Wing XIII - ISD Grey Wolf


This report is going to be short, sweet and ugly for a number of reasons; but mostly because I am sick of writing reports this week.
TC, ASF and GW News
ASF:SC-II Update for BGCOM Priyum Patel
This is the current GW Citation, new missions, FCHG promotions points, LoCs, CR Advance points and Participated Comps points complete with update since November 25 posting.  Fiction, graphics, websites, webhunts points are not included.  This information is also posted on
Grey Wolf Total New Cits Total
58 5155
Squad New Citations Total
Vortex 5 1156
Phoenix 10 615
Crusader 14 1235
Odin 4 347
Tartarus 12 1225
Valkyrie 13 577
Pilots Update since
GW Staff New Missions New FCHG (x5)
New LoCs
New CR
Melee Prt. Total
Nov. 25
3 0 14 10 1 28 21
VitCarp 49 0 40 10 1 100 92
Vortex New Missions New FCHG New LoCs New CR Melee Prt. Total
Brucmack 644 5 100 0 0 749 690
Peh 6 0 0 0 0 6 6
Kirknobi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ghost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Achim 44 5 0 0 1 50 24
Khameir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tyken 56 15 0 0 0 71 71
TBA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mace 128 15 2 10 0 155 133
Hustoi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Masaki 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foley 4 5 0 0 0 9 0
Phoenix New Missions New FCHG New LoCs New CR Melee Prt. Total
Deamon 141 0 4 0 0 145 106
MadMax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CmrBrown 39 5 0 0 0 44 19
ConSelar 61 5 0 0 0 66 29
ATX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TBA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
KlickSabre 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
XuraVerr 50 10 70 40 2 172 172
Azazel 32 5 0 0 0 37 23
StanCooper 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Crusader New Missions New FCHG New LoCs New CR Melee Prt. Total
Szydlowski 120 0 2 0 0 122 43
Chris 49 5 0 0 0 54 5
TBA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kaczynski 138 25 0 0 0 163 141
Drako 75 5 0 0 0 80 65
DerekDan 110 20 0 0 0 130 99
Panaka 55 5 0 0 0 60 44
Tron 6 0 0 0 0 6 0
Diablo 52 0 0 0 0 52 25
Wiesio 246 10 0 0 1 257 205
Ya-qoob 12 0 0 0 0 12 7
Sawicki 79 10 0 0 0 89 46
Odin New Missions New FCHG New LoCs New CR Melee Prt. Total
Krieger 28 5 8 0 5 46 25
Emment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DaWurm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DarkArchon 4 0 0 0 0 4 1
Woobee 76 5 0 0 1 82 46
Solaris 80 10 0 0 0 90 81
Hev R. 51 5 2 0 0 58 30
SinDrakkar 5 0 0 0 0 5 5
Kommandor 2 0 0 0 0 2 2
TBA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TBA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TBA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tartarus New Missions New FCHG New LoCs New CR Melee Prt. Total
CrazyR2 39 0 6 0 1 46 27
SCUD 5 0 2 10 1 18 13
Schitzo 6 0 0 0 0 6 6
Kruellis 4 0 0 0 0 4 4
JamieK 158 15 0 0 1 174 164
KirKatarn 7 5 0 0 0 12 12
Raven Arestar 586 15 44 10 1 656 288
WesJanson 62 5 6 10 1 84 38
Ayudanter 21 10 2 10 2 45 35
Vengeance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Valkyrie New Missions New FCHG New LoCs New CR Melee Prt. Total
Brakka 60 0 0 0 0 60 25
Picard 0 0 8 10 0 18 18
Khadgar 233 5 18 20 0 276 187
Bastra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gaul 11 5 2 10 0 28 6
Rezdar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Brucmack 749
Raven Arestar 656
Khadgar 276
Wiesio 257
JamieK 174
XuraVerr 172
Kaczynski 163
Mace 155
Deamon 145
DerekDan 130
Szydlowski 122
VitCarp 100
Solaris 90
Sawicki 89
WesJanson 84
Woobee 82
Drako 80
Tyken 71
ConSelar 66
Panaka 60
Brakka 60
Hev R. 58
Chris 54
Diablo 52
Achim 50
Krieger 46
CrazyR2 46
Ayudanter 45
CmrBrown 44
Azazel 37
Cyric 28
Gaul 28
Picard 18
Ya-qoob 12
KirKatarn 12
Foley 9
Peh 6
Tron 6
Schitzo 6
SinDrakkar 5
DarkArchon 4
Kruellis 4
Kommandor 2
StanCooper 1
Kirknobi 0
Ghost 0
Khameir 0
Rezdar 0
Hustoi 0
Masaki 0
MadMax 0
Bastra 0
KlickSabre 0
Vengeance 0

Challenges! :)

WingXIII! We love to fly! And it shows! :)

WC/LC Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx3/BSx3/PCx6/ISMx9/MoI-BC/MoT-1rh1gh/LoC-PSx134/DFC/CoS/CoL/CoB [LGNR] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
JH Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum

As the Commodore is on partial leave, he asked me to send out a COM report today.
Commodore's Report
Great work by all pilots in flying MP and SP, trivia and writing fiction.  Our lead in ASF:SC-II shows how strong a ship we are! :)  Keep up the good work.
MP flying seems to be increasing slightly aboard our ship.  I like seeing all the MP flights in the comps.  The GW seems to dominate :)
New Arrivals:
The COM and I would like to hear from you all, especially you SLs.
The Grey Wolf is on the prowl!  The hunt is on!

WC/LC Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx3/BSx3/PCx6/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-1rh1gh/LoC-PSx131/DFC/CoS/CoL/CoB [LGNR] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
JH Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum

This is been a pretty good week for the GW.  Our pilots are flying and our numbers are holding steady.  We have won an ASF Comp and another against the ISD Immortal.  We lost a different comp against the Immortal, but we are smoking the ASF:SC-II.


Great work, Pilots! I am proud of each and every one of you! Keep up the good work!

WC/LC Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx3/BSx3/PCx6/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-1rh1gh/LoC-PSx131/DFC/CoS/CoL/CoB [LGNR] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
JH Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum

 Wing VIII Weekly Report
Wing Commander Chei-Ras reporting in,
Fleet News Summary
1. The Star WArs Galaxies site has opened at
Register at the site now and you may have a chance to be picked as a beta tester in the future! You can also read the FAQ about the game and aspects of it and participate on community message boards which have close to a thousand messages on them already!
2. WEHR. The Internet Office is proud to present the new General Manager, and Program Director of WEHR. Please welcome RA Slicer, and COL Devin. We have high hopes for them to take WEHR to new, and more glorious heights! Go check out the latest WEHR sessions by CPT Quake, and AD AbsoluteK on the IO Website at, and all the previous WEHR sessions at
other news on and ...
Wing News

Another quiet week onboard Colossus is over and I have a 6th feeling telling me that something big will happen rather soon, maybe even sooner then I think. So prepare your imagination, your joysticks and be ready for a test of power. Just to spice the news up a little bit and attract your attention I've to say that we have a Wing Competition coming to us and ... dum dum dum ... maybe we will engage in the brand new, never ever seen before in the Corps competition with the very interesting opponent in early January. Keep it up!

1.  This week was the week of finalizing of the AWOL results when I was close examining every single “possible AWOL” case and sorting out dead from those who give hope. Mu squadron was the special case due to recent change of command and as agreed with its acting commander the AWOL consequences were not applied to this squad. However the new Mu CMDR Merlin will soon proclaim his own awol check and only then we will sort out the dead weight out of Mu (if there are any of cause).

The list of pilot that are going to the reserves was closed and secret, but now the request successfully went through the chain of command and hereby I will announce the list. I can say for now that the list is much smaller than I thought it would be. Anyway our Wing went down to 29 members (just like on Relentless) but I expect all these pilots are active. Also we must double our recruiting efforts (and thats a note to our recruiting office). Myself I'm making my third run on Daedlaus eager to attract new pilots to the Wing. Dall Star, our recruiting officer have made a nice scetch of a poster you can use for recruiting purposes. This poster can be hang out on the streets of your own town or city. Please contact Dall Star if you are interested.

The following pilots were removed from Wing VIII roster:

LT Owen (Pi)
LT Drusilla Retanyi Dajor (Pi)
LT Gold Finger (Pi)
CPT Jay Urick (Pi)
LT Rick Timmerman (Omicron)
LT Carl Joeffen (Omicron)

The end of this AWOL mark the new policy on activity in our glorious Wing. That doesn't mean you will be kicked out once you stop being active, but please be sure to drop a mail to your CMDR cc'ing myself if you feel you will not be as active as before. Communication is the key to success of the flight, squadron and even wing. The more you communicate the better your CMDR knows you and the more fun you have being in the Corps.

2. New Squadron Commander of Mu was chosen from the ranks of our own crew. Please welcome the former Wolf pack member, former Iota squadron Commander, the living nightmare of all imperial, rebel, pirate and civil fathers and mothers who have daughters, the wizard of heavy metal and rolling thunder ... ladies and gentlemen ... the one and only Captain Merlin !

Welcome to the CMDRs gang Merlin. Send your WSRs and MSEs on time and bite those bulls under your command. Return the glory to Mu and make our Wing even more stronger!

3. I repeat once again that The Battle Cry magazine has started new round of competitions. Information on comps can be found at . Currently there are two types of comps: 1. Writing competition! and 2. Flying competition! So if you feel like your uniform could use more medals on it go and participate.  CMDRs please make sure your pilots know about this competition its a good and easy way to earn big awards (they give out BSs)
4. Battlegroups Colossus Ace title was mercilessly ripped away from me by the cruel Iota CMDR Lohr Zadash. It was a close combat, some 2K between us. I congratulate Lohr on his new title and will challenge him as soon as possible for a rematch.
Meanwhile I remind all personnel that anybody can challenge Lohr for Colossus Ace title once our irrepressible BGCOM Jarak announces the new round.
Lohr is also very active on Colossus Arena ( and have quiet a high points rating. Should you beat him, you will get all Lohr's points in addition to the ones you already have.
Prove you're the best in the Wing, win the Ace title and top the Arena! Make your step to the glory today!
5. Now I would like to raise a topic I thought I would never be even thinking about. The High Court of Inquisitors or the HCI. They have real power to lay punishment on any member of the EH for breaking of the CoC and AoW. Seeing that the most repeating cases are cheating ones I ask you all to pay extra high attention to the TFRs you are sending in for approval. It could be that you never even thought of tampering your files, never edited them and doesn’t even know that there is a TFR editor, but it has come to my attention that still sometimes, on some Tie Fighter platform versions the score is somehow wrong. I’m not that much of a technician but I believe such things could happen. Its the computer anyway and the errors occur sometimes. Please be sure to check if your score is not double higher than the highscore on a certain mission or battle. Such things are not often, but anything could happen, especially if you are using Tie Fighter Disc version.
And dont forget about the CoC as well. Bad behaivour on the official EH channels can end up by an unpleasant HCI ruling.
6. Wing Commander's Own. An award usually given to the squadron that was simply the best in the Wing during last month. Well this time it will not be given to any squadron as for I have two equal candidates for that title and it would be a shame to give the WCO to only one squadron and say nothing about the other. Two squadrons very active, one simply continued its good work while the other proved herself being an exellent team capable of performing on the edge of success while being small in numbers. Yes yes, these are Iota squadron and Eta squadron.
Both are equally tough, tight, competitive and eager to rip more stars from the sky. I should commend the commanding skills of Captain Troutrooper and Captain Lohr Zadash. Having a very different approach to the squadron management they both have outstanding results and exellent groups under their command.
Congratulations to both Eta and Iota for being the best on Collie in the month of November and ... isn't this TIE a ground for a little friendly combat engagement?
7. Promotions, assignments and awards/misc.
CPT Troutrooper - PCx2
LT Dark Talon - ISMx2
LT Daniel Stephens - ISM
CM Shae Kitane - PC, ISM, MoI
LCM Tiger - BS, ISM
LCM Wap Eal - ISM
CM Kromtal Stormfyld - PC
LCM Anthony Starr - ISM
MAJ Chei-Ras - PC
LT Owen (Pi) - transfer to the reserves after AWOL check
LT Drusilla Retanyi Dajor (Pi) - transfer to the reserves after AWOL check
LT Gold Finger (Pi) - transfer to the reserves after AWOL check
CPT Jay Urick (Pi) - transfer to the reserves after AWOL check
LT Rick Timmerman (Omicron) - transfer to the reserves after AWOL check
LT Carl Joeffen (Omicron) - transfer to the reserves after AWOL check
CM Zekk Terrik  (Iota) - transfer to the reserves after his own request
COL Oldham (Mu) - transfer to Praetoerian ... hm .. will anybody tell me why have I never heard of this transfer until checked the roster
former CPT, now SL Dark Talon (Mu) promoted to LT ... good spirit Talon, keep it up!
SL Shino Kisaki (Iota) promoted to LT
LT Crevent Thrawn (Omicron) has completed IWATS Course: mIRC 1 with the Score of 90%
LT Shino Kisaki (Iota)has completed IWATS Course: HTML 1 with the Score of 100%
CPT Troutrooper (Eta) has completed IWATS Course: Computer Basics with the Score of 93%

8. Officially approved BSFs count for this week - 41 (twice more than last week ... nice)
9. Top five FCHG pilots -
[875] CPT Troutrooper
[755] CM Shae Kitane
[649] MAJ Chei-Ras
[563] CM Darkstar
[366] LT Dark Talon
10. Membership count: 29
Squadrons summary
1. Mu squadron
This week Mu got the new Commander and it appears to me that this squadron is raising up. Lets wait until next week to see the real results of the new appointment.
2. Pi squadron
I still hear nothing from Pi exept for RAF and CMDR Nivarian. Down 4 pilots this week and I guess now Pi is free of dead weight. However there is a free FL spot there, so if you feel like you want to help Pi raise up go apply for the spot to CMDR Nivarian and remember that raising up a squadron can be hard, but very rewarding. Need a quest? Join Pi :)
3. Omicron squadron
CMDR McCloud continues to learn more of CMDR tricks and is preparing an interesting intersquadron competition for his pilots. Hey Omi! Shake up and do your best ... You are great squadron with many traditions and it is time now to prove you are a worthy opponent both in combat and in fiction writting.
4. Iota squadron
Up one pilot, down one pilot. Another pilot appointed CMDR in our Wing. Their citations are at 51 and flying activity is great. Another week shown us Iota never changes (which is good ;]) Tight, strong and friendly. Active CMDR, active pilots ... Outstanding input into Wing activity and a true example of a good Tie Corps squadron!  
5. Eta squadron
Although CPT Troutrooper says in his report there are not many news for the last week of November I've to disagree with him a bit :] Eta squadron has progress in everything i.e. homepage under reconsruction and Tyler collecting graphics for it, AD tries to sort out his computer problem with big K and the Science Officer (see he's not just sitting down complaining about his techincal errors - he tries to solve them!), Nic Rety has applied for Colossus Doctor and succeded! Now we have an Assassin Doctor onboard ... cough cough ... no! dont cut my throat open to heal me! ;] ... cough cough. Wap Eal lost somewhere far away from his home and is fighting the mean ISP but managed to fly 15 missions last week ... and Troutrooper made an interesting interview of ... we'll have to rewad the next Battle Cry to know who.
Ship Roster
NICKNAME: Shadow Of Hate
MOTTO: The Devil Ask's Our Permission

FCHG Listings
NICKNAME: "Guardians of the Fleet"
BANNER: mu.jpg
MOTTO: Service Not Self

Nickname: Spartans
Motto: We never give up
1) CPT Merlin (
2) LT White Tiger (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Morbitude of the Soul
Motto: Hold still while we blow you up
1) LCM Yabbo Wagyx (
2) LCM Mystery Ace (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Imperial Scum
Motto: Nice We Aint'
1) LT Rana Grande (
2) LT Dark Talon (
3) LT Alex Rydi (
4) TBA


NU SQUADRON [Inactive] : Close Support
NICKNAME: Obsidian Eagles
BANNER: nu.jpg
MOTTO: We Always See You First

Nickname: Eagle's Wings
Motto: Death From Above
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Black Talons
Motto: Reaching out to conquer and destroy
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Eagle's Eyes
Motto: We see you,where ever you are.
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA


PI SQUADRON : Long-Range Support
COMMANDER: CM Owen Nivarian (
NICKNAME: The Dragon's Eyes
BANNER: pi.gif
MOTTO: The eyes of the Dragon see only prey

1) CM Owen Nivarian (
2) TBA
3) MAJ Zystem Fryar (
4) LT Jorfar Danley (

1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

1) CM RAF (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA


COMMANDER: CM Devin McCloud (
NICKNAME: The Winged Horsemen
BANNER: omicron.jpg
MOTTO: We Are Your Worst Fears Brought to Life!

Nickname: Dark Storm of the Empire
Motto: Beware the calm before the Storm!
1) CM Devin McCloud (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Riders of the Apocalypse
Motto: Nothing is beyond us!
1) LCM Anthony Starr (
2) TBA
3) CM Kromtal Stormfyld (
4) TBA

Nickname: StarLancers
Motto: A Well Trained Pilot is Worth More Than an ISD!
1) LCM Dall Star (
2) LT Crevent Thrawn (
3) LT Daniel Stephens (
4) TBA


COMMANDER: CPT Lohr Zadash (
NICKNAME: Wolfpack
MOTTO: Iota - We Break For No One!

Nickname: The Obsidian Veil
Motto: If we're not on it, it's not there!
1) CPT Lohr Zadash (
2) LCM Fox (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Howling Shadows
Motto: We?re the personified fear that haunts your worst nightmares...
1) CM Darkstar (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Hammerers
Motto: Bloodshed is our anvil and you're right on it!
1) CM Shae Kitane (
2) LCM Tiger (
3) LT Shino Kisaki (
4) TBA


ETA SQUADRON : Assassination
COMMANDER: CPT Troutrooper (
NICKNAME: The Unseen
MOTTO: We ascend to honor through the powers of the body, mind and spirit

Nickname: Spirit Flight
Motto: Success is the only option
1) CPT Troutrooper (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Body Flight
Motto: Fierce when provoked
1) LCM Tyler (
2) LCM Nic Rety (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Mind Flight
Motto: Mantis Hunters
1) LCM Wap Eal (
2) LT Alain Dindareanu (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Flag Officers - 1
Mu - 7
Nu - 0
Pi - 4
Omicron - 6
Iota - 6
Eta - 5
Total: 29
Respectfully submitted,
Major Chei-Ras
WC/MAJ "BadAss" Chei-Ras/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
DJK Chei-Ras (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan,