Listening to the Battlecry Background Music
* `Badlan is tapping the tune on his desktop :P
<`Badlan> The worst thing about it is the repitition :P 
<Werdna_LB> what do you want on as the music next month then?
<MAJMinkus> Badlan. There is the big "Music Off" link you could press >:P
<Ricaud> YMCA :P
<Miack> MC hammer 
<MAJ_Trout> a rap song sung by the editor :)
* Werdna_LB takes notes
<CM_Tack> Um, Spybreak by the propellerheads. :P
<Miack> MC hammer and Hammer Time
<Werdna_LB> a bit of class, Miack
<MAJMinkus> Some of the classics from Chas and Dave >:P
<Calv-dead> :P
* Miack nods
<Werdna_LB> rabbitrabbit
<Miack> MC hammer rocks
<MAJ_Trout> anything by tupac, though sung by LB :)
* Ford listens to Moby - Bodyrock, hybrid remix.
<Werdna_LB> hmm...MC Hammer, with his gold chains and baggy pants
<Ford> To the beat y'all, it don't stop y'all, let it off y' the beat y'all, let if off y'all, don't stop y'all, gonna bodyrock y'all..

<`Batman> hey Lady-Boy
<Werdna_LB> hello Bruce Wayne
* SureFire waves.
<`Batman> shh!
<`Batman> you ain't s'posed to know that :P
<`b0t> >:P
<Werdna_LB> whoops

<CPTMerlin> I've been to the pub today... heh heh heh
<Werdna_LB> wow...well done, Merlin
<CPTMerlin> I'm a little drunk
<Werdna_LB> I wouldn't say you were little, but you're definitely drunk
<Werdna_LB> ...boom boom (now that's comedy)
* CPTMerlin shakes his head
* CPTMerlin dances
* `Tom joins in
* CPTMerlin falls over
* `Tom carries on dancing
* `Hawkie watch Tom dance by himself
<`Tom> Pervert
<Pikachu> bah
<`Hawkie> yes you are
<Werdna_LB> it's you who dances that way, Tom
<`Hawkie> lol

<Fondor> Hey..back from Xmas shopping.
<Pikachu> >:P
<Fondor> "And Fondor proclaimed 'Gift Certificates for all'" :P
<SPQR> heh
<`Tom> Yay!
<Fondor> All except Tom of course :P
<R2b0t> >:P
<R2b0t> Gift certificates for what? >:p
<`Tom> Bah...I hate you Cannon Foddor

* Miack throws Bush Tucker man at LB
* AD_Pri kills Tom and sells the Lady-Boy at a discount price to a horny baboon
* MunkyAway digs it
<Werdna_LB> a mouths a mouth, and money is money...come here baboon
<AD_Pri> ..ew...
<AD_Pri> wait...YOU don't get any money :P
* MunkyAway is jealous of LB
<Werdna_LB> not yet, I'll just nick the baboons wallet (/profesional)
* Miack throws Bush tucker man at LB
<Miack> did anyone ever see bush tucker man ?
<AD_Pri> yeh
<AD_Pri> i fink
* Werdna_LB hears the word "struth" whizz past him
<AD_Pri> was that on C4?
<MunkyAway> T'was Pri :P
<AD_Pri> aye
<Werdna_LB> nah, bloody Auzzies...convicts the lot of 'em!!!
*** ^^VA_WW^^ has joined #tiecorps
<AD_Pri> WW, you're a convict aren't you?

* AD_Pri steps on Werdna
<Werdna_LB> bah, I got your muddy footprints on me now
<AD_Pri> aww
* ^^VA_WW^^ shakes his head
* Miack slaps LB around the head with a suntan machine
<Werdna_LB> don't step on me, as no one likes to tread on something nasty and smelly
<MunkyAway> Pri does
* AD_Pri locks Munky away with a horny Shemale
* MunkyAway digs it
<Miack> ewwww shemale
<Werdna_LB> shemales??? of both worlds
* Miack feels sick
<MunkyAway> Don't talk about yourself that way, Miack
<AD_Pri> I thought you liked horses?
<Miack> hey... Im a male not one of these freaks *points at LB and pri*
MunkyAway> Isn't that Hawkie who likes horses?
<AD_Pri> nah...LB
<Werdna_LB> "neigh"...I mean "NO"...damn
<MunkyAway> <CM_Hawk> i only go out with girls that ride horses
<Miack> lol
<AD_Pri> heh
<Miack> Hawkie would go out with his own ass if he could
<AD_Pri> lol
<MunkyAway> He did...once
<Werdna_LB> I go out with my ass all the time...
<MunkyAway> He was told to go away after a few hours
<Werdna_LB> well as the rest of my body
* Miack slaps LB around a bit with a horny baboon
<Werdna_LB> I wouldn't date an get nothing but sh*t from it
<MunkyAway> ...Is Hawkie an ass then?
* Werdna_LB laughs at his own cheap jokes
* AD_Pri laughs at LB
* Miack points at LB and bursts out laughing
<MunkyAway> * Pikachu is a one man woman
<Werdna_LB> don't laugh at me...I was like you all once
<Pikachu> :P
<Miack> once... LB your lying again
<Werdna_LB> he's a man-woman???
<Toran_Dan> hey !!!
<AD_Pri> shemale :P
<Toran_Dan> Don't laugh and make jokes about one of my pilots !!
<Werdna_LB> lady-boy :o)
* MunkyAway sends Quake's "Man" some pictures of Quake with another man
<Miack> lol
<Toran_Dan> He is a little Pokemon, not a shemale :P 
<AD_Pri> you have a lot of Shemale pilots Toran?
<MunkyAway> ...He said it :P
<Miack> he likes she-male pilots
<AD_Pri> you like em? ew...
<Toran_Dan> ehm... no
* Werdna_LB thinks about how pokemon procreate ???
<Miack> he laying 
<MunkyAway> You do too, Pri :P
<AD_Pri> I do?
<Miack> <Toran_dan> I like she-male pilots they turn me on 
<MunkyAway> Yes.
<AD_Pri> heh

<`Rage> just got some food at Burger king
<AD_Pri> mmm...KFC...
<Werdna_LB> ew
<Zekkie> Aw man, I love KFC.
<Zekkie> It must've been years since I've had some.
<Werdna_LB> good, it means some of that crap must be out of your system by now...
<Werdna_LB> ...just a few more years to get rid of the grit
* AD_Pri smacks LB...mock not the KFC :P
<Werdna_LB> chicken can't be cooked fast...there is this little thing called bacteria that has to be cooked away
<`Rage> i dont know how KFC is over in England but its crap here :P
<AD_Pri> bacteria never harmed no one :P
<TT-work> KFC is crap everywhere
<Werdna_LB> thank you for backing me up

<Werdna_LB> hey, it's pretty packed with people in here today!
<Werdna_LB> do we all have no lives to go to right now?
<`Pri> yep
<`Pri> 'tis snowing outside so can't go there
<Werdna_LB> why not play in the snow? YEY!
<Miack> its snowing again ?
* `Tom makes a snowman
<Werdna_LB> actually, the whitewash of snow gives me thats a bad idea
* `Tom names it Pri
<ShadwHawk> use sunglasses!
<`Pri> ...
<Werdna_LB> yeah, I really do have to wear sunglasses :o)
<Werdna_LB> I got a pair a couple of months ago for the winter
<Miack> ...
<Werdna_LB> ...and to make me look cool
<`Tom> What do you wear for the summer LB? Gloves?
<Werdna_LB> a woolly hat!
<`Tom> oh right :P
<`Pri> munky outfit :P

<`Tom> I think my cellulite comment killed all conversation in #Women_chat

<SureFire> [`Pri] dinnerdinnerdinnerdinnerdinner BATMAN!
<Miack> holy snow it's batman
<`Pri> where? :P
<Werdna_LB> I always wanted Robin to say "F**kin' hell!"
<Werdna_LB> but I guess that makes me that little more twisted than everyone else

*** Nist has joined #tiecorps
<Nist> yo guys
<Khaen> eww...
<Khaen> prexwhore..
<Khaen> dont touch it..
<Khaen> :P
<Werdna_LB> a what?
<Khaen> a prexwhore.. its a rare and marvellous variety of SGCO
<Khaen> SGCOM
<Khaen> they only come out a few times a year
<Werdna_LB> oh right...I thought it was one of the PREX's staff for their Pimping Company
<Nist> I used to be Prex
<Khaen> yah
<Khaen> theres a slightly more common variety of prex, that of Genus Thrawnus
<Khaen> it is more regularly spotted
<Werdna_LB> I've never seen one
<Khaen> ah.. you should take the time to go SGCOM watching
<Khaen> a rewarding experience
<Khaen> i saw me a Maverick the other day
<AD_Nist> being an SGCOM also has its perks =)
<_Reaper__> like what?
<Werdna_LB> I could never be a SGCOM...I don't like people like Khaen watching me
* `Quake is head of the AG, which is becoming a SG in it's own right
<`Quake> it's got more members than the Fringe and the CCG and it does stuff :p
<Khaen> the fringe has 23 members :P
<Werdna_LB> what do you have to do in the AG?
<`D_Away> AG?
<`Quake> Advanced Guard
<`D_Away> oh
<`Quake> We do all the usual stuff, fiction, graphics, missions..
<`D_Away> CCG has 9
<`Quake> but our main role is either
<`Quake> a) promotion
<`Quake> b) diplomacy
<Khaen> that sounds pretty gay, Quake :P
<Khaen> we do that and more in the TC, IW, and DB :P
<`D_Away> although the Fringe and CCG are about as active as a dead fish
<`Quake> Well, it would to someone who suggested a second CA:RO which isn't needed >:P
<Khaen> quiet you
<Khaen> do not never speak of this again
* Khaen chops Quake's head off with his lightsaber
<`Quake> ...
<Khaen> bow down to three years experience in the DB, advisory staffwhore :P
<_Reaper__> there isn't a CA:RO1 yet, so don't have another one
<Khaen> tis khae, ever moody
<Khaen> khaen
<Khaen> i have an n
<_Reaper__> so?
<Khaen> you dont
<Khaen> so i am better
<Khaen> i am in the N Club
<`Quake> Khaen: Time spent means crap..
<`Quake> You could be world's worst officer and spent 5 years in the EH
<Khaen> but im not
<Khaen> im the force's gift to the EH
<`Quake> it wouldn't mean you're any superior to those who just worked their butts off to get where they are now
<Werdna_LB> that sounds like me, but I've only been here 2 year
<_Reaper__> same here
* `Quake has been here for 5 months >:P
<Khaen> hmm.. are you taking the piss, Quake?
<`Quake> Nopes
<Khaen> just cos one might not be in some cushy job with high benefits, doesnt mean one doesnt 'work his ass off'
<Khaen> k :P
<Khaen> disregard afore jibe :P
<`Quake> -Cushy Job?
<`Quake> Yeah, the previous LA's haven't done much with the AG..
<AD_Nist> I was made an Admiral after a few months, was 2nd in command of the IW and Prex of CD, i've been loadsa things =)
<`Quake> but I've made the AG into an effective unit over a short period
* Khaen slaps Quake... never speak of Manesh that way
<Khaen> he has provided us with hours of laughs with his zany antics in his lovelife
<Khaen> :P
<`Quake> Khaen: wasn't your name down as one of the people who applied for LA?
<Khaen> i dont believe so
<`Quake> and you've now got a personal vendetta against me, because I was clearly the better candiate?
<Khaen> erm.. no
<`Quake> hmm..
<`Quake> it seems that way to me
<Khaen> i just dont like being told where to go by som... close mouth, Khaen :P
<Werdna_LB> think of me. I have a stressful job of newsletter editor which has no power or perks
<Khaen> but you rock, werdna..
<`Quake> heh
<Khaen> we all love you
<Werdna_LB> I will probably be CPT for the rest of my career
<Khaen> can i touch you?
<`Quake> ....
<Khaen> you should have applied for CA:XO
* AD_Nist has no current position, but outranks you all =p
<`Quake> heh
<`Quake> go Nist :P
<Khaen> thats the kinda stuff Comp would prolly want help with
<Khaen> inactive rank gets 6 demerits ranks
<Khaen> that would bring you down to...
<AD_Nist> are you talking to me?
<Khaen> MAJ Nist
<`Quake> Captain
<`Quake> Major
<AD_Nist> because if so, I was never a TC Admiral, I was made an Admiral of the EH, not just TC, therefore my rank is not subject to TC rules and regulations
<AD_Nist> thank you very much =p
<Khaen> no, its Khaen's rules
<AD_Nist> Only Ronin and Compton can demote me
<Khaen> the highest rules in place
<_Reaper__> and paladin
<Khaen> its like that show on tv.. 'everybody loves khaen'
<Werdna_LB> I think I saw that was crap, but better than Friends
<Khaen> quiet, Mag-Boy
<Khaen> friends is the best.. im not a loser and i can have friends like that too
* AD_Nist coughs*loser*coughs
<Werdna_LB> do you waves your hands about when you tell a joke too...just like Chandler
* Werdna_LB goes into a fit when making a one liner
<Khaen> no
<Khaen> i dont tell jokes... i LIVE jokes
<Werdna_LB> yeah...I can believe that
<Khaen> i can pretty much crack up anyojne i know in RL
<Khaen> i only know three people, and two of them are in comas, but..
<Khaen> :P
* Werdna_LB wets his pants at Khaens jokes (/sarcasm)
<Khaen> shut up
<Khaen> i can punch you and not get a courtmartial, cos were of equal rank.. remember that
<Werdna_LB> you can punch me...but you wouldn't live long afterwards

<abk> werd up! :P
<Werdna_LB> no, I'm down here
<TomFood> Werd down
<AD_Pri> the guy that performed that on Top of the Pops wore a codpiece :P
<abk> bah you ruined it :P
<AD_Pri> </useless fact>
<TomFood> Performed what? :P
<Werdna_LB> who was it on TOTP?
<MindB_opt> cameo
<MindB_opt> the singer
<AD_Pri> 20 years ago
<AD_Pri> hey Jarak
<AD_Pri> yup
<MindB_opt> the bbc had a solution....
<Werdna_LB> oh, TOTP2!
<MindB_opt> ...they just filmed him waist up:)
<AD_Pri> yup
<Werdna_LB> I love to wear my codpiece...makes me feel like a man
<TomFood> lol
<AD_Pri> don;t you lose things in it?
<MindB_opt> :)
<Werdna_LB> nope, can't miss what I put in there
<TomFood> Bricks?
<Werdna_LB> mind you, I don't like the actual cod likes me wearing him as a piece
<Werdna_LB> ...and with a disgusting line like that, I kill the conversation completely!!!

<TomAway> ...I won free "membership"...Doesn't say what for though >:P
<Werdna_LB> Tom, you've won free membership to the "cheese club", where you can find out more about the magical world that is...cheese
<TomAway> ...Really? Thats sounds bloody fantastic
<`Pri> can you get me some of that special cheese Tom?
<Werdna_LB> this months focus is on "cheesy peas"
<TomAway> How much will you pay me?
<`Pri> I'll give you a battered mars bar!
<TomAway> Deal!
<`Pri> (battered as in deep fried :P)
<Werdna_LB> ...and the technology that no allows them to put cheese into cans
<`Pri> yay!
<StarLion> them things are good
<StarLion> :P

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