Girl power!

By COL Callista


This is a neat place here, Callista thought when she and the rest of Typhoon Squadron went down the main corridor of Zeqwa Station in the Golgi sector. The pilots had fought bravely against some stinking rebels who had tried to ambush them two days before, and Melluish being the party animal of the squad had suggested to celebrate their victory in the station’s famous bar.

“Mell, coming here was, like, the best idea you’ve ever had.“ Typhoon’s commander Maverick joked about. Calli chuckled and patted Mell’s back who failed in trying to look offended.

“You’ve got to try the Caipirinha they make here, it’s fabulous! When you take a zip you feel like embracing the whole galaxy!“ Mell informed us.

“Well, then we’ve got to have Calli and Vex drink some of them, don’t we?“ Vader said and earned some laughter. Calli didn’t mind those jokes about her being a girl, but she wasn’t sure how Vex felt about it, since she was new to the squadron and not yet familiar with the pilots ‘special features’. Taking a glimpse at her, she saw that her wingmate smiled too.

Zeqwa was a neutral station, run by a Devaronian called Kg’hah. Nevertheless, the pilots didn’t wear their Imperial uniforms, evading the chance of being identified.

Calli walked a bit slower, getting on level with Mell who had fallen back a little.

“Geez, why can’t we always wear comfortable stuff like that...“

Mell ignored her statement and looked around interestedly. Calli heard him mumble something to himself.

“Hey, Mell, everything all right?“ Finally, he noticed her presence, though he did not look at her.

“I guess so. I was just thinking that it’s quite empty for a Friday, this bar is usually frequented by hundreds of people.“

“Well,“ Calli tried to distract him, “then they can give all the fine liquor to us!“ Mell smiled at her and nodded.

The rest of the squadron had already picked a table and sat down. Mell took a chair next to Menelaus, and Calli sat down besides her commander, with her winglady sitting opposite of her. When all of them had their drinks in their hands, Vexan and Calli having one of those notorious Caipirinhas, Mav got up and held some sort of speech.

“My dearest followers, in the name of the Imperial Navy I thank you for your extraordinary service the day before yesterday, you did your job very well and proved your worth to the Emperor’s Hammer. And now stop worrying about your Ties and get those drinks down!“

Nobody had waited for Mav to finish his words, so most of the glasses were already emptied. Dan was already ordering the second round.

“Ts. If I were your commander, I’d..“ Mav started, but the sudden appearance of a dozen heavily armored guards with Rebel insignias interrupted him.

“Now what’s this supposed to be? We’re on neutral ground, so just nick off, will ya?“ Vader asked. Several muzzles pointing at his chest made him reconsider the idea of throwing insults at the Rebels.

“You dirty bunch of Imps chose the wrong place for your little party. Get your hands up and do not even think about using your blasters. You girls,“ some guy looking like an officer said and looked at Vexan and Calli, “get away from that scum, those are Imperial pilots.“

Confusion was filling Callista from the toe to the top and she was completely incapable of any coherent thought for a split-second. Then she exchanged a short look with her winglady and stood up energetically.

“Imperial, eh?“ she said and tried to put as much contempt into her voice as she could when looking down at her commander, “You bloody little bastard!“

She slapped Maverick so hard in the face that his head almost made a 90° turn. She just prayed that he’d trust her- and forgive her afterwards.

Spitting on the floor, she said : “And I was close to liking you... come Cheenah, those guys aren’t worth our company.“ Vexan, who was staring at her silently, slowly got up from the table and followed Calli to the exit of the bar.

The last thing Calli heard was “All right bastards, where’s the other two guys?!“

Out of the bar, Cal let out a deep sigh that seemed to relieve her of all her tension.

“That was some nice acting.“ Vex affirmed. “What are we gonna do now?“

“They knew we’d be here, Vexie, someone must have told them we’d be here. They couldn’t have known just by looking at us.“

“Yeah, well, we should be glad that their source wasn’t clever enough to tell them that the Empire admits women to service.“

Calli was exhausting herself trying to think of a plan, but the recent event prevented her mind from being any use to her. She looked at Vexan, hoping to find any sign that her wingmate had succeeded in thinking.

“Vexie, what are we supposed to do now?“

“Hey, may I remind you that YOU are my flightleader? You’re supposed to be the thinking part of us, and I’ll take care of your bum while you are thinking.“

“Anyway, I’ll be thankful for every idea. Well, let’s see what we’ve got. We’re on a space platform, only the two of us, with the rest of our squadron captured. Our shuttle has probably been seized and is protected, not that we’d want to leave and quit our boys.“

“Call for reinforcements?“ Vex suggested.

“It took us 2 hours to get here through hyperspace, so help will need some time to arrive. Only failures call for reinforcements anyway, remember that. Those Rebels probably won’t keep our lads on this station anyway, they’ll want to question them and eventually torture them and finally...“

“Ok, ok, I got the hang of it. No need to scare me unnecessarily. Let me see... if they are going to bring our pilots away from here, then they won’t waste any time. Hopefully they’ll spend some more time looking for those other 2 non-existant Typhoon pilots.“

“Yah... they’ll need a shuttle. And they won’t take ours, since they’ll want to dismantle it looking for information which they are most likely not to find. This station isn’t all too big. If we could take a look around, we’d certainly locate the shuttle they’re going to use for transport. Since they must have planned this whole action, the shuttle should already be prepared for takeoff. So what we are going to do is find it and disable it, so that they can’t take our lads away. Easy.“

“I agree with it being easy, so maybe we should modify your plan - which is brilliant without question - to make it a bit more... adventurous...?“ The shining that had filled Vexie’s eyes amazed Callista and frightened her a bit too. But when her wingmate told her about her modification, Calli was eager to follow her in this thing.

It didn’t take them all too long to get to the hangar and locate the shuttle that was most likely to transport their comrades to a Rebel headquarter or a prison colony. It was the only one besides the shuttle that had taken Typhoon squadron to Zeqwa. The only difference was that it was an almost brandnew Escort shuttle painted in an astounding Royal blue whereas their space vehicule was nothing but an old piece of junk compared to it.

“Hey, do you think Ronin is going to let me keep this beauty if  we’ll manage to get our guys outta here alive?“ Vex asked silently. The two young women were now standing at the door of the respective hangar bay, peeping around the corner curiously.

“Er, no offense Vexie dear, but I think blue suits ME better!“ Cal joked and her winglady joined her chuckle. Given the circumstances, the two of them were rather cool, repressing their nervousness successfully.

“So here we are now. Any idea how we’re going to get past this guard?“ Calli asked. Vex peered into the bay to catch a glimpse of the man Calli was talking about.

“Oh, we don’t have to get past him. He’s probably only the pilot anyway.“

“Wee, ok. We’ll just tell him we’re the mechanics who are supposed to check the shuttle’s engines.“ Without waiting for a reply, Calli was heading for the guy that was standing close to the spaceship, facing the endless vastness of the universe.

“Calli! Calli!!! We don’t half look like mechanics you nut!“ Vex whispered energetically, but her flightleader was already on her way.

When she had almost reached the shuttle, the man finally noticed her presence and turned around, reflexively fumbling for his blaster.

“You stop where you are!“

Cal put on her most enchanting smile and stretched out her hands, showing that she was unarmed.

“Hi there.“ The man, who was wearing a New Republic Strike Force insignia, seemed to be quite extraordinarily confused with Calli’s appearance and behaviour.

“What are you two doing here?“ he asked with a slight but distinctive trembling in his voice. Vex had joined Calli by now and was standing behind her.

If possible, Callista smiled even more brightly now.

“Weren’t you notified? We’re supposed to check the shuttle’s engines. Won’t take long really.“

“I wasn’t told about that. Who ordered you here?“

Calli was now continually stepping closer to the guy.

“..General... Merky?“ she asked insecurely.
“I’ve never heard this name before.“ the Rebel said and lowered his blaster as Callista approached him. She fixed his gaze with her eyes and brought her body close to his.

“Oh. Well, anyway, I have some other things in mind with you that are certainly going to be far more exciting than checking engines...“

The pilot didn’t seem to care for his environment anymore, the prospect of an unexpected romantic adventure blurred his perception - Calli closed her eyes when the guy bent down to kiss her...

An awful noise of broken bones and disrupture of flesh almost made her sick. The lifeless figure of the pilot sunk down in her arms, and it was not until now that she noticed Vex standing behind the figure with a heavy tool in her hands that was now spilled with blood and hair.

Calli somehow had a bad conscience, which was sort of a new feeling to her. She knelt down to check for the man’s vital signs, but she couldn’t find his pulse.

“You’ve--- you’ve killed him!“

“Oops. How careless of me.“

“Aww. And he was so cute. And no, you don’t have to remind me of my duties as the loving wife of the FO.“

“Anyway, we’ve just shown what a great team we are. And now let’s get him somewhere he won’t be found in the near future.“

Still a bit surprised at Vexan’s coolness - Calli didn’t know whether her winglady had ever killed a person with anything but her Tie - she helped her mate to carry the corpse behind some unimportant looking crates. Sort of disgusted, Calli put on the rather soiled suit of the pilot, formed her long hair to a solid bob and hid them under the dead man’s cap.

“Now all we can do is wait for them to come.“ Calli said and headed for the shuttle to join Vexan.

“Jesus, they wanted to take our lads to Coruscant! How pervert!“ Vex exclaimed after studying the navcomputer’s data.

“Mav and the bunch can really be happy to have us, can’t they?“


The two women had heard the sound of steps approaching the hangar bay. The barking of orders could also be perceived. Through the chatter of voices Calli could hear Menelaus throwing a pretty bad word offending some Rebel’s mother and a short groan when he was probably kicked for this.

“Alright, let the fun begin.“ Calli whispered and stepped out of the shuttle when the group of Rebel guards and Imperial prisoners entered the hangar.

“Hey Brad, get the thing working, I wanna get away from here before the Emperor’s Hammer sends reinforcements.“ the officer who had sent Vex and Calli away shouted.

Calli coughed, trying to sound sick.

“We’ll be off in a minute, don’t worry.“

“Hey buddy, you don’t sound too well - you sure you can fly?“

Callista was already getting back into the cockpit as the group approached.

“Wouldn’t want to miss it, mate. Get in, we’re wasting time.“

Observing the others entering the shuttle, Calli got into the pilot seat herself and looked at Vexan.

“Did you enter the new route?“ she asked her winglady.

“My, you really failed your calling. You could make heeps of money as an actress you know.“

“Did you enter the new route?!?!“ Calli really wasn’t in the mood for chatter now. This was the most critical phase of their little operation.

“No I did not. They might check our course again before granting permission for takeoff.“

“Good girl. Now let’s see if we can’t mock space traffic control.“ Vex had already hit the button for the hatch and started up the sub-space drive. If they managed to take this last obstacle, they’d be off to the ISD Challenge.

“Control, this is shuttle... Anorexia.“ Neat name, Calli thought. “Humbly asking for permission for take off.“ I wouldn’t make a good man with that voice.

“Brad, anything wrong? You sound a bit... funny.“

“Sorry man, I’m not in my best form, caught a cold.“

“Ah, I see. Well, get off from here and kick those Imperial butts for me, will ya?“

“Sure thing.“

Calli’s fingers were almost stiff when she piloted the shuttle out of the hangar bay.

“My goodness, such idiocy should really be prohibited. Any Imperial officer would have asked for the pilot’s ID in such a situation.“

“Well, Vex, that’s the difference between them and us. We’re just more intelligent.“

“What if our passengers notice that we’re taking a different way?“

“Oh. Right. Let me see.“ After minute’s search Calli found the button that would darken the hatches of the cargo hold. Almost immediately after she had pushed it, the ship’s comm device crackled.

“Brad, what’s that supposed to be? Any problems?“

“Not really, but we’re passing a field with exceptionally high radioactivity, so I thought I had better protect you a bit more.“

“Oh. All right then. Are we taking the short cut?“

“Sure we are. Isn’t it neat?“ Calli had added that last bit to give her fellow pilots a hint at the present situation. Neat was Calli’s favourite adjective to describe things she liked.

When they had reached the jumppoint to the Fallaphi sector, Vex and Calli relaxed and leaned back. Once they were in hyperspace and well on their way home, they were safe.

“You know Calli, it really was too easy. They should at least sent a couple of Alphabet fighters after us.“

“Your desire for thrill will kill you one day, Vexie. But till then, let’s plan how to show off with our greatness.“

During the hyperspace jump, Cal and Vex heard a bit of a rumble from astern, probably the noise of more mistreatment of the Imperials. Their rage grew more and more and they were close to getting into the cargo hold, but then they decided not to endanger the success of the mission.

When they fell out of hyperspace just a few clicks away from the Challenge, both of them let out a deep sigh of relief.

Disconnecting the intershuttle comm, Calli contacted the Challenge’s bridge.

“ISD Challenge, this is LCM Callista of Typhoon squadron pilotin shuttle Anorexia. Do not shoot at us, I repeat, do not shoot at us! Get a hangar bay ready and send a couple of troopers down there. We’ve got some prey in the cargo hold.“

“Understood, Callista. Permission to land in cargo bay CA-12 granted.“

That was some thing Calli liked about the Empire. In contrast to the so called New Republic, the officers of the Empire didn’t need a full description of everything, they just knew how to do their jobs.

Calli opened the shuttle’s comm channel.

“So buddies, we’ve arrived. Hope you had a nice flight and enjoy your stay. Get ready to disembark in a couple of minutes.“

Cal and Vex landed the shuttle safely and made themselves comfortable in their seats. It was only a question of seconds til the Rebels would surrender.

Icecold horror filled them when they heard blastershots in the hangar. Finally, something had gone wrong.

Grabbing the blasters that were deposited in the cockpit, they unlocked the door to the cargo hold and stormed out of the shuttle. Numerous muzzles were aimed at them and as they peered around, they noticed that four lifeless bodies dressed in New Republic uniforms were lying on the floor.

“Wee, I suppose they weren’t into surrendering...“ Vex said staring at them.

After some seconds of total confusion, the crowd of stormtroopers parted and the rest of Typhoon squadron, led by Commander Maverick, approached the two girls.

“Cal, Vex,“ he started, “that was some neat work.“ A fat grin got hold of his face and then he embraced his two heroines. One by one, the other members joined the group hug.

Calli turned her head to face Vexan and smiled.

“See, it’s so easy to make them happy.“



The end


By CMDR/COL Callista/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge