Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign


Wing IV's Battlecry Report:

  This last month or so has been spent focused on the Squadron League
Playoffs for Yod and Teth Squadrons, both of which made it to the
Quarter-finals. All of Wing IV participated in the "Swat the Flies"
competition; CMDR/MAJ Mini Minkus/Teth was the winner.

  Our membership stayed pretty steady, between 40 and 45 members. Just
promoted as Lamed's Commander was CPT David, formerly a FL in Lamed. CM
Slothman's Trivia competition started about a week ago; a question a day is
released to the wing.
That is all :)


WC/GN Alec Ricardo/Wing IV/SSSD Sov   {Gladiator}
[SS|BSx4|PCx3|ISMx7|MoT-2gh|MoC-6BoC-SoC|OA-2E] {PIN- #275}
[IWATS-SM/1/2-mIRC] - - T/D "Sable"
*House Galthain's Quaestor*
SBM Ricardo (Sith)/Galthain of Satal Keto [GC/SC/WC/DC]
"Death, thunder, destruction and brawl!"