, utter hopelessness.  The model of the Star Destroyer was ingenious.  It was shaped like a wedge to maximize firepower on all arcs, so that the Star Destroyer could act exactly how it looked.  Like a dagger, able to pierce any foe’s heart.


Malaktos keyed the door into his quarters and sat down at his desk.  Dan extended his hand fully and a datadisk popped out neatly into his hand.  He placed the disk into his datapad and opened the file.


*        *          *


After playing back the recording of the mission on the edge of the Aurora Prime system, Dan Malaktos pulled out a piece of paper from his desk and a pencil.  After scratching down a few numbers and playing certain segments out, the door slid open with a hiss.


“Forty-five minutes, Colonel, I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show, sir.” Malaktos knew who his visitor was.  Only Colonel Ricaud would refuse to ring the tone.


“I’ll save you the trouble of checking a starmap for the triangulation you just calculated.  Bilbringi.” Ricaud ignored Dan’s statement.


“Didn’t that belong to Grand Admiral Thrawn?”


“He lost it a month ago.  Thrawn died.  His personal bodyguard killed him.  Stabbed him in the chest.  The Rebels took Bilbringi.  Lots of shipyards there.”


“And you sent us to tell you where Bilbringi was, sir?  With all due respect, you’re gambling with my pilots’ lives, here.” Malaktos was pretty pissed, and decided to use a little sarcasm.


“No, Commander.  They have a base somewhere in the system.  They’re jamming communications and preventing any assaults on the sector--”


At that moment, Captain Falcon, drunk as anything that ever was, passed the office, lopsided, came back, barged through the open door, fell flat on his face, and passed out.


“I think, Commander, that you need to start supervising your pilots in the Lounge,” and at that, Colonel Ricaud left the office, leaving Malaktos to deal with the passed out Captain.


Dan looked at the figure.  Falcon woke up for a second and said, “dAd!  ThE ChIckEns aRe DyInG!!” Then dropped away to dream land.


*        *          *

Commander Dan Malaktos looked at his chronometer.  0148.  Much too early.  After silently screaming at his chronometer, Dan got up and got dressed in his casual clothes, which constituted of some loose fitting black trousers, a black nondescript tunic and a long black trench coat.  Dan walked out with a datapad and began the trek to the Stardrifter Lounge.


The ship was quiet at this time of the morning, except for the occasional technician.  On the way, Dan looked through the files in the nearest computer terminal, and saw that in a couple days Dagger would have a mission.  Dan changed direction and went to the Quartermaster.


“I wish to have a probe shell installed in my TIE Defender, with an eject switch.”


“Why?  Do you know what time it is, Commander?  Can’t this wait?”  The Quartermaster was a bit pissed at being woken up this early in the morning.


“No.  Dagger 1-1.  Hand of the Apocalypse.”


“Commander I hardly think that-“


Dan tossed him a bottle of illegal whiskey.  That stuff was potent enough to knock a bantha out cold.


“I’ll have it installed by noon.”


“Thank you, good night.”


*        *          *


Dan sipped at his whiskey in the Stardrifter Lounge by the vidport and typed on his datapad.


“Little early for drinks, don’t you think, Commander?  It’s 0323.”  How many times could Ricaud pop up behind Dan?!


“Never too late to correct a mistake.  What are you doing up, sir?”


“Had to show the new Commodore, Rear Admiral Andronicus the ins and outs.  Ending with the Lounge.”


“So this is Commander Dan Malaktos.  Commanding Officer, Dagger Squadron.  Former uncontrollable heathen of Sword, unpredictable, and of course, sarcastic.”  Rear Admiral Andronicus was quite a down to earth guy, and seemed quite witty.


“And this would be Rear Admiral Andronicus, the Commodore I just heard about?”


“Haha, what are you writing there, Commander?”


“Last documents, you know, nothing better to do.”


“Hrm, better get some rest.  I hear your squad is going out in a couple days.”


“Yes… so do I…”


*        *          *


Commander Malaktos opened the beam weapon hatch in his TIE Defender, The Hand of the Apocalypse, and made sure the special cargo was attached.  Malaktos placed his repulsorsled under the fighter, and flipped the repulsors on in the fighter, while checking the eject switch.


Malaktos jumped down and laid on the repulsor sled, looking at the special shell in the fighter.


Good, the Quartermaster took the initiative to wait before drinking the whiskey.  Damned fool.  So much corruption in the Empire.  Ok, just put this in here and…  There.  Done.  How did I end up like this anyway?  I wonder who will take my place…


“Hey, didja hear?  We’re off for the next two days!”  Colonel Marenta’s voice was unmistakable.  Quite possibly one of the only women on the Relentless.


“Social interaction, Colonel?  You need something?”


“I’m bored,” Marenta’s voice was strained.


“I believe it is the hobby of my pilots to consume fermented wheat,” Dan paused.  “Or in your case, fermented grapes.”



“It’s a bit early in the month to be out of wine, isn’t it?”


“Ok, ok, I want human interaction.”


“Lieutenant Manticore seems to like you.”  Malaktos finished his work and slid out from under his fighter.


“Ugh.  A Lieutenant.”


“Let me get this straight.  You want to interact with me and on my good side?”



”Is something wrong, Marenta?”


Marenta began walking away from the hangar.  Dan caught up with her and walked aside her.




“No, I’m serious.  Come on.”


“I mean nothing.”


“Come on, let’s stop by my office, I have something you’ll like.”  Dan knew just what to get.


After arriving in his office, Dan looked through some drawers and pulled out some ’39 vintage Corellian wine.  After handing it to Marenta he said, “Took me three years to find that, does that complete the collection?”


“Nope, I found this a while back.”


“You’re leaving me with very few options, here.”


“It’s nice of you though.”


“Don’t get too drunk, we have a mission in a couple days.”


*        *          *


“Hey Dan, what’s the mission about?”  Lieutenant Leonid DeBastide always had an inquisitive mind.


“Let’s find out.  Colonel Ricaud is in the briefing room.”


The door hissed open.  The map was already illuminated.


“You need to launch ASAP!  You’ll be escorting the ATR Omega on an assault vector with a modified bomb to take out the Rebels’ security in Bilbringi!  GO GO GO!”


That’s not like Ricaud at all…..


*        *          *


“Ok, you rebels, get in your fighters, let’s do this one!”  Commander Dan Malaktos barked across the hangar.  In response, eleven starfighter pilots jumped into their cockpits.  Dan followed.


Relentless, this is Commander Malaktos, commander of Dagger squadron.  Requesting launch clearance.”

”Clearance granted, good luck out there,” The helm spit back at Malaktos.


After this was said, twelve starfighters raced out the hangar and formed on the wing of the Assault Transport designated Omega.


“Omega, this is Commander Malaktos of Dagger Squadron.  We’re all set.  Waiting for signal.”


“Acknowledged, Commander.  This is Captain Ch’Uck’La of the ATR Omega.  Hyper out in three… two… one… MARK!”


The jump signatures of twelve fighters and a midship zoomed into pseudomotion and hypered out.


*        *          *


Malaktos ran a last check of his special cargo and felt satisfied.


Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to this…


*        *          *


“Ok, Sword get ready to launch.”


“Negative, Colonel, Hangar doors malfunctioning.  We can’t launch for another four hours, minimum,” Colonel Dav Sauron answered Ricaud.


“WHAT?!  Dagger’s gonna DIE out there!  They need assistance!”


“Sorry, Sir, it’s impossible, unless you want us to blow the hangar to bits.”


“Bloody crap…”


*        *          *


Malaktos watched the countdown timer… three… two… one.  After pulling on the lever, the mottled sky became starlines and then faded into stars.  Malaktos opened his comm..


“Holy crap…” Dagger Squadron hypered out to find a heavily defended Golan II Class defense platform with a full minefield… but no fighters.  “Ok, guys.  Everyone, take the mines CLOSEST to the Omega first, make a corrodor for it to go through, make sure to keep it alive, we NEED that bomb.”


With that, Dagger Squadron split up to take out the mines.  They performed it with relative ease, but after five minutes passed, the corrodor was cleared, and Dagger’s Gunboats began taking a beating.


“Ok, Omega, this is Commander Malaktos, we’re hypering out, launch your ordinance, and get out of here.”

”Acknowledged, Commander.”


“Ok, Dagger, one-eighty turn. Let’s get out.  Flight one distract those mines, flight three, defend flight two from the front.”


“Uhhh, Sir?”  Lieutenant Leonid DeBastide was extremely anxious.


“Yes, Lieutenant?”

“Take a look at our hyper-vector.  Were we briefed about any Rebel reinforcements?”


Malaktos swiveled his fighter and craned his neck to see five Mon Calamari Cruisers, and many other supporting craft.  “&(%^!”


“Fighters launching!  Quick count… fifteen dozen!  And the other way is a minefield and that Golan!  We’re boxed in!  It’s a trap!”  Lieutenant Manticore was very swift today.


“DAMN IT!  Guys, we NEED to make sure that bomb gets to the Golan, otherwise, our lives will be lost for nothing.  This is Dagger’s last stand!  Remember, our job is escort!  Let’s DO IT!”  Malaktos realized his fears were confirmed.  They were going to die out here.




“Let’s get some rebel scum!”




“Gonna getcha!”


“)(^&*) YOU!”


Malaktos swiveled his fighter and looked at the Omega, it was almost to launching time.  Dan picked out an A-Wing and prepared to engage.  Malaktos swiveled his fighter head on to the rebel, and swore as missile lock alarms flared to life.  Dan turned his lasers to rapid fire and hosed the area, getting the missile, and the fighter.  One down… too many to go.  Next, he picked the A-Wing’s wingman, and toasted his flight with some missiles.  Dan craned his neck and saw his squadron was faring pretty well.  Casualties on the rebel side were at eighteen, with zero on the Imperial side.  They were, after all, the elite of the Empire, hand picked by the Emperor for Grand Admiral Ronin.


“YOU B*STAR--------“  Lieutenant Manticore was the first to be slaughtered.


“We have to keep going, the Omega is almost ready!”


“AAAAHHHHHHH-----“ Next was Colonel Marenta.


“Alun, take care of flight two, you’re the new flight leader!”  This was answered by Alun vaping an X-Wing and getting nailed by a missile from a Y-Wing.


“CRAP!”  By this time, all of flight two was slaughtered.


Malaktos felt his ship rock and flicked his hand to the special switch, but Captain Falcon’s TIE Advanced came to the rescue.


“Watch your back, Da—“


“NO!”  Falcon’s ship had been in an easy spot to shoot after saving Malaktos.  He had sacrificed his life.  Malaktos pulled his ship around to the offender and shot him in the engines, then sliced through his wingmates.  Next, Dan charged his shields and rammed an unsuspecting A-Wing.  Filled with rage, Malaktos destroyed the rest of the immediate A-Wings.


“F*CK Y—“ Commander Dudesrule bit the dust.


Malaktos looked around.  All that was left was the Omega, and all of flight one.  They did, in fact, have superior ships.  Just after Dan surveyed the scene, he saw two more TIE Defenders blowup.


Commander Ric Gravin came in and sliced an X-Wing to shreds, but an A-Wing got him before he could evade.  Now it was all up to Malaktos.  He looked out his cockpit and saw the Omega launch its bomb and turn around.


That’s it…


Dan watched the Golan blow, and the blast caught the Omega.  They hadn’t taken enough of the mines down.


“)&*^!” Malaktos cursed his stupidity.  Because he turned to watch this, the rest of the fighters were on his tail.  Dan watched his shields go down, he took a hit to the hull, then before he could get hit more, he loaded the tape of the scene into the probe casing, then hit the eject switch.  Just as this happened, he felt another rattle, but couldn’t tell if this was the probe leaving the fighter or a hit.  It was a hit.  The fighter started to rattle and electricity shot up it.  Life support was failing.


“You were right, Ric.  I die… in service to the Empi—“ Before he could finish the sentence, the fighter exploded in a conglomeration of shards of transparisteel and durasteel.  But, there was no pop of the ejection pod.  Dan had chosen to be cremated than to float in the darkness of space, or to be taken prisoner.


*        *          *


“Sir!  Incoming probe bearing 2-3-42.”


“Bring it aboard, Lieutenant Commander,” Rear Admiral Andronicus stared at the profile of this probe.


“It’s secured, sir!  Tech teams are checking it out.”


A long silence passed.


“Sir, incoming transmission from the tech teams.”


“On screen.”


“Good evening, Admiral.  We have analyzed the probe.  It bears Dagger Squadron’s personal insignia.  Request you check it out.”


*        *          *


Rear Admiral Andronicus and Colonel Ricaud were looking over the probe, trying to find the hatch release.  Andronicus found it.  A small computer panel was released which displayed:


Input Password>


Andronicus was the first to try his luck.


Input Password>Dagger


Password failed.


Input Password>Malaktos


Password failed.


Input Password>Relentless


Password failed.

Input Password>IX


Password failed.


“Hrm… may I give it a go, sir?”  Colonel Ricaud seemed to have an idea…


Input Password>Steve


Password accepted.  Good day, Colonel Ricaud.


Message from Commander Dan Malaktos, 4197:


If you’re reading this, than my fears have been confirmed.  Dagger Squadron has been slaughtered by some means or another.  For the second time, our lives have been gambled with, and the stakes were too high.  Hopefully we did not die in vain.  Please find inside this probe the recording of the mission in Bilbringi and a projected tactical plan based on their presence in the sector.  Oh and Val, you were right.  But don’t worry, I did not eject.



                                                Commander Dan Malaktos


CMDR-SR-CVROY/CPT Dan Malaktos/Dagger/Wing IX/ISD Relentless